Chicheley - Claiborne
Chicheley, Sir Henry - A1607; Lancaster Co.: 1656 (Burgess), 1670-83 (Councillor).
Chiles, Susanna - A1608; Jamestowne Island: 1672 (Landowner), wife of Walter Chiles II.
Chiles, Walter I - A1609; died 1658, James City Co.: 1651-52 (Councillor), Jamestowne Island: 1653 (Landowner).
Chiles, Walter II - A9509; died 15-25 November 1671 Virginia, Jamestowne Island (Landowner).
Chilton, Edward - A1610; 1680-1691 (Attorney General), Jamestowne Island: 1683 (Landowner).
Chudleigh, James - A1611; Jamestowne Island: 1690 (Landowner).
Church, Richard - A1701; died 1706, Norfolk Co.: 1676, 1699 (Burgess).
Churchill, William - A1702; born 1649, died 1711, Middlesex Co.: 1691-92 (Burgess), 1705-10 (Councillor).
Clack, James - A9706; born 1655 Wiltshire, England, died 1723 Gloucester Co., VA. His wife was Jane. Issue: William, James, Jane (Mrs. Robert Ballard, Mrs. Matthew Hubbard), Dorothy (Mrs. Gwyn Reade), and Anne (Mrs. Courtney, Mrs. Hinchea Mabry).
Claiborne, William - A1703; baptized 10 August 1600 Kent Co., England, died by 1679; Kent Isle: 1623-24 (Councillor); 1642-60 (Treasurer); 1625-35, 1652-60 (Secretary of State).
Claiborne, William - A9665; born 1636, died by 1677/8 , New Kent: 1660, 1666-76 (Burgess).
Last Update: 14 Mar 2017