Jamestowne Society Lineage Paper Project
The information below is taken from approved Jamestowne Society membership applications. In an effort to help people find their Jamestowne Society lineage(s), we are listing people, living in c.1770-1783, who are themselves descendants of Jamestowne Society Qualifying Ancestors or whose spouse is a descendant. Each listing represents an approved lineage paper which can be purchased. QA is an abbreviation for Qualifying Ancestor, and their assigned ancestor number for the Society follows their name. This number IS NOT a paper number, but an assigned number for ancestors in the Society's Qualified Ancestor Register.
Below are listed couples for whom one or both was an adult during the American Revolutionary War period. The Jamestowne Society Qualifying Ancestor (QA) is also listed. The list is in alphabetical order by the husband's surname.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Revolutionary War service has not been examined by the Jamestowne Society. We do not vet Revolutionary War service. Do not use this list as the basis for proof of service on an application to another society.
HOW TO ORDER A PAPER: Once you have selected your paper from the list below, CLICK HERE to order.
For more information on joining the Society, please see our webpage on the application process.
Please note this information is copyrighted by Jamestowne Society and should not be reprinted for profit by others.
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Below are listed couples for whom one or both was an adult during the American Revolutionary War period. The Jamestowne Society Qualifying Ancestor (QA) is also listed. The list is in alphabetical order by the husband's surname.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Revolutionary War service has not been examined by the Jamestowne Society. We do not vet Revolutionary War service. Do not use this list as the basis for proof of service on an application to another society.
HOW TO ORDER A PAPER: Once you have selected your paper from the list below, CLICK HERE to order.
For more information on joining the Society, please see our webpage on the application process.
Please note this information is copyrighted by Jamestowne Society and should not be reprinted for profit by others.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about this project.
Full LiST of names
Abbe, Thomas (1731-1811) married Penelope Terry (1730-1817)- QA John Vassall A9471
Abbott, Elisha (bef 1760-wp 1837) married Lydia Clay (ca 1775-ca 1857)- QA John Clay A1706
Ackiss, John (1732-1810) married Jane Woodhouse (c 1740-1797 c)- QA Henry Woodhouse II A9008
Adams, David (1756-1833) married Abigail Carver (1754-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Adams, Ebenezer (1749-1835) married Molly Merritt (1760-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Adams, George (1771- wd 1827) married Agatha Johnson (c 1777- 1813)- QA Robert Ellyson/Ellison A2410
Adams, John (1751/2-1826) married Cynthia Fitch (-1819)- QA John Vassall A9471
Adams, John (1695-1762) married Mrs. Abigail Cleveland Brown (1715-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Adams, Levi (bapt 1728-1816) married Margaret Perkins (1729-1827)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Adams, Samuel (1753-1827) married Betsey/Betty Litchfield (1755/6-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Addams/Adams, William (1738-1777) married Sarah Taylor (1739-1810)- QA William Tayloe/Taylor A7810
Adkins/Atkins, Thomas (c 1737-1796) married Mercy/Marcy Cook/Cooke (1733-1828)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Agee, Matthew (c. 1747-wp1824) married Mary Ligon (1754-aft. 1830)- QA Henry Batte A9506
Alden, John (c. 1740-1817) married Lois Southworth (1741-1819)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Alexander, William (1743/4-1814) married Sigismunda Mary Massey (1746-1832)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Alexander, William (1744-1814) married Sigismunda Mary Massie (1746-1832)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Allen, Adoniram (c 1750-aft 1830) married ()- QA John Vassall A9471
Allen, David (1712/3-Aft. 1786) married ()- QA John Vassall A9471
Allen, Job (1750-1798) married Mary Minton (1757/54-1826)- QA John Vassall A9471
Allen, John (1729-1811) married Hanna Paine (c 1732-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Allen, John (1729-1811) married Hannah Paine (c 1732-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Allen, Micah (1736-1812) married Hannah Cushing (1739-1789)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Allen, Nehemiah (1716-1788) married Abigail Waterman (1728-1788)- QA William Angell A9721
Allen, William (c 1751-1809 c) married Rebecca Doane (c 1749-1845)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Allison/Ellison, Joseph (c. 1753- wp 1828) married Elizabeth ( - liv. 1827)- QA Robert Ellyson/Ellison A2410
Allison/Ellison, Robert (c 1720- wd 1791) married Elizabeth Scott (c 1722- 1765)- QA Robert Ellyson/Ellison A2410
Allnutt, Lawrence (1749-1825) married Eleanor Dawson (1750-1832)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Alsobrook, Howell (-wp 1802) married Elizabeth (-by 1814)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Alsobrook, Howell ( -wp 1802) married Elizabeth (-)- QA Thomas Gray
Alsobrook, James (bef 1743-) married (-)- QA Thomas Gray
Alston, John (1740- wp 1784) married Anne Hunt Macon (c 1745- 1798)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Alston, William (-wp 1780) married Ann Yeargain (-aft 1785)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Alston, William (c. 1748-wp1789) married Anne Yeargain (1756-1786)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Alston, William (c 1748-wd 1789) married Sarah/Ann Yeargan (1756-1786)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Ambler, Edward (1733-1768) married Mary Cary (1733- 1781)- QA Edward Jacquelin A4206
Ambler, Jacqueline (1742-1798) married Rebecca Lewis Burwell (1746-1806)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Ambler, Jaquelin (1742-1798) married Rebecca Burwell (1746 - .)- QA Edward Jaquelin
Anderson, David Jr. /c/ (1745-by 1795 c) married Amediah Binns /c/ (1750-wp 1796 c)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Anderson, George (ca 1730-by 1806) married Frances Woodson (ca 1730-on or aft 1777)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Anderson, George Jr (ca 1755-wp 1811) married Susannah Mims (on or aft 1746-on or aft 1819)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Anderson, Henry (c 1739-wp 1795 ) married Ann (-c 1800)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Anderson, Henry III (1734/5-) married Martha Cocke (1745-1796)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Anderson, Parsons (c 1737-by 1779) married Mary Cocke (c 1740-liv 1770)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Anderson, Richard (1747-1792) married Ann Meriwether (1750-1782)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Anderson, William (1746-wp 1810) married Sarah Bealmear (-1834)- QA John Chew A1606
Andrews, Abraham (c 1750-aft 1794) married Nancy Sims (c 1755-aft 1799)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Andrews, William (bef. 1719- wd 1771) married Martha (- aft. 1771)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Anthony Owsley (1757-1824) married Hannah Young (ca. 1760- p. 1840)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Anthony, Thomas (c 1728-1817 c) married Martin, Elizabeth (c 1732-1816 c)- QA David Crawford A1914
Applewhaite, Henry IV (1730- wp 1783) married Ann Harris (c 1738- wp 1795)- QA Henry applewhaite A205
Applewhaite, John (1736-1815) married Elizabeth Woodard (1745-1828)- QA Henry Applewhaite A205
Applewhite, Henry (-wp 1783) married Ann Harris (-1795)- QA Henry Applewhaite A205
Applewhite, John, Sr. (1736-wp 1815 /c/) married Elizabeth Woodard (1736-1828)- QA Henry Applewaite A205
Aquincy, Edmund (1725-1782) married Hannah Gannett (1751- abt. 1826)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Archer, Field ( - 1785) married Elizabeth ( - 1786)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Archer, John III (1734-wd 1784) married Elizabeth Trent (c 1734-liv 1784)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Armistead, Ellison (c 1740- by 1793) married Susannah Christian (c 1783-)- QA Sir George Yeardley A9305
Armistead, George (1730-c 1795) married Lucy Reade (1735-1812)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5208
Armistead, John (ca 1740-1788) married Lucy Baylor (1747-1815)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Armistead, Westwood (1735-1786) married Mary Jenkins (1734-1780)- QA Anthony Armistead A208
Armistead, William (- wp 1756) married Mary Bowles (( ))- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Armistead, William (- c. 1792/9) married Mary Latham Curle (( ))- QA Robert Ellison/Ellyson A2410
Arnold, John (" -) married Hannah Loomis (1754- 1802)- QA Srephen Hopkins A9441
Arrington, Arthur Jr (ca 1735-wp 1795) married Mary Sandefur (1741-wp 1805)- QA Samuel Bennett A9406
Arrington, Authur (1742-1795) married Mary Sandefur (1741-1805 c)- QA Samuel Bennett A9406
Arthur Jordan (1738- wp 1793) married Elizabeth Turner (. - 1781)- QA James Knott A4609
Arthur, Benjamin (1737-1820) married Sarah Terrell (1755-1802)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Ashe, Samuel (1725-1813) married Elizabeth Jones Merrick (1735-1815)- QA Samuel Swann A7802
Ashley, Abraham (1743-1824) married Phebe Taber (1748-1781)- QA John Vassall A9471
Ashley, Isaac (1747-1777) married Olive Howe (1750-1826)- QA John Vassall A9471
Ashton, Burditt (1747-1814) married Ann Washington (1752-1777)- QA George Reade A6606
Ashton, Col Burdett (1747-1814) married Ann Washington (1752-1777)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Atkins, Nathaniel (1736- liv. 1782) married Mary Parker (1740-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Avary, William (1746-1794) married Hannah Clay (c 1750-1823)- QA John Clay A1706
Avery, Isaac (1743-1799) married Margaret Stringer (c. 1747- by 1797)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Avery, James (1758-1799) married Rebecca Edes (1761-1836)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Avery, Job (1748/9 /c/-1815) married Jerusha Lumbert (1752-1835)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Avery, William (c 1742- bef 1794) married Hannah Clay (1749-1821)- QA John Clay A1706
Aycck, James (ca 1737-1777) married Celia (Sely) Sherod (-)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, James (c 1737- wp 1776) married Cecila ( -)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, James (1735-1777) married Celia ()- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, James (ca 1737-wp 1777) married Sely (-)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, Richard (1739/40-on or bef 1786) married Rebecca Thurman (1743/1745-ca 1780)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, Richard Sr. ( - by 1786) married Rebecca Thurman (1743-1783)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, William (ca 1759-ca 1803) married Patty Easter (-living 1830)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aylett, William (1743-1787) married Mary Macon (1742-c 1781)- QA John West I A8604
Ayton, Lt Henry (1775-) married Ann Gaither (-bef 1791)- QA John Chew A1606
Backus, John (1720-bef 1790) married Joanna Cleveland Downing (1716-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Backus, Joseph (1748/9-1830) married Olive Parks (1747-1827)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bagby, James (-1822 - 1824) married Martha Price (1761-)- QA John Price A6408
Bagwell, Charles (-1819) married Ann "Nancy" Grinalds (-wp 1849)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Bagwell, Isaiah (1736-wp 1764) married Sarah (1737-bef 1778)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Bagwell, Thomas (c 1749-bef 1797) married Sally Bagwell Hunter /c/ (c 1760-1830 c)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Bagwell, Thomas (c 1730-bef 1771) married Sophia (1740-)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Bailey, David (ca 1737-1800) married Jean (-)- QA Cicely Baley Jordan Farrar A9447
Bailey, David Sr. (c 1737-bef 1801) married Jean Johnston /c/ (-)- QA Sisley Jordan A9447
Bailey, Richard Paton "Payton" (1735-on or bef 1827) married Elizabeth Anne Belcher (1742-1820)- QA John Clay A1706
Bailey, Roger (-aft. 1784) married unknown (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Bailey, Roger Cocke (ca 1727-1785-1790) married (-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Bailey, Yancey (c 1751-bef 1804) married Sarah Fawlkes (-bef 1833)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Baker, Barnabas (1734-1797) married Mehitable Smith (1735-1817)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baker, Barnabas Sr. (1734-1797) married Mehitable Smtih (1735-1817)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baker, Ezra (1762-1841) married Elizabeth "Eliza" Tucker (1776-1834)- QA Francis Brewster A9310
Baker, Judah (1733-1814) married Mary Eldred (1739-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baker, Lott (1746-1818) married Hannah Snow ( - aft 1794)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baker, Matin IV (1748- wd 1821) married Elizabeth Swift (1762-1798)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Baker, Tiimothy Bloodworth (-wp 1773) married Jane Wilkins (-wp 1798)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Baker, Zadock (c 1732-wp 1793) married Winefred Caroline Wynn (c 1753-1825)- QA Henry Baker A310
Baker, Zadock (1732-1793) married Winefred Caroline Wynn (c 1753-1825)- QA John Blake A902
Baldwin, John (1717-1784) married Anne (-)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Ball, David (1754-1815) married Elizabeth Porteus Ball (c 1767-1831)- QA William Ball A406
Ball, David (-1811) married Hannah Haynie (1742+)- QA William Ball A406
Ball, Jesse (c 1745-wp 1778) married Agatha Conway (c 1745-liv 1800)- QA George Reade A6606
Ball, Joseph (ca 1735-1778-1779) married Hannah Haynie (-)- QA William Ball A406
Ball, Nathan (1737-1797) married Ruhamah Cooke (1739-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ball, William (1738-bef 1807) married Hannah Smith (1740-wp 1825)- QA William Ball I A406
Ballard, Elijah (1751-1829) married Mildred "Milly" Dohaney (1752-1830)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, John II (1719-1779) married Ann Sayer (1723-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Philip / Phillip (ca 1715-ca 1795) married Ann Nancy Johnson (ca 1715-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Thomas (ca 1717 / 1720-wp 1782) married Susannah (-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Thomas (on or bef 1702/4-wp 1782) married Susannah [Hesson] (-on or bef 1779)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Thomas (on or bef 1702/4-wp 1782) married Susannah [Hesson] (-on or bef 1779)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Thomas Jr. (-wp 1804) married Mary (-p 1788)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, William (1731-1799) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Stepppe (c 1740-1830)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, William (1715- wp1794) married Mary Byrum (1710-1765)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Baptist, Edward (ca 1700-ca 1797) married Elizabeth Lee (-1746-1747)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Baptist, Edward (ca 1729-ca 1797) married Margaret Harwood (ca 1730-1744-ca 1781)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Barbour, Ambrose ( - wp 1822) married Catherine Thomas ( - )- QA William Bernard A807
Barclay, George (- by 1776) married Mary Cole (1747-1830)- QA William Cole A1805
Barclay, George (bap 1747-1776) married Mary Roscow Cole (bap 1747-1830)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Barham, Robert (c 1728- wp 1797) married Hannah ( - wp 1804)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Barker, Thomas (1713-1787) married Ferebee Savage (-ca 1754)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Barker, Thomas (1712- 1787) married Pheribee Savage ( - 1755)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Barker, Thomas (1713-1787) married Pheribee Savage Pugh (-)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Barker, William (1739-1820) married Chloe Bronson (1745-1804)- QA William Collier A9520
Barnes, Francis (1709-1821) married Ann Brackett (-by 1778)- QA William Cox A1909
Barnes, John (-on or aft 1799) married Elizabeth ("Tabitha") Jacob (-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Barnes, John (1733-wp 1810) married Mary Porter (1738-1784)- QA William Cox A1909
Barnes, John (c. 1750- wp1799) married Tabitha (c. 1750-)- QA Edmund Scarburgh, I A6909
Barnes, John (-wp 1799) married (-)- QA Sir George Yeardley A9305
Barnett, John (1719-wp 1786) married Sarah McCann (1725-1807)- QA William Farrar A2604
Barnett, John Jr (1719-1785) married Sarah McCann (1725-1807)- QA William Farrar A2604
Barnett, Joseph (1731- 1802) married Lucy Red Wade (1729-1812)- QA William Farrar A2605
Barnett, Joseph (1731-1802) married Lucy Red Wade /c/ (1729-1812)- QA William Farrar A2604
Barnett, Joseph (1731-1802) married Lucy Wade /c/ (1729-1812)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Barnett, Thomas (-wp 1780) married Sarah Croshaw Graves (-wp 1814)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Barnett, Thomas (c 1705-1780) married Sarah Graves (c 1735-1814)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Barnett, William (1761-1804) married Anna Crawford (1762-1838)- QA David Crawford A1914
Barret, John (1748-1830) married Mary Strachan (1748-1825)- QA William Barrett A508
Barret, Robert Sr. (c 1712-wp 1798) married Elizabeth Lewis (-1756 c)- QA George Reade A6606
Barret, Robert Sr. (c 1712-wp 1798) married Elizabeth Lewis (-1756 c)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Barrow, Daniel (1757- 1837) married Hannah Stone (1764- 1834)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Barrow, William (1727-1817) married Amy Lee (c 1732-1793)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Bartlett, Uriah (1741-1818) married Susannah Cooke (1750-1821)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baskerville, William (-1777) married Martha Minge ( - )- QA William Barbar/Barber A411
Bass, John (1738-1808 c) married Tabitha Hatcher (c 1742-)- QA John Clay A1706
Bass, John I (1738-wp 1808) married Tabitha Hatcher (1742-)- QA John Clay A1706
Basye, Edmond (1720- c 1804) married Winifred Taylor ( - c 1805)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Basye, Edmond (ca 1720-1804) married Winnifred Taylor (-ca 1805)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Basye, Richard (c. 1755-1822) married Nancy Taylor (1761-c. 1844)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Bates, Benjamin Sr. (1739-1804) married Hannah (1741-1820)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, James (1721-1785) married Winifed Hix (1729-1790)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, James (1721-1785) married Winifred Hicks / Hix (1729-1790)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, James (1721-1785) married Winifred Hix (1729-1790)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, John V. (c 1736- wp 1777) married Chloe ( - aft. 1777)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, John VI (1736-wp 1777) married Chloe Ann Mayes (c 1741-aft 1793)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, William (1749-1821) married Mary Royal Barton (ca 1750-betw 1830 - 1840)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, William (1749-1821) married Mary Royall (c 1750-c 1830)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Bates, William (1749-1821) married Mary Royall Barton (ca 1750-1830-1840)- QA John Bates A604
Battaile, Lawrence (c 1766- 1847) married Ann Hay Taliaferro ( -)- QA John Battaile A608
Batte, William III (c 1741- wp 1789) married Sarah Parham ( - wp 1816)- QA Henry Batt€ A605
Baylor, John (1705-1772) married Frances Walker (1728-1783)- QA John Baylor A702
Beach, Benjamin (1745-1827) married Jane Allen (1751-1780)- QA John Vassall A9471
Beale, John (-wp 1803) married Mary Daingerfield (-)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Beale, Taverner Jr. (c 1742-wp 1810) married Elizabeth Hite (c 1743-1774)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Beall, John (1701-1756) married Elizabeth Fendall (1704-1785)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Beall, Joseph (1719- wp 1801) married Ellinor (c 1735- 1802)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Beall, Josias (1725- wp 1803) married Millicent Bradley (c 1733- 1772)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Bealmear, Francis Sr. (1735/6-aft 1780) married Elizabeth (-by 1804)- QA John Chew A1606
Beauchamp, Levin (ca 1742-alive 1797) married Mary Beauchamp (1756-alive 1797)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Beauchamp, Robert (1716-alive 1762) married Esther Tull (ca 1719-alive 1762)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Bedford, Benjamin (1762-1822) married Tabitha Clay (1767-1864)- QA Thomas Harris A9044
Bedford, Thomas (ca 1725-wp 1785) married Mary Ligon Coleman (1731-ca 1775)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Bell, Burwell Sr. (c 1720-1760 c) married Sarah Wynns (-)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Bell, Caleb (by 1739- 1811) married Susannah Coale ( - )- QA Richard Church A1701
Bell, David (1716-1798) married Judith Cary (1726-1798)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Bell, Henry Cary (1745-1811) married Rebecca Harrison (1777-1858)- QA William Edwards A2404
Bell, James ( -wp 1778) married Mildred Robinson (-wp 1806)- QA Alice () Pierce Bennett A711
Bell, Jesse (1745-1805) married Frances Shearin (-liv 1781)- QA William Moseley II A5609
Bell, Zadock (-1826) married Betty Webb (-)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Bemis, Josiah (1755-1821) married Joannah Fish (1760-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Benge, Thomas (1734-1811) married Susannah Lewis (1740-1818)- QA David Crawford A1914
Benjamin Sublett (1732- wp 1816) married Elizabeth Jordan (c. 1742- c. 1788)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Bennett, John (-wp 1798) married Elizabeth Dugger (-)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Bennett, Thomas (1740-1815) married ()- QA Alice ( ) Pierce Bennett A711
Benson, Manoah (Noah) (1757-1808) married Mary Marah Murray (c 1748-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Benthall, Asahel ( - by 1782) married ( - by 1782)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Benthall, Joseph ( - wp 1798) married Unknown ( -)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Berkeley, Nelson (1733-1794) married Elizabeth Wormeley Carter (- 1778)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Bernard, John Jr (1736-1825) married Elizabeth Barnett (1744-1822)- QA William Farrar A2604
Bernard, Thomas Fleming (1756-1833) married Mary Hicks (1772-1847)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Berry, Thomas (c 1726- wp 1814) married Elizabeth Washington (1737-)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Berryman, Gilson Newton (-1836) married Ann Washington (1769-1856)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Berryman, John (1742-wp 1787) married Martha Newton (1744-1787)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Berryman, Maximilian (1729-1812) married Mary Taliaferro (-)- QA Samuel Mathews A5307
Bettis, Francis (1775-1846) married Lucy Hatcher (1778-1834)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Beverley, Robert (1740-1800) married Maria Carter (1745-1817 c)- QA Warham Horsmenden A4011
Beville, Hezekiah (-wp 1828) married Ann (c 1750-bef 1828)- QA Peter Field A2608
Bibb, John II (1743- wp 1791) married Elizabeth Holcombe ( - c 1791)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Bickford, Edmund (1727-1814) married Elizabeth Clough (1737-1800)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Bickley, John (1713-1793) married Mary Hurt (-1760 c)- QA Sir Francis Bickley A9505
Bingham, Jeremiah (1715/6-1784) married Mary Brewster (c 1712-1768)- QA William Collier A9520
Binney, Amos II (1745-1783) married Mary Prentice (1751-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Binney, Barnabas (c 1751-1787) married Mary Woodrow (1756-1793)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Birdsong, John (- wp1785) married Demaris Hancock (aft. 1730- wp 1803)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Birdsong, Miles (c. 1753-1804) married Mary Tomlinson (abt. 1758-1804)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Bisbee, Benjamin (1736-1813) married Hannah Fuller (1743-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bishop, Asa (1753-1842) married Miriam Nelson (1758-1781)- QA John Bishop A811
Bishop, John (ca 1725-1790-1800) married Rebecca Peebles (-1800-1810)- QA John Bishop A811
Bishop, William (c. 1718- wp 1783) married Sarah ( - liv. 1783)- QA John Bishop A811
Black, James ( - 1811) married Margarey Peggy Irvine (1774- liv. 1850)- QA John Woodson A9103
Blackwell, James (c 1752-1836 c) married Elizabeth Price (c 1753-bef 1810)- QA John Price A6408
Blackwell, Robert (-1789) married Elizabeth Goodwin (-1828)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Blagrave, Henry (c. 1736-1809) married Elizabeth Stokes (c. 1738- bef. 1797)- QA David Mansell A5202
Blakemore, John (c 1723- 1802) married Ann Tomlin ( - bef. 1768)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Blakemore, John Jr. (1752- by 1782) married Elizabeth Payne (c 1756-1840)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Blakemore, Thomas (1718-1808) married Ann Neville (1735-1826)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Blakey, John (1717/8-wp 1782) married Jane (-)- QA John George A3003
Blakey, Thomas (1712-1791) married Ann Haden (1724-)- QA John George A3003
Bland, Edward (1746-1797) married Elizabeth Cocke (1759-1780)- QA Richard Bennett A801
Bland, Richard ( - wp 1807) married Elizabeth Ridley Dickens ( -)- QA Richard Bennett A801
Bland, Richard III (1730/1-1786) married Mary Bolling (1744-1803)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bland, Richard Jr (1710-1776) married Ann Poythress (1712-1758)- QA Richard Bennett A801
Bland, William (1742-1803) married Elizabeth Yates ( - 1772)- QA William Randolph A6512
Blankenship, Daniel (1761-1849) married unknown ( -)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Blankenship, Hudson (-wp 1813) married Edith Wilkinson (-1826)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Blount, Thomas (1737-1777-1778) married Anne Gray (1737/8-on or bef 1791)- QA Thomas Gray
Blunt, Benjamin (1707-08-wp 1752) married Priscilla Sugars (ca 1717-wp 1782)- QA Henry Browne A1202
Boisseau, Daniel (1760-1824) married Priscilla Hill (1768-1856)- QA Rev James Boisseau A9508
Boisseau, Holmes (ca 1730-1740's-on or bef 1794) married Mary Ann Glover (ca 1765-ca 1824)- QA Rev James Boisseau A9508
Boisseau, James III (1736-1787) married Anner FitzPatrick (ca 1748-on or aft 1797)- QA Rev James Boisseau A9508
Bolling, John III (1737-1797) married Mary Jefferson (1741-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bolling, John IV (1762-) married Mary Willis Kennon (1769-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bolling, Robert (1751-1791) married Clara Yates /c/ Bland (1751-1832)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Bolling, Robert (1759-1839) married Mary Burton Bolling (1764-1787)- QA John Rolfe
Bolling, Robert (1738-1775) married Susan Watson ()- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bolling, Robert (1738-ca 1775) married Susannah Sarah Watson (ca 1740-ca 1796)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Bolling, Robert (1738-1775) married Susannah Watson (-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bolling, Thomas (1735-1804) married Elizabeth Gay (1738-1813)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Booker, George (1721-1791) married Sarah Cobbs (c. 1728- aft. 1807)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Booker, Richard (1723-wp 1764) married Martha Brunskill (1731-1764)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Booth, George ( - 1777) married Mary Mason Wythe (1751-1814)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Booth, John (ca 1734-wp 1807) married Mary Smith (ca 1728-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Booth, John (c 1734-wp 1807) married Mary Smith (-)- QA Thomas Cocke A1713
Booth, John Sr (1734-wp 1807) married Mary Cocke Smith (1725-)- QA Thomas Cocke A9540
Borland, John (c 1728-1775) married Anna Vassall (1735-1823)- QA John Vassall A9471
Bostick, Absolom (c. 1740-wp1803) married Bethenia Perkins (1739-aft. 1809)- QA John Knowles A4610
Boswell, George (ca 1746-wp 1817) married Judith Swan Fauntleroy (1750/1-ca 1817)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Boteler, William (c 1738-1836) married Ann Duckett (c 1746-aft 1804)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Boughan, Major (c 1747-1812) married Lucy Munday (aft 1747-by 1798)- QA James Baughan A611
Boulden, Thomas Jr (1738-on or bef 1827) married Martha Moseley (ca 1752-bef 1825)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Bouldin, Green (1760-1830) married Mary Graves (ca 1787-bef 1827)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Bouldin, Thomas (1738-wp 1827) married Martha Moseley (1751-1830)- QA John Clay A1706
Bounds, Richard Stevens Jr. (1759-1812) married Rebecca Bentson (1759-1814)- QA Stephen Horsey A4010
Boush, Charles Sayer (-by 1809) married Martha Sweny (-1792)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Boush, Samuel III (ca 1730-1784) married (-)- QA Henry Seawell A7005
Boush, Samuel III (ca 1730-1784) married Elizabeth (-)- QA Lemuel Mason A5301
Boush, Samuel (-wp 1759) married Frances Sayer (-)- QA Robert Offley A9457
Bowden, Baker (1742- wp1790) married Martha ( - 1792)- QA John Moone A5602
Bowden, John (-wp 1826 /c/) married Judith Farrar (-wp 1828 /c/)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Bowden, Nicholas II (1741-1818) married Tabethia (c 1740-aft 1818)- QA John Moone A5802
Bowles, John (1743-1836) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Curd (1737/8-)- QA John Price A6408
Bowles, John (1743-1836) married Elizabeth Curd ( -)- QA John Price A6408
Bowman, John Sutton Sr. (-1803 c) married Sarah Cauthorn (-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Boykin, Burwell (1752-1817) married Mary Whitaker (1776-1838)- QA Henry Baker A310
Bracewell, Solomon (c 1740-by 1797) married Rachel Byrd (1742-1798)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Bradford, John (aft. 1711- wp 1787) married Dorithea Miriam Burgess ( - liv 1777)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Bradford, John (aft. 1711- 1787) married Dorithes Miriam Burgess (" - liv. 1777)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Bradford, John (1708-wp 1787 c) married Patience Read (c 1732-by 1768 c)- QA Isabella Smith Pace A9497
Bradford, John (c 1708-wp 1787) married Patience Reed (-liv 1764)- QA Samuel Macock A5108
Bradford, Wait (c 1730-1801) married Wealtha Bassett (1742-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bradford, Wait (1730-1801) married Wealthea Bassett (1742-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bradford, William (1755-1811) married Hannah Parker (1763-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bradford, William (- wp1785) married Sarah (- wp1795)- QA John Fisher A9504
Brainard, Enoch (1749-1796) married EsterSouthworth (1756-1830)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Brame, John (- wp 1795) married Mary Norman/Norment ()- QA Walter Chiles
Bramlett, Ambrose (ca 1736-wp 1804) married Jane Woodson (ca 1750-on or aft 1809)- QA John Woodson A9103
Bramlett, John (1764-1855) married Mary Peak (1763-1853)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Branch, Daniel (-1782) married Elizabeth Porter (bef 1750- bef 1786)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Edward (c 1741- wp 1786) married Lucy Finney ( -)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, John (c 1750-1806) married Rebeccah Bradford (1752-c 1795)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Branch, John ( -on or bef 1787) married Susannah (-on or aft 1814)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Olive Jr (ca 1732-on or bef 1801) married Jemima Britton (ca 1738-aft 1801)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Olive Sr (ca 1705-on or bef 1782) married Verlinche Branch (ca 1708-)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Thomas (1735-1815) married Mary Eldridge (1742/3- 1792)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Thomas (1734-1815) married Mary Eldridge (1742- 1792)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Branford, William (1755-wp1811) married Hannah Parker (1763-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Brantley, John (1736-1811) married Elizabeth Marsh (1750-1827)- QA John George A3003
Brantley, John (c 1705- wp1782) married Hannah ( - bef. 1777)- QA John George A3003
Brantley, Phillip (- wp1824) married Nancy Ann (( ))- QA John George A3003
Braswell, Arthur (c 1735-wp 1819) married unknown ()- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Braswell, David (c 1742-by 1782) married Nancy Rutherford (c 1745-liv 1800)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Braswell, Jacob (c 1745- 1832) married Sereny (c 1745- 1837)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Braswell, Richard (1704- wp 1772) married Elizabeth Bryant ()- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Braswell, Richard (1732-1788) married Elizabeth Dulaney (-1800)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Braswell, Solomon (c 1742- 1797) married Rachel Byrd (1758-1798)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Brawner, William (1719- wp 1784) married Anne Maddox (1723- aft. 1784)- QA Thomas Speke A7502
Braxton, Carter (1736-1797) married Judith Robinson (1736-1757)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Brent, Hugh (1728-1778) married Judith Newton (-1784)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Brent, Hugh (ca 1728-ca 1778) married Susannah Payne (1732-)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Brent, James (1736-1815) married Mrs. Sarah Doggett Cammell (-1821)- QA Benjamin Doggett A9698
Brent, Newton (-wp 1795) married Ann Steptoe Lawson (-living 1802)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Brewer, Edmund (1737-by 1793) married Sarah Ragland (c. 1740- liv. 1800)- QA William Barrett A508
Brian, William Iley (-) married Sarah Jame Williamson Crocker (bef 1737-)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Brickhouse, George (-1831) married Mary Belote (-)- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarbugh II A6910
Bridger, James (1730- wp 1782) married ()- QA Joseph Bridger
Bridger, Joseph (c 1738-1809) married Ann Jenkins (-)- QA Joseph Bridger, Sr. A1108
Bridges, John (1742-1836) married Mary Ligon (c 1752-by 1832)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Bridwell, Moses (1740-1814) married Lucy Lee (1741- aft. 1791)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Brister, Thomson Sr. (1741-bef 1818) married [Mary] Ann Hockaday (c 1744-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Bristow, Thompson (1741- by 1818) married Mary Hockaday (1743- by 1818)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Bristow, Tomson (1741-by 1818 c) married Mary Hockaday /c/ (1743-by 1818 c)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Brockenbrough, John (1741-1801) married Sarah Roane (1750-1810)- QA Moore Fauntleroy A2605
Brockenbrough, Moore Fauntleroy (c.1742-1793) married Lucy Barnes (c. 1742-1801)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Brockenbrough, William (1715-wp 1778) married Elizabeth Fauntleroy (ca 1715-1756)- QA Moore Fauntleroy A2605
Brodnax, John (1748-1829) married Martha Rivers (1760-1820)- QA William Brodnax A1112
Brodnax, Stephen (c. 1748-1840) married Elizabeth Danzee (c. 1758-1845)- QA William Brodnax A1112
Brodnax, Stephen Edward (1746-1815) married Elizabeth Rebecca Danzee ( - aft. 1858)- QA William Brodnax A1112
Brodnax, Stephen Edward (1748-1815) married Elizabeth Rebecca Danzie/Dancy (bef. 1783- aft. 1815)- QA William Broadnax A1112
Brodnax, William ( - wp 1771) married Ann Hall ( - wp 1789)- QA William Brodnax A1112
Bronaugh, John (1743-1777) married Mary Ann Carter (1747-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Bronaugh, John (1743/4- 1777) married Mary Anne Carter (1747-1825)- QA Adam Thorowgood/Thorougood A7910
Bronaugh, William (1730/1-wp 1800) married Mary Doniphan Cooke (1737-1781)- QA Gerrard Fowke A2901
Brooke, Humphrey (c 1752- 1840) married Sarah Walker Page (1784-1833)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Brooke, Richard (c1732-c1792) married Ann Hay Taliaferro (1731-c1782)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Brooke, Robert (-bef 1790) married Mary Fauntleroy (-)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Brooking, Francis Vivon (1737- 1808) married Elizabeth Hall Brodnax (1742-1806)- QA John Walker A8210
Brooks, Lemuel (1748-1832) married Esther Sprague (1779-1823)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Brown, Daniel Jr. (1753-1837) married Martha Rogers (1761-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Brown, John (1760-1816) married Susan Pearson Alexander (1762-aft 1845)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Brown, John (c 1750- wp 1808) married unknown ( - liv. 1808)- QA John Chew A1606
Brown, John Jr. (1734-1772) married Lydia Barker (1738-1791)- QA William Quicke A9719
Brown, Leonard (ca 1740-1833) married Sarah Kimbrough (-on or aft 1833)- QA Thomas Graves A3205
Brown, Reuben Skelton (1734-1805) married Susannah Napier (1744-1805)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Brown, Rev Richard (1725-1789) married Helen Bailey / Baillie (1730-)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Brown, Richard (1725-wp 1789 /c/) married Helen Bailey (-)- QA Adam Thorowgood/Thoroughgood A7911
Brown, Samuel (c 1747-1833 c) married Achsah Riggs (c 1745/6-1817 c)- QA John Clay A1606
Brown, Wright (1748-1837) married Bethany (1759-1828)- QA John Vassall A9471
Browne, Nathaniel (1734-1826) married Paine Dorcas (1733/34-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Browne, William (-1786) married Anne Taylor (1752 /c/-1786)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Brownell, Jeremiah (1749-1835) married Anna Copp (1749-1829)- QA William Collier A9520
Bryan, John (c 1723- wp 1786) married Obedience Burton (c 1730-1796)- QA William Farrar A2604
Bryant, John (1760-1833) married Mary Owsley (1768-1848)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Buckner, John (ca 1712-ca 1779) married Sarah (ca 1715-ca 1765)- QA John Buckner A1208
Buckner, Philip (1747-1820) married Tabitha Ann Daniel (1756-1838)- QA John Buckner A1208
Buckner, Richard III (c 1750- wp 1798) married Judith Edmonds ( - liv. 1798)- QA John Buckner A1208
Buckner, William (1744-1792) married Sally Thomas (1750-)- QA John Buckner A1208
Bugg, John (" - wp 1801) married Lucy Pennington (" - bef. 1801)- QA John George A3003
Bull, John (1740-1788) married Bridget West Bunting (1745- wp 1805)- QA Edmund Scarburgh II A6910
Bullitt, Cuthbert (c. 1740-1791) married Helen Scott (1739-1795)- QA Adam Thoroughgood
Bullitt, Cuthbert Harrison (1740-1791) married Helen Scott (1737-1795)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Bump, Barnabus (1748-1808) married Elizabeth Barrows (1753-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bunch, Joseph (1749-aft 1830) married Mary "Molly" Woodson Anderson (c 1750-aft 1830)- QA John Woodson A9103
Bunting, Levin (c. 1746- by 1797) married Adah (c. 1750- by 1805)- QA Anthony West A9499
Bunting, Levin (c 1746-by 1797) married Adah Coward /c/ (c 1750-by 1805)- QA Anthony West A9499
Burbridge, Thomas (c 1740- bef. 1790) married Sarah Sharp (c 1740- bef. 1790)- QA William Denham A9730
Burch, Justinian (c 1742- bef. 1806) married Beheathland Dade (c 1750-)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Burgess, Benjamin (1760-1793) married Agnes Gott Batte (1755-)- QA John Chew A1606
Burgess, Edward (1733-1809) married Mary Davis (1733-1784)- QA John Chew A1606
Burgess, Joseph Sr. (1726/7-1806) married Elizabeth Dorsey (1735-1805)- QA John Chew A1606
Burk, Thomas Sr. (c 1731-aft 1812) married Ann George (aft 1730-bef 1794)- QA John George A3003
Burkhalter, John (1728-wp 1784) married Ann Newsom (c 1755-1817)- QA William Spencer A7505
Burnett, Benjamin (c 1732-wp 1799) married Frances Barnett (c 1735-aft 1812)- QA William Farrar A2604
Burrow, Phillip IV (1741-wp 1829 c) married Martha Littlefield (1742-1822)- QA Cheney Boise A911
Burton, Henry (1759-1833) married Keziah Farley (1763 - .)- QA Richard Cooke
Burton, Noel (c 1729-buried 1769 c) married Lucy Barrett (-1777)- QA William Farrar A2604
Burton, Walthall (1753-wp 1823) married Sarah Price (1754-aft 1817)- QA John Price A6408
Burwell, Capt Nathaniel (1750-1802) married Martha Digges (1757-1842)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Burwell, Carter (1716-wp 1756) married Lucy Grymes (1720-)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Burwell, James (c 1735-1775) married Ann Jones (1739/40-1779)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Burwell, James (1735-1775) married Anne Jones (1740-1779)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Burwell, James (c 1762- bef 1803) married Judith Ball (c 1778- 1809)- QA John Armistead A209
Burwell, Lewis (1745-1800) married Ann Spotswood (1746-1789)- QA John West, I A8604
Burwell, Lewis IV ( - 1784) married Frances Thacker Bray (1722- 1784)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Burwell, Nathaniel (1750- 1802) married Martha Digges (1757-1842)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Burwell, Nathaniel (1750-1802) married Martha Diggs (1757-1848)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Butler/Boteler, William (c. 1738-1836) married Ann Duckett (c. 1746- 1830)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Byne, Edmund (c. 1728-1814) married Anne Lewis (-1798)- QA Abraham Iversonn A4203
Cabaniss, George (1744-by 1815) married Palatea Harrison (-aft 1815)- QA John Clay A1706
Cabaniss, Matthew (" - wp 1790) married Hannah Clay (" -)- QA John Clay A1706
Cabaniss, William (- 1825) married ( ) (( ))- QA John Clay A1706
Cabell, John (1734-1815) married Paulina Jordan (1746-1781)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Cabell, William (1759-1822) married Anne Carrington (1760-1838)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Cabell, William (1730-1798) married Margaret Jordan (-1812)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Cade, Drury (aft 1740-wp 1796) married Winifred Pope (bef 1764-wp 1818)- QA John English A9426
Cahoon, William (1752-1816) married Tabitha Dorcas Smith (1759-1858)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cahoon, William (1752-c 1816) married Tabitha Dorcas Smith (1759-1858)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Calcote, Henry (-on or bef 1802) married Sarah [Keithley?] (-on or bef 1802)- QA John Goodrich A3101
Calcote, James (-on or aft 1777) married (-)- QA John Goodrich A3101
Calkins, Aaron (1725/6-1826) married Hannah Cole (1730-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Calvert, Benedict Swingate (1722- 1788) married Elizabeth Calvert (1730-1798)- QA Sir George Calvert A1313
Calvert, Cornelius (1725- wp 1805) married Elizabeth Thorowgood (1731-1771)- QA Sir George Yeardley A9305
Calvert, Cornelius II (1722- wp 1805) married Elizabeth Thoroughgood (c 1732)- QA George Yeeardley A9305
Calvert, Cornelius II (1725-1804) married Elizabeth Thorowgood (1731-1771)- QA Francis Sawyer A6907
Calvert, John (c 1742-wp 1790) married Helen Bailey (c 1754-aft 1785)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Calvert, John (1739-1809) married Margaret "Peggy" Walke (1742-1814)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Candler, Zedekiah (c 1745-1825) married Anna Moorman (1756-)- QA Susannah Chiles A1608
Cannon, William (1748-1819) married Sarah Mosby (1751- bef. 1798)- QA John Woodson A9103
Cantelou, Louis (1756- 1818) married Alice Crymes (1757-1841)- QA George More A9527
Cantrell, Stephen (1758-1827) married Mary Blakemore (1765-1849)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Cantwell, John (1745-1836) married Jane Barnett (1770-1843)- QA William Farrar, I A2604
Carelton, Thomas (1752-1818) married Martha Finch (1755-1810)- QA Walter Aston A213
Carey, Samuel (1752-1823) married Rachel Doane (1754-1830)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Carr, Walter (1753-1838) married Elizabeth Chiles (1755-1847)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Carter, Charles (1732-1806) married Anne Moore (unknown-unknown)- QA Robert King Carter
Carter, Dale (1744-1774) married Mary Ann Bickley (c 1746-liv 1791)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Edward (1750-) married Mary Randolph Lewis (-on or bef 1797)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Carter, Edward (1733-1792) married Sarah (Sally) Champe (1733-1814)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Carter, Edward (1738-1792) married Sarah Champe (1733-1813)- QA John Armistead A209
Carter, Edward Jr. (1750-) married Mary Randolph Lewis (1770-bef 1797)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5208
Carter, George (ca 1725-by 1788) married Frances Neale (Beale) (-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, George (1725-1787) married Frances Neale /c/ (c 1730-1787)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, George (c. 1725-1785) married Francis ()- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, George (1733- 1816) married Sally ( -)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, George (-ca 1831) married Sally (-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Hill (-) married Mary Rose (-)- QA John Carter A1406
Carter, Jesse (c 1727- wp 1811) married Mary Chattin ( - aft. 1811)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John (-on or bef 1783) married Ann Claytor (-wp 1789)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John (c. 1715-1783) married Hannah Chew (c. 1736-1821)- QA John Chew A1606
Carter, John (1739-1789) married Janet Hamilton (1745-1800)- QA Robert Carter A1407
Carter, John ( - 1782) married Miss Spencer ( - )- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John Champe (1758-1826) married Apphia Fauntleroy (1768-1829)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Carter, John Jr (1754-1791) married (ca 1755-bef 1791)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John Jr (1754-1791) married (ca 1755-bef 1791)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John Sr (1727-1790) married Leanna (ca 1730-ca 1790)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John Sr (1727-1790) married Leanne (ca 1730-ca 1790)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Joseph (1736-wp1809) married Elizabeth Presley (( ))- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Landon (1738- wp 1801) married Judith Fauntleroy (c 1731- 1799)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Carter, Landon Jr (1738-wp 1801) married Judith Fauntleroy (1731-ca 1799)- QA Moore Fauntleroy A2605
Carter, Merriman (c 1730-1818) married Frances Leftwich (1738- )- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Norris (1748-1816) married Agnes Allen (c 1750-1816 c)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Peter (1706-by 1790) married Judith Norris (1706-1765)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Peter (1743-wp 1791) married Mary Ann Ellis (1747-1791)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Raleigh (c 1740-wp 1820) married Llucy Ann Crenshaw (c 1770-1853)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Rawleigh (c 1740-wp 1820 /c/) married Sarah Sharp/Sharpe (-by 1798)- QA Edward Dale A2013
Carter, Solomon (1739-1786) married Mary Ann (c 1740-1804)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Solomon (1739-on or bef 1786) married Mary Ann Childers (bef 1742-on or aft 1804)- QA John Woodson A9103
Carter, Solomon (1739-wp 1786) married Mary Ann Childres ()- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Thomas (1731-1803) married Mary (-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Thomas (1734-1817) married Winifred Hobson (1745-1831)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Cartwright, Robert (1722-1809) married Pembroke "Penny" Hunter ( -1764-1766)- QA Francis Mason
Carver, William (c 1720-wp 1767) married Mary (-wp 1767)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Carver, William, Sr. (1753-1836) married Elizabeth (-bef 1836)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Cary, Archibald (-) married Mary Randolph (1727-1781)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Cary, Capt Thomas (ca 1720-on or bef 1792) married Frances Goodwyn (ca 1733-ca 1804)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Cary, Col Archibald (1720/1-1787) married Mary Isham Randolph (1727-1781)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Cary, John (-wp 1763) married Mary Reade (-1761)- QA George Reade A6606
Cary, John (1745-wp 1795) married Susannah Armistead (1753-1834)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Cary, Richard L. (1730- 1789) married Mary Cole ()- QA Miles Cary A1409
Cary, Thomas (1720-wp 1790) married Frances Goodwyn (-)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Cary, William (c 1708- wp 1784) married Elizabeth Haynes ( - )- QA Thomas Taylor A7902
Casey, Levi (1748-1807) married Elizabeth Duckett (1759-1839)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Cawthon, Charles (c 1700- aft. 1775) married Elizabeth Womack (c 1745- liv. 1812)- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2508
Cawthon, William (ca 1751-wp 1811) married Elizabeth (ca 1756-1836)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Chamberlaine, James (1732-1783) married Henrietta Robins (1735/36-1791)- QA Edward Lloyd A4206
Champion, Hart (c 1747-1797) married Lucy ()- QA William Spencer A7505
Chapman, George ( - wp 1816) married Patience Clay (1772-1833)- QA John Clay A1706
Chapman, Henry (c 1747-bef 1788) married (c 1747-bef 1788)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Chappell, James (1746- 1818) married Sarah Hines (1749-1823)- QA Arthur Bayly A703
Chappell, John (1738-1807) married Nanny Harrison (1741-1822)- QA Cheney Boyce A911
Chappell, John Sr. (c 1759-1807) married Nancy Harrison (1741-1822)- QA Cheney Boyce/Boyse A911
Chappell, Samuel (c 1721-1765) married Mary (-)- QA Cheney Boyce A911
Chase, Berry (c 1750-1810) married Phoebe Wixon (1756-aft 1800)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Chase, Isaac (1714- aft. 1779) married Thankful Maker (1716-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Chase, Obadiah (1743-1799) married Susannah Knapp (1743-1836)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Chase, William (1690-1771) married Patience Walker (c 1710- aft 1747)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cheadle, Thomas (1723-1762) married Judith Woodson (1724-1802)- QA John Woodson A9103
Cheatham, Charles (-1770) married Obedience Cheatham (;-)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Cheatham, Christopher (1740-1770) married Elizabeth Akin (1730-1789)- QA William Farrar A2604
Cheatham, Daniel (-1815 c) married Agnes Robertson /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Cheatham, Epps (1755-wp 1816) married Sarah Chaffin (1768-1830)- QA Francis Eppes A2502
Cheatham, Henry (c 1739- by 1790) married Elizabeth Elam ( - 1798)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Cheatham, James ( - wp 1797) married Susannah Barker ( - 1812)- QA William Rookings A9463
Cheatham, Joel (ca 1720-ca 1788-1790) married Elizabeth Gates (-living 1779)- QA Francis Eppes A2502
Cheatham, Leonard (c 1746-wp 1798) married Martha Walthall /c/ (c 1749/50-liv 1798)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Cheatham, Obadiah (ca 1742-on or bef 1777) married Margaret Rudd (-)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Cheatham, William ( - wp 1796) married Unknown ( -)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Cheatham, William Jr. (c 1725-1795 c) married Frances (Pryor) (-bef 1800)- QA ChristopherBranch A1010
Chew, Benjamin (1722-1810) married Elizabeth Oswald (1732- c 1819)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, James (c 1745-by 1794) married Mary Caldwell (c 1740-1783 c)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, John (1749-wp 1838 /c/) married Margaret Reed (1762-1837)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, John Sr. (1749-1838) married Margaret Reed (1762-1837)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, Richard (1716-1769) married Sarah Lock (1721-1791)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, Samuel (-) married Elizabeth Pratt (-)- QA John Chew A1606
Chiles, Henry (c. 1748-1832) married Frances (1745- by 1832)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, Henry (-) married Frances Nevils (-)- QA Walter Chiles II A1609
Chiles, Henry (1762-by 1832) married Sarah Ballinger (1772-1842)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, John (1729- wp1813) married Elizabeth (- liv. 1813)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, John (ca 1730-wp 1813) married Elizabeth [Garland] (-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, John (1730-1803) married Mary Ann White (-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, John (1747-1796) married Mary Winston (-)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Chiles, Rowland (1755- by 1835) married Nancy Sandlin (c 1780-)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Chiles, William ( -wp 1778) married (-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, William (1736-1804) married Agness White (1742- bef. 1804)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Chiles, William ( - wp 1778) married Jemima ( -)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Chiles, William (c 1730-1804) married Sarah ( - liv. 1824)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chilton, George (-on or bef 1771) married Ann Bayne Owsley (1747-on or bef 1792)- QA Thomas Ousley / Owsley A5811
Chilton, John (1739-1777) married Letitia Blackwell (1750-1775)- QA Mordecai Cooke A1810
Chinn, Elijah (c. 1750-wp 1836) married Elizabeth Smith (1765-)- QA William Ball A406
Chisman, Edmund (1751-1784) married Mary Robinson (1759-1781)- QA Thomas Cheesman/Chisman A1605
Chisman, John (-wp 1803) married Mary Buckner (-)- QA George Reade A6606
Christian, Joseph (1757- wp 1825) married Elizabeth Graves ( -)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Christian, Turner (1750-1832) married Anna Payne (1762-on or bef 1788)- QA John Woodson A9103
Christopher, Thomas (1754-) married Mary Parker (1766- 1826)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Church, Josiah (1742-1819) married Mariah Clark (1741-1828)- QA John Vassall A9471
Churchill, John (1728-inv 1796) married Sarah Edwards (-)- QA William Churchill A1702
Churchill, Zadoc (1747-bef. 1793) married Bathsheba Rider (1750- aft. 1795)- QA William Collier A9520
Clack, James (;-wp 1757) married Mary Sterling (-wp 1763)- QA James Clack A9706
Clack, John (c 1729-1773) married Mary Kennon (c 1728- aft. 1794)- QA James Clack A9706
Clagett, John (1713-1790) married Sarah Magruder (-)- QA Sir Thomas Adams A9510
Clagett, William (1748-1789/92) married Harriet Sothoron (-)- QA Sir Thomas Adams A9510
Claggett, Henry (1730-1777) married Ann MaGruder (1738-1815)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Claiborne, Augustine (c. 1721- 1787) married Mary Herbert (1726-1799)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, Buller (1755-1804) married Martha "Patty" Ruffin (abt 1765-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, Buller (1755-1804) married Martha Patsy Ruffin (c 1755- 1820)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, Herbert (1746-1814 c) married Mary Burnet Browne (1765-1805)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, Jonas (1723-1795) married Edith Folkes /c/ (c 1737-liv 1770 c)- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
Claiborne, Thomas Burnell (1746/7-1811) married Mary "Polly" Clayton (1755-1802)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, William Dandridge (1756-1811) married Euphania Taylor (1770-1832)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, William Presley (1753-wp 1796) married Lucy Ruffin (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Clardy, Benjamin II (1742-1823) married Agnes Booth (1755-1847)- QA Thomas Cocke A9540
Clark, Alexander (1747-1783) married Phoebe Jefferson (c. 1743-1830)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Clark, Christopher (1737-by 1803 c) married Mildred "Milla" Terrell /c/ (1741-1811)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Clark, Christopher (1737- bef. 1803) married Millicent/Mildred Terrell (1741- aft. 1803)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Clark, Elisha (1734-1811) married Hannah Hopkins (1735-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Clark, Francis (1748-wp 1810) married Nancy Walker (-aft 1810)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Clark, James (1757-wp 1802) married Lucy Cheadle (1759-1811)- QA John Woodson A9103
Clark, John (1731-1824) married Obedience Bowman (1734-1821)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Clark, John (1750- wp 1816) married Penelope Cardwell (1757-1819)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Clarke, Christopher (1737-wp 1803) married Millicent / Mildred Terrell (1741-ca 1800)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Clarke, Christopher (1737- wp 1803) married Millicent Terrell (1741-1811)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Clary, Harwood (c 1728-wp 1790 c) married Mary (-)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Clay , James (-wp 1791 /c/) married Margaret Muse (1737-1832)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay , John (1755-1835) married Millison Epps (ca 1755-aft 1840)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Abia (1747-1791) married Sarah Skinner (c 1760-bef 1791)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Charles (1739- aft. 1810) married Phebe Cheatham ( - )- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Clay, Charles ( - c 1791) married ( - )- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Henry (1736-1820) married Rachel "Polly" Povall (1739-1820)- QA John Woodson A9103
Clay, Henry Jr. (c 1736-1820) married Rachel Povall (c 1739-1820)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Isham (c 1741-1808) married Amy Vaughn (-)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Isham (c. 1755-1835) married ()- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, James (1730-wp 1791) married Margaret "Peggy" Muse (1737-1832)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Jesse (c. 1745-1824) married Marium (- bef. 1827)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, John (1757-on or bef 1814) married Martha "Patsy" Ingram (ca 1761-1785)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Mitchell /c/ (1735-wp 1811 c) married Phoebe Belcher (1740-1809)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, William (-ca 1799-1800) married Amy Old (1739-aft 1804)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay. John (1757- wp 1814) married Martha "Patsy Ingram (1761-1814)- QA John Clay A1706
Claypoll, John (1733-1823) married Rachel Scott (1731-)- QA William Angell A9721
Claypool, James (1701- wp 1789) married Jane (1701-1768)- QA William Angell A9721
Claypool/Claypoole, Jesse (1752-1833) married Elizabeth "Betty" Miller (1757-1834)- QA William Angell A9721
Claypoole, James Jr. (c 1743- 1816) married Lucretia (Lucia) Garwood (1742-c 1796)- QA William Angell A9721
Clayton, John Jr. ( -) married Elizabeth Willis (1729/30-)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Clayton, John Willis (c 1750-by 1807) married Mary (-)- QA Henry Whiting A8802
Clayton, Philip (c. 1746-1807) married Mildred Dixon (1754-1799)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Clayton, Phillip (1746-1807) married Mildred Dixon (-1799)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Clements, Benjamin (-by 1780) married Elizabeth Williamson (-)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Clements, Benjamin (on or aft 1703-wp 1778) married Judith Parker (-)- QA Francis Clements A1709
Clements, Francis (-1808) married Rebeckah Thorp (-)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Clements, George (aft 1744-ca 1787) married Lucy Washington (-)- QA Francis Clements A1709
Cleveland, Ebenezer (1725-1805) married Abigail Stevens (1727-1804)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cleveland, Elisha (1762-1820) married Hannah Webber Gardner (1762-1850)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cleveland, Elisha (1716/7-) married Ruth Paine (-1742)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cleveland, John (1734/5-1818) married Betsy/Betty Downer (1739-1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cliborne, George (c 1741-bef 1811) married Jemima ( - bef 1815)- QA Thomas Sheppy A7109
Clifton, Burdette (1736-1798) married Rebecca Kenner (1739-1799)- QA Richard Lee A4807
Clopton, Richard (ca 1733-wp 1807) married Mary Davis (ca 1744-on or aft 1794)- QA Dr Robert Booth A1002
Clopton, Robert (1728-) married Frances (( ))- QA Robert Booth A1002
Clopton, William III (1721-1792) married Elizabeth Dorral Ford (1727- 1785)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Clyborne, Jonas (1756-wd 1795) married Edith Folkes (c 1737-1775)- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
Cobb, Arthur (1737-1812) married Susannah (1750-1819)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Cobb, Clisby (1748-1815) married Margaret Young (-bef 1815)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Cobb, Elkanah (1757-1837) married Jerusha Foster (bap. 1762-1845)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cobb, John (1748-1838) married Margaret/Margery Collins (1750- 1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9941
Cobb, John (1723-ca 1799) married Rhoda Smith (ca 1723-bef 1763)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Cobb, Pharoah (1752-1841) married Barsheba Whitehead (1797-1856)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Cobb, Stephen (c 1735-1785) married Patience (-bef 1807)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Cobbs, Robert (1754- wp1829) married Anne Gissage Poindexter (1763-1842)- QA Augustine Warner, I A8305
Cobbs, Samuel (-wp 1758) married Mary Lewis (1735-1813)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Coburn, George Jr. (c 1727-wp 1798) married Sarah Griffin (c 1737-1798 c)- QA John Johnson, Sr. A4306
Cocke, Benjamin (1747- 1828) married Mary Johnson (1752- 1826)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, James (-on or bef 1812) married Martha Holland Parish (1758-1810-1812)- QA John Woodson A9103
Cocke, James (c 1751-1812 c) married Martha Holland Parrish (1758-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, James (-1772) married Mary Lewis (-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, James (1720-wd 1772) married Mary Lewis (1731- 1750)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, James Powell (1747/8-1829) married Lucy Smith (1756-1816)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, John (ca 1755-wp 1786) married Lucy Herbert Claiborne (1760-aft 1814)- QA John West A8604
Cocke, Peter (1730- wp 1803) married Elizabeth ( - bef 1769)- QA Henry Batt€ A605
Cocke, Peter (-wp 1803) married Mary Whitehead (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, Richard (c 1706-c 1772) married Mrs. Elizabeth Ruffin Kinchin ()- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, Stephen (1740-wp 1793 c) married Amey Jones (1747-wp 1824 c)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, Stephen (1751 or 1754-1794) married Jane Segar Eggleston (1756-1835)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, Thomas (-ca 1797/8) married Ann Johnson (-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, Thomas (1752-1824) married Elizabeth Willis (1756-1814)- QA George Reade A6606
Cocke, William (1747-1828) married Mary MacLin (1756-by 1810)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, William (ca 1743-ca 1801) married Sarah Wood (-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, William A III (1747-1828) married Mary Maclin (1757-1810)- QA John Rolfe A6028
Cockrell, Presley (1761-on or bef 1809) married Jane Morrison (-on or bef 1812)- QA William Ball A406
Coker, Joseph (-1792) married Mary Aldridge (-aft 1800)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Cole , Joseph, Sr. /c/ (1750-wp 1826 /c/) married Remember Cole (c 1750-c 1774)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Eleazer (1700-1783) married Joanna King (c. 1707- by 1752)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Elisha (1742-1826) married Charity Hazen (1744-1811)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Elisha Jr (1742-1826) married Charity Hazen (1744-ca 1811)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Elisha Jr (1719-ca 1801) married Hanna Smalley (ca 1811-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Elisha Sr (1719-1801) married Hannah Smalley (-ca 1811)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Israel III (1712-1792) married Remember Burgess (1714-1792)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Joseph (1746-1814) married Rebecca Berry (1752-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Richard (c 1717-1781) married Lydia Hansford Hill (c 1720-c 1755)- QA Edward Foliot A9513
Cole, Richard (bef 1716-on or bef 1781) married Lydia Hill (bef 1712/13-aft 1753)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Cole, William (1742-1795) married Eleanor Bibb (1745-1832)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Coleman, Richard (1761-) married Ann Stubs (1763-)- QA William Strachey A7705
Coleman, Spencer (1756-1830) married Elizabeth Garland Goodwin (1768-1816)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Coleman, Thomas (aft 1738-bef 1778) married Mary Woolfolk (1759-)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Collier, Joseph (1749-1819) married Amey Moseley (1757-1819)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Collier, Joseph (1749-1819) married Amy Moseley (1757-1819)- QA Thomas Ligon / Lygon / Lyggon A4903
Collier, Vines (1735- wp 1795) married Sarah Elizabeth Williamson ()- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Collins, Eliphalet (1744-1815) married Abigail Abbe (1750-1844)- QA John Vassall A9471
Collins, John (ca 1755-by 1824) married Grace Costin (ca 1780-bef 1824)- QA William Bibby A9514
Comer, John (1850-wp 1802 c) married Amey Eppes (-wp 1802)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Compton, Matthew II (1709-wp 1770) married Rachael Howard (-liv 1784)- QA Rev William Wilkinson A9495
Compton, Matthew III (1746-1810) married Theodosia Scott Earle ( -)- QA William Wilkinson A9495
Compton, Zachariah (c 1734 /c/-by 1790 /c/) married Mary (-by 1811 /c/)- QA William Wilkinson A9495
Compton, Zachariah (ca 1734-Inv 1789) married Mary Ann Middleton Hawkins (-Inv 1811)- QA Rev William Wilkinson A9495
Connor, Terrence (ca 1752-1841) married Sarah Jane Speake (ca 1760-1844)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Conway, Robert (1749-ca 1795) married Mary Kenner (1767-ca 1790)- QA Thomas Brereton A1104
Cook(e), Stephen (1751-1829) married Sara(h) McFarland (1760-1851)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Ephraim (1712-aft 1778) married Mary Merrick (1717-1778)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Gideon (1750-1806) married Huldah Lisk (1754-1841)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Isaac (1743-1820) married Charity Wright (c. 1742-1822)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Cook, Jesse (1741-1790) married Anne Smithson (1746-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Joseph (1751-1824) married Elizabeth Barker (1755-1816)- QA William Quicke A9719
Cook, Joshua (1740-1790) married Marita (1743-1783)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Josiah (1735-by 1813) married Mary Rider/Rydder (1741-aft. 1840)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Moses (c 1740- liv 1825) married Hannah Howe (c 1745-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Simeon (1715-bet 1762-1767) married Melatiah Robbins (-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Thomas (1731-1820) married Hannah Tryon (1733-1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Thomas (1731-1820) married Hannah Tyron (1733-1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Thomas Jr (1731-1820) married Hannah Tryon (1733-1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Elijah (1737-aft 1796) married Hannah Hale (1736- aft. 1784)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Giles (-wp 1799) married Margaret Savage (c 1729-1799)- QA Southey Littleton A4906
Cooke, Levi (1748-1821) married Mary Corwin (1761-1823)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Levi (1757-1830) married Sarah Poole (1759-1840)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Mordecai (-1783) married Dawson /c/ (-1803 c)- QA William Bernard A807
Cooke, Nathaniel (1719-1758) married Mary Samson (1724-1760)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Solomon (1711-1781) married Rebecca Cowell (c. 1714-1788)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Solomon (1743-1776) married Sarah Allen Searing (c 1745-1777)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Thomas (-) married Hannah Tryon (1733-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke/Cook, Jacob (1725-1808) married Phoebe Margaret Lindsly (c 1734- 1814)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooper, Lamberton (1749-1821) married Doreas Jennings (1755-1831)- QA John Vassall A9471
Coppedge, Charles (c. 1735- aft. 1800) married Elizabeth Bayse (c. 1740-1799)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Coppedge, William (1740-wp 1806) married Mary Tippett (-1807)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Coppedge, William (1740- wp1806) married Sarah Railey (( ))- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Corbin, Gawin (aft 1747 /c/-aft 1786) married Betsey Elizabeth Jones (-aft 1786)- QA Richard Lee I A4806
Cordell, George Edward (1742-1826) married Catherine Basye (1752-1839)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Cornick, Endymion (1755- 1812) married Frances Henley (1768-1832)- QA Henry Woodhouse I A9008
Costin, William ( - 1786) married Anne Trower ( - c 1799)- QA William Bibby A9514
Costin, William (-on or bef 1786) married Anne Trower (-ca 1799)- QA William Bibby A9514
Covill/Covel, Seth Jr. (1738-1769) married Phebe Paine (1746-1799)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cowel / Covel, John (1733-1806) married Rejoice Smith (ca 1737-1776)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cox, Fleet (1725- 1791) married Elizabeth Wright ( -)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Cox, Frederick (c 1739-1781) married Mildred Estes (c 1739-1825)- QA William Cox/Coxe A1909
Cox, Henry ( - 1779) married Hjudith Redford ( - wd 1780)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Cox, Hickerson /c/ (c 1734-wp 1795 c) married Elizabeth Horner (-1773 c)- QA William Cox A1909
Cox, Higgason (c 1734- wp 1795) married Elizabeth Horner ( - 1773)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Cox, Micajah (1751-1807) married Louisa Lancaster (1756-1798)- QA William Spencer A7505
Cox, Micajah Sr. (1751-1807) married Louisa Lancaster (1756-1803)- QA William Spencer A7505
Cox, Samuel (1753-wp 1819) married Temperance Bailey (1761-1823)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cox, Valentine (1750- wd1813) married Dawson, Nancy Ann (1754-by 1824)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Cox, William (-1781) married Ann ( ) (-Aft. 1781)- QA Henry Fleet A2705
Cox€, William (- wp1783) married Sarah Haggoman ()- QA William Cox€ A1909
Crafford, Carter II ( - wp 1782) married Elizabeth Kearney ( -)- QA William Carter A9511
Cralle, John (1724-1778) married Spilman Garner (1739- liv. 1768)- QA Rodham Kenner A9982
Crane, Stephen (1734-1814) married Mary Chapman (1745-1824)- QA William Collier A9520
Crawford II, John (c. 1731/33-1802) married Lucy Moorman ()- QA David Crawford, I
Crawford, David III (1697-1766) married Ann(e) Anderson (1708-1803)- QA David Crawford A1914
Crawford, Joel (1736-1788) married Frances Elizabeth Harris (1746-wp 1814)- QA David Crawford A1914
Crawford, Michael (1746-1800) married Elizabeth (1745-)- QA David Crawford A1914
Crawford, Thomas (c 1735-wp 1819) married Elizabeth Alston (c 1744-bef 1819)- QA David Crawford A1914
Crew, Jacob (1754-1810) married Elizabeth Leadbetter (c 1760-aft 1800)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Cromartie, William (1731-1807) married Ruhama Doane (1745-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cromartie, William (1731-1807) married Ruhamah Doane (1745-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cromartie, William Jr. (1731-1807) married Ruhamah Doane (1745-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cromartie, Willliam (1731-1807) married Ruhamah Doane (1745-wp 1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, Abner (1744-1813) married Ruth Foster (1750-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, David (1737-1816) married Sally (( ))- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, Isaiah (1744-) married Eunice Rogers (1745-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, Reuben (1735/6-1819) married Sarah Sears (1732-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, Thomas (1752-1832) married Rebecca Bishop (1755-1834)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cross, Uriah (1750-1835) married Ann Paine (bap. 1754-1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cross, Uriah (1750- 1835) married Ann Payne (bap. 1754- 1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cross, Uriah (1753-1835) married Anne Paine (1754-1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crowder, Godfrey (-wp 1840) married Nancy Moore (-bef 1839)- QA Sisley Jordan A9447
Crowder, Godfrey (c. 1737-wp1840) married Nancy Moore ()- QA William Farrar A2604
Crowell, Jonathan (1728-) married Phebe Snow (1715-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crowson, Charles (c 1733-) married Comfort West (c 1737-)- QA Edmund Scarburgh I A6909
Crump, Robert (-1823) married Mary Parr (c 1750-1830 c)- QA Alexander Mountney A5610
Crymes, George (1710-1797) married Mildred Bellamy (-1795)- QA George More A9527
Crymes, Thomas (1748-1789) married Mary (-aft 1789)- QA George More A9527
Curd, John (1726-bef 1797) married Lucy Brent (1735-bef 1800)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Curd, John (1726-1801) married Lucy Brent (1735-1815)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Curd, William (-1797) married Mary Watkins (-by 1780)- QA John Price A6408
Curtis, Edmund (1754-) married Ann Cary (-)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Curtis, Edmund III (1754- wp1810) married Ann Cary (1769-1814)- QA Edmund Cheesman A9498
Curtis, Elisha (bapt 1737-liv 1801) married Betty Studley (1733-1776)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cushman, Isaiah (1730/1- 1818) married Sarah Ring (1737-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Custis, Edmund III (1754-aft 1807) married Anne Cary (-ca 1819)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Custis, Joseph II (c 1730-1789 c) married Nanny Kellam (-)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Custis, William Smith (c 1750-wp 1821) married (-)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Cutler, George (1720-wp1784) married Margaret Wyatt (1737-1786)- QA Thomas Welbourne A8511
Cutler, Joseph (1739-1825) married Martha Brown (1742-1800)- QA John Vassall A9471
Dabney, Cornelius IV (c 1730-1792) married Mary "Molly" Lane ()- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Dabney, George (1742- 1824) married Elizabeth Price (1745-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Dabney, Robert (c. 1755- 1803) married Elizabeth Winston (c. 1753- 1827)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Dade, Baldwin (1716-wp 1783) married Verlinda (-1798)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Dade, Baldwin (1716-wp 1783) married Verlinda, niece of Richard Stone (-1798)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Dade, Langhorne (ca 1718-1753) married Mildred Washington (1721-1784)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Dade, Townshend (1743-1807) married Susanna Fitzhugh (1757-1817)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Dade, Townshend (1743-1807) married Susannah Fitzhugh (1757-1817)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Daingerfield, William (ac. 1736-1781) married Mary Madison Willis (1743-1819)- QA Moore Fauntleroy A2605
Dalton, Sam Jr. (c 1738-1789) married Charlotte Gallihue (c 1752- 1804)- QA Richard Kenner A4510
Dalton, Samuel (ca 1738-ca 1789) married Charlotte Gallahue (ca 1748-1819)- QA Richard Kenner A4510
Dameron, Joseph Sr (bef 1731-1818) married Patience Coppedge (1735-aft 1780)- QA William Ball A406
Dameron, Joseph Sr (1731-wp 1818) married Patience Coppege (1735-1780)- QA William Ball A406
Dameron, Moses (-) married Millicent (-)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Damon, Peter (1740-1818) married Lydia Putnam (1744-1809)- QA John Vassell A9471
Dandridge, Nathaniel West (1729-1786) married Dorothea Spotswood (ca 1733-1773)- QA John West
Dandridge, William (1750-1801) married Ann Bolling (1752-)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Dandridge, William (1750-c 1801) married Anne Bolling (1752-1802)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Dandridge, William Alexander (1750-1801) married Ann Blair Bolling (1752-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Daniel, James (1747-wp 1820 c) married Sarah "Sally" Cocke (1755-aft 1820)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Daniel, James (c 1725- wp 1785) married Sarah Cocke (c 1755- 1810)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Daniel, John (1747-wp1802) married Elizabeth Morton (1754-by 1828)- QA John Woodson A9103
Daniel, Thomas (1740-1811) married Elizabeth Stith (c 1758-aft 1786)- QA William Buckner A1210
Daniel, Woodson (c 1736-wp 1792) married Nancy Gouge (c 1740-1800 c)- QA John Woodson A9103
Darden, John (c 1745-wp 1810) married Mary "Molly" (-1828)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Darden, John (c 1745-wp 1810) married Molly Darden ( - 1828)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Darracott, Thomas (c 1743-wp 1793) married Elizabeth Bickley (c 1745-aft 1803)- QA Francis Bickley A9505
Darracott, Thomas (c 1743-wp 1793) married Elizabeth Hickley (c 1745-aft 1803)- QA Joseph Bickley A9505
Davenport, George (-wp 1760) married Mary (-)- QA George Heale A3700
Davidson, William (1747-1811) married Barbara McDole (1769-1831)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Davidson, William (1747-1811) married Barbara McDole/McDowell (1768-1831)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Davies, William (1749-by 1803) married Mary Murray (1754-2823)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Davies, William (1749-1805) married Mary Murray Gordon (1754-1788)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Davis, Benajah (1734-by 1782) married Elizabeth Snow (1734-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Davis, Benjamin (c. 1750-1817) married Tabitha Rose (c. 1752- bef. 1810)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Davis, Edward (bef 1720-betw 1796 & 1803) married Sarah (-on or bef 1807)- QA James Davis A2106
Davis, Francis (1722- wp 1778) married Anne Hammond ( -)- QA James Davis A2106
Davis, John (1726-1778) married Ariana Worthington (1737-1767)- QA James Davis A2106
Davis, Solomon (ca 1760-wp 1845) married Mary Tull (ca 1771-aft 1845)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Davis, Thomas (-wp 1765) married Hartwell Hodges (-wp 1796)- QA John Goodrich A3101
Davis, Thomas (1754-1840) married Lettice Rice (1764-1847)- QA John Vassall A9471
Davis, Thomas (c 1739-1779) married Mary Moore (1742-c 1796)- QA Samuel Swann A7802
Davis, William (1762/3-bef 1838) married Amy Ransom (-1810/1812)- QA John Moone A5602
Dawson, George (ca 1716-bef 1786) married Eleanor Lowe (1715-on or bef 1806)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, Henry Hawkins (1747-1815) married Maria Wells (ca 1751-1792)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, John Lowe (1782-1821) married Elizabeth Harrison (c. 1751-aft. 1830)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, Nicholas Lowe (1745-wd 1790 /c/) married Violette Littleton (1759-1842)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, Thomas (1708/9-ca 1800) married Elizabeth Lowe (1712-on or aft 1801)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, William II (C 1738- wp 1802) married Elizabeth (C 1742- liv 1802)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Day, James (1762-1842) married Sarah Warfield (ca 1777-on or bef 1823)- QA John Gaither A2913
Dean, Jacob (1719-1763) married Martha Bye (1720-wp 1797)- QA Thomas Bye A1300
Degge, William (c. 1748-by 1814) married Mary Sutton (c. 1752-aft. 1791)- QA Dudley Diggs A9500
Degge/Digges, William (c 1748- by 1814) married Mary Sutton (c 1752- aft 1791)- QA Sir Dudley Digges A9500
deGraffenried, Tscharner (1722- wp 1794) married Sarah Rust (1731- by 1763)- QA John Stone A7610
Dejarnett, Joseph (1747-1824) married Mary Hampton (- before 1801 c)- QA William Hampton A3404
DeJarnette, Joseph (1747-1824) married Mary Hampton (ca 1758-60-bf 1801)- QA William Hampton A3404
DeJarnette, Joseph II (1747-1824) married Mary Hampton (ca 1755-on or bef 1801)- QA William Hampton A3404
Delk, Moreland (1749- 1823) married Unity Holleman (1755- 1835)- QA Roger Delke A2203
DeLoach, William (c 1740-1810 c) married Purity Ruffin (c 1742-1810 c)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Denson, Benjamin (ca 1725-wp 1781) married Mary [Whitehead] (ca 1727-)- QA William Denson A2204
Denson, James (c. 1732- bef. 1777) married Jemima White (c. 1735-1790)- QA William Denson A2204
Denson, John (1760-1849) married Sara Ricks (ca 1761-1849)- QA William Denson A2204
Denson, William (1732-1781) married Rebecka Eley (1741-1788)- QA William Denson A2204
Dent, Walter (1744-wp 1791) married Elizabeth Montgomery (1741-)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Dew, Abraham (1719- wp 1774) married Elizabeth Hickman (1737-1807)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Dew, Arthur ( - by 1796) married Mary ( - wp 1801)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Dew, Arthur (c 1725-1795) married Mary Taylor /c/ (c 1730-wp 1801)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Dew, John IV (c 1730-wp 1791) married Mary Parker (-)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Dickinson, Daniel (1726-1787) married Mary Hosier (1724-1765)- QA Sir William Lovelace II A5005
Dickinson, David (1756- wp 1812) married Ann Coleman (1756-1798)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Digges, Dudley (1729-1790) married Elizabeth Wormley (1737-1785)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Digges, William (1742-1804) married Elizabeth Digges (c 1748-)- QA Dudley Digges A9500
Diggs, William (ca 1750-on or bef 1814) married Mary Sutton (ca 1752-on or aft 1791)- QA Peregrine Bland A904
Diuguid, George (1762-1838) married Ann "Nancy" Sampson (1763-1832)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Dix, Isaac (c 1720-by 1760) married Wealthy (c 1735-)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Dixon, Hall (1755-1820) married Ann Hunt (-1813)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Dixon, John (-1777) married Lucy (1728-1769)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Dixon, Roger (c 1725-1772) married Lucy Reade Rootes (c 1727-1810)- QA George Reade `A6606
Dixon, Roger (c 1725-1772) married Lucy Rootes ()- QA George Reade A6606
Dixon, Thomas (1760-on or bef 1801) married Mildred Gwynn (1759-1819)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Doane, Eleazer Jr (1719-wp 1757) married Elizabeth Doan (1732-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Elisha (1731/2) married Elizabeth Hurlbut (bapt 1730-1798)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Elkahanah (c 1737/8-1802) married Hannah Farnam (1736-1813)- QA John Hodsoll A9531
Doane, Hezekiah III (1737-1809) married Sarah Bland (1737-1814)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, John (1731/2-1811) married Elizabeth Pike Stewart (1739-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Joshua (1756-1803) married (-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Nathan (1742/3-1797) married Eunice Snow (1744-1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Nehemiah (1719-1792) married Jerusha Bacon (1724-1768)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Dodson, Alexander (1761-1831) married Nancy Cockerell (ca 1809-1866)- QA William Ball A406
Doggett, Reuben (1739-1826) married Mary Browne (c 1750-aft 1820)- QA Benjamin Doggett A9698
Doniphan, Alexander (1750-1816) married Mary Davis (-by 1808)- QA John Waugh A8503
Doniphan, Joseph (ca 1757-1814) married Ann Fowke Smith (ca 1767-on or aft 1814)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Doten, Isaac (1709-1770) married Mary Lanman (1718-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doten, James (1736/7-1817) married Elizabeth Kempton (1742-1821)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doten, John (1750-bef. 1845) married Zobiah Ward ()- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doty, James (1752-1826) married Elizabeth Gilbert (1760-1815 c)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doty, Samuel (1712-on or bef 1753) married Joannah Bosworth (1714-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doughty, Samuel (c 1747- wp 1823) married Ruth (c 1750- 1826)- QA Francis Doughty A9723
Downer, Joseph (1732/3-1821) married Asenath Cushman (1735-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Downs, Henry (1728-1798) married Frances Chew (1730-1784)- QA John Chew A1606
Dr. Waller Lewis (1739-1808) married Sarah Lewis (abt. 1748-after 1810)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Duckett, Jacob (1748-1818) married Sarah Odell (1759-1818)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Duckett, Jacob, Jr. (1753-1809) married Sarah Odell (1759-1818)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Duckett, Thomas (1744-1824) married Mary "Polly" Odell (1748-bef 1822)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Duckett, Thomas (1744-1824) married Mary Odell (1748-on or bef 1822)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Duckett, Thomas (1744-1824) married Mary Polly Odell (1748- bef. 1822)- QA Thomas Graves
Duerson, Joseph (ca 1745-wp 1823) married Susanna Montague (-bef 1791)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Duke, Britton (by 1746- 1800) married Anne Bennett (c. 1750- liv. 1803)- QA William Byrd, I A1311
Duke, Clevears Chishom (1717-1785) married Amy Cosby (1718-)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Duke, Harden Burnley (1760-wp 1846) married Elizabeth Swift (1762-)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Duke, Henry (1739-wp1780) married Lettice (- aft. 1785)- QA John Taylor A7812
Duke, James (1740-1771) married Keziah Burnley (-1823)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Duke, John (c 1720-1755 c) married Mary Myrick (1721-1793 c)- QA William Byrd I A1311
Duke, John Jr. (c 1743- wp 1803) married Charlotte Green (c 1750- 1785)- QA William Byrd, I A1311
Duke, Major (c 1745-1838) married Elizabeth Drewry/Drury (c 1745-c 1820)- QA William Byrd I A1311
Duke, Matthew (c. 1747-by 1819) married Elizabeth Canton /c/ (c. 1755-1806)- QA William Byrd A1311
Duke, Matthew Sr. (c 1747-1818) married Elizabeth Clanton (by 1755-1806)- QA William Byrd I A1311
Duke, Samuel (1722- c 1798) married unknown ( -)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Duncan, Joseph (c 1735- by 1826) married Nancy Stevens (1757- aft. 1826)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Duncan, William (1742- by 1786) married Hannah Blakemore (1755- by 1839)- QA Edward Dale A2130
Dunnavant, Hodges (1742-wp 1802 c) married Elizabeth Walthall (1746-)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Dunton, Isaac (c 1740-) married Alice Merideth (-wp 1803)- QA William Jones A4403
Dunton, William Sr (-wp 1773) married Elizabeth "Betty" Rogers (-wp 1797)- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarbugh I A6909
Dunton, William Sr. (c 1708-1773) married Elizabeth "Betty" Rogers (c 1714-1797)- QA Edmund Scarburgh I A6909
Dupree, Lewis Jr. (c 1727-bef 1788) married Elizabeth Warren (c 1740-1813)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Durkee, Timothy (1737-1797) married Anne Smalley (1736-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Duval, Samuel (1714-1784) married Lucy Claiborne (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Duvall, John Pearce (1737-wp 1803 c) married Martha (1738-by 1798 c)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Earle, John (1737-1804 /c/) married Rebecca (Berry) /c/ Wood (1752-18339 /c/)- QA Francis Doughty A9723
Easley, Miller Woodson (1756-1834) married Mary Lyon (1756-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Easley, Warham (ca 1734-wp 1794) married Ann "Nancy" Woodson (ca 1749-on or aft 1801)- QA John Woodson A9103
Easley, Warham (ca 1721-28-wp 1790) married Ann Woodson (ca 1736-wp 1801?)- QA John Woodson A9103
Easley, Warham (ca 1716-1790-1791) married Anne Woodson (1736-1801)- QA John Woodson A9103
Eaton, Joel (1751-1851) married Lucy Leonard (1748-1842)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Eaton, John Eliot (1756-1812) married Elizabeth Davis (1758-1838)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Eaton, Lt Col William II (ca 1720-1785-1789) married Mary Browne (-aft 1744)- QA Henry Browne A1202
Eaton, Thomas (1739-1809) married Anna Bland (1747-1809)- QA Theodrick Bland A906
Eaton, William III (-1775) married Rebecca Cocke (-aft 1783)- QA Henry Browne A1202
Echols, Moses (c 1725-1819 c) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Wynne (c 1738-liv 1777)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Echols, Moses /c/ (c 1739-1785 c) married Elizabeth Wynne /c/ (c 1741-1777 c)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Eddy, Samuel (1760-1813) married Sally Paddock (c. 1762- aft. 1848)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Eddy, Zachariah (1712-1777) married Mercy Morton (c 1721/2-1802)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Edmondson, Isaac (1760-1810) married Ann Nancy Cox (1765-1842)- QA Thomas Edmundson A2403
Edmondson, Solomon (1744-bef 1818) married Susannah Wilkinson (c 1743-aft 1818)- QA James Knott A4609
Edmunds, Col Nicholas (ca 1710-1789) married Elizabeth Flood (aft 1705-bef 1755)- QA John Flood / Fludd A2709
Edmunds, John (-wp 1770) married Rebecca Browne (c 1735-1770)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Edmunds, Nicholas (c 1710- 1789) married Elizabeth Flood (c 1705- 1755)- QA John Flood/Fludd A2709
Edmunds, Thomas (1748- wp 1825) married Sara Eldridge (1754-1836)- QA John Flood/Fludd A2709
Edmunds, Thomas (1746-1825) married Sarah Eldridge (1754-1836)- QA William Browne A1204
Edmundson, Benjamin (-on or bef 1795) married Mary (-ca 1807)- QA Thomas Edmundson A2403
Edmundson, Samuel (aft 1741-wp 1819) married Caroline (-)- QA Thomas Edmundson A2403
Edwards, Etheldred (- wp 1786) married Mary Davis (- wp 1790)- QA William Edwards A2404
Edwards, William (-1787) married Elizabeth (-)- QA William Edwards A2404
Edwards, William (-1787) married Elizabeth (-)- QA William Edwards A2404
Edwards, William (-1781) married Susanna Simmons (-)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Eggleston, William (1729-wp1780 c) married Judith Cary (-)- QA Miles Cary A409
Elam, Branch (c 1750-) married Dinah Elam (1752-1801)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Elam, James (1727-1796) married Lucy Blankenship (1731-1796)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Elam, James (1727-wd 1796 /c/) married Sarah (-by 1765)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Eldridge, Capt William (aft 1718-1772) married Ann Jones (1740-1780)- QA Richard Kennon A4602
Eldridge, Rolfe (1744-1829/30) married Susanna Everard Walker (1754-1821)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Eldridge, Rolfe Sr. (1744-1806) married Susanna Everard Walker (1754-1821)- QA Pocahontaas A6212
Eldridge, Thomas III (ca 1737-1812-1816) married Winifred Jones Miller (Povall) (1743-1812-1816)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Eley, Eley/Ely (c 1739-wp 1819) married Prudence Carlile (-by 1844)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Eley, Josiah (aft 1748-on or aft 1803) married Charity Denby (-on or aft 1803)- QA William Denson A2204
Eley, Michael (ca 1715-1769) married Elizabeth Denson (ca 1725-1777)- QA William Denson A2204
Elkins, John (1752-1817) married Sarah Mayo (1745-1823)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ellis, Benjamin (17521-wp 1834) married Ruth Pike (1751-by 1786)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ellis, Charles (1749- wp 1828) married Sarah Tucker (c 1752-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Ellis, Charles (1719-wp 1760) married Susannah Harding (1721-22-1817)- QA John Knowles A4610
Ellis, Hezekiah, Sr. (ca 1744-by 1772 ) married Mildred Melinda Burbridge (1760-1811)- QA William Denson A2204
Ellis, John ( - wp 1782) married Elizabeth Smith ( - by 1779)- QA Walter Aston A213
Ellison / Allison, James (ca 1742-aft 1791) married Mary Kilgore (ca 1750-)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Ellison / Allison, Robert (ca 1720-on or bef 1791) married Elizabeth Scott (ca 1720-bef 1766)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Ellison, Robert (1720-wp1791) married Frances Avant (1724-1812)- QA Robert Ellison/Ellyson A2410
Ellyson, Zacariah (1762-1827) married Mary Votaw (1768-1844)- QA Robert Ellison/Ellyson A2410
Elmore, Archelaus (c 1730-1765) married Susanna Morris (c 1735-wp 1826)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Elms, Eliphalet (1752-1830) married Chloe Leonard (1758-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Emmerson, Arthur (1743-1801) married Anne Tazewell (1738-1802)- QA Southey Littleton A4906
Epes, Francis (-on or bef 1759) married Sarah (Hamlin) Hatt (-bef 1782)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Epes, Francis VI (1747-1808) married Elizabeth Wayles (-)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Epes, Lt Col Peter (ca 1730-1807) married Mary Poythress (ca 1737-1792)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Epperson, David Jr (ca 1754-1778) married Judith Maupin (-wp 1831)- QA Thomas Ballard
Eppes, Daniel III (Aft. 1728- by 1781) married Ann (1730-1783)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Eppes, Francis (-c 1804) married Elizabeth (-)- QA Francis Epes A2502
Eppes, Francis (1739-1804) married Elizabeth Lee Randolph (1782-1782)- QA Francis Epes, I A2502
Eppes, Hamlin (1732-1774) married Rebecca (-)- QA Frances Epes I A2502
Eppes, James (1748- wp 1790/1) married Martha Sledge (1759-1789)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Epps, Daniel (c 1728-by 1781) married Ann (-)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Epps, Joshua (c 1717- wd 1778) married Elizabeth ()- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Eskridge, Burdette (1741-1781) married Ann Nancy Grisbey (1752-1780)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Eskridge, Richard (1737- wp1816) married Elizabeth Read (1745- aft. 1823)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Eustace, Isaac (c 1751-bef 1831) married Susanna James (c 1761-1838 c)- QA Thomas Willoughby A8905
Exum, Joseph (c 1748-1793) married Priscilla Braswell (1761-1806)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Ezell, James (by 1738- liv. 1816) married Keziah Bullock (by 1740- liv. 1765)- QA Roger Delk A2203
Ezell, Miel/Michael (1763-1809) married Pricilla Rives (1767-1810)- QA James Tooke/Tuke A8007
Ezell, William (c.1742- bef. 1831) married Sarah (bef. 1750-)- QA Roger Delke A2203
Farley, Francis (1703-1791) married Elizabeth Crostic (1718- 1797)- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2506
Farley, Francis (1703-1791) married ()- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2508
Farley, Francis Jr (1726-ca 1829) married Ann Nancy Blankenship (1740-aft 1802)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Francis Sr (1703-1791) married (Nancy Anna) [Whitlow] (1705-aft 1743)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Henry (-wp 1784) married Anne (-)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Henry (ca 1759-ca 1833) married Sarah Sally Chitwood (ca 1760-aft 1833)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, James ( -ca 1779) married Mary (-)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Joseph (1735-1780) married Mary ()- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2508
Farley, Joseph (ca 1735-betw 1780 & 1782) married Mary (-)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Joseph Jr. (c 1730- wp 1782) married Mary Ellington ( - aft. 1783)- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2508
Farley, Matthew (c 1751- wp 1812) married ( - )- QA Thomas Farley A2508
Farley, Seth (1759-) married Sarah Crafton (-)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Thomas Sr (ca 1725-wp 1796) married Judith Clay (ca 1737-aft 1809)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Thomas Sr. (c 1725-wp 1796) married Judith Clay (;-aft 1809)- QA John Clay A1706
Farmer, Benjamin (c. 1735- wp 1852) married Elizabeth Dew (c. 1748- wp 1852)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Farrar, Absalom (c 1766- 1854) married Mildred Avery Clark (1767-1824)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Charles (1758-wp 1784) married Mary Baker Fore (-1832)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Charles (1758-wp1784) married Mary Fore (1758-1832)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Charles Sr (1758-on or bef 1784) married Mary Fore (1750's -ca 1832)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, George (c. 1695- wp 1772) married Judith Jefferson (1698-1786)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Farrar, George II (c 1720-bef 1761) married Diana Hilsman Howard (1713-1766 c)- QA William Farrar I A2604
Farrar, John (-on or bef 1800) married Elizabeth (-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, John (c. 1755-wp 1830) married Elizabeth Abernathy (1760-1797)- QA William Farrar, I
Farrar, John ( - wp 1800) married Elizabeth Lyon ( - aft 1799)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, John (1730- 1808) married Rebecca Puryear ( - aft. 1808)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Joseph (ca 1730-on or bef 1777) married Susannah Jordan (ca 1734-on or aft 1773)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Joseph (1730-on or bef 1777) married Susannah Jordon (1736-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Joseph Royall (1740-by 1796) married Jane Ford Moss /c/ (1762-)- QA William Farrar I A2604
Farrar, Perrin (ca 1725-wp 1785) married Sarah (Sally) Lacy (-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Perrin (bef. 1742- wp 1785) married Sarah Lacy (1737- bef. 1783)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Peter (1730-1815) married Mary Magdalene Chastain (1727-1767)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Peter (1730-1815) married Mary Magdaline Chastain Cocke (1727-1771 c)- QA William Farrar I A2604
Farrar, Peter (1730-ca 1815) married Mary Magdelaine Chastaine (1727-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Richard (1727 (1731)-liv 1779 /c/) married Elizabeth Sanders (1735-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Thomas (-wp 1811) married Bette Martin (-on or bef 1811)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Thomas (1726-1809) married Elizabeth Howard (1736-1783)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Thomas (1754-1833) married Margaret Prince (1756-1831)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, William (-wp 1788) married Winifred (-bef 1780)- QA William Farrar I A2604
Farrar, William (1725-wp 1788 c) married Winifred Clark (1724-1779)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farris, William (1725-wp1803) married Martha Truman (c. 1750-1804)- QA John Woodson A9103
Farrrar, Thomas Wadsworth (1754-1833) married Margaret Prince (176-1830)- QA William Farrar A2604
Fauntleroy, Joseph (1754-1815) married Elizabeth Fouchee (1772-1824)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Fauntleroy, Moore (1761-1791) married Elizabeth Mitchell (1726-1785)- QA Abrham Piercey A6204
Fauntleroy, William (1713-1793) married Margaret "Peggy" Murdock (c 1715-)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Fauntleroy, William (1713-1793) married Margaret Murdock (c. 1715-)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Fearn, John (1717- wp 1782) married Lee Anna Lee ( -)- QA Richard Lee I A4806
Fendall, Dr Benjamin (1753-on or bef 1817) married Elizabeth Hughes Rudolph (1762-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Ferguson, (-) married Judith Eldridge (1742/3-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Field, John (1731-1815) married Lydia Hazard (1746-1795)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Field, Robert (1740- wp 1824) married Sarah Moss (1747- aft. 1831)- QA John Hayward/Heyward/Howard A3707
Finch, Edward (1750-1823) married Martha Ballard (1749-1827)- QA Walter Aston A213
Finch, Edward (1750-1823) married Martha Ballard (1749-1827)- QA Stephen Hamelyn/Hamlin A3309
Finklea, John (1753-1821) married Margaret (-)- QA John Martin A5209
Finklea, Willis (c1741/47- 1837) married Martha Smith (c 1755-1820)- QA John Martin A9555
Finley, William (bapt 1743-wp 1802) married Mary Pettus (-1800)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Fish, Lemuel (ca 1732-1790) married Johannah Doty (1737-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fish, Simeon (1757-1833) married Dorcas Baker (1760-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fisher, Daniel (c. 1704-by 1788) married ( ) (( ))- QA John Fisher A9504
Fitch, Elisha (1749-1829) married Rachell Kellum (1755-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fitzgerald, Edmund (1745-wp 1848) married Millicent Paine (1758-1832)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Fitzgerald, William (1749-1818) married Sarah Epes (1757- aft. 1793)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Fitzgerald, William I (-1771) married Elizabeth Irby (c 1712-)- QA Francis Poythres A6402
Fitzhugh, George (1751-1811) married Humphrey Frances Toy Tabb (-wp 1794)- QA William Fitzhugh A2703
Fitzhugh, George (1756- wp 1823) married Mary Digges (1748-1814)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Fitzhugh, John (-1772) married Elizabeth Harrison (1737-)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Fitzhugh, John Thornton (1749-1809) married Margaret Helm Foote (c 1748-c 1789)- QA William Fitzhugh A2703
Fitzpatrick, Benjamin (1746-1821) married Mary Perkins (c 1748-1784)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fitzpatrick, Benjamin (1746/7-1821) married Sarah Jones (c 1761-wp 1830)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Fitzpatrick, Joseph (1723-wp 1781) married Mary Perrin Woodson (1727-1833)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fitzpatrick, William (1744-1823) married (Celia) Ann Phillips (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fitzpatrick, William (1744-1809) married Celia Anne Phillips (1753-1809)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fleet, John (1724- wp 1793) married Mary Edwards (c 1759-1792)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Fleet, William (1757-1833) married Sarah (Browne) Tomlin (1776-1818)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Fleet, William III (1757-1833) married Sarah Browne Tomlin (1776-1818)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Flournoy, Samuel (1727-1780) married Elizabeth Harris ( - c 1791)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Floyd, James (c. 1763- wp1822) married Catherine Kellam (c. 1765- )- QA Anthony West A9499
Fontaine, Joseph (1748-1813) married Mary Polly Goode (1756-1812)- QA John Woodson A9103
Forbes, John (1757-1804) married Elizabeth Marshall (1765-)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Ford, Arthur (c 1720-wp 1773) married Winifred (Sallie) Pace (c 1732-liv 1779)- QA Samuel Macock A5108
Ford, Edward (1738-wp 1815 c) married Elizabeth Keith (1745-1821 c)- QA William Randolph A6512
Foreman, Joshua (" - c 1776) married Rebecca Martin ( - 1789)- QA Christopher Reynolds A6609
Fort, Arthur Jr. (1750-1833) married Susannah Tomlinson (1755-1820)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Fort, Arthur, Jr. (1750-1833) married Susannah Tomlinson (1755-1820)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Fort, Drury Sr (1725-1788) married Lydia Holmes (unknown)- QA Christopher Reynolds A6609
Fort, Sherwood (1759-1849) married Sarah Sally (- aft. 1845)- QA Christopher Reynolds A6609
Foster, Samuel (1741-1774) married Lydia Thacher (1744-1829)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fountain, Joseph I (1743-1813) married Mary Goode (1756-1812)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fox, Joseph ( - 1788) married Mildred Fenton ()- QA John West A8604
Fox, Thomas (1750- wp 1805) married Leah Lipscomb ( -)- QA Joseph Croshaw A2007
Fox, Thomas II (1710-1792) married Philadelphia Herndon (1745-1816)- QA John West A8604
Fox, William (1743- 1816) married Sarah Carroll (1746- abt. 1808)- QA John West A8604
Francis, Joseph () married Susanna Easley ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Francis, Joseph (ca 1750-living 1822) married Susannah "Sukey" Easley (ca 1750-wp 1801)- QA John Woodson A9103
Franklin, Reuben (ca 1750-bef 1824) married Margaret (Peggy) Franklin (ca 1750-bef 1829)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Freeman, Henry (1747/8-wp 1821) married Elizabeth / Betty Thrower (-on or aft 1813)- QA John Bishop A811
Freeman, Joseph (1724-1777) married Phebe Paine (1728- 1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Freeman, Josiah (c 1715- wp 1774) married Phoebe/Phebe Stokes ( - wp 1778)- QA John Bishop A811
French, Hugh (c 1746-wp 1800) married Sarah "Sally" Mosby (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Friend, Joseph (-wp 1825) married Elizabeth Bass (1748-)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Friend, Thomas Jr. (1733-1768) married Sarah Bass (1743-1827)- QA William Cox A1909
Friend, Thomas Jr. (1733-1768) married Sarah Bass (1743-1827)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Frost, John (1739-1831) married Huldah Munson (1742-1802)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Fry, Henry (1738-1823) married Susan Walker (1746-1808)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Fuller, Consider (1738-) married Lydia Bryant (1741-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fuller, David (1727/8- 1774) married Desire Hopkins (1732/3- liv. 1774)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fuller, Jesse (1748-1826) married Ruth Prince (1758-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fuqua, John (c 1728-by 1771 c) married Susannah Bates (c 1738-1771)- QA John Bates A604
Fuqua, Joseph (ca 1733-on or bef 1793) married Elizabeth Beford (1752-on or bef 1785)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Fuqua, Moses (1738-1811) married Judith Woodson (1743-1799)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fuqua, Moses Sr. (c 1738-wp 1811) married Judith Woodson (c 1743-1799)- QA John Woodson A9103
Gaines, Henry (c 1737- 1830) married Ann George (1735- c 1801)- QA George Fawdone/Fowden A2607
Gaines, Henry (c 1737-1830) married Martha Ann George (1735-1801 c)- QA John George A3003
Gaines, Rev Henry (ca 1736-1830) married Ann George (1735-ca 1803)- QA John George A3003
Gaither, Basil (1751-1802) married Margaret Watkins (-)- QA John Chew A1606
Gaither, Benjamin (1744- wp 1788) married Rachel Jacob (1746-1783)- QA John Gaither A2913
Gaither, Edward (1714- 1777) married Eleanor Whittle ()- QA John Chew A1606
Gaither, Henry (1724-) married Martha Ridgely ( -aft 1790)- QA John Chew A1606
Gaither, John (1738-wp 1811) married Ann Jacob(s) (-1809)- QA John Gaither A2913
Gaither, John Rogers (1745-1825) married Mary Perry (c 1758-1820 c)- QA John Chew A1606
Gaither, John VI (ca 1740-wp 1811) married Anne Jacob (ca 1742-ca 1800)- QA John Gaither A2913
Gaither, Richard (c. 1745-wd 1823) married Sarah Jacob (c. 1739-bef. 1823)- QA John Gather, I
Gallahue, William (ca 1730-on or bef 1754) married Ann / Nancy Kenner (ca 1730 -34-aft 1790)- QA Richard Kenner A4510
Garland, Capt Samuel (1747-1797) married Elizabeth Edmunds (1751-1806)- QA John Flood / Fludd A2709
Garland, Nathaniel (1750-1793) married Jane Rodes (abt 1747-wd 1830 /c/)- QA David Crawford A1914
Garlington, Christopher IV (1729-wp 1808) married Miss Young (-)- QA William Ball I A406
Garlington, Joseph (1753-1802) married Dorcus (1761- aft. 1802)- QA William Ball A406
Garlinton, Christopher IV (1729-wp 1808) married Hannah Young (c 1733-1810)- QA Wiliam Ball A406
Garrett, Edward (1733-1794) married Ann Owsley (1744-1823)- QA Thomas Owsley A5811
Garrison, John (1733-1796) married Susannah Crosby (1740-1819)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Garthright, William (ca 1743-1801) married Judith Finch (-wp 1828)- QA John Woodson A9103
Gascoigne, Thomas (1718-on or bef 1791) married Hannah Bright (ca 1720-aft 1791)- QA John Fisher A9504
Gaskins, Thomas (ca 1723-wp 1785) married Sarah Lee (-bef 1784)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Gates, Edward (1727-1818) married Rebecca (c. 1740- aft. 1810)- QA Francis Epes A2502
Gates, James (1741-1821) married Priscilla Jackson ( - 1768)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Gay, Daniel (ca 1749-1812) married Sarah Kelly (1754-1847)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9141
Gay, David (1739-1815) married Thankful Hayward (1745-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Gay, William (c 1748-1815) married Frances Trent (1753-1780)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Geer, Roger (1753-1845) married Kezia Tucker (1757-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Geer, Roger (1753-1845) married Keziah Tucker (1757-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
George, James ( -wp 1799) married Elizabeth Noden (-)- QA John George A3003
George, John (bapt 1704-1784) married Mary [Jordan] (-1740-1760)- QA John George A3003
George, John (1704-1784) married Mary Jordan (-)- QA John George A3003
George, Johnadab (c 1744- wp 1813) married Sarah Elizabeth George (c 1744- bef. 1815)- QA John George A3003
George, Martin (c. 1724- 1787) married Ellen Tapscott (c. 1729- by 1809)- QA Edward Dale A2103
George, Reuben (ca 1730-1799) married Mildred Rogers (ca 1733-bef 1799)- QA John George A3003
George, William Sr (1760-1827) married Nancy Garthwright (ca 1770-1838)- QA John George A3003
Gerald, Gabriel (1754-bef 1806) married Elizabeth (c 1753-aft 1810)- QA John Talliaferro A7807
Gibbons, Thomas (1734-1811/12) married Ann Eppes (1743-1779)- QA Francis Epes, I
Gibbons, Thomas (1734-1812) married Ann Epps (1743-1809)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Gibbons, Thomas (1734-1812) married Anne Eppes (1743-1809)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Gibbons, Thomas III (1734-1812) married Ann Epes (1743- c 1809)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Gibson, Jonathan ( - wp 1791) married Susannah Harrison ( - bef. 1791)- QA John Catlett II A1414
Giles, William (- wp 1794) married Ann Branch (1731/38-1792)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Gilliam, Devereaux (c 1740-1809) married Edith Ellis (1743-1818)- QA John Knowles A4610
Gilliam, John (1761-1823) married Hannah Sampson (1763-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Gilliam, Robert (1740-1793) married Lucy Skelton (1743-wp 1789)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Gilliss, Capt Thomas (1695/97-wp 1780) married Priscilla Denwood (ca 1701-ca 1743)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Gilmer, John (1748-1793/4) married Mildred Meriwether (1753-1790)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Gilmer, John Blair (1748- wp 1794) married Mildred Thornton Meriwether (1753-1826)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Glascock, George W (1743-1787) married Martha "Patty" Howard (c 1741-1826)- QA William Ball A406
Gleason, Joseph (1721-1809) married Hannah Colton (c 1721-1809)- QA John Vassall A9471
Glen, Jeremiah (1742- wp 1809) married Ann Blagrave (c 1746- 1823)- QA David Mansfield A5202
Glen, Jeremiah (1742- wp 1809) married Anne Blagrave (1744-1823)- QA David Mansell A5202
Glenn, Jeremiah (c 1741-wp 1809 c) married Anne Blagrave (c 1746-1823)- QA David Mainsfield A5111
Godfrey, David (1732-1813) married Elizabeth Harris (1746-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Godfrey, Josiah (1728- 1790) married Eunice Godfrey (1731- 1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Godwin, James (-ca 1770) married Sarah Kinchen (-ca 1773)- QA Robert Pitt A6208
Godwin, Mathew (ca 1726-ca 1779) married Charlotte Darley (ca 1717-ca 1798)- QA Robert Pitt A6208
Godwin, Mathew (-by 1779) married Charlotte Darley (-ca 1798)- QA Robert Pitt A6208
Godwin, Mills (1760-1826) married Sarah "Sally" Blunt (1758-1835)- QA Thomas Gray
Godwin, Samuel (1750- by 1802) married Esther (1752-)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Godwin, Shemuel (1750-by 1802) married Esther (-)- QA Thomas Godwin, Sr. A3007
Godwin, Thomas (1710-wp 1779) married Mary Pitt (1734-1778)- QA Thomas Godwin A3007
Goode , Edward (c 1749-1798) married Mary (Polly) Turpin (1754-1822)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Goode, Bennett (-wp 1771) married Martha Jefferson (aft 1709-1797)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Goode, Edward (1721-1795) married Judith Morton (1726- c 1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Goode, Edward (1749-wp 1798) married Mary Turpin (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Goode, Edward II (1720- by 1796) married Judith Morton (1726- c 1800)- QA John Woodson A9103
Goode, Edward IV (c 1748- wp 1798) married Mary Turpin (1754-1822)- QA John Woodson A9103
Goode, Francis (1744-1795) married Alice Harris (-1824)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Goode, John IV (1741-by 1803) married Rebecca J Pulley (1762-1852)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Goode, Richard (c 1755- 1840) married Nancy Charlotte Poindexter (c 1762- aft. 1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Goode, Robert (1743-1809) married Sally Bland (1750-1807)- QA Theodrick Bland A906
Goodenow, Micah (1731/c /c/-1813) married Abigail Gibbs (1732-1772)- QA John Vassall A9471
Gooding, Samuel (c 1751-1809) married Hannah Ring (1773-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Goodloe, Thomas (1754-1813) married Dorothy Waller (1740- liv. 1819)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Goodman, Benjamin Lewis (c 1728-1781) married Mariah Williams /c/ (1733-1802)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Goodrich, Benjamin (-wp 1803) married Lucy (-bef 1803)- QA Charles Goodrich A3010
Goodrich, Edward Jr (-1791) married Anne Briggs (-aft 1791)- QA Charles Goodrich A3010
Goodwin, James (1710-1757) married Elizabeth Chisman Chapman (1709-1782)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Goodwin, John (1735-1783) married Elizabeth Doswell (c 1743-1814)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Goodwin, John Doswell (on or bef 1731-on or bef 1818) married Jane Peatross (1780-1790-1830-1840)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Goodwin, Peter (ca 1730-on or bef 1799) married Martha (-on or aft 1798)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Goodwin, Peter (c 1737-aft 1780) married Sarah Coleman (c 1739-)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Goodwin, Robert (1739-1789) married Jane Tulloch (1743-1795)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Goodwin, Robert (1739-1789) married Jane Tulloh (1749-1822)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Gookin, Edmund (1738-1810) married Abigail Allin/Allen (1740-1832)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Gordon, Alexander (1750-1773) married Mary Murray (1754-1823)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Gordon, James (1759-1799) married Elizabeth Gordon (1758-)- QA Benjamin Harrison 1605 - 1645 A3509
Gordon, John (-1780) married Lucy Churchill (1737-1768)- QA Benjamin Harrison A3508
Gordon, Thomas (bef 1763-) married Margaret "Peggy" Murray (1748/9-1779)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Gordon, Thomas (bef 1763-) married Margaret / Peggy Murray (1748/9-1779)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Gordon, Thomas (-) married Margaret Murray (1748-1779)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Gordon, Thomas ( -) married Margaret Peggy Murray (1748/9- 1779)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Gorsuch, Benjamin (1730-liv 1796) married ()- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Gorsuch, John (c 1740-aft 1813) married Belinda Bosley (-)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Gorsuch, Nicholas (1756-buried 1796) married Mary Lively (-)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Gorsuch, Thomas Jr. (c 1720-+wp 1777) married ()- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Goss, Nathaniel (c 1748/9-1812) married Hannah Scott (1755-1824)- QA John Vassall A9471
Goss, Philip IV (1725-1778) married Mary Kendall (ca 1721-1821)- QA John Vassall A9471
Goss, Solomon (1754-1825) married Olive Scott (1757-1825)- QA John Vassall A9471
Gouldman, Richard (-ca 1799) married (-)- QA Thomas Gouldman A3111
Granberry, William (1731/2-1790) married Mary Peele (unknown)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Graves, Elijah (1730- 1799) married Lucretia Lewis ( -)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Graves, Ralph /c/ (-1795 c) married Latitia Power (-)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A1913
Graves, Richard Croshaw (1734-1798) married Elizabeth Valentine ( -)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Graves, William (- wp 1782) married Ann (( ))- QA Raleigh Croshaw A1913
Graves, William (c 1743- wp 1786) married Mary ( - aft. 1786)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Graves, William (1730- 1786) married Mary Chisolm Jones (c 1735- aft 1790)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Graves, William (1756-) married (( ))- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Gray, Thomas (1741-1829) married Charity [Goodwin?] (1747-on or aft 1829)- QA Thomas Gray
Green, William (c 1727- wp 1770) married Ann Coleman (c 1731- wp 1804)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Greenhill, David (ca 1718-1772) married Catherine Claiborne (ca 1725-on or aft 1788)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Greenhill, Samuel (aft 1752-by 1798 /c/) married Mary /c/ Pettway (1762 /c/-aft 1812)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Greenhill, Samuel (aft 1752-on or bef 1798) married Mary P "Molly" Pettiway (1762-aft 1812)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Greenleaf, Stephen (1735-1802) married Eunice Fairbanks (1739-1826)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Greenleaf, Stephen Jr. (1759-1850) married Anna Sargent (1760-1813)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Gregg, Matthew (1745-1832) married Nancy Ann gibson (1750-1832)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Gregory, Roger (1729-1803) married (Garland) Mallory Loury (-1816)- QA John West A8604
Gregory, Roger (1729-1803) married Fanny (Garland) Loury (-1816)- QA Gov John West
Gregory, Roger (1729-1803) married Fanny (garland) Mallory Loury ( - 1816)- QA John West A8604
Gregory, Roger (1729-1803) married Mary Cole Claiborne (1730-1771)- QA John West A8604
Gregory, Roger Jr (1761-1811) married Sarah Southerland (-ca 1817)- QA John West A8604
Gregory, Roger Sr (1729-1803) married Mary Cole Claiborne (-1771)- QA John West A8604
Griffin, William (1740- by 1807) married Mary "Mollie" Cleaver Henry (c 1750- aft. 1810)- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Griffith, Charles Jr. (1719/20-1803) married Ann Davidge (c 1727- )- QA John Wilkins A8808
Griffith, Henry Jr. (1745-1809) married Sarah Davis Norwood (1739-1805)- QA John Chew A1606
Griffith, Henry Sr. (c 1719- 1794) married Ruth Hammond (1733-1782)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Griffith, Samuel (1752-1833) married Rachel Warfield (1757-1775)- QA John Gaither A2913
Grills, John (c 1725-wd 1802) married Phiiladelphia (-wd 1789)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Grills, John (1725-1803) married Philadelphia (1730- aft. 1789)- QA Adria Hoare A9436
Gross, Simon (1709-1796) married Phebe Knowles (1725- 1787)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Grozer, John (1759-1801) married Polly Pepper (( ))- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Grymes, Benjamin (1724-1779) married Priscilla Rootes ( - aft 1786)- QA George Reade A6606
Grymes, Benjamin (1725-c 1776) married Priscilla Rootes (-aft 1807)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Gunby, James (1747- 1824) married Mary (1758- 1834)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Haatcher, Frederick (-wp 1783 c) married Sarah Woodson (c 1740-wp 1813 c)- QA John Woodson A9103
Hack, George (1743-1817) married Margaret Teackle (1749-1823)- QA John Mottrom A5701
Hack, Peter Hack (1716-1802) married Ann Custis (1725-1790)- QA John Mottrom A5701
Haile, Lewis (c 1742-1802) married Mary Burwell /c/ (c 1744-1809)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Hairston, George (1750-1827) married Elizabeth Perkins (1759-1818)- QA John Knowles A4610
Hale, Lewis (1742-1802) married Mary Burwell (1744- 1809)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Hale, Lewis Sr. (1742-1802) married Mary Burwell (1744-1809)- QA Dorothy BeDell
Hale, Lewis, Sr. (1742 /c/-1802) married Mary Burwell (1744-1809)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Hale/Heale, George (1726-1806) married Sarah Smith (1732-1803)- QA Augustine Warner I A8303
Hall, Charles, Jr. (1656-) married Martha Davis (1676-)- QA James Davis A2106
Hall, Hugh (c 1730-wp 1771) married Mary Dixon (1733-wp 1788)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Hall, Isaac (1748-1834) married Ann White (1752-1806)- QA Thomas Jordan
Hall, John (1757-1822) married Elizabeth Ward (1758-1852)- QA James Davis A2106
Hall, John (Bapt 1758-wp 1833) married Sarah "Sally" Clark (1760-by 1832)- QA John Claxon A9720
Hall, John (1758-wp 1833) married Sarah Clark (1760-1832)- QA John Claxon A9720
Hall, Joshua (1727-) married Sarah ()- QA James Davis A2106
Hamilton, John (1728-1806) married Joanna Woolcott/Sillcott (1732-1813)- QA John Vassall
Hamilton, Thomas (1745-1807) married Ann Hodgkin (1758-1819)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Hamlett, James Jr. (1751-wp 1819) married Mary Coleman Bedford (c 1751-1819 c)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Hamlin, Charles (c 1734- wp 1786) married Agnes Cocke (c 1737- 1800)- QA Temperence Bayley A405
Hamlin, Stephen (bef 1721-wp 1775) married Sarah (Poythress) Cryer (1731-aft 1788)- QA Stephen Hamlin A3309
Hammock, John (-1770) married Mary Martin (bef 1746-1778)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah (1722-1782) married Betty Pullen (1727-1786)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah (1756-1848) married Elilzabeth Skaggs (1756-)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah (1756-1848) married Elizabeth Skaggs (1756-)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah / Obadiah (ca 1722-ca 1782) married Betty Pullen (ca 1727-ca 1786)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah / Obadiah (1756-1848) married Elizabeth Skaggs (ca 1756-)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond, Obediah (1722-1782) married Betty Pullen (1727-1786)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Hammonds, Peter (1759-1842) married Unknown ( -)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Hampton, Henry (1721-1778) married Elizabeth Hobson (1723-1761)- QA Thomas Hampton A3403
Hampton, James (1723-wd 1796) married Martha Mary Smith (-)- QA William Hampton A3404
Hampton, James (c 1745-by 1786) married Rachel Freeman (c 1755-aft 1800)- QA William Hampton A3404
Hampton, John III (1734-wp 1801) married Elizabeth (-)- QA William Hampton A3404
Hampton, Thomas (c 1755-wd 1817) married Abigail "Abbey" Laws (c 1756-c 1817)- QA William Hampton A3404
Hampton, Thomas (1728-1797) married Sarah Pattison Conyers ()- QA William Hampton A3404
Hancock, Benjamin (-wp 1777) married Jane (-aft 1771)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Hancock, Capt John (1753-on or bef 1827) married Ann "Nancy" Graves (1756-1846)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Hancock, Edward (1754-wp 1836) married Jane Nichols (-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Edward (1754-1836) married Jane /c/ Nichols (1767-aft 1843)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Hancock, John (-bef 1763) married Martha (-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Samuel (c 1730- wp 1813) married Mildred Dawson (c 1740-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Simon (ca 1733-wp 1791) married Jane Flournoy (-ca 1806)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Simon (1717-wp 1791) married Jean Flournoy (1726-1806)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Simon (1726-wp 1791 ) married Jean Jane Flourney (1726-1806)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Handy, Zacheus (1708-1787) married Susanna Morse (1724-1791)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hansford, John (1765-1850) married Jane Morris (1770-1854)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Hansford, William (1727-1779) married Mary Sarah Hyde (1730-1779)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Hardaway, Thomas (1734-1781) married Sarah White Jones (-1761)- QA John Stith A7608
Harding, William (1743- d. by 1797) married Obiendence Hutchins (1744- aft. 1807)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Hargett, Peter (-1797) married Ann Isler (-)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Hargrave, James (1758-1840) married Sallie (Sarah) Eppes (1770-1834)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Harris, Christopher (1725- wp 1794) married Mary Dabney (1726- bef. 1769)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Harris, Francis (-wp 1827) married Ann Diuguid (ca 1754-1836)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Harris, Giles (1766-1844) married Elisabeth Thurman (( ))- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Harris, Handy MD (1760-1805) married Ann Irving (1768-1852)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Harris, John (c. 1747- 1822) married Jane (c. 1755-1820)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Harris, John (c 1747-1822 c) married Jane Hambleton (c 1755-1820 c)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Harris, Matthew (1737-1805) married Elizabeth Tate (1746-1834)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Harris, Randolph (c 1750-1815 c) married Mary Seward (-1795 c)- QA William Canfield A1501
Harrison, Battaile (c 1720-wp 1776) married Frances White (-1786)- QA John Battaile A608
Harrison, Benjamin (1726-1791) married Elizabeth Bassett (1730-1796)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Harrison, Benjamin ( - 1808) married Mary Newel ( -)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Harrison, Benjamin III (1742-1807) married Evelyn Taylor Byrd (-)- QA Benjamin Harrison A3508
Harrison, Carter Henry (1729- wp1794) married Susanna Randolph ()- QA Benjamin Harrison, I A3509
Harrison, Carter Henry (1726-wp 1794) married Susannah Randolph (1738-)- QA Robert "King" Carter A1407
Harrison, James (1748-1815) married Elizabeth Hampton (1758-1799)- QA William Hampton A3404
Harrison, James /c/ (1748 /c/-1815) married Elizabeth /c/ Hampton (1758 /c/-1799 /c/)- QA Thomas Hampton A303
Harrison, Nathanial (1724-1782) married Mary Ruffin (1739-1767)- QA Benjamin Harrison A3509
Harrison, Nathaniel (1742-1782) married Mary Ruffin (1739-1767)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Harrison, Nathaniel II (1703-1791) married Mary Digges (ca 1717-1744)- QA Benjamin Harrison A3508
Harrison, Reuben (c 1750-bef 1824) married Margaret "Peggy" Franklin (c 1750-bef 1829)- QA John Battaile A608
Harrison, Reuben (ca 1750-bef 1824) married Margaret (Peggy) Franklin (ca 1750-bef 1829)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Harrison, William (1739-1811) married Ann Payne (1748-1807)- QA John Woodson A9103
Harrison, William (1739-wp 1811) married Anna Payne (ca 1748-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Harrison, William (1747- 1789) married Rebecca Dent (1749-1783)- QA Gerrard Fowke A2901
Hart, Arthur (1730/1735-will 1788) married Martha Warren (-)- QA William Spencer A7505
Hart, Edward (1755-1812) married Nancy Ann Stout (1756-1844)- QA Warham St Leger A7509
Hart, Henry (1724-1785) married Pricilla Sessons (1743- c 1797)- QA William Spencer A7505
Hart, Henry (1724-wp 1785 c) married Priscilla Sessums (1743-wp 1798 c)- QA William Spencer A7505
Hart, Robert (c. 1756- 1811) married Hannah Holiday (1765-1833)- QA Robert Sheppard A7105
Hart, Robert (ca 1750-ca 1807) married Mary (ca 1765-aft 1850)- QA William Spencer A7505
Harvey, Thomas (c. 1736- wp1806) married Sarah Ann (c. 1745- aft. 1814)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Harvey, Thomas (c 1740-wp 1806) married Sarah Ann Williams (c 1750-aft 1814)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Harvie, John (1706-1767) married Martha Gaines (1722-1802)- QA George Taylor A7811
Harwell, Ishmael (c 1740-by 1783) married Mary Hardaway (1743-1825 c)- QA John Stith A7608
Harwood, Absalom (1743- aft. 1810) married unknown ( -)- QA Cicely Baley A9447
Harwood, William (c 1724- 1804) married Mary ( -)- QA Cicely Baley A9447
Haskell, John (1749-bef 1836) married Deborah Meacham (1757-aft 1830)- QA John Vassall A9471
Haskell, John (1749-1820) married Deborah Meachum (1757-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Hatch, Matthew (1735-1804) married Freelove Sherman (1734/5- 1824)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Hatcher, Benjamin (c 1740-1781) married Lucy (c 1745-1839)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Benjamin (bef 1745-1780) married Lucy (1745-1839)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Benjamin (c. 1740-1781) married Lucy (c. 1745-1839)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Henry (c 1728-wp 1800) married Phoebe /c/ (c 1735-bef 1761)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Jameston Jr. (by 1743-by 1818) married ()- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Julius (c 1745- wp 1807) married Nancy Ann Alexander ( -)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Julius F Sr. (c 1753-wp 1807 c) married Nancy Ann Hill (c 1754-1807 c)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Nathaniel (bef. 1747- by 1787) married Tabitha Farmer (c 1754- by 1825)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Robert (1726- aft. 1803) married Ann (1730- aft. 1803)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Robert (c 1729-1803) married Ann Sanders (c 1730-aft 1776)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, William Jr. (c 1740- wp 1820) married Martha Vickers (c 1744- by 1818)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Hawes, Samuel (1727-c 1793) married Ann Walker (1731-)- QA Raleigh Croshaw/Crashaw A2008
Hawes, Samuel (1727-1794 c) married Anne Walker (1731-1794)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A1913
Hawkins, Thomas (aft. 1750-1822) married Elizabeth Powell ( - 1771)- QA Thomas Hawkins A3609
Hawkins, Thomas (1758-by 1822) married Elizabeth Powell (-1831)- QA Thomas Lucas A5007
Hay, David Parham (-1825) married Miss Williams (-)- QA Armiger Wade A8207
Haynie, Daniel (- wp1794) married Judith Fleet ()- QA John Haney/Haynie A3406
Haynie, Peter (1733-1777) married Sinar Humphries (c 1735-)- QA John Haynie A3406
Hayward, William (c 1737-1814) married Sidney Pierpoint (-1802)- QA John Chew A1606
Heale, George (1726-wp 1806) married Sarah Smith (1732-aft 1803)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Heape, Benjamin (1726-1767) married Sarah Davis (1727-1816)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Heape, John (1766-1848) married Mary Jaudon (1774-1855)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Heard, Capt Thomas (ca 1742-1808) married Elizabeth Napier Fitzpatrick (1750-1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Heard, Thomas (1742-1808) married Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (1750- aft 1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Heard, Thomas (c 1742- 1808) married Elizabeth Napier Fitzpatrick (" - 1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Hendrick, Asa (1750-bef 1823) married Ann Caroline Powell (1780-)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Hendrick, Benjamin (1730-1818) married Rachel Graves (1734-c. 1799)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Hendry, Alexander (1744-aft 1819) married Thankful Cromartin (1768-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Henley, John (1745- 1815) married Mary Albertson (1745-1795)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Henry Chiles (. - 1811) married Judith X (. - a. 1811)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Henry, Alexander (ca 1760-1819) married Thankful Cromartie (1768-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Henry, Patrick (1736-1799) married Dorothea Dandridge /c/ (c 1757-1831)- QA John West A8604
Henry, Patrick (1736-1799) married Dorothea S Dandridge (1757-1831)- QA John West
Henry, Trent I (-by 1808) married Sarah (-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Hervey, Thomas (c 1741- wp 1806) married Sarahann ( - aft. 1806)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Hervey/Hervey, Thomas (c. 1741- wp 1806) married Sarahann ( - aft. 1806)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Heyward, William (c 1737-1814) married Sidney Pierpoint ( - 1802)- QA John Chew A1606
Higgins, Heman (1740-1778) married Eunice Sexton ( - 1788)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Jonathan (1734-c 1821) married Sarah Combs /c/ (-c 1767)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Ruben (1750-1829) married Mercy Hopkins (1758-1817/8)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Samuel (1742-1811) married Sarah Blachley (1746-1779/80)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Thomas (1704-ca 1789) married Abigail Paine (1707-1743)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Thomas (1729/30-1809) married Anne Treat (ca 1733-on or bef 1777)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
High, David (c 1725- wp 1795) married Susannah Westmoreland (1729- aft. 1795)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
High, Samuel (c 1740- wp 1813) married Clara Jackson (c 1744-1800)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Hill, Clement (1748-1807) married Eleanor Brent (1756-1827)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Hill, Lewis (1750-c 1827) married Lucretia Moreland (aft 1750-bef 1803)- QA Robert Hubbard A4106
Hilliard, Isaac (1738-1790) married Leah Crafford (1749-1823)- QA William Spencer A7504
Hinckley, Nathaniel (1738-) married Mercy Nickerson (1746-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hines, Charles (1743- bef. 1789) married Elizabeth Hugh Hall (1748-1782)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Hinton, Henry ( - wp 1821) married Ann Fleet ( - )- QA Henry Fleet A2705
Hinton, Samuel (-by 1789 c) married Barbary James ()- QA William Fleete A9428
Hix, William (c 1750-by 1829) married Prudence Farmer (c 1755-by 1829 )- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Hobday, Robert (1744-1797) married Talitha Cotton (c 1752-1770 c)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Hobson, John (1734-wp 1762) married Winifred Wildey] ()- QA Henry Fleet A2705
Hockaday, James (-by 1787) married Mary (-by 1799)- QA William Hockaday A3907
Hodges, Seth (1753-1847) married Margaret Hodges (1765-1856)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hodsden, William (ca 1725-wp 1797) married Sarah Bridger (bef 1751-aft 1797)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Holcombe, John (1750-by 1818) married Martha Venable (1751-1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Holman, William (1724-1796) married Susannah Thompson (1728- by 1817)- QA John George A8465
Holmes, Jabez (1723-by 1797 /c/) married Experience Cleveland (1728-1805)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Holt, Charles (-aft 1786) married Sarah [Bell] (-)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Holt, Dibdall (c 17271800 c) married Elizabeth Cocke (-aft 1773)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Frederick (-wp 1801) married Rebeccah Putney (-wp 1826)- QA John Bayly A704
Holt, James (c 1755- 1837) married Lydia Read (c. 1752- 1837)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, John IV (-wp 1783) married (-)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Martin (c 1741-c 1773) married Adah Mapp (c 1741-c 1776)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Holt, Joseph (1755 /c/-c 1834) married Nancy Brinkley /c/ (c 1747-c 1795)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Nathaniel (ca 1740-on or bef 1814) married Abbigail (Abby) (Abba) Clanton (1742-on or aft 1814)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Holt, Thomas (ca 1700-wp 1788) married (-)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Thomas (ca 1728-wp 1794) married Ann [Arrington] (ca 1730-1798)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Thomas (c 1728- wp 1794) married Ann Arrington (1730- 1798)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Thomas, Jr. (ca 1728-wp 1794) married Ann Arrington (ca 1730-bef 1798)- QA William Spencer A7505
Homer, Robert (1742-) married Sears, Jerushah (1740-1803)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hooe, Henry Dade (1747-on or bef 1807) married Jane Fitzhugh (ca 1772-1825)- QA Rice Hooe / Hoe A4007
Hooe, Howson Jr (1726-wp 1796) married Mary Dade (1727-on or bef 1809)- QA Rice Hoe / Hooe A4007
Hooe, Howson Sr (1696-wp 1781) married Ann(e) Frances Harris (ca 1700-on or aft 1781)- QA Rice Hooe / Hoe A4007
Hooe, Howson Sr (1696-wp 1781) married Anne Frances Harris (1703-)- QA Rice Hoe / Hooe A4007
Hooe, Richard (1727-) married Anna Dent Ireland ()- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Hooe, William (1743- wp1809) married Frances Pratt (- wp1830)- QA Rice Hoe/Hooe A4007
Hopkins, Arthur ( - wp 1776) married Judith Jefferson ( - by 1776)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Hopkins, Constant Jr. (1747-1817) married Elizabeth Paine (1757-1835)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Edward (1748-bef 1820) married Mary Mayo (c 1748-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Elijah (bap 1741- wp1813) married Joanna Parish (1755- c 1790)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Elijah (1741-1813) married Joanna Parrish (1755-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Francis (1737- wp 1804) married Jane Cox ( - 1815)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Hopkins, Isaac (1712-1774) married Thankful Smith (1721/2-1760)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, James (1755-1819) married Reliance Crowell (1759-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, John (1748 - 1813) married Hannah Clark ( - )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Johnathan (1719/20-) married Rebecca Freeman (1720-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Jonathan (1719/20-) married Rebecca Freeman (1720-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Joseph (1751-1833) married Elizabeth Townsend (1755-1837)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Joseph (1750-1800) married Mercy/Mary Higgins (1750-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Prence (1731-1800) married Patience Snow (1732-1823)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Samuel (1724-1761) married Mehitable Snow (1731-1801-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Simeon (1731/2- 1822) married Bette/Betsey Cobb (1732- aft. 1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Theophilus (1728/9-1819) married Tabatha Eldridge Kenwrick (-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Theophilus (c 1728/9 /c/-c 1819) married Tabitha (Eldredge) /c/ Kenrick (-c 1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Horne / Horn, William (1738-living 1791) married Mary Thomas (on or aft 1742-)- QA John English A9426
Howard, Ephraim (1739-1813) married Sarah Blair (1744-c 1815)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howard, Francis (1739-1785) married Anne Allen (1745-1777)- QA John Hayward A3707
Howard, Francis (1739/40-1785) married Sarah F Johnston (1758-)- QA John Chew A1606
Howard, Francis (1739-wp 1785) married Sarah Johnston (1758-aft 1840)- QA John Chew A1606
Howard, Francis (1739-1785) married Anne Allen (1745-1777)- QA William Barbar A411
Howard, Groves (1733-wp 1807) married Hannah Allen (bapt 1717-on or aft 1804)- QA John Hayward / Heyward / Howard A3707
Howard, Henry (1725-wp 1781) married Priscilla Farrar (c. 1740- wp 1808)- QA Cicely Baley A9447
Howard, Thomas Gassaway (1740-1803) married Frances Holland (1747-1814)- QA John Utie A8206
Howe, Abner (1747-aft 1780) married (-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Nehemiah (1720/1-1777) married Beulah "Betsy" Wheeler (1724-ca 1799)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Nehemiah (1720/1-1777) married Beulah Wheeler (1724-1799 c)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Nehemiah (1720/1-1777) married Bulah Wheeler (1724-c 1799)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Nehimah (1720-1777) married Beulah Wheeler (1724-1799)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Peter (1756-1842) married Orinda Fuller (1761/2-1835)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Phineas (1733-) married Experience Pollard (1741-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howell, Isaac (1735/6- c 1825) married Abigail Freeman (1738- 1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hubbard, George (abt 1722-by 1791) married Judith Crew (abt 1723-bef 1789)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Hubbard, Peter (1756-1844) married Mary Ann Odom (1761-1826)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Hubbard, Peter II (1756-1844) married Mary Ann Odom (1761-1826)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Hubbard, Peter N (1725-1775) married Agnes Chiles (1725-1773)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Hubbard, Peter, Jr. (1756 /c/-1844) married Mary /c/ (1761-1826)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Hudnall, Joseph Jr. (1737-1835) married Mary Taylor (c 1740- 1790)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Hudson, Charles (c 1717- aft. 1776) married Susanna Patrick (c 1720- aft. 1784)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hudson, Irby, Sr. (c 1752-wp 1806) married Phebe Featherstone (c 1754-1821)- QA Thomas Harris A3505
Hudson, William /c/ (1750-wp 1821 c) married Tafveneus "Taffanus" Moore (c 1767-aft 1821)- QA William Farrar A2604
Hudspeth, Giles (-wp 1797) married Elizabeth Bradford (c 1730-wp 1803)- QA William Barker A503
Huffington, William Sr. (1738-wp 1819) married Susannah Coulbourn (1745-1819)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Hughes, Gabriel (1724-1783) married Ann Lane (1722-aft 1800)- QA Mordecai Cooke A1810
Hume, William (c 1747-by 1796) married Annie ()- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hunnicutt, Glaister Sr (1732-1781) married Jane Pleasants (-c 1797)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Hunt, James (aft 1729 c-wp 1805 c) married Mary Rackley (c 1747-aft 1811)- QA James Knott A4609
Hunt, James Sr (1732-1804) married Mary Rackley (1727-aft 1805)- QA James Knott A4609
Hunt, James, Sr. (1732-wp 1805) married Mary Rackley (1735-ca 1803)- QA James Knott A4609
Hunt, Judkins (1747- wp 1817) married Martha Batte (1749- 1809)- QA Henry Batt € A605
Hunt, William (1726-1802) married Mary Wheeler (1732-1811)- QA John Vassall A9471
Hutchens, Nicholas (1740-1825) married Sarah Ladd (1744-1806)- QA William Cox A1909
Hutchins, Benjamin (1756-1836) married Judith McGehee (1758/9 /c/-1813)- QA William Cox A1909
Hutchins, John (1738- wd 1824) married Alice Standley (c 1740- 1790)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Hutchins, John (1738- wp 1825) married Alice Stanley ( -)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Hutchins, John (1738-1825) married Jane Braswell (aft 1755-1832)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Hutchins, Nicholas (1740-1825) married Sarah Ladd (1744-1806)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Hutchins, Strangeman (1707-1792) married Elizabeth Cox (1713-1816)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Hutchins, Thomas (1746- wp 1802) married Patty Chiles (1757- c. 1779)- QA William Cox€ A1908
Hutchison, Thomas (1760-1812) married Verlinda Owsley (1764- 1813)- QA Thomas Owsley/Ousley A5811
Hyatt, Eli (1754-wp 1815 /c/) married Mary Ann Warfield (1761-1820 /c/)- QA John Gaither, Sr. A2913
Hyde, Henry (1753-1812) married Rebecca Warren (c 1763-1829)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Hyde, Samuel (1749-1826) married Mary Rebecca Seaton (1752-1846)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Hyde, Samuel (1749-1826) married Rebecca Seaton (1752- 1846)- QA Richard Kenner A4510
Ingersoll, Isaac (1744-1776) married Susannah Small (1744- )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ingram, John (-wp 1814) married Elizabeth Chiles (-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Ingrum, John (c 1740-wp 1814 c) married Elizabeth Chiles (c 1740-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Irby, William (1752-1811) married Elizabeth Williams (1771-1820)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Ireland, John (c 1721-c 1781) married Sarah Salisbury (c 1723-c 1783)- QA Sir Ralph Eure/Ewre A5560
Irvine, John (c 1735-1814) married Mary Ann Tucker (-1816)- QA John Woodson A9103
Irving, Maj Thomas (ca 1725-wp 1784) married Sarah Gilliss (1734/5-on or bef 1780)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Isler, William (1720-1784) married Hester Williams (-)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Jackson, Charles (" - 1823) married Jean/Jane Anderson (" - 1798)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Jackson, Issac (-) married Elizabeth Claiborne (-1804)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jackson, Thomas (ca 1708-wp 1796) married Ann Mills (ca 1710-ca 1805)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Jackson, William (ca 1742-1781) married Susannah Goodwin (ca 1760-wp 1832)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Jacob, Jeremiah (bapt 1713-ca 1781) married Rachel Gaither (1718-on or bef 1781)- QA John Gaither I A2913
Jadwin, Bartholomew IV (1745-wp 1819) married Susanne Berry (c 1753-aft 1820)- QA Thomas Jadwin A4211
James Gunby (1747-1824) married Mary (1758-1834)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
James, Col Richard (-1802) married Mary Jefferson Turpin (-1806)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
James, John (c. 1732-1794) married Anne Strother (1735-aft. 1765)- QA Robert Offley A9457
James, John (1750-1819) married Lucy Mosby (1757-1819)- QA John Woodson A9103
Jarvis, Foster III (bef 1740-on or bef 1797) married Elizabeth Mason (ca 1744-1749-1790-1800)- QA Richard Foster A2807
Jarvis, Thomas (c 1735- wp 1795) married Lydia ( -)- QA Henry Woodhouse, I A9008
Jefferson, John (1742-1815) married Elizabeth Broome (c 1742- liv. 1802)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jefferson, John Robertson (c. 1742-1809) married Elizabeth Broome (c. 1744- bef. 1804)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jefferson, Peter Field (1735/6-1794) married Elizabeth Allen (1739-1828)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jefferson, Peterfield (1734/5-1794) married Elizabeth Allen (1739-wp 1828)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) married Martha Wayles (1748-1782)- QA Mary Addy A9662
Jeffreys, William (c 1743-1802) married Mary Gray ( - wp 1827)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Jenison, Abijah (1747-1830) married Mary Robinson (1754-1830)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Jessie Lane (1733-1806) married Winifred Aycock (1741-1794)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Jett, Francis (1736-1791) married Barbara Porch (1738-1817)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4012
Jett, Francis (1736-1791) married Barsheba Porch (1738-1817)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Jett, Peter (c 1717-wp 1784) married Rebecca Bowen (-1784)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Jett, Thomas (1750-1832) married Lucinda Owens (1755-1823)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Joel Crawford (1736- wp 1788) married Frances Harris (1746- wp 1814)- QA David Crawford A1914
John Farrar (c. 1738-1808) married Rebecca Puryear (c. 1740-1815)- QA William Farrar A2604
Johnson, Benjamin (1734- by 1791) married Dorothy Jones ( - wp 1792)- QA John Chew A1606
Johnson, Caleb (1724-aft 1800) married Mary Cooke (1728-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Johnson, Charles (1754-1819) married Mary "Molly" Moorman (1758- 1849)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Johnson, George ( -) married Susannah Fox (1736-by 1788)- QA John West, I A8604
Johnson, George ( -) married Susannah Fox (1736- by 1788)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Johnson, Isaac (1750- wp1817) married Judith Woodson (1758- aft. 1816)- QA JohnWoodson A9103
Johnson, James (c 1749-1795) married Mary Kendall (c 1753-1790)- QA Edmund Scarburgh I A6909
Johnson, John (c 1748-1842) married Lois Brainerd (1753-1833)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Johnson, Joshua (1763-1856) married Experience Barrows (c 1765/6-1850)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Johnson, Peter R (1770's-prob betw 1836-39) married Martha "Patsy" Alcock (1781-1857)- QA Nicholas Merwether A5408
Johnson, Richard (1740's-) married Susanna Garrett (-)- QA Nicholas Merwether A5408
Johnson, Thomas (1735-1803) married Elizabeth Meriwether (1744-1812)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Johnson, Thomas (1722-wp 1798 c) married Ursula Rowe Estes (-wp 1804 c)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Johnston, Henry ( - 1802) married Agnes Carr Waller ( - wd 1824)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Johnston, Larkin (1727-1816) married Mary Rogers (1727-1800)- QA John Chew A1606
Johnston, Larkin Chew (1727-1816) married Mary Rogers (1727-1800)- QA John Chew A1606
Johnston, Littleton / Lyttleton (1761-1842) married Lucy Childs (1756-1826)- QA John Chew A1606
Johnston, Philip I (c 1750-wp 1798 c) married Elizabeth Ann Taylor (1756-1824)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Jones, Abraham (1720- 1771) married Martha Jones (1722- 1788)- QA Henry Batt€ A605
Jones, Branch (1754-1775) married Mary Jones (1755-1815)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jones, Brereton (17116-wp 1795) married Lettice Warner (1726/7-aft 1795)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jones, Daniel (c. 1747-1795) married Catherine Crawley (- wp1834)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jones, Daniel (c. 1747-wp 1795) married Catherine Crawley Ward ()- QA Daniel Liewellin A4907
Jones, Daniel (1731-wp1782) married Judith Leak (1750- wp1788)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Jones, Daniel (1723-1772) married Sturdivant Mary (1729-)- QA Daniel Llewellyn/Luellin A4907
Jones, Edmund (ca 1749-1834) married Rachel Alston (1747-bef 1834)- QA John George A3003
Jones, Francis (1728-1801) married Rebecca Green (1729-bef 1800)- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Jones, Frederick (1732- wp 1797) married Jane Swann ( - aft. 1774)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Jones, Frederick (1745-1791) married Susanna Claiborne (1751-1810)- QA John West A8604
Jones, Godfrey (c 1725-wp 1818) married Margaret Jones (c 1726/7-by 1818)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jones, Isaac (1756-1801) married Ellen Nelley Gaither (1769-1825)- QA John Chew A1606
Jones, James (1721-1780) married Mary Bridger (1734-1863)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Jones, Jesse (c 1730-wp 1780) married Frances Calthorpe (1737-1795)- QA Christopher Calthorpe A1312
Jones, John (1735-1793) married Elizabeth binns (1740-1803)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Jones, John (-wp 1797) married Mary Cain (-)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Jones, John (c 1753-wp 1817 /c/) married Sary (c 1763-aft 1818)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Jones, John S. Jr. ( - by 1797) married Frances Barber Jones (1740 – liv. 1811)- QA Thomas Barber A501
Jones, John S. Jr. ( - by 1797) married Frances Barber Jones (1740 – liv. 1811)- QA William Barbar/Barber A411
Jones, Michael (1750-1821) married Leeanna Lee Dibrell (1759-1838)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Jones, Peter (-1804) married Elizabeth Wilkerson (-)- QA Thomas Chamberlain A1508
Jones, Peter (1751- wp 1816) married Jane Stokes (1751- wp 1829)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jones, Peter (1720-wd 1797) married Sarah F. Tanner ()- QA Ann Price Hallom Llewellyn
Jones, Peter (1720- wp 1797/99) married Sarah Tanner ( - ante 1797)- QA Daniel Llewellyn
Jones, Thomas W.C. (1740-1791) married Susannah Edmunds (-c 1797)- QA Thomas Chamberlain A1508
Jones, William (1723-1804 c) married Elizabeth Twitey ? (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jones, Wood (-wp 1783) married Unity Claiborne (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jopling, Ralph (c 1710-wp 1791) married Catherine Farrar (c 1724-1805)- QA William Farrar A2604
Jordam, Thomas Pleasants (1749-1809) married Susannah Ellyson (1750-1825)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Arthur ( - wp 1792) married Elizabeth Turner ()- QA James Knott A4609
Jordan, Benjamin (c 1714- wd 1775) married Lydia Pleasants ()- QA Thomas Taylor A7902
Jordan, Fleming (1763-1831) married Martha Gaines Moore (1774-1842)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, George (-1787) married Patience Warren (-1759)- QA Thomas Warren A84001
Jordan, James (-1782) married Martha (-)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, James (ca 1741-1781) married Sarah Stodghill (ca 1745-)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, John (1714-1781) married Martha (-bef 1761)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, John (1714-1781) married Mary Goodson (1741-1780)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, John (1714- wp 1781) married (1741 - .)- QA Thomas Jordan
Jordan, Joseph (-1760) married Jane Jones (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Joseph (1715 -) married Patience Ricks ( - 1762)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Josiah (c 1700- wp 1786) married Mourning Ricks ( - 1791)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Marcellus (1748-by 1803) married Martha Ward (- wp1832)- QA James Knott A4609
Jordan, Marcellus Brown (1748- wp1803) married Martha Ward (- by 1832)- QA James Knott A4609
Jordan, Matthew (c 1710-wp 1769) married Jane (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Matthew (1716-wp 1769) married Jane (Scott Ware) /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A44007
Jordan, Matthew (1716-wp 1769 /c/) married Jane /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Matthew (1716-wp 1769) married Julia (Scott Ware) /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Pleasants (c 1740-1789) married Elizabeth ( - c 1800)- QA Thomas Jordan A4401
Jordan, Pleasants (ca 1743-1789) married Elizabeth (-ca 1804)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Pleasants (ca 1720-aft 1790) married Mary Corbin (-on or bef 1765)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Reuben (c. 1756-1817) married Jeanette Harvie (1759-1812)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Samuel (1710-1789) married Ruth Meredith (-on or bef 1744)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Thomas (1746 - 1758-on or bef 1801) married Mary "Polly" (-on or aft 1801)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Thomas Pleasants (1749-1809) married Susannah Ellyson (1750-1825)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Josselyn, Peter (1724-) married Elizabeth Greenleaf (1729-)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Kearney, Shemuel (1734-on or bef 1808) married Catherine Farmer (on or bef 1765-on or bef 1838)- QA Barnaby Kearney A4503
Kearney, Shemuel (1734-1808) married Catherine Freeman (-aft 1834)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Kearney, Shemuel (1734-wp 1808) married (-)- QA Barnaby Kearney A4503
Kee, William (c 1757- wp 1819) married Anna Little (c 1757- aft. 1819)- QA William Caufield A1501
Keen, Ebenezer (c. 1736-1815) married Hannah Cole (1735-1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Keene, Ebenezer (c 1736-1815) married Hannah Cole (1735-bef 1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Keith, James (c 1696-1751 c) married Mary Isham Randolph (c 1718-aft 1772)- QA William Randolph A6512
Keith, Thomas (c 1736-1805) married Judith Blackwell (c 1759-1857)- QA William Randolph A6512
Keith, Thomas Randolph (- 1805) married Judith Blackwell (c. 1759-1857)- QA William Randolph A6512
Kellam, Abel "Laban" (c 1726-wp 1769) married Elizabeth (c 1740-)- QA Anthony West A9499
Kellam, Argil (bef. 1756- wp 1817) married Unknown ( -)- QA Anthony West A9499
Kellam, John (c. 1724-wp1773) married Bridget (c. 1740- bef. 1776)- QA Anthony West A9499
Kemp, Isaac (betw 1740-1750-on or bef 1820) married Sarah Gaskins (betw 1740-1750-1833)- QA John Fisher A9504
Kemp, John (1745-1772) married Adah Dunton (-)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Kendall, Custis (1707/8- wp 1781) married Elizabeth Bowdion (" - 1781)- QA William Kendall I A4509
Kendall, John (1720-1758) married Rebecca Wallop (c 1730-c 1776)- QA William Kendall A4509
Kendrick, Jonathan (c1740-1823) married Mary Bassett (1747-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9941
Kenner, Winder (1735-1785) married Mary Ball (1740-)- QA Thomas Brereton A1104
Kenney, Heman (1732-1775) married Mercy Nickerson (1732-1805 c)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kenney, Herman (1732-1775) married Mercy Nickerson (1732-c 1805)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kenney, Isaac (1755-1829) married Sarah Godfrey (1757-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kenney, Nathan (1741-1827) married Sarah Nickerson ( - 1847)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kennon, Richard (ca 1745-1793) married Celia Ragland (-wp 1834)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Kennon, William (1713-wp 1761) married Elizabeth Lewis (1724-wp 1799)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Kenwrick, Edward (c 1735-1821) married Zilpha King (1739/40-1799)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Key Jr., Henry (1759- wp 1810) married Elizabeth Garrett (-1794)- QA John Catlett II A1414
Key, James (1755-1817) married Judith Keith (1738-1826)- QA William Randolph A6512
Key, William Bibb (1759-1836) married Mourning Clarke (1764-1840)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Killey, Benjamin (c1735-1824) married Susannah Davis (1738-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kimbrough, Thomas (-ca 1777) married Eleanor Graves (-aft 1777)- QA Thomas Graves A3205
King, Ebenezeer (1754-1791) married Phebe Dakin (1753-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
King, Philip (1760-1836) married Nancy Woodson (ca 1756-1840)- QA John Woodson A9103
King, William (1745-1779) married Judith Sydnor (1745-1778)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Kingsley, Salmon (1723-1813) married Lydia Burgess (1724- c 1811)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kingsley, Salmon Sr (1723-1812/3) married Lydia Burgess (1724-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
KinKead, John (- wp1813) married Elizabeth Gwinn (( ))- QA Toby Smith A7401
Kirkpatrick, Abraham (1749-1817) married Mary Ann Oldham (1761-1813)- QA Joseph Ball A407
Knight, John (-wp 1791 /c/) married Elizabeth Stokes (1740-)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Knight, John (bef 1743-by 1773) married Hannah Webb /c/ (c 1743-wp 1786)- QA Peter Knight A4608
Knight, Jonathan (c 1736-wp 1809) married Judith Woodson (c 1739-aft 1830)- QA John Woodson A9103
Knight, Peter (1739/40-wp 1811 c) married Ann Bell (-bef 1820)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Knight, William (c 1730-) married Jane Andrews (-aft 1765)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Knight, Woodson (c 1746-wp 1831) married Martha "Patty" Walton (c 1762-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Knight, Woodson (c 1746-wp 1831) married Martha "Patty" Walton (c 1762-)- QA Sarah Woodson A9112
Knight, Woodson (c 1755-c 1831) married Martha Walton (1762-c 1824)- QA John Woodson A9103
Knowles, Elisha (c1723/4-1801) married Abigail Cone (1730-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Knowles, Henry (1729-aft 1810) married Mary (1730-1772)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Knowles, Henry (1729-1810) married Mary Knowles (1730-1772)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Knowles, James (c 1746/7-1830) married Martha Smith (c 1747-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lacy, Elisha (1750-1781) married Dicie Epps (-)- QA Francis Epes I A9731
Ladd, Gerard (1742- bef. 1834) married Sarah Johnson (1733- bef. 1838)- QA Robert Ellyson/Ellison A2410
LaForce, Samuel (ca 1750-) married Rachel (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lamb, Anthony (1744-1803) married Betty Emory (1751-)- QA Armiger Wade A8207
Lamb, Phineas (c 1756- wp 1809) married Dorotha White (1758-1820)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Lamb, Samuel (1721/2-1793) married Sarah Atwood (1729-aft 1793)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lamb, Samuel Jr. (1721-1793) married Sarah Atwood (1729-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lamkin, Oliver (1749- by 1790) married Sarah Beach (c 1757-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lancaster, Raphael I (1732- by 1802) married Eleanor Bradford (1738-1802)- QA George Calvert A1313
Lancaster, Raphael I (1732- by 1802) married Eleanor Bradford (1738-1802)- QA Sir Dudley Digges A9500
Lancaster, William (1733-aft. 1789) married Sarah Sanders ()- QA William Spencer A7505
Lancaster, William Saunders (1760-1814) married Sarah (1763-1818)- QA William Spencer A7505
Lane, Jesse (1733-1804) married Winifred Aycock (1741-1794)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Lane, Jesse (1733- 1806) married Winnifred Aycock (1741- 1794)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Lane, Jesse Sr. (1733-1806) married Winnifred Aycock (1741-1794)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Lane, John (1767-1826) married Mary Crafton (-1844)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lane, John ( - by 1772) married (b. 1740- c 1762)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Langhorne, John Scarsbrook (1760-1791) married Elizabeth Langhorne (1758-1818)- QA John Langhorne A4703
Langhorne, Major William (1720-1797) married Elizabeth Scarsbrooke (ca 1738-)- QA John Langhorne A4703
Langhorne, Maurice (1719-1791) married Mary Moulson Archer (1748-1793)- QA Miles Cary I A1409
Langley, Lemuel ( - by 1772) married Margaret ( - )- QA Francis Mason A5302
Lanier, Benjamin (c 1732- wp 1819) married Susannah Greene ()- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Lemuel (c. 1757- bef. 1784) married Ann Mary (- aft. 1806)- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Lemuel Jr (ca 1757-bef 1784) married Ann Mary (-on or aft 1806)- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Lemuel Sr (ca 1729-bef 1784) married Sarah (-ca 1752)- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Lemuel Sr (ca 1729-bef 1784) married Sarah Hardy (-ca 1752)- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Robert (c 1755- wp 1835) married Elizabeth ( - )- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lankford, Killam (-wp 1796) married Mary White (-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Lawrence, Thomas (1733-Aft. 1797) married Lucy Womack (1733-1826)- QA William Farrar A2604
Lawson, Henry (-wp 1803) married Esther Chinn (aft 1848-)- QA William Ball A406
Lawson, Robert (1748-1805) married Sarah Meriwether Pierce (1747-1809)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Lawson, Thomas ( -) married Lettice Newton ( -)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Layne, Ayers (c 1724-by 1795) married Mary Woodson (c 1740-1829)- QA John Woodson A9103
Layne, Ayres (1737-1795) married Mary Woodson (ca 1740-1829)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lea, Joseph (c 1733- wp 1805) married Mary "Molly" Knight (c 1745-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lea, Joseph (1744-1805) married Mary "Molly" Lea Knight (bapt 1768-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lea, Joseph (1744-1803) married Mary Knight (1749-1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lea, Joseph (1744- 1805) married Mary Woodson Knight (1749-1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
LeBaron, David (1775-1829) married Lydia Batchelder (1793-1826)- QA John Hodsoll A9531
LeBaron, James (1726-1780) married Hannah Turner (1729-1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ledbetter, Francis (c. 1700-1759) married Ann Woodlief (c.1700-aft. 1759)- QA John Woodliffe A9102
Ledbetter, Joseph (1738-1811) married Judith (- aft. 1807)- QA John Woodliffe A9102
Lee, Burwell (1733-1807) married (-)- QA Nathanial Tatum A7808
Lee, Burwell (1733-1807) married ( ) (( ))- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Lee, Cato (c. 1757-1832) married Nancy Holland (c. 1760- 1838)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Lee, Charles (1722-1796/7) married Mary Lucy Steptoe Lee (1722-1744)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Charles (1761-1807) married Mildred Henning (-by 1828 /c/)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Lee, David (1744-1812) married Martha Blackman /c/ (c 1750-wp 1816 c)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Lee, George (1753-liv. 1799) married Frances Ball (1761- liv. 1800)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Gidon (1745-1811) married Lucy Ward (1747-1817)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lee, Henry II (1729-1787) married Lucy Grymes (1734-1792)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Henry III (1756-1818) married Matilda Lee (1764-1790)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, John (1743- wp 1802) married Laetitia Atwell (1755-1775)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Kendall (1740-1780) married Betty Heale (-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Ludbrook (- c. 1799) married Charlotte Pace (1763-1845)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Lee, Peter II (by 1738- wp 1804) married Mary Cato (-1779 c)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Lee, Philip S (-bef 1799) married Mary Jaqueline Smith (1769 - wd 1854)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Richard Henry (1732-1794) married Anne Gaskins Pinckhard (-1796)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Thomas (1754-1810) married Elizabeth Currell (1764-1801)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Lee, Thomas (ca 1702/04-ca 1785/87) married Sarah (-ca 1791)- QA Nathanial Tatum A7808
Lee, William (ca 1728-1787) married Elizabeth Wade (-)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Lee, William Jr. (c 1714-by 1795) married Ann Elizabeth Westbrook (C 1718)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Leftwich, Col Thomas (1740-1816) married Bethenia Ellis (bef 1754-1780)- QA John Knowles A4610
Leftwich, Thomas (c 1740- wp 1816) married Jane "Jenny" Stratton (c 1755- aft. 1816)- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
LeGrand, James (-bef 1800) married Elizabeth Wade (-bef 1797)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Leonard, Simeon (1708/9-1754) married Abigail Morse (1711-1795)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lester, Archibald (1761- wo 1826) married Elizabeth Crymes (bef. 1762- 1826)- QA Sir George More A9527
Lewis Burwell (1745-1800) married Anne Spotswood (1752-1789)- QA John West II A8606
Lewis Timothy (1727-1818) married Sarah (c 1728-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lewis, Addison (1756/7-1781) married Anna "Sukey" Fleming (-on or aft 1807)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Lewis, Addison (1756-1796) married Susan (Sukey) Fleming (-1820)- QA Augustine Warner II A8306
Lewis, Benjamin (1744-1814) married Martha P Bickerton (-)- QA Col Thomas Walker A8212
Lewis, Charles (1729/30-by 1772 /c/) married Lucy Taliaferro (c 1728 -c 1781)- QA George Reade A6606
Lewis, Charles (1730-1780) married Mary Lewis (1747-1807)- QA William Randolph A6512
Lewis, Col Charles (1730-on or bef 1779) married Mary Randolph (Lewis) (-1807)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Col Fielding Sr (1725-ca 1781) married Elizabeth "Betty" Washington (1733-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-1781) married Betty Washington (1733- 1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-wp 1782) married Catharine Washington (1724-1750)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-1781) married Elizabeth "Betty" Washington (1733-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-wp 1782) married Elizabeth (Betty) Washington (1733-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-ca 1781-1782) married Elizabeth Washington (1733-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1750-1803) married Nancy Ann Alexander (c 1756- 1809)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Lewis, George (1757-1821) married Catherine Daingerfield (1764-1820)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, James (1726-1764) married Elizabeth Taylor (1735-1816)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, James (1740-1779) married Sarah Lewis (1750-1844)- QA Francis Brewster A9310
Lewis, James (1755-1825) married Susannah Anderson (1759-1834)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, John (1725-1788) married Catherine Fauntleroy (1735-1797)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Lewis, John (1747-1825) married Elizabeth Bates Jones (1753-1785)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, John Taylor (1757-1835) married Lucy Maclin (1766-1841)- QA Augustine Warner II A8306
Lewis, John Terrell (1728-1784) married Sarah Taliaferro (1727-1769)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Lewis, John Zachary (1753-c 1784) married Elizabeth Woolfolk (-by 1796)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Lewis, Maj George (1757-1821) married Catherine Daingerfield (1764-1820)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Nicholas (1728-1807/08) married Mary Walker (1742-1824)- QA Nicholas Martiau
Lewis, Nicholas (1734-1808) married Mary Walker (1742-1824)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Lewis, Phillip (c 1740-c 1820) married Sarah Shearman/Sherman (c 1745- wp 1824)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Lewis, Pope (1747-wp 1805) married Jemima Jones (1748-1814)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Lewis, Robert (c 1738-wp 1781 c) married Frances Lewis (1744-1794)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Robert (c 1738-wp 1781 c) married Frances Lewis /c/ (1744-c 1791)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Waller (1739-1808) married Sarah Lewis (c 1748- aft. 1810)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Waller (1739-1808) married Sarah Lewis (c 1740-c 1787)- QA George Reade A6606
Lewis, Warner (1720-1792) married Eleanor Bowles [Gooch] (-)- QA Augustine Warner II A8306
Lewis, Warner II (1747-1791) married Mary Chiswell (1739-1776)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Warner Jr. (1747-1791) married Mary Chiswell (1739-1776)- QA Augustine Warner II A8306
Lewis, Warner Jr. (1720-wp 1792) married Mrs. Eleanor Bowles Gooch /c/ (c 1720-by 1776)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Lewis, William (c 1732-wp 1825) married Hannah Underwood (-1823)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lewis, William (c 1733- 1781) married Lucy Meriwether (1752-1837)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, William Terrell (1718- wp 1804) married Sarah Martin ( - 1775)- QA David Crawford A1914
Lewis, Zachary (1702/3-1765) married Mary Waller (1699-1781)- QA Col Thomas Walker A8212
Lide, Thomas (1731-1787) married Mary Caroline Foster ()- QA Henry Duke A2312
Lightfoot, Goodrich (Bap. 1713- wp 1778) married Susannah Slaughter ( - by 1808)- QA John Lightfoot
Ligon, John (1731-wp 1774) married Mary Moseley (-1834)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Joseph (1755-1842) married ( - )- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Joseph (c 1725- wp 1780) married Judith ( - aft. 1782)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Joseph (ca 1730-wp 1780) married Judith (-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Joseph "Fork" (-1820) married Mary Church (-wp 1827 c)- QA Thomas Lyggon A5106
Ligon, Joseph Sr (-wp 1752) married Judith Stewart (-on or bef 1784)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Obadiah (" - by 1823) married Frances Stovall (" - by 1847)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Richard (-wp 1779) married Unkinown ()- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Thomas (1724- liv. 1787) married Ann ( - Liv. 1787)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Thomas (1724/5-liv 1787) married Ann (-1787)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Ligon, Thomas (1744- 1841) married Elizabeth Perkinson ()- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Thomas (ca 1745-1806) married Tabitha Ward (w/d 1745-aft 1817)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Ligon, Thomas (1745-wp 1806 c) married Tabitha Ward (1745-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Thomas Sr. (1724/5-liv 1787 c) married Ann (-aft 1787)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Ligon, William (ca 1725-wp 1796) married Ann Rogers (bef 1725-aft 1782)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, William (-wp 1788) married Edith Turner (-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, William (1745- wp 1828) married Elizabeth Edy East (1749-1794)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, William (unk- bef 1765) married Frances Mosley (unknown)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, William (1756-1838) married Sarah Herring (-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, William (ca 1750-on or bef 1804) married Susanna Woodson (ca 1750-1828)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Lillie, George (1723-) married Mary Burgess (1731/2-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lincoln, John (1716-wp 1789) married Rebecca Flowers (1720-1806)- QA John Lyford A9524
Lincoln, Mordecai (1730-1812) married Mary (Webb) (1733-1814)- QA John Lyford A9524
Lindsay, Caleb (-by 1828) married Sarah "Sally" Stevens (c 1770-1850)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Lindsay, Charles Alfred Caleb (1732-wp 1827 /c/) married Sarah (Sally) Montague Stevens (1767-1850)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Lindsey, Daniel (c 1739-1774) married Susannah Jarvis (-aft 1789)- QA Henry Woodhouse II A9007
Linthicum, Richard (1752- bef. 1816) married Mary Lee (c. 1758-1843)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Linthicum, Thomas (1743-1790) married Cassandra Gaither (1734-1784)- QA John Chew A1606
Linthicum, Zachariah (1735- wp 1808) married Sarah Prather (1738-1797)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Littlepage, Thomas E. (1734-1786/7) married Ann Burnley (1745-1813)- QA Richard Littlepage A4904
Locke, John (1742-1810) married Susanna Ring (1730-1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lockett, Stephen (1733-1794) married Mary Clay (1742 /c/-1823)- QA John Clay A1706
Lombard, Simeon (1729-) married Margaret Snow (1738-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Long, David (1714-wp 1783) married Abigail Griffith (c 1723-wp 1784)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Lovelace, Gorsuch (1715-wp 1783) married Sarah (aft 1777-1802)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Lucas, Benjamin (1731-1818) married Lydia Crocker (1731-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lucas, Joseph (1729- 1810) married Mary Rickard (1734- 1778)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lucas, Samuel (-wp 1770) married Elizabeth Cocke (-)- QA Stephen Hamelyn/Hamlin A3309
Lumpkin, Dickerson (1735-bef 1794) married Ann Cabiness (1735-aft 1789)- QA John Clay A1706
Lumpkin, Moore (1731-1782) married Ann Woodson (-wd 1809)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lumpkin, Moore (c. 1737-by 1782) married Anne Woodson (- wp1809)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lumplin, Moore (c 1735- by 1782) married Anne Woodson (c 1751- wp 1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lusby Turpin, Sr. (c. 1728- wp 1791) married Sarah Redford (. - 1776)- QA Cicely Baley A9447
Lyles, William (1750-1815) married Charity Fendall Noble (1752-bef 1776)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Lyon, Rev John (1721-1785) married Sarah Smith (ca 1817-)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Mac Namara / McNamara, John (1722-1781) married Mary Stewart (ca 1722-bef 1781)- QA Edmund Cheesman / Chisman A9498
Mac Namara / McNamara, Levin (1746-1831) married Sarah Ross (1755-1822)- QA Edmund Cheesman / Chisman A9498
Maclin, Thomas (-1798) married Ann Willis (c 1749-wp 1810)- QA George Reade A6606
MacNamara, John (1722- 1781) married Mary Stewart (1722- 1781)- QA Edmund Cheesman/Chisman A9498
Macon, Henry (1727-1785) married Rebecca Mayo (1732-bef 1762)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, John (1756-1808) married Elizabeth Bowdoin (1764-1804)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, John III (c 1753- wp 1808) married Susanna Needham ( - aft. 1827)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, John Jr. (bef 1718/9-1785 c) married Miss Alston (-)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, Nathaniel (1758-1837) married Hannah Plummer (1760-1790)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, William (1725-1813) married Lucy Scott (1737-1802)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, William Hartwell (1759-1848) married Hannah Selden (1760-1813)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Magee, Ralph Jr (1755-1845) married Mary "Pollie" Bell (1761-1838)- QA Alice () Pierce Bennett A711
Major, John (bef 1748-wp 1810) married Martha Marable (ca 1740-)- QA George Marable A5204
Major, Lodowick Jones (1742-aft 1807) married (uninown) Jones (-BEF1802)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Makepeace, William (1738-1822) married Ruth Hunt (1741-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Malone, George (1736-wp 1810 c) married Sara Bass (-1776 c)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Malone, Isham (c 1734-1792) married Lucy Lanier (c 1740-wp 1833)- QA Robert Wynne A9209
Manley, John Jacob (c 1735- wp 1809) married Tabitha Stone (c 1740-)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Manson, Peter (1733-wp 1793 c) married Agnes Hardaway (1749-)- QA Thomas Chapman
Manson, Peter, Sr (1733-wp 1793 /c/) married Susannah Hardaway (1740-c 1770)- QA Joane Bennett A9535
Marable, Benjamin (1710-bef 1773) married Judith (-)- QA George Marable A5204
Marable, George (c. 1705-wp1778) married Ann (- bef. 1795)- QA George Marble/Marable A5204
Marable, George (ca 1700-wp 1778) married Ann (-)- QA George Marable A5204
Marable, George Jr. (c. 1705- wp 1778) married Ann ( - bef. 1795)- QA George Marable/Marble A5204
Marable, Matthew (1728- wd 1786) married Mary (" - liv. 1786)- QA George Marable/Marble A5204
Marriott, Thomas (c. 1720/30-wp 1789) married Elizabeth Warren (1730- .)- QA Thomas Warren
Marshall, John (1755-1835) married Mary Willis Ambler (1766-1831)- QA Edward Jaquelin A4206
Marshall, John ( - c. 1810) married Rebecca Clay (1757-c. 1810)- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Marshall, Robert Donald (-1820) married Sarah Marshall (-bef 1823)- QA Arthur Moseley A5608
Marshall, Sampson (1750-1815) married Mary "Polly" (unknown) (1755-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Sampson Sr. (1750-1815) married Mary "Polly" (1755-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Samuel (ca 1707-1784) married Grace Adams (ca 1723-on or bef 1773)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Samuel (c 1745-1835) married ()- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Samuel Jr (ca 1745-1835) married Triffinoh (ca 1743-on or bef 1773)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Samuel, Jr. (c 1745-1835) married Triffinoh (c 1743-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Thomas (1730-1802) married Mary Randolph Keith (1737-1809)- QA William Randolph A6512
Marshall, Thomas Hanson (1731-1801) married Rebecca Dent (1737-1770)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Marshall, William ( - by 1811) married Lucy Goode (1760-1826)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Marshall, William (1757-by 1811) married Lucy Jefferson Goode (1757 /c/-p 1811)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Martin, Brice (c 1730-1818) married Unity Barksdale (1759- bef. 1793)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Martin, James (1742-1799) married Sarah Harris (1747-1796)- QA David Crawford A1914
Martin, Joesph (1740-1808) married Susannah Graves (1763-1837)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Martin, John (1751-1813) married Elizabeth Terry (1756-1800)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Martin, Joseph (1740-1808) married Elizabeth Ward (ca 1759-aft 1799)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Martin, Joseph (1740-1808) married Sarah Lucas (c 1746-1782)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Martin, Joseph (1740-1808) married Susannah Graves (c 1759-1837)- QA Walter Chiles A9509
Martin, Joseph II (1740- 1808) married Susannah Graves (1757-1831)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Martin, Joseph Lynch (c 1740- 1808) married Sarah Lucas (1745- 1782)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Mason, David (c 1733-1792) married Mary Epes (c 1735-1774)- QA Francis Epes, I A2502
Mason, Ralph III (c 1742-by 1808) married Elizabeth Strickland (c 1760-wp 1850)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Massenburg, Nicholas (1749-1772) married Lucy Cargill ( - bef 1783)- QA Benjamin Harrison I A3509
Massengale, Solomon (c 1760-1831) married Tabitha Cobb (1768-1853)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Massengill, Henry (1720- c. 1800) married Mary Cobb (c 1735- 1842)- QA Joesph Cobb A9416
Massengill, Henry Sr. (1720- c 1800) married Mary Cobb (c 1735-1842)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Mathews, Thomas (1742-1812) married Molly "Mary" Miller (c 1751-1827 c)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Mattox, Valentine (c. 1751- 1824) married Mary Shrewsbury (- bef. 1848)- QA David Crawford A1914
Maupin, Danial (1755- bef. 1831) married Jane Via (- 1831)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Maupin, Daniel Jr. (1727/8- wp 1803) married Elizabeth Dabney ( - 1794)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Maupin, Gabriel (1720-1794) married Ann (Anna) B. Ballard (-1779)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Maupin, Gabriel (1720-1794) married Ann Ballard (-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Maupin, Gabriel (1720-1794) married Anna B Ballard (-on or aft 1779)- QA Thomas Ballard
Maury, Matthew (1744-1808) married Elizabeth Simms Walker (1753-1792)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Maury. Richard (1766-1843) married Margaret Bond (1812-1898)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Maxey, Edward Francis (c 1747-wp 1782 /c/) married Mary /c/ Bondurant (1724-by 1822 /c/)- QA William Hatcher A3608
May, David (1747-1798) married Mary Meredith (c 1749-1835)- QA Temperance Baley A405
May, John Jr (-on or bef 1760) married Agnes Smith (1722-wp 1806)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Mayes, Matthew ( - wp 1796) married Frances Brown ( - 1800)- QA Henry Batte A605
Mayo, Ebenezer (1712/3-1776) married Apphia Freeman (1721/2-1773)- QA William Collier A9520
Mayo, John (1737-1786) married Mary Tabb (1733-1792)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Mayo, Joseph ("-wp 1803) married Martha Tabb (1744-wp 1819)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Mayo, Robert (c. 1742- by 1823) married Margaret Richardson (c. 1750 - bef. 1823)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Mayo, Thomas (1725-1778) married Elizabeth Wing (1729/30-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Mayo, Thomas (1751-1818) married Mary Arey (1759-1841)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
McClurg, James (c 1746- 1823) married Elizabeth Selden (1761-1823)- QA Miles Cary, I A1409
McCurdy, Neil (1745-1832) married Ruth Avery (c. 1756-1836)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
McGehee, William ((ca 1739)-by 1819) married Martha (Patty) Cole (-1740-on or bef 1808)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
McLendon, Isaac (1740-) married Elizabeth Stribling (1750-1830)- QA John Catlett A1414
McQueen, Alexander /c/ (c 1755-1805 /c/) married Elizabeth Fuller (1755-1806)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
McRobert, Archibald (1736-1807) married Elizabeth Munford (c 1734-1815)- QA Theodrick Bland A906
Meade, Andrew (1735-wp 1795 /c/) married Susanna Stith (1753-wp 1816 /c/)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Meade, David II (1744-1830) married Sarah Waters (c 1749-1829)- QA Edward Waters A8406
Melton, John (1742-1800) married Elizabeth B. Jones (c 1747-aft 1800)- QA William Spencer A7505
Melton, John (c 1742-wd 1797) married Elizabeth Jones (c 1745-c 1800)- QA William Spencer A7505
Meriwether, David (1755-1822) married Frances Wingfield (1762-1820)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, David (1739-wp 1806) married Mary Harvie ()- QA Nicholas Meriwether
Meriwether, Franccis "Frank" (1737-1803) married Martha Gaines Jamieson (1743-1818(9))- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, Francis (1737-1803) married Margaret Gaines Jamison (1743-1819)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, Francis (1737-1803) married Martha G. Jameson (1743-1818)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Meriwether, Francis (1737-1803) married Martha Gains [Jamison] (1743-1818)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, Francis (1737-1803) married Martha Jameson (1743-1818)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, John (1751-wp 1820) married Esther McGehee (1753-1807)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, Nicholas (1736-1772) married Margaret "Peggie" Douglas (1737-1812)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Meriwether, Thomas (1718-1766) married Jane Lewis (1728- 1790)- QA George Reade A6606
Meriwether, William (1751-1812) married Margaret Satterwhite (c 1760-)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Meriwether, Zachary Lewis (1754-1836) married Jane Lewis (c. 1755- bef. 1787)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Merrick, Nathaniel (1730-1799) married Lois/Lydia Hammond (1731-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Merritt, William (- 1829) married Martha Cocke (c. 1740-bef. 1820)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Merry, Prettyman (c. 1742-1817) married Catherine Jemima Sugget (c. 1750- )- QA Richard Lee A4807
Meyrick / Merrick, William (1734-1795) married Hannah Paine (1738-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Miles, Henry (1752-1795) married Elizabeth McNamara (1751-1769)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Miles, Philip (ca 1734-on or bef 1789) married Eleanor Bryan / O'Bryan (1738-on or aft 1802)- QA John Weire A8510
Miller, John (1744-wp 1795) married Mary (-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Miller, William (-wp 1777) married Mary Heath (-wp 1796)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Milliner, Smith Sr. (c 1746-wp 1810) married Mary Young (c 1760-1798 c)- QA John Parramore A9561
Mills, Nathaniel (1748- 1815) married Frances Thompson (1751- 1815)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Mills, Wyatt (1758- wp 1809) married Sarah Starke (1754-1809)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Milner, John (1746-1812) married Elizabeth Godwin (-1812 c)- QA Thomas Godwin A3007
Mims, Drury Sr. (1744-wp 1818) married Lydia Jones (1748-1821)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Mims, Shadrach (c 1734-wp 1777 c) married Elizabeth Woodson (c 1734-1833)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mims, Shadrack (1734-1777) married Elizabeth Woodson (1734-aft 1823)- QA John Woodson A9103
Miner. Cyrus (1750-aft 1806) married Elizabeth Blagrave (c 1758-aft 1806)- QA David Mansfield A5202
Minor, Joseph (bef 1730-wp 1786) married Edith Cox (c 1730-aft 1805)- QA William Cox A1909
Mitchell, Drewry (c. 1740-wp1833) married Amy Stapp (c. 1741-1839)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Mitchell, Henry (-bef 1770) married Priscilla ()- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Henry (-bef 1770) married Priscilla (-liv 1774)- QA Mary Addy A9662
Mitchell, James (wd 1772) married Ann Cocke (-aft 1754)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Mitchell, John (1765-1824) married Mildred smith Stubbs (1765-1824)- QA William Strachey A7705
Mitchell, John (1748-1804) married Sarah Thweatt (1761-by 1806)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Richard (c 1749 - wp 1812) married Mary Hamilton (c 1753 - aft. 1813)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Mitchell, Robert (c 1755- wp 1808) married Priscilla Carter (1760- wp 1823)- QA William Ball A406
Mitchell, Thomas (1722-wp 1762) married Amy Goodwin (1732-1773)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Thomas (-wp 1762) married Amy goodwyn (1732-aft 1762)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Thomas Goodwin (1756-1826) married Ann Raines (1762-1830)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Thomas Jr. (1756- 1826) married Ann Namcy Raines (1762-1832)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Montague, Clement (1723-wp 1791) married Ann Bartlett (by 1727-aft 1783)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John (1735-1825) married Nancy (c 1740-1830)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John (1736-1825) married Nancy Stevens ( - aft. 1825)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John (1755-1831) married Rebecca Brown (1755-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John Merry (c. 1740-1830) married Nancy (c. 1740-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John Merry (ca 1740-ca 1830) married Nancy Humphries (-ca 1830)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (ca 1731-wp 1811) married Catherine [Taylor] Young (-1815-1816)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (1731-wp 1811) married Catherine Young (-1816)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (1731-wp 1811) married Catherine Young (1742-1825)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (1731- wp 1811) married Catherine Young Taylor ( - 1815)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (ca 1731-ca 1812) married Cathrine Young (-ca 1815)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Peter (1732-1820) married Elizabeth Henderson (-1824 c)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Peter V (C 1732- 1820) married Elizabeth Henderson ( - c 1824)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Philip (1736-bef 1810) married Frances Montague (-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Thomas (1750-1805 c) married Agnes Ellis (1753-1823)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Thomas (1719-by 1778) married Jane Daniel (1733-aft 1796)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Moore, Aaron (c 1730-wp 1785) married Mary Prather (1729/30 /c/-aft 1786)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Moore, Abraham (1744-1831) married Jean Farrar (1754-1831)- QA William Farrar A2604
Moore, Augustine (1743 /c/-) married Verlinda Hawkins Dawson (1755 /c/-1815 /c/)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Moore, Bernard (-) married Anne Catherine Spotswood (1725-Mar 1802)- QA William Bernard A807
Moore, Cato (c. 1752- wp1797) married Margaret Cooke (1755- wp1832)- QA Southey Littleton A4906
Moore, Charles (1758-on or bef 1818) married Nancy Holt (-1818)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Moore, Field (c. 1758-liv. 1830) married Sarah Lidderdale (c. 1761-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Moore, James (c. 1740- 1778) married Celia/Selah Williams (1743-1766)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Moore, James (1742-1798) married Mary Rider (" - wp 1812)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Moore, James (1740-1778) married Selah Williams (1743-1766)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Moore, John (-wp 1777) married Morning (-on or aft 1777)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Moore, John Sr (-wp 1816) married Anne (-on or aft 1815)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Moore, Joshua I (c 1728- wp 1783) married Temperence Wailes ( - aft. 1783)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Moore, Nathaniel (1757- wp1829) married Frances Taylor (aft. 1763-1815)- QA George Reade A6606
Moore, Thomas (c. 1720- 1796) married Mary Farrar (1722- bef. 1793)- QA William Farrar A2604
Moore, Thomas (1720-1795) married Mary Farrar (1722- liv. 1795)- QA Peter Field/Field A2608
Moore, William (c 1741-wp 1781) married Barbara Harrison (-1790)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Moore, William (aft. 1738- by1803) married Mary Throckmorton (( ))- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Moore, William (1755-1790) married Santica Dixon (- 1820)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Moorman, Charles (1747-1803) married Nancy Hancock (1762-1847)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moorman, Micajah Clark (1735-1806) married Susannah Chiles (1738-1782)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Moring, Benjamin ( - by 1785) married Daughter CHEATHAM ( - )- QA William Rookings A943
Moring, Burwell (c 1748-wp 1822) married Patience West (c 1743-c 1803)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Morris, Joseph (ca 1736-1796) married Mary Farrar (ca 1744-living 1796)- QA William Farrar A2604
Morriss, Henry (1744/5-1810) married Christiana Holm Meredith (c 1762-)- QA John West I A8604
Morse, Gershom (1716-1800) married Elizabeth Swift (1722-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morse, Joshua (1728-1819) married Mary Goodenow ( -)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morse, Seth (1760-1834) married Ruth Goodrich (1765-1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Ebenezer (1696-1750) married Mercy Foster (ca 1697-98-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Eleazer (1752-1813) married Lucy Doty (1751-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Ichabod (1726-1809) married Deborah Morton (1730-1789)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, jacob (1751-1829) married Jane Davis Booker (1757-1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, John (1730-1796) married Mary Elizabeth Anderson (1736-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Joseph (1709-1782) married Agnes Woodson (1711-1802)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Josiah (c 1737/8-1785) married Elizabeth Venable (1739-c 1778)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Josiah (1737/8-1785) married Elizabeth Venable (1739-1778)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Nathaniel (1735-1826) married Rebecca Morton (1747-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Richard (1721- wp1815) married Judith Quinn (1719-1815)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Samuel (ca 1755-wp 1825) married Levicy Watson (ca 1758-aft 1825)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Samuel (1745-wp 1836 c) married Phiiladelphia Wade (c 1745-aft 1828)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Samuel Packwood (1745-1834) married Philadelphia Wade (c 1746- aft 1836)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Silas (1727-1782) married Martha Morton (1729/30-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Thomas (ca 1721-1802) married Cicily Katherine Moore (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Thomas (1726-1802) married Cicily Kathern Moore (1726-1762)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Thomas Jr. (-wp 1802) married Cecilia Catherine Moore (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, William (1743-1820) married Susan Watkins (1747-1828)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, William (1743-1820) married Susanna Watkins (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, William (1743-1820) married Susannah Watkins ( -)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosbey, Samuel ( - wd 1783) married Jerusha Bowles (" - )- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Edward (c 1740-1769) married Martha Walton (1738-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, John (c 1709- wp 1801) married Lucy Allen (c 1713- 1801)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, John Jr (1710-1800) married Lucy Allen (-aft 1800)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Micajah (-wp 1772 c) married Maudlin Bedford (-aft 1773)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Nicholas (1742/3-1816) married Susanna Hobson (-1798)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Nicholas (1742-1816) married Susanna Hobson (-1798)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Robert (aft 1736-1798 c) married Susanna Robertson (1766-by 1845)- QA John Woodson A9103
Moseley, Arthur (-wp 1808) married Martha Camp (-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Moseley, Arthur II (1690-1736) married Martha Cocke (1697/1698-1776/78)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Arthur III (1718/9-wp 1770) married Mary [Locket] (1725-1791/1793)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Capt Charles (1748-1807) married Mary Povall (1754-1804)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Charles (1748-1807) married Mary Povall (1754-1804)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Edward (1718-wp 1808) married Amey Green (1728-1800)- QA Thomas Ligon / Lygon / Lyggon A4903
Moseley, Edward (1718-1808) married Amy Green (1736-8-bef 1808)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, John (c 1721- wp 1802) married Elizabeth Williamson ( - )- QA Arthur Moseley A5608
Moseley, Matthew (-1769) married Martha Ligon /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Robert (1732-1804) married Magdalen Guerrant (1740-1826)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Robert (c 1735-1796) married Mary (Bransford) (c 1748-)- QA William Moseley A5609
Moseley, Robert (c. 1735- wd 1796) married Penelope Talley (1759-1841)- QA William Moseley, II A5609
Moseley, Robert /c/ (1735-wp 1796) married Mary Bransford (c 1745-1775 c)- QA William Moseley A5609
Moseley, Tully (1711-bef 1773) married Miriam Shipp (-1756)- QA Arthur Moseley A5608
Moseley, William (1754-1828) married Ann Lewis (1756-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, William (ca 1692-will 1778) married Frances [Mayo] (-bef 1778)- QA Arthur Moseley A5608
Moseley, William (-) married Sarah (-)- QA Thomas Lucas A5007
Moseley, William Jr. (c 1730-by 1772) married Mary Ligon (-liv 1778)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Mosley, Robert (1725-wp 1798) married Mary Bransford (ca 1743-1774)- QA William Moseley A5609
Moss, Reuben (by 1738-wp 1810) married Martha Ann Jordan (c 1744-bef 1816)- QA James Knott A4609
Moss, Sgt Joshua (1744-1829) married Sarah Pennington (1750-on or aft 1829)- QA John George A3003
Moss, William (-by 1817) married Frances Sorrell (-liv 1817)- QA Nicholas Spencer A7504
Mothershead, Christopher (1745-1777) married Elizabeth Jett (Bef. 1750- aft. 1777)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Moxley, Alvin (1741-1781) married Anne Dent Ireland (-by 1795)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
mpson (1748-1803) married Lucy (c 1752- 1837)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Murray, Alexander (1734-1789) married Elizabeth "Betty" Marvell Clay /c/ (c 1752-1840)- QA John Clay A1706
Murray, James (-) married Ann Bolling (1718-1800)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Murray, James (-) married Anne Bolling (1718-1800)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Murray, James (-wd 1764) married Anne Bollling (1719-1800)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Murray, John (1744-wp 1782) married Susanna Yates (c 1746-by 1794)- QA Pocahontaas A6212
Murray, John (1744-wp 1782) married Suzanna Yates (bef. 1764- by 1794)- QA John Rolfe
Murray, William (1752-by 1815) married Rebecca Bolling (1763-1826)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Nance, Daniel III (c 1745-1802) married Patience Wynne (c 1746-1803)- QA Richard Pierce A9741
Nance, James (C 1750- 1804) married UNKNOWN ( - )- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Napier, Ashford (1732-1801) married Mary Ann Staples (c 1756-aft 1803)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Napier, Ashford Sr. /c/ (1734-) married Mary Ann Staples (1756-1816)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Napier, Champion ( - by 1810) married Gracie Curtice ( - aft 1821)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Napier, Patrick (ca 1748-wp 1808) married Elizabeth Woodson (1757-1825)- QA John West A8604
Napier, Patrick (1713-1774) married Martha Claiborne (1721-1784)- QA John West A8604
Napier, Patrick (1713/4-1774) married Martha Claiborne (1721-)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Napier, Patrick Sr. (1722-1799) married Ann Franklin (abt 1729-bef 1790)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Napier, Rene (c 1746-wd 1807 c) married Rebekah Hurt (c 1746-aft 1774)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Napier, Richard (1747-1823) married Molly Wills (1757-1810)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Napier, Robert (c 1742- wp 1806) married Elizabeth Champion (1745- c, 1814)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Nathaniel Venable (1733-1804) married Elizabeth Woodson (1740-1791)- QA Dr. John Woodson A9103
Neale, Daniel (1735- wp 1804) married Jemima Kitchen (c. 1737- liv. 1804)- QA Christopher Neale A5703
Nelson, Hugh (c. 1749-1799) married Judith Page (1753-1827)- QA William Byrd A1311
Nelson, John (c 1753-1827) married Ann "Nancy" Carter (1763-1843)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Nelson, John (1748-1827) married Nancy Ann Carter (1763-1843)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Nelson, John (1754-1827) married Nancy Carter (c. 1765-1843)- QA George Reade A6606
Nelson, Maj John (1748-1827) married Nancy Ann Carter (1763-1843)- QA George Reade A6606
Nelson, Sec Thomas (1716-1782) married Lucy Armistead (-)- QA George Reade A6606
Nelson, Thomas (1716-1782) married Lucy Armistead ( - )- QA George Reade A6606
Nelson, Thomas (" - wp 1804) married Sarah "Sally" Cary (1762- 1779)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Nelson, Thomas Jr. (1738-1789) married Lucy Grymes (1743-1830)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
New , Anthony (1747-1833) married Nancy Wyatt (c 1755-1833)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
New, Anthony (1747-1833) married Nancy Wyatt (1756-1833)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
New, John (c. 1731- bef. 1780) married Margaret (c. 1735- aft. 1780)- QA John Bland A903
Newcomb, James (1754-1843) married Tabitha Nickerson (1753-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Newsom, Benjamin (ca 1740-ca 1789-1790) married Phoebe Turner (ca 1750-ca 1789-1790)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, David (ca 1730-31-wp 1768) married Mary Barham (-aft 1791)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Isaac (ca 1743-1817) married Mary (Molly) Dortch (ca 1749-1827)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Jacob (1727- wp 1778) married Tabitha Gilliam (c 1725- 1778)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Joel (ca 1760-ca 1831-35) married Anne "Nancy" Northington (1765-ca 1845-50)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, John (c 1738-wo 1790 /c/) married Patience Hinnant (c 1745-wp 1828 /c/)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Randolph ( - wp 1819) married Sarah Mason ( - by 1812)- QA Robert Sheppard A7105
Newsom, Solomon (c 1720- d by 1790) married Martha Matthews (c 1726- )- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Solomon II (1745-1803) married Jane White (1740-c 1792)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, William (c 1746-1820) married Mary Jordan (1750- wp 1822)- QA Robert Sheppard A7105
Newsom/Isaac (-1817) married Mary Dortch (-1827)- QA Robert Sheppard A7105
Newsome, John (- wp1790) married Patience Hinnant (- wp1828)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsome, Solomon Sr (ca 1715-ca 1779/80) married Martha Mathews (on or bef 1731-wp 1751)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsome, William (ca 1746-1820) married Mary Jordan (1750-1822)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsum, Solomon (1745-1803) married Elizabeth (Mitchell) /c/ (-)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newton, Thomas (1742-1807) married Martha Tucker (1750/1-aft 1808)- QA Henry Corbin A1814
Newton, Timothy (1727-1811) married Sarah Merrick (1732-1803)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Newton, Willoughby (1702-1767) married Sarah Eskridge (1707/8-1754)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Nicholas, Robert Carter (1728-1780) married Anne Cary (1735-1786)- QA Miles Cary II A9674
Nichols, Thomas (1753-1837) married Bathsheba Marks (1762-1843)- QA John Vassall A9471
Nicholson, James (c. 1708-1793) married Anne Davis (aft. 1716- by 1793)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Nicholson, James III (1749-by 1807) married Elizabeth Woodruff (by 1753-by 1807)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Nickerson, Asa (c. 1741- aft. 1788) married Johanna Rogers (1747- liv. 1817)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Nickerson, Ensign (c 1760-1807) married Tabitha Eldredge Ryder (1745- )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Nickerson, Joshua (1733-1821) married Esther Rider (1734/5-1819)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Nimmo, James (1755-1833) married Elizabeth Thoroughgood (1750-1808)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Nimmo, Johnson (c 1740- 1785) married Ann Woodhouse (c 1746- wp 1815)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Noble, George (1729-1760) married Elizabeth Beall (1729-1777)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Noble, George (c 1730-by 1800) married Mary Ann Alexander (c 1730-1793)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Northup, Daniel (1738-1811) married Anna Hampton (1759-1802)- QA William Hampton A3404
Nourse, James (1731-1784) married Sarah Fouace (c 1733- 1784)- QA Sir Anthony Cope A9667
Nunn, Carlton (c. 1750-wp 1823) married Pricilla Moore (c. 1750-)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Nunn, Carlton (c 1750-wp 1823) married Priscilla Moore /c/ (c 1750-bef 1823)- QA William Farrar A2604
Nunn, Carlton C. (1747- wp 1823) married Priscilla Moore (1751-)- QA william Farrar A2610
Odell, James ( ca 1726-on or bef 1763) married Martha Prather (1730-on or aft 1790)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Odell, John /c/ (bef 1740-by 1794) married Eleanor Hendrix (-aft 1809)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Odell, Thomas (1752-) married Elizabeth Garrett (-Aft. 1775)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Odell, Thomas (1752-1827) married Gracie Austin (1756-1835)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Ogilby, Richard (1747-wp 1795) married Judith Chastain Farrar (1756-by 1838 c)- QA William Farrar A2604
Oglesby, William (1727-1802) married Ann Perkins (1727-1797)- QA Jacob Ware A9713
Olcott, Timothy (1741-1832) married Elizabeth Chandler (1744/5-1827)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Orme, Moses Jr. (-wp 1782) married Priscilla Taylor (1739/40-1821)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Orme, Moses Jr. (1730-bef 1782) married Verlinda Taylor (1735-1759)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Osborn, John ( - wp 1806) married Elizabeth Claypool ( - bef. 1806)- QA William Angell A9721
Osborne, Benjamin (-1824) married Mary Walthall (1766-)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Osborne, Francis (-wp 1793) married Mary (-bef 1791)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Osborne, Stephen (1735-1820) married Comfort Langham (c 1744- 1824)- QA Sir William Browne A9515
Osborne, Thomas ( - wp 1787) married Elizabeth Hendricks ( -)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Ousley, Newdigate (c 1738- wp 1797) married Mary Ann Davis ()- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Ousley, Welden (1750- aft. 1812) married Sarah (c 1758- aft. 1805)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Outland, Josiah (1750-1830) married Milicent Peele (1755-1817)- QA Thomas Taberer A7805
Outland, Josiah (c 1746-1830) married Milicent Peele (1755-1817)- QA Robert Pitt A6208
Outland, William (-) married Ann Scott (1748-1788)- QA James Tooke
Owsley, John (1737-1764) married Ann Stephens (1735-1810)- QA Thomas Owsley A5811
Owsley, Newdigate (c 1738-bef 1797) married Mary Ann (-aft 1797)- QA Thomas Owsley A5811
Owsley, Newdigate (1738-wp1797) married Mary Ann (- aft. 1797)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Owsley, Thomas III (1731/2-wp 1797) married Mary Middleton (c 1730-1808)- QA Thomas Owsley A5811
Owsley, Thomas IV (1752-1825) married Dinah (1762- by 1830)- QA Thomas Owsley/Ousley A5811
Pace, Barnabus (c 1747-wp 1831) married Agnes Aycock (c 1757-1821)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Drury (1745-wp 1801) married Mary Bussey (on or aft 1811-)- QA Richard Pace I A5812
Pace, James (1726-wp 1816) married (1726-)- QA Isabella Smith Pace A9497
Pace, James Sr (1750/1755-) married (-)- QA Isabella Smith Pace A9497
Pace, Newsome (1754-1845) married Mary Nunn (1766-1853)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Pace, Richard (1699- 1775) married Elizabeth Cain ( - 1775)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Richard IV (ca 1699-ca 1775) married Elizabeth Cain (ca 1700-ca 1779)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Silas (1726-1790) married Mary Newsome (-bef 1804)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Silas Sr (ca 1745-bef 1790) married Mary Newsome (ca 1750-1804)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Stephen (1747-1822) married Catherine Gatewood Buchanan (1748-1815)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Thomas (c. 1750-wp1795) married Ceabelle (1763-1850)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, William (c 1724-p 1798) married Mary Haynes (1761-1765-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Pace, William (-bef 1837) married Ruth Lambert (c 1750-bef 1830)- QA Isabella Smith Pace A9497
Page, Gov John (1744-1808) married Frances Burwell (1747-1784)- QA John Page A5902
Page, Maj Carter (1758-1825) married Mary "Polly" Cary (1766-1797)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Page, Major Carter (1758-1825) married Mary "Polly" Cary (1766-1797)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Page, Mann (c. 1742-1779) married Mary Mason Selden (1754-1787)- QA Warham St. Leger A7509
Paine, Ebenezer (1722-1795) married Thankful White (1728-1806)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Paine, Ichabod (1727-1812) married Hannah Buswell (1730-1804)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Paine, John (1749-ca 1798) married Anna Pike (1755-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Paine, Jonathan (1711-1761) married Hannah Lombard (1718-1805)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Paine, Reuben ( - wp 1821) married Agnes Wade ( - )- QA Peter Montague A5601
Palmer, Amasa (1750-1828) married Judith Michaux Hendrick (1769-1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Pancoast, Adin (c 1740- 1822) married Abigail Boone (c 1749- 1808)- QA John Lyford A9524
Parker, Howell Sr. (1757-1796) married Elizabeth Loftin (1756-1831)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Parker, William ( - by 1797) married Elizabeth Winslow (1726-)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Parks, Benjamin (1746-1839) married Elizabeth Branch (ca 1759-bef 1839)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Parrish, Peter (wp 1822 c) married Sophia Thomas (c 1750-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Parsons, James (1733-wp 1797) married Martha Holloway (1739-1797)- QA Armiger Wade A8207
Patrick, John Fitz (c 1740- 1801) married Beheathland Brent (c 1742- 1812)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Payne, Archer (1748-1831) married Betsy Brooks (- bef. 1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Capt Robert (1738-1785) married Ann Burton (1742-1810)- QA William Farrar A2604
Payne, Col John (1713-1784) married Jean (Jane) Smith Chichester (-)- QA Frances Greville (West, Peirsey) Matthews A9517
Payne, Col William (1732/3-1822) married Mary Barrett (1739-1760's)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Francis (1743-1816) married Susannah Jett ( - 1820)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Payne, George (1734-1807) married Agatha George (1738-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, George Jr (1707-wp 1784) married Judith Burton (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, John (1722-wp 1807) married Mildred Paine (1722-c1777)- QA Abraham Weeks A8509
Payne, Josias (1705-1785) married Anna Fleming (1705-1779)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Josias (1705-wp 1785) married Mary Ann Fleming (ca 1712-on or bef 1785)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Josias Sr (1705-wp 1785) married Anne (Anna) Fleming (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Philip (1760-1840) married Elizabeth Dandridge (1764-1833)- QA John West A8604
Payne, Robert (ca 1738-1791) married Ann Burton (ca 1742-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Payne, Robert Burton (-wp 1785) married Margaret Sydenham Morton (1756-1840)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Robert, Jr. (1738-wp 1791) married Anne Burton (1742-1819)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Thomas (c 1750-wp 1819 c) married Salley Shelton (c 1770-1820 c)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Payne, William (1732-1822) married Mary Thompson (1737/8-1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, William (1732/3-1822) married MaryThompson (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, William [Randolpph] Sr. (1732/3-1822) married Mary Thompson (1737-1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne/Pain, Reuben ( - 1820) married ( - bef. 1819)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Peabody, Jacob (1739-1806) married Sarah Potter (1745-1828)- QA William Perkins A9459
Peachey, Samuel II (1732-wp 1784) married Catherine Webb (-bef 1792)- QA Henry Corbin A1814
Peak, Daniel (1745-wp 1834) married Mary Haldiman (-aft 1822)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Pearce, Nathan (c 1725-by 1796) married Ann "Nancy" Westray (bef 1735-aft 1810)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Pearce, Nathan (c. 1725- by 1796) married Ann Westray (c. 1735-1815)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Pearce, Nathan (1725-1796) married Anne Westray (1735-1815)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Pease, James (1713 /c/-bef 1760) married Abigail Ford (1719-1796)- QA John Vassall A9471
Peden, James (c 1742-by 1799 c) married Patience Edwards (c 1742-aft 1810)- QA William Edwards A2404.
Pellet, William (1742-) married Mary Bradford (1744-1829)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Pelton, Robert (1727-1789) married Hannah Young (1731- )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Pendleton, Henry (1723-1818) married Martha Curtis (1730-1780)- QA Thomas Curtis A2101
Pendleton, James (-wp 1793) married Catherine Bowie (1747-)- QA John Catlett A1414
Pepper, John (c 1755-w 1816) married Elizabeth Oldham (c 1756-liv 1850)- QA Thomas Gascoigne A3001
Perrin, George (- aft. 1797) married Catherine Clopton (c. 1744-)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Perrin, Josephus (c. 1740- wp1793) married Cassandra Clopton (c.1741-1822)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Perrin, William (1730-1787) married Mary Clopton (1737-1785)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Perrott / Parrott, Curtis Jr (1718-1793) married Ann [Dashpar] (-)- QA Richard Perrott / Parrott Sr A6102
Perrott/Parrott, Curtis Jr. (1718- wp 1794) married Ann ()- QA Richard Perrott/Parrot A6102
Peter Montague (ca. 1732-1820) married Elizabeth Henderson (. - ca. 1824)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Peterson, John ( - 1769) married Martha ()- QA Henry Batte A605
Pettingill, Benjamin (1751-1814) married Mary "Molly" Howard (1755-1807)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Pettus, Col William (1729-wp 1798) married Susannah Graves (-)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Pettus, John (1736-1799) married Susanna /c/ Winston (-aft 1810)- QA Thomas Pettus A6106
Pettus, John (1736-wp 1799) married Susannah (1736-1821)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Pettus, John (c 1754-wp 1822 c) married ()- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Pettus, Stephen (c. 1721-1771) married Anne Dillard (- aft. 1774)- QA Thomas Pettus A6106
Peyton, John Rowzee (1754-1798) married Anne Hooe (1753/4-1834)- QA Rice Hoe / Hooe A4007
Phillips, Joseph (1738-1803) married Dorcas Vickery (1743- 1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Phillips, William (1731- c 1807) married Elizabeth Eggleston ( -)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Phillips, William (1731-c 1807) married Elizabeth Eggleston (-)- QA John More A9512
Phinney, Isaac (1733-1820) married Elizabeth Kinney (1733-1776)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Pierpoint, Francis (1712-1780) married Sarah Richardson (1719-)- QA John Chew A1606
Pinkard, John (c 1740-aft 1782) married Jane Jett (c 1745-1810)- QA John Pinkard A6205
Pinson, Marmaduke (c 1756-wp 1720) married Editha Osborne (c 1755-c 1820)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Pleasants, Archibald (1746/7-1836) married Jane Woodson (1752-1821)- QA John Woodson A9103
Pleasants, James (1738-1824) married Ann Randolph ( -)- QA William Randolph A6512
Pleasants, John (bef 1732-on or bef 1790) married Sarah Cox (-)- QA William Cox / Coxe A1909
Pleasants, Joseph (-by 1766 c) married Mary Aiken (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Pleasants, Tarleton (ca 1765/1766-on or aft 1835) married Ann Quarles (-bef 1816)- QA William Cox / Coxe A1909
Plummer, Abraham (1736-wp 1810) married Sarah Ward (ca 1744-on or bef 1802)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Plummer, Jeremiah (1740-wp 1809) married Nancy Banfield (1745-1840)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Plummer, Samuel (1691-1769) married Sarah Miles (1705-1788)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Poindexter, John (ca 1703-1753) married Christian Gissage (ca 1702-wp 1779)- QA David Crawford A1914
Poindexter, Joseph (1736-1826) married Elizabeth Jane Kennerly (1747/8-1828)- QA David Crawford A1914
Poindexter, Thomas III (c 1733-wp 1807) married Elizabeth Pledge (c 1740-aft 1809)- QA David Crawford A1914
Pointer, Samuel (1752- wp 1799) married Elizabeth Ligon (1751-1799)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Pointer, Samuel Sr. (1752-wp 1799 c) married Elizabeth Lligon (by 1751-by 1799)- QA Henry Batt A605
Pollard, Benjamin (1751?-) married Mary Todd Winston (1771-1824)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Pond, John Hawkins (1755-1832 c) married Eleanor Clifton Calthorpe (1764-1807)- QA Christopher Caulthropp A1502
Pope, Henry Augustine (1760-1807) married Mary Davis (" -c. 1843)- QA John English A9426
Pope, Jesse (c 1739- liv. 1818) married Mary Fort (c 1730- liv 1786)- QA John English A9426
Pope, John (c 1722-1799) married Mrs. Elizabeth Jeffreys Boddie (c 1716-liv 1793)- QA John English A9426
Pope, Lewis (1747-wp1805) married Jemima Jones (1748-1814)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Pope, Solomon (1741-1794) married Susannah Dawkins (1749-1794)- QA John English A9426
Pope, William (1754-1796) married Mary Paxton (-)- QA John English A9426
Porter, Amos (1742-liv 1805) married Ann Bradstreet (bapt 1745- )- QA William Perkins A9459
Porter, Benjamin (-) married Bathsheba King (1765-1789)- QA William Denson A2204
Porter, John (-) married Elizabeth "Betty" Denson (-)- QA William Denson A2204
Porter, Joseph (1755- wp 1819) married Rose Taliaferro ()- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Porterfield, Robert (1752-1843) married Rebecca Farrar (1764-1798)- QA William Farrar A2604
Powell, John Peyton (1760-1844) married Tabitha Harris (1757-1806)- QA Francis Epes, I A2502
Powell, Thomas (- bef. 1797) married Elizabeth Digges (1752-liv. 1797)- QA Dudley Diggs A9500
Powers, Asa (1743-1816) married Rezinah Wheeler (1739-1821)- QA John Vassall A9471
Poythress, Peter (- wp1786) married Elizabeth Bland (c. 1732-)- QA John Bland A903
Prather, Basil (Bazil) Pitts (1745- wd 1832) married Priscilla (c 1747-aft 1832)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Prather, Henry (1732-1775) married Elizabeth Hicks (1736-1805)- QA William Lovelace, II A5005
Prather, James (1736/7- 1818) married Ruth Crownover (- by 1769)- QA William Lovelace, II A5005
Prather, Thomas (1751-1786) married Mary Ann Phillips (1760-1787)- QA Thomas Adams A9510
Prather, Thomas (1751-1786) married Mary Phillips (1760-1787)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Prather, Thomas /c/ (1751-wp 1786) married Mary Phillips (1760-1787)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Pratt, John (1748-1814) married Betty Merrick (1756-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Pretlow, Joseph (- bef. 1797) married Anne Scott (c. 1773- 1840)- QA Thomas Jordan A9519
Price, Charles (1756-1790) married Elizabeth Fowlkes ( - aft. 1823)- QA John Price A6408
Price, Charles I (1756-wd 1790) married Elizabeth Fowlkes (1764-1823)- QA John Price A6408
Price, Daniel (c 1717-180) married Mary (-)- QA John Price A6408
Price, Samuel (1741- wp1782) married Elizabeth Puryear (1741- wp1786)- QA John Price A6408
Price, William (1725-wp 1807) married Mary Morton (1733-1810)- QA John Price A6408
Price, William ( - wp 1793) married Mary Williamson ()- QA John Price A6408
Price, William (1756-1816) married Sarah Baldwin (-)- QA John Price A6408
Price, William (1730- wp 1815) married Susannah Burton (1738- aft. 1815)- QA John Price A6408
Price, William Sr (-wp 1793) married Mary Williamson (-1743)- QA John Price A6408
Pridgen, David (c 1745-wp1813) married Mary Manning (c. 1755- aft. 1799)- QA Thomas Willoughby A8905
Pridgen, Thomas (c 1740- aft 1816) married Martha Ruffin ( - aft. 1796)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Primm, William (1740-1820) married (unknown) Jones (c. 1741- bef. 1810)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Prince, Hubbard (1740-1778) married Elizabeth “Betsy” Kincheloe (1750-1830)- QA David Whitley/Wyecliffe A9728
Prince, Kimball (1726-1814) married Deborah Fuller (1729-1826)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Prior, Joshua (1709-1784) married Mary Burnham (1714-1789)- QA William Tracy A8010
Pryor, John ( - wp 1783) married Mary Dennis ( -)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Pugh, William Scott (c 1745-1808) married Winifred Hill (-bef 1808)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Pullen, John (c 1739-wp 1809) married Ann (c 1740-by 1814)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Pullen, Moses (-wp 1790) married Lydia (-ca 1803)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Pullen, Thomas (-wp 1811) married Peggy Adams (-1809)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Pullen, Thomas /c/ (-wp 1811) married (1737-1809)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Pullen, William Sr (1757-1845) married Mary Haynes (1767-1851)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Pulliam, George (1747-wp 1786) married Frances Price (1758-1804)- QA John Price A6408
Purcell, William Nelson (c 1752-1792) married Martha Stubbs /c/ (1756-1792)- QA William Strachey A7705
Purple, Josiah (1750-1836) married Martha Cook (1755-1829)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Purple, Josiah (1750-1836) married Martha Cooke (1755-1829)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Putnam, Asa (c 1742-1795) married Anna Collins (1745/6-1807)- QA John Vassall A9471
Pyland, Obediah (c 1743- wp 1815) married Sally Harriss (bef 1771- 1795)- QA James Pyland A6505
Pyle, William (1755-wp1815) married Lucinda Gran Keyes (c. 1760-1810)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Quincy, Edmund (1725-1782) married Hannah Gannett (1751-aft. 1826)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Quincy, Edmund IV (1703-1788) married Elizabeth Wendell (on or bef 1704-1769)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Quincy, Edmund V (1725/6-1782) married Hannah Gannett (1751-on or aft 1826)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Quincy, Jacob (1734-1773) married Elizabeth Pope Williams (bap. 1742-1831)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Railey, Isham Randolph (1758-1814) married Susanna Woodson (1761-1818)- QA John Woodson A9103
Railey, James (1762-ca 1795) married Nancy Watkins (-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Railey, John (1721- 1783) married Elizabeth Randolph (1727-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Rakestraw, John (1761-on or aft 1794) married Rhoda Lane (1763-1853)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Ramdell, Timothy (bapt 1720-1764) married Elizabeth Wheeler (c 1730-p 1768)- QA William Perkins A9459
Randall, Aquila (1723-1801) married Margaret Brown (1723-1805)- QA John Chew A1606
Randolph, Richard (c 1715-1786) married Anne Meade (1731-1814)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Richard I (1732-1786) married Anne Meade (-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Randolph, Richard II (c 1715-1786) married Ann Randolph (1764-1820)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Richard II (1732-1786) married Anne Meade (-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Randolph, Thomas (-) married Jane Cary (1751-1774)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Thomas (1760-1811) married Mary Skipwith (-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Thomas Isham (1728-) married Jane Cary (1751-)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Randolph, Thomas Mann (1741-1793) married Ann Cary (1744/5-by 1789)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Thomas Mann (1741-1793) married Anne Cary (1745-1789)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Ransdell, John (1752-wp 1800) married Elizabeth Chinn (1754-1833)- QA Peter Presley A6404
Ransdell, Wharton (1720-wp 1786) married Margaret Barrow (-ca 1783)- QA Peter Presley A6404
Ransom, James (1725- bef. 1777) married Amy Davis ( - 1799)- QA John Moone A5602
Ransom, Richard (c 1752- 1827) married Kiziah Portiss (c 1763- 1841)- QA John Moone A5602
Ransom, Robert (bapt 1729-1785) married Hannah Burgess (1726-1785)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ransone, Flamstead (1735-wp 1796) married Elizabeth Pleasants (-1810)- QA Peter Ransom A6513
rapo, Consider/Consida/Concider (1736-aft 1815) married Mercy/Marcy West (1739-)- QA JohnVassall A9471
Rathbone, Daniel (1731-1823) married Sarah Higbee (1739-1835)- QA Sir William Browne A9515
Rawlings / Rawlins, Vincent (ca 1740-1799 - 1801) married Elizabeth "Betsey" Baptist (ca 1749-ca 1798)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Rawlings, Henry (c 1742- bef. 1807) married Anne (c 1745- aft. 1783)- QA James Knott A4609
Rawlings, William (1719-wp 1787) married Naomine (c. 1721- bef.1800)- QA James Knott A4609
Rawlins, Vincent (ca 1740-ca 1799) married Elizabeth Baptist (ca 1760-aft 1799)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Read, William (ca 1762-1815-1816) married Rebecca [Holt] (ca 1770-on or brf 1851)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Reade, Jones (- by 1829) married ( ) (( ))- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Reamy, Joshua ( - wp 1821) married Anne Wroe ( - )- QA Christopher Neale A5703
Reaves, George (c 1726-by 1815 c) married Martha "Patty" Eppes (c 1741-aft 1830)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Redd, John (1756-1840) married Mary Truman (1768-1834)- QA John Woodson A9103
Redford, John (- wp1804) married Ursula Woodson (c. 1760-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Redford, Wiliam (1752-1832) married Susanna Shelburne (1766-1840)- QA Joseph Royall
Respess, Richard (1718-1784) married Frances Wilkins (1719-)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Respess, Richard (1749-1840) married Pheriby Dawson (ca 1769-1828)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Respess, Richard II (1749-1839) married Pheriby Dawson (1769-1828)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Respess, Richard Jr (1749-1839) married Pheriby Dawson (ca 1769-1828)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Reynolds, John (1765-) married Rachel Hinckley (1776-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Reynolds, Richard (c 1732-1786) married Sarah Ann Doggett (-liv 1786)- QA Benjamin Doggett A9698
Reynolds, Thomas (1718/9-wp 1795 c) married Betty Turner (1726-wp 1816 c)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rhodes, David (1731-1793) married Mary Mills (1740-1781)- QA David Crawford A1914
Rhodes, Henry Jr. ( - wp 1781) married Elizabeth Woodhouse ( - 1792 )- QA Henry Woodhouse, I A9008
Rice, Ebenezer (1756-1831) married Ruth Henrietta Eveleth (1758-aft 1831)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rice, Elijah (1721/2-1818) married Huldah Keyes (1727-1799)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rice, Samuel (1744-1813) married Agnes Mosby (1748-1774)- QA John Woodson A9103
Rice, Zebulon (1725-1799) married Susanna Allen (c 1731/2-1823)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rice, Zebulon (1725-1799) married Susannah Allen (1731/2-1823)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rich, Ebenezer (1729/30-1768) married Ruth Paine (1736-1810)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rich, John (1736-bef 1810) married Mary Bailey (c 1737-1827)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rich, Richard (1740-1813) married Betsy Smith (1743-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Richard Taylor (1753-ca. 1826) married Lucy Byne (ca. 1753-)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Richardson, Charles II (aft 1699 c-wp 1794) married Mary Ann Broughton /c/ (-)- QA Richard Smith A7307
Richardson, Isham (1728- wp 1789) married Mary (1732-1783)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Richardson, John (ca 1728-ca 1781) married Comfort (-)- QA Richard Smith A7307
Richardson, John (1756-1822) married Rebeckah Davis (1760-1829)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Richardson, John (c1725-1766) married Sarah (-aft 1778)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Richardson, John "Blackhead" (1756-1822) married Rebeckah Davis (1760-1829)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Richardson, Richard Jr. (1742-1802) married Mary Pierpoint (1738- c 1806)- QA John Chew A1706
Richardson, Robert (ca 1705/6-1788) married Mary (-)- QA Richard Smith A7307
Richardson, Robert (ca 1753-ca 1803) married Mary Broughton (1760-ca 1803)- QA Richard Smith A7307
Richardson, Samuel (1741-1794) married Susannah Hales (c 1748-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Richardson, William (1735-1814) married Amy Applewhite (1732-1763)- QA Henry Applewhite/Applewhaite A205
Richbourg, Claudis (1715- bef 1788) married Unity Fox (c 1724- aft 1788)- QA John West A8604
Richbourg, John Sr. (1747-1838) married Mary Long (c 1755-c 1775)- QA John West A8604
Richbourg, William (Bef. 1755-1811/13) married Elizabeth Gibson (By 1790- liv. 1808)- QA John West A8604
Richebourg, John (1747-1838) married Mary Long (c 1755-c 1775)- QA John West A8604
Ricks, James (c 1730-1792) married Mary Crudup (-bef 1770)- QA John Johnson A4306
Ricks, Nicholas Sr. (1711-1800) married Frances Wood (1720-1800)- QA Richard Reekes/Ricks A9748
Rider, Ebenezer (1746-1784) married Ann Berthia Young (1746-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rider, Ebenezer (1746-1784) married Ann Bethiah Young (1746-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ridgely, John (1740-1818) married Anne Griffith (-bef 1840)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Riggan, John (c 1725-) married Ann Bell ( -)- QA Thomas Lucas/Lucar A5007
Riggan, John (c 1725-) married Ann Bell ()- QA William Thompson A9704
Riggins, Isaac (1765-1828) married Ellen Lawson (c. 1775-)- QA William Taylor A9741
Ring, Eleazer (1749-1814) married Abigail Joslyn (1755- c 1787)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ring, Eleazer (1749-1814) married Damaris Johnson (ca 1771-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rivers, Robert (1760-wp 1828) married Nancy Anne Eldridge (1771-1843)- QA Richard Kennon A4602
Rives, Robert (1748-1809 c) married Martha Peterson Hardaway (1754-1818 c)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Rives, Timothy (ca 1748-1821) married Priscilla Turner (-1817)- QA Col Henry Browne A1202
Robards, William ( - 1783) married Elizabeth Lewis ( - )- QA John Woodson A9103
Robbins, John (1712-1781) married Martha White (1717-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Robert Ligon (c. 1750-a. 1806) married Edith Watkins (c. 1765- liv 1820)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Roberts, Olive (c. 1745-1804) married Sarah Woodson (C 1747- 1846)- QA John woodson A9103
Robertson, Drury (c 1728-1797 c) married Winifred Malone (c 1729-1775 c)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Robertson, James (1751- 1828) married Ann Archer (1748-1820)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Robertson, James (ca 1720-wp 1758) married Mary Eppes Royall (ca 1725-wp 1805)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Robertson, John (1755-1826) married Elizabeth Branch Worsham (c 1756-)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Robertson, John Sr. (1742-1798 c) married (Mary) Ann Walthall (1744-wp 1805)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Robertson, Nathaniel (c. 1745-1799) married Elizabeth Marriott (c. 1752-1790)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Robins, Arthur III (-wp 1792) married (-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Robins, Arthur (c 1740-wp 1792) married (-bef 1783)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Robins, Arthur (c 1705-wp 1792) married Mary (-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Robins, Arthur III (c 1740-wp 1792) married (-by 1783)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Robins, John Purnell (1748/9-wp 1780) married Anna Spence (-1791 c)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Robins, Thomas (1745/6-1808) married Frances Stubbs (1745-1800)- QA John Robins A6706
Robins, Thomas (1759- by1790) married Lettice Dunton ()- QA Edmund Scarburgh, I A6909
Robins, William (1749-1798) married Dorothy Boswell (c 1750-c 1790)- QA John Robins A6706
Robins, William (1715-wp 1786) married Elizabeth Coleman (1721-on or bef 1782)- QA John Robins A6706
Robinson, Henry (Harry) (c 1740-by 1771) married Elizabeth /c/ Pierce (bet 1745-50-aft 1802)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Robinson, John (c 1745-1820) married Jane Downs (1751-1824)- QA John Chew A1606
Robinson, John (1738-1798) married Lucy Smith (1734- 1823)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Robinson, John (1744-1787) married Susanna Clements (1748-1807)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Robinson, John (1744-1787) married Sussanna Clements (1747/8-1807)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Robinson, William (1709- wp 1792) married Agatha Beverley (1716- 1763)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Robinson, William (1709-1792) married Agnes Smith (bef 1726-aft 1792)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Rodes, Charles (c 1730-1805) married Amy (c 1730-liv. 1805)- QA David Crawford A1914
Rogers, Benjamin (1738-1824) married Temperance Phinney (1738-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rogers, David (1751-) married Jerusha Eldridge (-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rogers, Joshua (1749-1823) married Mercy (Marcy) Higgins (1752-1842)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rootes, John (1740-1798) married Sarah Reade (c 1746-1811)- QA George Reade A6606
Rootes, Thomas Reade (-bef 1766) married Martha Jacqueline Smith /c/ (1740-)- QA George Reade A6606
Rose, Hugh (1743-1794) married Caroline Jordan (1747- wp1809)- QA William Fitzhugh A2703
Rose, John (1719/20-1788) married Keziah Haskell (1730-1815)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rose, Nathan (Bap. 1744- wp 1789) married Sarah Haskell (1747-1805)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rose, Nathan (1744-1789 /c/) married Sarah Haskell (1747-1805)- QA John Vassell A9471
Ross, Williamson (1759-1840) married Elizabeth Odom (c 1765-1850)- QA John Woodson A9103
Roten, James (c. 1755- 1824) married ( ) (( ))- QA Ezekiah Wroughten/Raughton A9529
Roy, Beverley (1750-1820) married Janet Dickie (1767-1817)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Royall, Capt William (1754-1821) married Elizabeth Flippin Bedford (1772-1802)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Royall, John (1729-wp 1810) married Mary (c 1730-aft 1811)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Royall, William (1754-1821) married Elizabeth Bradford (1772-1802)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Royall, William (-wp 1811) married Sarah (-1808)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Royall, William (1741-48-wp 1811) married Sarah (-)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
royston, John Cary (1750-bef 1827) married Mary Anne Renwick (1773-1801)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Rozar, Shadrack (1730-c. 1795) married Pembrock Powers (c. 1730-1800)- QA John Rosier A9528
Rozier, Reuben Sr. (c 1742-c 1820) married Mary Lee (c 1743-c 1815)- QA John Rozier A9528
Rucks, Josiah (1757-1836) married Elizabeth Taylor (1769-1856)- QA George Reade A6606
Rudd, Thomas (ca 1745-wp 1792) married Ann Cheatham (1749-1818)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Ruffin, William (c. 1708-wp1781) married ( ) (( ))- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Rundle, Reuben Sr. (1735-1815) married Amy Hobby (1737-1829)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Rush, John (1764-1828) married Margaret / Peggy Maupin (1763-1821)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Rust, John (c. 1738-1819) married Sarah Cox (1740/5- bef. 1800)- QA William Presley A6405
Ryder, Josiah (1740-1813) married Huldah Gross ( - 1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sallard, Charles (1719-wp1794) married Ann Spencer (c. 1735-bef. 1800)- QA John Pinkard A6205
Samson, Simeon (1736-1789) married Deborah Cushing (1740-1830)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Samson, Southworth (1735-1802) married Jedida Paine (1734-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sanborn, Mark (1750-1821) married Esther Cleveland (1754-1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sanders, Joel (1745-wp 1814) married Mary Elmore (1742-1828)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Sanders, Thomas (aft. 1730- wp 1789) married Dicey ()- QA William Spencer A7505
Sanford, Daniel (c. 1744- wp1824) married Rebecca Brewer (c. 1743- bef. 1800)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Savage, James (c 1755- wp 1822) married Bathsheba Rich (1764- Aft. 1822)- QA John Vassall A9471
Savage, John V (1749-by 1792) married Margaret Waters (Longe) (-1813)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Savage, Nathaniel (1725-1787) married Anne Reynolds (1740-1807)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Scarburgh, Americus II (1750-1818) married Rachel Watson (1765-1840)- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarbugh I A6909
Scott, Cornelius (1750-by 1810) married Winifred Basye (1762-liv 1850)- QA Thomas Gascoigne A3001
Scott, Cornelius (c 1750-by 1810) married Winifred Basye /c/ (c 1750-)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Seabury, David I (1738-1781) married Elizabeth Chester/Gorton (1743-1814)- QA William Collier A9520
Sears, Alden (1738/9-1803) married Phebe Walker (c1739-1830)- QA William Collier A9520
Sears, Richard (c 1748-c 1814) married Mary Lee (bapt 1748-1792)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Seaton, Francis (1756-1820) married Rebecca Gregg (1759-1822)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Seaton, George (1738-1791) married Elizabeth Watson ( - bef. 1765)- QA William Bernard A807
Seaver, Joseph (1752-1832) married Esther Lamb (1752-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sedgwick, Samuel (1725-1794) married Deborah Higgins (1725-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Selden, Wilson Cary (1723-1792) married Elizabeth Jennings (1725-1807)- QA Mylles (Miles) Cary A1409
Seward, Enos (bapt 1735-wp 1820) married Sarah Goss (1745-1821)- QA John Vassall A9471
Sewell, John Jr. (1725-1805) married Mary Marriott (-1800)- QA John Gaither A2913
Sharp, Robert (bef 17410- wp 1809) married Susannah (-liv 1752)- QA William Sharp A7010
Sharp, William (c 1730-bef 1785) married Unknown ()- QA William Sharp A7010
Shattuck, Robert (1721- 1802) married Ruhama Cooke (1721- c 1766)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sheild, Robert (1750- 1781) married Mary ()- QA Thomas Cheesman A1605
Sheild, Robert (1749/50-1781) married Mary [Ferguson] (1748-aby 1810)- QA George Reade A6606
Shelton, Abraham (1737-wp 1789) married Chloe Robertson (c. 1740-wp 1804)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Shelton, Crispin (1713- wp 1794) married Lettice Paine/Payne (1716- aft 1794)- QA Matthew Lidford A9507
Shelton, John (ca 1744-1828) married Mary Payne (ca 1750-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Shelton, John Sr (1758-wp 1853) married Nancy (Ann) Poindexter (1764-1824)- QA David Crawford A1914
Shelton, Spencer (1743-) married Clary Shelton (-)- QA Matthew Llidford A9507
Sheppard, Joseph (-will 1780) married Mary Mosby (1746-1791)- QA John Woodson A9103
Sherwin, Samuel (1733-wp 1789) married Elizabeth Randolph (c 1740-c 1776)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Shield, Peter (c 1742-bef 1804) married Nancy (c 1750-1830 c)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Short, John (1756-1836) married Mary Hansford (1756-on or bef 1821)- QA Edward Folliott A9513
Short, John II (1718- wp 1764) married Theodosia Mathews (1722- wp 1804)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Shrewsbury, Nathaniel (1739-1825) married Mary Taylor (c 1740-bef 1792)- QA David Crawford A1914
Shrewsbury, Samuel (1736-1782 c) married Elizabeth Dabney (-1830 c)- QA David Crawford A1914
Simkins, William Jr (-wp 1797) married Margaret "Peggy" Dunton (1752-43-aft 1797)- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarbugh I A6909
Simmons, Charles (1722- by 1770) married Eleanor Butts (1722-1756)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Simmons, Spratley (1759-) married Anna Drewry (-)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Simpson, Aaron (1759-wp 1833) married Charlotte Wiseheart (1763-1846)- QA William Presley A6405
Simpson, Richard Jr. (Bapt 1716- wp 1799) married Sophia Warfield (Bapt. 1727- bef. 1801)- QA John Gaither A2913
Simpson, William (1757-1820) married Jean (or Jane) Wiseheart (ca 1755-1762-1821)- QA William Presley I A6405
Sims, Joel (1738-wp 1802) married Christian L (1740-1810-1817)- QA Reynold Henley A9438
Sims, William (1715-on or bef 1779) married Susannah Bullock (1720-on or bef 1777)- QA Reynold Henley A9438
Sims, Zachariah (-) married Elizabeth Graves (1752-)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Slaughter, Capt Phillip (1758-1849) married Margaret French Strother (-1802)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Slaughter, Col James (ca 1732-1799) married Susan Clayton (1735-aft 1819)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Slaughter, Francis (1730-1805) married Sarah Coleman ( - by 1793)- QA John Lightfoot A4902
Slaughter, James (1751-wp 1834 c) married Elizabeth Hampton (-1811 c)- QA William Hampton A3404
Slaughter, James (1732- 1799) married Susanna Clayton (1740- 1818)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Small, Job (1734-1800 c) married Mercy Wescott (c 1739-1835)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Small, John (1704-1795) married Hannah Barnaby (1709-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smalley, Francis (bapt 1744-1818) married Sarah Hutchinson (c 1748-1780)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Archelaus (1734-1821) married Elizabeth Nickerson (1735-1828)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Benjamin (1749-1814) married Elizabeth Sparrow (1752-1826)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Benjamin (1724-1796) married Ruth Snow (1725-aft 1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Ephraim (1742-1839) married Abigail Higgins (-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Francis (1705-1775) married Elizabeth Waddy (1716-1799)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Smith, Francis (ca 1749-wp 1814) married Lucy Wilkinson (-wp 1822)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Smith, Isaac II (1734-1813) married Elizabeth Custis Teakle (1742-1822)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Smith, John (ca 1730-1761) married Beverley Chew (-1803)- QA John Chew A1606
Smith, John II ( - 1779) married Susannah Custis ( - aft. 1779)- QA Tully Robinson A6710
Smith, John III ( - wd 1779) married Susannah Custis ( - aft 1779)- QA Anthony West A9499
Smith, John Jr (1722-1779) married Susanna Custis (1728-1785)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Smith, John Jr. (c 1737-wp 1824) married Sarah Parker (c 1784-1820)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Smith, John R (-1801) married Molly/Mary Bacon (1766-1858)- QA John Vassall A9471
Smith, John Sr. (c 1737- wp 1824) married Sarah Parker (1784- 1820)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Smith, Joseph (a 1757-wd 7 May 1834) married Patience Elam (1763-1830 - 1834)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Smith, Joshua (1744/5-1793 c) married Freelove Kibbe (1749-1840)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Josiah (ca 1729-wp 1818) married Elizabeth Collier (ca 1728-ca 1766)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Smith, Larkin (ca 1757-1813) married Mary Eleanor Hill (ca 1765-1797)- QA John Chew A1606
Smith, Nathaniel (-on or bef 1776) married Mercy Walker (1704-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Obed Edom (1755-1842) married Abigail Paine (1754-1842)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Richard (ca 1688-wp 1760) married Agnes Cocke (aft 1696-wp 1779)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Smith, Robert (c 1733-1777) married Mary Calthorpe (1733-bef 1777)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Smith, Solomon, Jr. (1741-1829) married Deborah Kibbee (-1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Stephen (1706-1766) married Bathsheba Brown (1710-1766)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Stephen (1726-1807) married Mehitable Eldridge (Eldred) (1729-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Thomas (1744-1833) married Hannah Shurtleff (1739-40-1821)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Thomas (ca 1760-1831) married Mary "Molly" Fuqua (ca 1769-ca 1832)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Smith, Thomas (1738-1821) married Mary Green€ (1736-1810)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, William (1755-1833) married Catherine Bibb (1758-1796)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Smith, William (aft 1724-1802) married Margaret Whitel(e)y (bef 1745-on or aft 1802)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Smith, William (1734- wp 1822) married Mary Rodes ( - 1828)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Smith. Amos (1747-1807) married Christina Phelps (1762-1854)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snead, John (1715/6-1780) married Scarburgh Harding (-aft 1780)- QA Anthony West A9499
Snead, Samuel (c 1750-wp 1828 /c/) married Martha (Patsy) Clay (c 1750-1786 /c/)- QA John clay A1706
Snow, Aaron (1707/8-bef 1758) married Sarah Gross (1713-aft 1760)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Anthony (1744/5-1816) married Tamsin Hardong (1750-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Ebenezer (ca 1758-1835) married Sarah (Sally) Wicker / Whicker (1761-aft 1850)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Edmund (c 1738- 1796) married Rhoda Williams (c 1740-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Edward (1729- c 1783) married Martha (Harding) Brown (1726-1765)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Ephraim (1745-) married Martha Rogers (1757-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Heman (1738-wp 1820) married Jedidiah Smith (1743-1812 c)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, James (1727-wp 1787) married Deliverance Davenport (1731-1819)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Jesse (1709-1772) married Lois Freeman (1726-1790)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, John (c. 1763- 1841) married Elizabeth (c. 1764-1828)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, John (bap. 1734-c 1777) married Hannah Larrabee/Letherbay (1735-1818)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Joseph (1740-1793) married Priscilla Berry (1738-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Joshua (1729-) married Ruth Bolles (1731/2-1800)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Mark (1731-1799) married Hannah Sears (-c 1768)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Nicholas (1742-1821) married Huldah Watkins (1743-1821)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Osborn (1741-1806) married Sarah Smith (c 1751-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Seth (1720-1760) married Desire (1720-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, William (c 1720-1783 c) married Hannah Hawkins (-1751)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, William (c 1720-1783 c) married Martha (aft 1751-by 1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, William (ca 1720-ca 1783) married Martha (1751-1753-on or bef 1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snowden, Richard (ca 1755-on or bef 1788) married Hannah Moore Hopkins (1758-on or aft 1788)- QA John Chew A1606
Snowden, Samuel (1728/9-1801) married Elizabeth Thomas (1732/3-1790)- QA John Chew A1606
Snowden, Samuel S (1728/9-1801) married Elizabeth Thomas (1732/3-1790)- QA John Chew A1606
Soule, Joshua (1742-1808) married Mary Cushman (1744-1818)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Southerland, Fendall (BY 1718-WP 1789) married ()- QA John Chiles A9742
Southwick, Jesse (bap 1739-1782) married Copia White (1744-1820)- QA John Vassall A9471
Southworth, Andrew (1709-) married Temperance Kirtland (1710-1794)- QA William Collier A9520
Southworth, Nathan (1735-1811) married Hannah Wheeler (1740-1805)- QA William Collier A9520
Southworth, William (1760-on or bef 1828) married Rhoda Blakesley (1763-1803)- QA William Collier A9520
Spady, Southy (1756-1844) married Ann Trower (c. 1770-1824)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Spain, Francis (1729-1821) married Eleanor Truly (1730-1795)- QA David Crawford A1914
Spann, Richard (1729-1744) married Sara Stewart (1731-1787)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Spann, Richard (c 1729-by 1781) married Sarah Stuart (c 1731-by 1787)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Sparrow, Thomas (1751-1823 c) married Rhesa Delamar (c 1757-bef 1816)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Sparrow, Thomas (c 1751-wp 1823) married Rhesa Delamare (c 1757-bef 1816)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Speake, Robert (ca 1740-ca 1810) married Lucretia Mason (ca 1740-wp 1816)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Spencer, John (c. 1732- wp 1789) married Rosanna Graves (c, 1734- aft. 1789)- QA William Woodward A9718
Spencer, Samuel Flournoy (1755-1838) married Agnes Morton (-bef 1799)- QA John Woodson A9103
Spier, John (-wp 1790) married Christian Benton (-aft 1793)- QA John Spier A7507
Spier, William (c 1740-aft 1799) married Ann Pitman (c 1744-bef 1799)- QA John Spier A7507
Spooner, Bigford (1743-1819) married Mary Babbit (1748-by 1778)- QA John Vassall A9471
Spotswood, John (1724-1758) married Mary Dandridge (-1795)- QA John West I A8604
Sprigg, John Clark (c. 1757-wp1781) married Elizabeth Brookes (c. 1756-aft. 1809)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Stallard, Walter (ca 1750-1827) married Judith Basye (1762-1825)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Stanard, Beverley (1722-bef 1765) married Elizabeth Beverley Chew (c 1738-aft 1770)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Standish, Moses (1733-1779) married Mary Eddy (1740-1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stanley, John (-wp 1795) married Edith Hutchins (1736/7-1796)- QA William Cox A1909
Stark, John Carter (1748- 1814) married Sara English (1749- 1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stark, John Carter (1748-1814) married Sarah English (1749-1820)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Stark, Robert (c 1738- 1806) married Mary Hall ( - by 1809)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Stark, William (1754-1838) married Mary Kendall (1760-1858)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Starke, William /c/ (c 1736-aft 1779) married Mary Bassett Daingerfield (c 1759-aft 1781)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Staton, Thomas (c. 1737- wp1803) married Anne Matthews (( ))- QA Edmund Scarbugh, II A6910
Staton, Thomas Sr. (1737- wp 1803) married Anne Matthews ( - )- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarburgh II A6910
Steger, John Parrot ( - aft. 1807) married Sarah Eppes Harris ()- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Stephan Mayo (1757-1847) married Ann Isbell (. - c. 1797)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Stevens, James (1738- wp 1813) married Beheathland Taliaferro (1738- aft 1813)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Stevens, John (1735-1826) married Sarah Montague (1739/40-ca 1806)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Stevens, Matthew (1745-1811) married Hannah Crosby (1739-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stevenson, James (1739-1809) married Frances Arnett Littlepage (1750-1808)- QA Richard Littlepage A4904
Stevenson, Solomon Jr (ca 1740/45-by 1781) married Anna (Nancy) (ca 1755-1791)- QA John Johnson A4306
Stevenson, Solomon Sr (ca 1715/20-wp 1794) married Martha Matthews (ca 1708-on or bf 1747)- QA John Johnson A4306
Stewart, Ralph (1752-1835) married Mary Clay (1772-1842)- QA John Clay A1706
Stewart, William (c 1735-wp 1774) married Mary (c 1740-1780)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Stith, Anderson (- by1768) married Joanna Bassett (- wp1800)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Stith, Buckner (c 1748-c 1800) married Anne/Anna Dade (-aft 1782)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Stith, Joseph (1759-1837) married Nancy Cocke (1761-1842)- QA John Stith A7608
Stith, Richard (1727-1802) married Lucy Hall (1736-1815)- QA John Stith A7608
Stith, Richard A (1727-1802) married Lucy Cocke Hall (1736-1815)- QA John Stith A7608
Stith, Thomas (1731-1801) married Holly Bailey (ca 1760-)- QA John Stith A7608
Stockton, Robert (1743- wp1824) married Catherine Blakey (1753-1825)- QA John George A3003
Stoddert, Kenhelm Truman (1739-by 1785) married Letty Dent (-)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Stone, John (1714-bef 1775) married Mrs. Mary Warren Briscoe-Musgrove (-1841)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Stone, William (c. 1733- aft. 1800) married Elizabeth Murray Handy (- aft. 1801)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Stonum, Forunatus (1755- aft. 1827) married Elizabeth Ezell (c. 1785- aft. 1880)- QA Roger Delke A2203
Strange, John Alloway (1727-wp 1811) married Mildred Ann Barnett (1751-1837)- QA William Farrar A2604
Stratton, Henry ( - wp 1799) married Sarah Hampton ( - aft. 1799)- QA Thomas Sheppey
Stratton, John (bef 1745-1805) married Anne Douglas (c. 1750-1805)- QA Henry Batte A9506
Stratton, John (bef 1745-1805) married Susan Ann Douglass (c 1750-1805)- QA Henry Batt A9506
Stratton, William (- wp1780) married Jane (c. 1721- )- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
Strickland, Aaron I (abt 1725-1801) married Christian Hill (unknown)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Strickland, Jacob (c 1714- wp 1790) married unknown ( - bef 1788)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Strickland, Jacob Jr. (1741-1804) married Priscilla (1747-1825)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Strickland, Joseph (1741-wp 1804 c) married Priscilla Young (1747-1825)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Strickland, Matthew (-1828) married Mary Perry (c 1752-1817)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Strickland, Solomon (- wp 1813) married Amy Pace (- liv. 1813)- QA Richard Pace
Stringer, Hillary (c. 1724- wp1790) married Ann Teackle (1740-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Stringer, Hillary (c. 1724-wp1790) married Anne Teackle (1740-)- QA John Stringer A7709
Strother, Benjamin (1750-1807) married Catherine Price (1753-1805)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Stuart, Charles (1754-1808) married Sarah Keene Ashton (1799-1848)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Stubblefield, George (c. 1740- wp 1801) married Sarah Winslow ( -)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Stubbs, James (abt. 1735- bef. 1795) married Sarah Cahoon (c. 1738-aft. 1806)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stubbs, Lawrence Smith (1738-1797) married Ellis Duval (1738-1798)- QA William Strachey A7705
Stubbs, Peter (1744-1821) married Mary Baradall Palmer (c. 1750-1804)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Stubbs, Peter (1744-wd 1821) married Mary Barradel Palmer (-1804)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Stubbs, Samuel (1725-aft 1797) married Anne Rich (-aft 1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stubbs, Samuel (1725-liv. 1797) married Anne Riche (1728-liv. 1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stubbs, William (1748-1839) married Elizabeth Hubbard (1750-1838)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Sturdivant, Matthew () married Tabitha Wynne ()- QA Robert Hallom A9434
Sturdivant, William (c 1726- wp 1769) married Frances (-1806)- QA Robert Hallom A9434
Sturgis, Russell (1750-1826) married Elizabeth Perkins (1756-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sublett, Benjamin (1733-wp 1816) married Elizabeth Jordan (1740s-1809)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Sublett, Benjamin (1733- wp 1815) married Elizabeth Jordan (-1809)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Sugg, William (1758-on or bef 1820) married Elizabeth Sims (1764-1848)- QA Reynold Henley A9438
Sunderland, Benjamin (1732- liv. 1773) married Elizabeth Taylor (c 1733-)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Sutherland, Thomas (1736-wp 1808) married Barsheba Palmer (1739-1813)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Suttle, Joseph (c 1727- bef. 1788) married Mary "Molly" Doggett (aft. 1737- 1816)- QA Benjamin Doggett A9698
Sutton, James (c. 1750- wp1795) married Elizabeth Taylor (1759-1815)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Swann, Samuel (-bef 1799) married Ann Taylor /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Swann, Samuel (1747-1787) married Mildred Lyon (-aft 1787)- QA Samuel Swann A7802
Swann, Thomas Thompson (1750-1800) married Judith Ligon (c 1769-1838)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Swann, Thompson (c 1729-wp 1779 c) married Janette Carson Blakely (c 1730-1780 c)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Swann, Thompson (1725-wp 1779) married Jannet Carson Blaikley (1729/30-1780)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Swearingen, Andrew (1747-1824) married Elizabeth Chapline (c. 1749-1834)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Sweatt, William C. (1748-1832) married Sarah Pearce (1747-1832)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Swinney, James (1751 - 1760-1836) married Susannah Chiles Hammock (1750 - 1760-1850 - 1853)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Swinney, James S (1750-1760-1836) married Susannah Chiles Hammock (1750-1760-aft 1850)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Tabb, Rev George (1750-1829) married Anne White (1750-ca 1794/6)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Tabb, Robert (1763-wp 1831) married Mary Chisman (bapt 1765-1832)- QA George Reade A6606
Tabb, Thomas 1719- wp 1782 married Lockey Langhorne c. 1723- bef. 1782 QA John Langhorne 10849D
Tabb, William (1745- bef. 1787) married Joanna Tompkins (- liv. 1795)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Tabb, William (1702-1765) married Susannah Gould (1717-1805)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Talbott, Daniel (1738-aft 1783) married Elizabeth Ward (bef 1748-aft 1808)- QA Thomas Meares A5404
Taliaferro, Christopher (1742- wp1785) married ( ) Anderson ()- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Taliaferro, Col Lawrence (1734-1798) married Sarah Dade (1760-1805)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Taliaferro, John (1733-1821) married Mary Hardin (1733-aft 1796)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Taliaferro, Lawrence (1734-1798) married Sarah Dade (1760-1805)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Taliaferro, Richard (1756-1781) married Dorcus Perkins (-)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Taliaferro, William (1726-1798) married Mary Battaile (1731-1757)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Taliaferro, Zachariah (1730-on or bef 1797) married Mary Boutwell (-bef 1787)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Tanner, Robert (1725-1817) married Martha A. Hawkins (1726-1793)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Tarpley, John (1738-by 1795) married Elizabeth Smith (by 1750-)- QA William Travers A8105
Tarvin, William (1735- c.1810) married Mary Miles (1753-1813)- QA Adam Thorowgood/Thoroughgood A7910
Tate, William (c. 1748- wp 1814) married Elisheba Hudson (c. 1752- by 1833)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Tatem, Abel (c. 1747- by 1798) married Millie Harris (1755- wp1832)- QA Richard Church A1701
Tatum, Edmund (C 1744- wp Feb 1811) married Susannah “Sucky” ()- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Tatum, Josiah (1715- wp Oct 1797) married Sarah Brooke (1725/6-1778)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Tatum, Paul (-wp 1787) married (-)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Tatum, Peter (1742- wp 1791) married Rebecca Howell ( - 1791)- QA Francis Epes, I A2502
Tatum, Richard (c 1732-1790) married Mary (c 1733-)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Taylor, Argyle (1750-1825) married Mrs. Mary Tebbs (Ashby) (1750-1829)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Taylor, Edmund (1723- wp1808) married Ann Lewis (1733- aft. 1807)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Taylor, Edmund Sr. (1723-wp 1808) married Ann Lewis (1732/3-1811 c)- QA George Reade A6606
Taylor, Leroy (c 1750-1834) married Nellie Wilson (" - by 1825)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Taylor, Richard (1744-1829) married Sarah Dabney Strother (1760-1822)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Taylor, Samuel (1750-1816) married Eunice Ryder (bap 1759-1845)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Tazewell, Henry (1753-1799) married Dorothea Elizabeth Waller (1754-1777)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Tazewell, Littleton (1720-1757) married Mary Gray (1733/4-1808)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Teasley, John III (1755-1816 /c/) married Lucy Hunt (1757-1846)- QA James Knott A4609
Teasley, John III (1755-1816) married Lucy Hunt (1757-1846)- QA James Knott A4609
Temple, Henry Jr (1758-bef 1820) married Sarah Robertson (ca 1760-bef 1800)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Henry Sr (ca 1730-1800) married Elizabeth Barker (ca 1735-bef 1799)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Peter (ca 1750-1802) married Ann "Nancy" Eppes (ca 1758-1823)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Peter (c 1750-1802) married Anne "Nancy" Eppes? (c 1758-1823)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Peter (1750-1802) married Nancy Ann (ca 1758-1823)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Samuel Jr (1720-1784) married Mary (ca 1724-)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Terrell, Edward (1753-1820) married Jane Johnson (1762-1820)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Terrell, Henry (1735-1812) married Mary Tyler (1743-1814)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Terrell, Pleasant (by 1740-1803) married Catherine Farish ( - liv. 1777)- QA Walter Chiles, II A9509
Terrell, Thomas (1736-1804) married Rebecca Peatross (-1794)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Terry, David (1740-1796) married Elizabeth Luck (1741- abt. 1777)- QA David Crawford A1914
Terry, George (c. 1730-wp. 1803) married (unknown) Pettus ( -)- QA Thomas Pettus A6106
Terry, Joseph (1753-1817) married Sarah Coleman Williams (1753-1820)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Terry, Joseph Jr (ca 1749-on or bef 1820) married Lucy Hatcher (ca 1748-1842)- QA David Crawford A1914
Terry, Joseph Sr (ca 1717-1785) married Judith Crawford (ca 1705-ca 1762)- QA David Crawford A1914
Terry, Nathaniel (1724/5-1780) married Sarah Royall (1731-1805)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Terry, William (1749-1810) married Susannah Thompson (c 1750-1845)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Thacher, Joseph (1744-1778 c) married Susannah Wheldon (1742-)- QA William Collier A9520
Thaxton, William (c 1748-wp 1803) married Lucy Clay (1752-wp 1825)- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Thayer, Asa (1752-1828) married Mary Hunt (1758-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Thilman, Paul (1729/30-1784 c) married Elizabeth Farish (1738-1782 c)- QA Thomas Curtis A2101
Thomas Bollling (1735-1804) married Elizabeth Gay (1738-1813)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Thomas Farley, Sr. (1725/30- wp 1796) married Judith Clay (. - after 1809)- QA Fareley, Farlowe, Farley Thomas A2508
Thomas, Joseph (1713/4-wp 1758) married Mourning Pope Wimberly (1710-1715-1781)- QA John English A9426
Thomas, Philip (1694-1762) married Ann Chew (ca 1706-1777)- QA John Chew A1606
Thomas, William (1758-1813) married Catherine Boarman (1760-1812)- QA George Calvert A1313
Thompson, Balaam (1745- by 1798) married Olive Melton ( - )- QA Alice ( ) Pierce Bennett A711
Thompson, Balaam Sr. (1745-bef 1798) married Olive Melton (c 1745-1790)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Thompson, John (1720-by 1773) married Elizabeth Rootes (1740-aft 1773)- QA George Reade A6606
Thompson, John (1744-1811) married Susannah Lea (1751-1820)- QA Alice Pierce Bennett A711
Thomson, Rodes (c. 1754- wp1845) married Sally Vivion (c. 1758-1825)- QA John Walker A8210
Thomson, Waddy (abt 1730-wp 1801 /c/) married Mary Lewis (abt 1735-1812)- QA George Reade A6606
Thorn, John (1753-1840) married Hannah "Amelia" Hicks (1755-bef 1840)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Thorne, Thomas (1718-1778) married Mary Dodge (1716-1752)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Thornton, Col John (1745-1822) married Jane Augusta Washington (1752-wp 1833)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Thornton, Francis III (ca 1714-1749) married Frances Gregory (ca 1720-1793)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Thornton, Francis IV (1739-1795) married Ann Thompson (1744-1815)- QA John Washington A8404
Thornton, Francis IV (bef 1712-1749) married Frances Gregory (aft 1719-bef 1794)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Thornton, Francis Jr. (c 1737-1794) married Ann Innis Thompson (c 1743-1815)- QA John Washington A8404
Thornton, Francis V (1737-1794) married Anne Thompson (c 1743-1815)- QA Lawrence Washington A8405
Thornton, George (1752-1853) married Margaret Stanley (1758-1823)- QA William Presley I A6405
Thornton, George (-1781) married Mary Alexander (1756-1837)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Thornton, John (ca 1710-on or bef 1778) married Mildred Gregory (ca 1722-aft 1750)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Thornton, William (1742-1800) married Mary Stuart (-)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Throckmorton, Gabriel (1735-1791) married Judith Edmondson (" - )- QA George Reade A6606
Throckmorton, Thomas Reade (1739-1826) married Mary Anne Hooe (1756-1807)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Throckmorton, Warner (1750-1794) married Mary Langborne (1754-1800)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Tilghman, James (1743-1809) married Susanna Steuart (1749-1774)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Timson, Samuel (1741-wp 1782) married Mary Valentine (-1783)- QA Samuel Matthews A5308
Todd, Thomas (1765-1826) married Elizabeth Harris (1765-1811)- QA Sir William Barne A505
Tomlinson, Thomas (-by 1790) married Sarah Eppes (1741-)- QA Francis Epes A406
Tompkins, William (1736-1772) married Ann Overton Cosby /c/ (c 1748-)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Topping, Garrett (1745-1817) married Scarburgh Snead (1755-1804)- QA Anthony West A9499
Totman, Joshua (1737-1808) married Elizabeth Rogers (1733-1818)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Towles, Stockey (c 1745- 1811) married Elizabeth Downman (1752-)- QA Raleigh/Rawleigh Travers A8103
Towles, Thomas (1750- wp1800) married Mary Beverly Smith (1755-1813)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Towles, Thomas (1750- wp 1800) married Mary Smith (1755-1813)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Towner, Ithiel (1742- 1810) married Sarah Crosby (bap. 1747- 1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Townshend, Dade Jr (1742/3-711) married Mary Simmons (1765-1837)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Tracy, Solomon (1756-1819) married Phoebe Hudson (1767-1843)- QA William Tracy A8010
Travis, Champion (1751-) married Boush, Elizabeth (c 1752-)- QA Edward Travis A8101
Travis, Champion (1751-) married Elizabeth Boush (c 1752-)- QA Edward Travis A8101
Travis, Edward Champion (1721-1779) married Susannah Hutchings (ca 1729-1761)- QA John Johnson A4306
Travis, Edward IV (1750- wp 1784) married Clarissa/Clara Waller (1759- 1811)- QA John Johnson A4306
Trezevant, John (1758-1818) married Katherine Cocke (ca 1759-1801)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Trezvant, John Timothy (1758-1818) married Catherine Cocke Wyatt (by 1757-on or bef 1802)- QA John Bayly A704
Trueman, Richard (c 1745- wp 1797) married Elizabeth Farmer (c 1750- liv. 1799)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Truman, John ( - c 1782) married Susanna Farris ( -)- QA Sarah Woodson A9112
Truman, Joseph (1734-1803) married Mary McGehee (1742-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Tucker, Curle (by 1737-1788) married ( ) (( ))- QA Curle Pasco A2011
Tucker, Joel (-wp 1820 /c/) married Elizabeth Clemmons (-)- QA John Clay A1706
Tucker, Matthew ( -) married Lucretia Childers ( - bef. 1787)- QA John Woodson A9103
Tucker, Reuben (1715-1720-aft 1783) married Ruth Sulse / Hulse (-ca 1815)- QA Francis Brewster A9310
Tucker, Robert (1739-aft 1803) married Mary Green (1741-)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Tucker, Samuel (1719/20-1776-1777) married Anne (-on or aft 1776)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Tucker, St. George (1752-1827) married Francis Bland (Randolph) (1752-1788)- QA Theodorick Bland A906
Tull, Charles (1753- 1836) married Sarah (1761- 1803)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tull, Handy (ca 1739-1796) married (-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tull, Handy (c 1742- bef. 1796) married Eleanor "Nelly" Merrill (c 1754- liv. 1840)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tull, Isaac (1718- c 1784) married Winifred Watts Caldwell (1720-1806)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tull, John (1744-1820) married Elizabeth [Cannon?] (1779-1802)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tune, Caster (aft 1727-aft 1795) married Elizabeth Davenport ()- QA George Heale A3709
Tunnell, Stephen Sr. (1753-1828) married Kezsia Money (c 1755-1836)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Tunstall, William (1736-1793 c) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Barker (c 1745/6-wp 1803)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Tunstall, William (1736-1792-1793) married Elizabeth (Betsy) Barker (1745 - 1746-1803)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Tunstall, William (1736-1792/93) married Elizabeth Barker (c. 1745- wp 1803)- QA Thomas Savage
Turnbull, Robert (1742-1804) married Mary Cole (1751-1789)- QA William Cole A9541
turner, Benjamin (1753-1810) married Elizabeth Clack (1770-1831)- QA James Clack A9706
Turner, Jacob (-1817) married Mary Ann Blunt (-bef 1778)- QA Col Henry Browne A1202
Turner, John (c. 1751-bef. 1807) married Lucy Robertson (c. 1754- bef. 1807)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Turner, John (-wp 1796) married Priscilla Blunt (-)- QA Henry Browne A1202
Turner, John Furbush (1735- wp 1803) married Clara (Clear) Benthall (c 1741- bef. 1778)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Turner, Martin (1745- wp 1829) married Mildred Millicent Lipscomb (1750-1849)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Turner, Thomas (1751-wp 1787) married Janet Fauntleroy (1748-1787)- QA Abraham Piersey A6011
Turpin, Lusby/Lisby/Luzby (c 1728/9 /c/-wp 1791 /c/) married Sarah Redford (-by 17778 /c/)- QA Cicely Farrar A9447
Turpin, Thomas (1708-1790) married Jefferson, Mary (1708-1784)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Turpin, Thomas (1708-1790) married Mary Field Jefferson (1708-1784)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Turpin, Thomas (1708-1790) married Mary Jefferson (1708-1784)- QA Peter Field A2608
Turpin, Thomas II (1708-1790) married Mary Jefferson (1718-1784)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Turpin, William (1741-will 1824) married Sarah Harris (1754-bef 1824)- QA Peter Field A2608
Tutt, Richard (1749-1807) married Elizabeth Perrin (1759-1826)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Twining, Elijah (1741-1802) married Lois Rogers (1744-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Twitty, John (c 1742-1780) married Mildred Burford (-aft 1790)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Twyman, George (1731-wp 1818) married Mary Walker (-on or bef 1811)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Twyman, George III (1731-wp 1818) married Mary Walker (1734-1822)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Twyman, Samuel (1761-wp 1823) married Frances Rogers (1765-1837)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Twyman, William (1727-wp 1811) married Winifred Cowherd (c 1729-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Twyman, William Jr. (1754- wp 1843) married Elizabeth Garnett (1751-1837)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Tyler, Abraham (1733-1804/5) married Jedidah Thomas (1739/40-1828/9)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Tyler, George (1755-1833) married Judith Terrell (c. 1750-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Tyler, John (1747-1813) married Marot Armistead (1761-on or aft 1797)- QA Anthony Armistead A208
Tyler, John (1747-1813) married Mary Marot Armistead (1761-1797)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Tyler, John III (1747-1813) married Mary Marot Armistead (1761-1797)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Tyus, Benjamin (1740-liv 1791) married Elizabeth Williamson (c 1744-1815)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Tyus, John (-1816) married Mary Frances Nicholson (1754-1835)- QA John Flood/Fludd A2709
Urquhart, William (1737-1804) married Mary "Polly" Simmons (-)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Vass, Philip Vincent (c 1710-by 1768 c) married Mary Curtis (1725-1802 c)- QA Thomas Curtis A2101
Vaughan, Shadrach (1733-1806) married Mary Meriwether (1752-1786)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Venable, Joseph Morton (1761-1833) married Elizabeth Watkins (1769-1832)- QA John Woodson A9103
Venable, Nathaniel (1733-1804) married Elizabeth Woodson (1731-1811)- QA John Woodson A9103
Venable, Richard Nathaniel (1763-1838) married Mary Morton (1779-1839)- QA John Woodson A9103
Venable, Samuel Woodson (1752-1821) married Mary Scott Carrington (1756-1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Veneable, Nathaniel (1733-1804) married Elizabeth Woodson (1740-1791)- QA John Woodson A9103
Vickery, Benjamin (1731- 1789) married Hanna Stevens (c 1735- )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Viverette, Thomas (-by 1791) married Elizabeth Hickman (c 1737-by 1807)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Vivion, John (1714-1788) married Jane Smith (1715-1803)- QA John Walker A8210
Vivion, John IV (c 1736-wp 1805) married Martha Gholson (c 1736-1820 c)- QA Mordecai Cooke A1810
Vose, Samuel (1730-1799) married Phebe Vickery (1729-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Wales, Nathaniel (1733- 1810) married Grace Brewster (1737/8- 1816)- QA William Collier A9520
Walke, Anthony II (1726- wp 1782) married Jane Randolph ( -)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Walker, Baylor (1737-1773) married Frances Hill (1732-1782)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Walker, Benjamin (1726-1816) married Marsylvia Kieith (1735-1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Walker, Benjamin (c 1726-c 1816) married Marysylvia "Sylvia" Keith (c 1732-c 1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Walker, David (1731-by 1793) married Peletiah Jones (1729-bef 1791)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Walker, Henry (1745-1792) married Martha Bolling Eppes (1749- wp 1810)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Walker, Hugh (bef 1739-1799) married Mary Catherine Montague (1739-will 1803)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Walker, Jerimiah (c 1731-1811) married Elizabeth "Betty" Small (c 1732-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Walker, Robert (1729-1797) married Elizabeth Stark /c/ (c 1744-1828)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Walker, Thomas (1749-1795) married Margaret Hoops (c 1750-)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Walker, Thomas (1715/6-1794) married Mildred Thornton (1721-1778)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A1913
Walker, Thomas (1715/6-1794) married Mrs. Mildred Thornton Meriwether (-)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Walker, William Jr. (c 1730-by 1797) married Drusilla Watkins Woodson (1747-1814)- QA John Woodson A9103
Wall, James (1729-1788) married Sarah Gray (1739-1794)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Wallace, John (1761-1829) married Sarah Brooks ( -)- QA Robert Offley A9457
Wallace, Michael (1753- wd 1813) married Lettice Smith ( -)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Wallace, Michael Sr. (1719- wp1767) married Elizabeth “Betsy” Brown (1723- aft 1762)- QA William Cotton A9502
Wallace, Michael Sr. (1719- wp1767) married Elizabeth “Betsy” Brown (1723-aft. 1762)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Wallace, Michael Sr. (1719-wp 1767) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Brown (1723-aft 1762)- QA Bwilliam Burditt A1212
Wallar/Waller, William (1752- wp 1833) married Sarah Thomas (1759- c 1848)- QA James Knott A4609
Waller, George (1734-1814) married Ann Winston Carr (1735-1839)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Waller, John Jr. (c 1701- wp 1776) married Agnes Carr (c 1712 - wp 1779)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Walters, Peter (1755-Aft. 1840) married Lydia Cawthon (1760-)- QA Thomas Farley A2508
Walthall, Christopher Jr (ca 1746-ca 1798) married Patience Marshall (-)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Christopher Sr (1724/5-1778) married Obedience Elam (-)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Edward (1758-by 1823) married Nancy Turman (1766-1827)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Frank (Francis) (ca 1735-aft 1784) married Mary Hill (ca 1750-)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Garrad (1729- wp 1805) married Susannah (- wp 1815)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Garred (1729-wp 1805) married Susannah (-wp 1815)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Garred (1729-wp 1805) married Susannah (-wp 1815)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, William (c 1735-bef 1798) married Betty Baugh (-aft 1798)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, William (1740- bef. 1781) married Martha Field Archer ()- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Walthall, William (1752-1791) married Sophia Farley (1757-1813)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walton, Edward ( - wp 1807) married Nancy Murry (c 1748- wp 1825)- QA William Cox € A1909
Walton, John (c 1738- by 1783) married Elizabeth Claiborne (c 1750- 1790)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Walton, Thomas (c 1744-liv 1798) married Phebe Murry ( -)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Waples, Paul (c 1744/5-wp 1801) married Bathsheba Leatherbury (c 1747-aft 1782)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Ward, Benjamin (-bef 1784) married Catherine Crawley (-1834)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Ward, John (c. 1716- bef. 1816) married Anne Chiles (c. 1726-1765)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Ward, William (c. 1745- ) married Mildred Adams (( ))- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Ware, James (1756-1818) married Elizabeth Miller (-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Ware, James II (1756-1818) married Elizabeth Miller (aft 1766-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Ware, William (1762-wp 1828) married Susanna Harrison (1768-1786)- QA John Woodson A9103
Ware, William (ca 1760-1762-1828) married Susannah Payne (ca 1768-ca 1828)- QA William Farrar A2604
Warfield, John Worthington (1742-wp 1811) married Susanna Holland (ca 1750-on or bef 1781)- QA John Gaither A2913
Warfield, Seth (1723/4-wp 1805) married Mary Gaither (bapt 1724-)- QA John Gaither A2913
Warfield, Seth (c 1753- 1820) married Ruth Welsh (c 1754- 1819)- QA John Gaither A2913
Warfield, Seth Jr (ca 1752-) married Ruth [Hammond Welsh] (ca 1754-)- QA John Gaither A2913
Warfield, Vachel ( - wp 1815) married Sarah Dorsey (1747 - )- QA John Gaither A2913
Waring, Robert (1746- wp1799) married Anne Lowry Clements (-c.1788)- QA Thomas Gouldman A3111
Waring, Robert Payne (1746-wp 1799) married (-)- QA Thomas Gouldman A3111
Waring, Robert Payne (1746-wp 1799) married Ann Lowry Clements (on or bef 1757-1780's)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Warren, Allen III (-1778) married Mary Phillips (-aft 1780)- QA William Spencer A7505
Warren, Jesse (c 1745- by 1795) married Martha "patty" Thompson ( - 1825)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Warren, Jesse (c 1750-1794) married Martha Thompson (c 1750-1824 c)- QA William Spencer A7505
Warren, William (Thomas) (aft 1740-wp 1804) married Jane Hannah Wilson (-)- QA William Spencer A7505
Warriner, Jacob (c 1750-wp 1826) married Ann "Nancy" Pollard /c/ (-1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Warriner, Jacob (-wp 1826) married Ann (Nancy) [Pollard] (-on or bef 1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Warriner, Richard (-on or bef 1783) married Ann Trueman (-on or bef 1811)- QA John Woodson A9103
Wash,William Whitten (1752-1837) married Anne Amelia Jones (bef 1772-aft 1837)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Washburn, Jabez Jr. (1733-1775) married Mary Sherman (1734-1779)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Washington, Augustine (1694-1743) married Mary Ball (1708-1789)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Washington, Bailey (1731- 1807) married Catherine Storke (1723-)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Washington, John (1730- wp 1782) married Catherine Washington (1740-1792)- QA John Washington A8404
Washington, John Augustine (1736-1787) married Hannah Bushrod (c1738-c1801)- QA John Washington A8404
Washington, Lawrence (1728-1814) married Elizabeth Dade (1734- bef 1796)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Washington, Nathaniel (1753-1816) married Nancy Hobday (-1790)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5205
Washington, Warner (1722- wp1791) married Hannah Fairfax (1742- wp1804)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Washington, Warner II (1751-1829) married Mary Whiting (1754-1794)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Washington, Warner II (1751-1829) married Sarah Warner Rootes (-1832)- QA George Reade A6606
Washington, William (1752-1810) married Jane Riley Elliott (1763-1830)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Waters, William (-wp 1781) married Rose Ann Harmanson (on or bef 1734-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Waters, William (1740/1-1804) married Sarah Hayward (-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Waters, William (1729-1767) married Sarah Prentis ( -)- QA Edward Waters A8406
Watkins, Edward (1747-1835) married Mary Walthall (1752-1840 c)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Watkins, Francis (1745-wp 1826) married Agnes Woodson (1748-1820)- QA John Woodson A9103
Watkins, Joel ( - wp 1820) married Agnes Morton (1746-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Watkins, Joel (ca 1745 (1740)-1820) married Agnes Woodson Morton (1747/8-1814)- QA John Woodson A9103
Watkins, Thomas (1761-1797) married Betsy Ann Venable (1761-1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Watkins, Thomas ( - wp 1783) married Frances Anderson ( -)- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
Watlington, Francis (1737/8- by 1777) married Rebecca (c 1741- liv. 1820)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Watson, Elkanah (1731/2- 1804) married Patience Marston (1733/4- 1767)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Watts, Jacob (1730- wp1821) married Elizabeth Durrett (c. 1739- 1819)- QA William Hampton A3404
Watts, Stephen (1750-1832 c) married Elizabeth Farrar (-by 1790 c)- QA Sisley Jordan A9447
Webb, John (c 1745- 1801) married Hannah Riveer (c 1745- 1820)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Welch, Isaac (1754-1836) married Nancy Ayres (c. 1762-1830)- QA John Downing A2307
Welch, Sylvester (1755- wp 1833) married Frances (c. 1762- by 1810)- QA John Downing A2307
Weld, Thomas (1750-1810) married Mary Stanley Massey Stanley (1752- 1838)- QA Sir Humphrey Weld€ A9474
Wellford, Robert (1753-1823) married Catherine Yates (1760-1831)- QA William Randolph I A6512
Wellons, Charles (c 1739- wp 1804) married Sarah Shelly (c 1739-1800)- QA Christopher Calthrope/Caulthropp A1312
Wells, John (1751- bef. 1826) married Hannah (1755- 1826)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Wesbb, Foster (1735-1795) married Sarah Shore (1755-1802)- QA Joseph Foster A2806
West, Abraham (-wp 1797) married Philadelphia Whitehead Lawsom (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
West, Bransford (1754-1843) married Nancy Ann Jopling (c. 1766-1845)- QA William Farrar A2604
West, Cyrus (1740- bef 1776) married Mary Freeman (1729-1783)- QA William Collier A9520
West, Edmund ( - 1787) married Mary ( -)- QA Anthony West A9499
West, John (c 1737-1786 c) married Elizabeth "Betty" Seaton (1741-1812)- QA William Bernard A807
West, John (c 1720-1786) married Elizabeth Seaton (1741-1812)- QA John West A8604
West, Jonathan (- wp1787) married Ann (c. 1754- )- QA George Yeardley A9305
West, Maj Thomas (ca 1751-wp 1829) married Elizabeth Blair Bolling (1764-bef 1829)- QA John Rolfe A6802
West, Philip Parker (circa 1732-wp 1796 /c/) married Elizabeth (circa 1745-bef 1799)- QA Anthony West A9499
West, Phillip Parker (-wp 1796) married Elizabeth (-)- QA Anthony West A9499
West, Thomas (-1777) married Bridge Carey (-c 1771)- QA Randall Revell A6607
West, Thomas (c. 1751-1829) married Elizabeth Blair Bolling (1768-1837)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Westray, Edmund ( - wp 1795) married ( )- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Whaley, James (1728-1785) married Penelope King (1728-1784)- QA Abraham Weeks A8509
Wharton, James (circa 1728-bef 1792 /c/) married Susannah James (circa 1750-wp 1813 /c/)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Wheeler, Ashael (1741-1820) married Jerusha Haynes (1755-1837)- QA John Vassell A9471
Wheeler, Benjamin (1693-1759) married Hannah (1696-1778)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, John (1740-1797) married Lydia Adams (1730-1795)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Jonathan (1720-1791) married Thankful Baker (-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Josiah (1704/5-1782) married Anna Grosvenor (1719-1804)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Obadiah (1716-1805) married Hannah Baker (1718-1790)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Rice (1749-1826) married Mary Hunt (-1825)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Warham (1740-1766) married Mary (-1766)- QA John Vassall A9471
Whipple, Amos (1739-1826) married Anna Hewitt (1746-1849)- QA William Collier A9520
Whitaker, Dudley I (1740-) married Mary Pearce ( - wd 1798)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, Edward (1759-1823-24) married Nancy (Edwards) Whitehead (1790-1844)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, Gough (1734-by 1773 /c/) married Martha Cary (1721-1762)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, Hudson (1757-1817) married Susannah Thomas (1757-1839)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John (1747-1816) married Christian Benton (1793-1841)- QA Richard Whitaker A8704
Whitaker, John (1745-1823) married Elizabeth Hardy ( - by 1786)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John (1745-1823) married Fereby Pearson ( -)- QA William Whitaker A8706
Whitaker, John (1732-wp 1784) married Olive Aaron Taylor (1735-1781)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John /c/ (1732-wp 1784 /c/) married Olive Taylor (1735-liv 1769 /c/)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John Jr (1732-1784) married Olive Taylor (-)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John Jr. (1732-1784) married Olive Taylor (-)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, William (1725-1789) married Catherine Wiggins (-)- QA Henry Baker A310
Whitaker, William (1730-1789) married Elizabeth Wiggens (-)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
White, Barrett (1727-1782) married Elizabeth Starke (1736-1815)- QA William Barrett A508
White, Benjamin (1742-1808) married Millicent Henley (1749-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
White, Benjamin (-wp 1814) married Susannah (-liv 1814)- QA John Gaither A2913
White, Daniel (1746-1804) married Mehetebel Coming (1750-1822)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, Daniel (1746-1804) married Mehitable Cummins /c/ (1751-1822)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, James (-1817) married Martha Warren (-on or aft 1817)- QA William Spencer A7505
White, John (1733-1774) married Lydia Winslow (1742-1822)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
White, John (1738-1796) married Sarah Canon (c. 1735-1812)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, Jonathon ( - 1795) married Sarah (Pooly) Bacon (1718- 1797)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, Joseph (1728-c. 1794) married Gulielma Newby (1728-c. 1804)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
White, Joshua (1726- wp 1782) married Mary Cornwell (1727-)- QA Thomas Jordan, I A4407
White, Richard (1743-1826) married Eleanor Martin (-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
White, Silas (1744-wp 1796) married Christian Hollowell (-bef 1791)- QA Christopher Reynolds A6609
White, Thomas (abt 1719-1806) married Sarah Broughton (1722/c /c/-1784)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, William (1731-1790) married Ann Phillips (1729-bef 1793)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Whiting, Asa (1746/7-1812 /c/) married Lydiah Cooke (1741-1803 /c/)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Whiting, Capt John (1734-ca 1790) married Mary Perrin (1738-1787)- QA Henry Whiting A8802
Whiting, Peter (ca 1758-1803-1809) married Dorothy (Dolly) Roy (ca 1765-aft 1818)- QA Henry Whiting A8802
Whitlow, Cox M. (1756-1836) married Nancy Hicks (c 1766-aft 1840)- QA William Coxe/Cox A1909
Whitlow, Henry ( - wp 1783) married Ann Mealer (1735-)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Whitlow, Jordan (c. 1760-1816) married Elizabeth Perkins (1770-aft. 1833)- QA William Farrar A2604
Whitney, Jesse (1758-1832) married Mary Sawyer (1765-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Henry Southey A9689
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Nathaniel Littleton I A4905
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA William Wittington A8805
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Southey Littleton A4906
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Ann Southey A9687
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Elizabeth Southey A9688
Wiatt, Dr William Edward (1762-1802) married Mary Graham Wiatt (1753-1815)- QA Rev Haute Wyatt A9207
Wiatt, John (1750-1827) married Wilhelmina "Mina" Jordan (1748-1836)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Wiggs, Henry (c 1734- 1811) married Grace (c 1740- 1820)- QA William Wigg(s) A9476
Wightman, Abraham Sr. (1711-sp 1800) married Susanna Stark (-1813)- QA James Williams A7474
Wilder, James Jr. (1741-1794) married Mercy Wilder (1739-1827)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wilder, Jotham (1710-1801) married Phoebe Wheeler (1727/8-1806)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wildman, Cornelius (1742-1812) married Tabitha Dorcas Miles (1742-1811)- QA John Weire A8510
Wilkins, Joachim Michael (-wp 1786) married Elizabeth (-wp 1797)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Wilkinson, John III (1708/1718-wp 1779) married Jane (-aft 1782)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Willcox, Joel (1746-1830) married Lydia Smith (c 1750-1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Williams, Daniel (c1740-wp 1828) married Cassandra Prather (-wp 1828)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Williams, George Jr. (c 1750-1819) married Mabel (Miriam) Perry (c 1758-1827)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Williams, John (1740-1804) married Elizabeth Williamson (1744-1831)- QA Robert Williamson A8907
Williams, Luke (1738-wp 1810) married Katherine Barber (-bef 1810)- QA James Williams A7474
Williams, Luke (1738-1810) married Katherine Barber (-1810)- QA James Williams A9749
Williams, Nicholas (1743-1824) married Sarah Simmons (1751-)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Williams, Samuel (1725-1789) married Sarah Haggoman (1732-)- QA Sir George Yeardley A9305
Williams, Thomas Roper (-1798) married Catherine Greenhill (-1807)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Williams, William (aft 1727- wp1780) married Lucy Terry (1737- wp 1788)- QA David Crawford A1914
Williamson, Arthur ( - wp 1781) married Rebecca Robinson ( - wp 1826)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Burwell (bef 1743-on or aft 1792) married Lucy (-1792)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Hardy ( - 1833) married Sarah Nichols (1766-1850)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Joseph (bef 1743-1753) married Hanna Branch (bef 1720-1792)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Nathan (c 1740-wp 1839) married Sarah Swift (-bef 1832)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Thomas ( -by 1787) married Olive Exum (-)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Willis, John (1719-1769) married Mildred Smith (1719-1769)- QA George Reade A6606
Willis, Joseph (1753-1848) married Sarah (1757-1784)- QA William Farrar, I A2604
Willis, Lewis (1734-1813) married Mary Champe /c/ (-1775 c)- QA John Washington A8404
Willis, Richard (1741-1750-1837) married Drusilla Barnett (1755-aft 1806)- QA William Farrar A2604
Wilson, James (-) married Priscilla Taylor (1740-1821)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Winch, Nathan (1737-1803) married Thankful Gibbs (1737-bef 1769 /c/)- QA John Vassall A9471
Winn, William (- 1813) married Rosamond Hampton (1735 -)- QA William Hampton A3404
Winn, William (c 1732-c 1789) married Rosemaund Hampton (1735-1813)- QA William Hampton A3404
Winslow, Beverley (1734-1793) married Catherine Robinson (1742-1789)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Winslow, Henry (c 1738-aft 1790) married Ann (-aft 1817)- QA Robert Smith A7308
Winslow, John (1763-1833) married Margaret Bell (1765-1831)- QA Thomas Jordan, I A4407
Winslow, John (-1801) married Rachel White (1730-1794)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Winslow, Joseph (c. 1758-wd1828) married ()- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Winslow, Kenelm (1725-1796) married Mary Hopkins (1732/3-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Winslow, Kenelm (1725-1796) married Mary Hopkins Sparrow (1732/3-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Winstead, Mandley (1760-1849) married Elizabeth Cox (ca 1794-ca 1818)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Winston, Anthony (1723-1783) married Alice Taylor (1730-1764)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Winston, Geddes (c 1731-1794 ) married Mary Jordan (1743-1811)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Winston, Geddes (c 1731-1794) married Mary Jordan /c/ (c 1742-1811)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Winston, Isaac (1745-on or bef 1821) married Elizabeth Smith (1750-on or bef 1769)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Winston, John (1757-1800) married Mary Johnson (1763-1823)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Winston, William Overton (1747-1815) married Joanna Robinson (1755-1794)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Wise, Joseph (c 1732-aft 1764) married Comfort Crowson (c 1735-bef 1764)- QA Edmund Scarburgh I A6909
Wise, Samuel (1740-wp1779) married Susanna Custis (1746-1800)- QA Anthony West A9499
Withers, James (1736-1819) married Susan "Sukey" Waller (1738-bef. 1810)- QA William Pierce A6203
Wood, David (1750-1799) married Mary Hopkins (1760-1850)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Woodford, William (1734-1780) married Mary Thornton (1743-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Woodford, William (1734-1780) married Mary Thornton (1743-1792)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Woodhouse, Hadley (c 1745-wp 1815) married Mary Jarvis /c/ (c 1755-wp 1815)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodhouse, Henry (-1784) married (-)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodhouse, Henry (c. 1758- wp1785) married Elizabeth Sayer (c. 1760-1785)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodhouse, Jonathan (-wp 1823) married Anna Barnes (-)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodhouse, Jonathan (c 1732-wp 1775 c) married Mary (c 1752-)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9007
Woodhouse, William (c 1739-wp 1774) married Betty Deale (c 1740-wp 1782)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodson, Allen (ca 1761-wp 1824) married Jane (-on or bef 1824)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Benjamin (ca 1693-wp 1778) married Frances Napier (1694/5-on or aft 1777)- QA Dr Robert Booth A1002
Woodson, Benjamin (ca 1693-wp 1778) married Francis Napier (1694/5-on or aft 1777)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Woodson, Benjamin (c 1720- wp 1808) married Rebecca Cocke ( - bef. 1783)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Col John (ca 1730-1789) married Dorothea Randolph (1730-1794)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Daniel (c 1739- by 1810) married Elizabeth Jones (" - liv. 1822)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Drury (ca 1722-wp 1788) married Lucy Christian (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Huges (c 1740-1804) married Elizabeth Strange (-wp 1830)- QA Christopher Neale A5703
Woodson, Jacob (1748-1839) married Elizabeth Morton (1754-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, James (-aft 1801) married Elizabeth Whitlock ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Jesse (c 1715-) married ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (ca 1730-1789) married Dorothea Randolph (-1794)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (-1779) married Elizabeth Baily (Liv. 1794)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (1744-wp 1821 /c/) married Elizabeth Raine /c/ Venable (1755-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (-ca 1790/91) married Mary Miller (ca 1710-1775)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (1705-1791) married Mary Miller (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (1747-1821) married Susanna Joanna Booker (1748/9- 1780)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John IV (ca 1710-1790) married Mary Miller (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John Jr. (c 1744-1821) married Elizabeth Raine (c 1765-wp 1819)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John Stephen (1757-1833) married Nancy/Nannie/Anna Woodson ( -)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Joseph (c 1749-1839) married Mildred Redford (-1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Joseph (1746-1817) married Sarah Hughes (1761-c 1792)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Matthew (1731-1794) married Elizabeth Le Villian (1737-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Matthew (1731-1794) married Elizabeth LeVillain (1734-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Matthew (1731-1794) married Elizabeth LeVillian (1737-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Matthew /c/ (1731-1794) married Elizabeth LeVilllien (1737-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Miller (1745-1843) married Mary de Graffenried (1753-1819)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Rene (-wp 1818) married Martha Johnson ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Richard (ca 1700-1775) married Ann Madelein Michaux (ca 1710-ca 1796)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Richard (ca 1706-wp 1775) married Anne Madelin Michaux (ca 1710-1796)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Shadrach (-bef 1795) married Susanna Walker (-1807 c)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Shadrack (ca 1741-ca 1796) married Susannah Walker (-ca 1798)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tarleton (1758-1841) married Annis Shepherd (c 1760- 1830)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Thomas (1731/2-aft 1803) married Mary (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker (on or bef 1747-on or aft 1810) married (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker (1744-wp 1779) married Elizabeth Moore (c 1747-1829)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker (c 1720-1790 c) married Judith (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker (c. 1747-1810) married ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker Jr (ca 1762-1830) married Anne Stotts (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker Sr (1705-1810) married Judith (-ca 1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker Sr. (c 1720-1790 c) married Judith (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, William (aft 1701-wp 1785) married Sarah Allen (-on or bef 1785)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, William (1745-) married (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodward, Richard (1738-wp 1804) married Anna Watts (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Woodward, William Garrett (-1799) married Dinah Warfield (1742-)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Woody, Henry ( - wp 1807) married Susannah Martin ( - wd 1835)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Woolfolk, Sowell (1744-wp 1830) married Mary "Polly" Netherland Harris (1747-1835)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Woolford, Roger III (1727-1790) married Elizabeth Jones (1731/2-)- QA James Daivs A2106
Wootten, William (1736-wp 1793) married Frances Bradford (1759-1843)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Worsham, Kennon (1751-by 1788) married Elizabeth Clay (c 1753-aft 1822)- QA John Clay A1706
Worsham, Robert (1748-bef 1807) married Ruth Wynne (1755-bef 1808)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Wortham, Thomas (1739-1822) married Elizabeth Taliaferro (1741-1787)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Wright, John ( - aft. 1788) married Jane Chiles (c 1723)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Wright, Robert (ca 1740-1750-wp 1831) married Mary Perrin Fitzpatrick (ca 1752-1826)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Wright, Robert Sr. (1736-wp 1831 c) married Mary "Molly" Perrin Fitzpatrick (c 1752-1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Wyatt, Capt John Jr (1732-1805) married Mary Todd (1725-1794)- QA Rev Haute Wyatt A9207
Wyatt, John (1731-1785) married Elizabeth Ballard Smith (1740-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Wyatt, John IV (c 1720-1789 c) married Elizabeth Smith (1740-by 1764)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Wyatt, Richard (1720-1803) married Amy Chiles (1732-1794)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Wyatt, Richard /c/ (1720-1803) married Amy Chiles (c 1733-1794)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Wyatt, Thomas Ballard (c. 1755- wp1832) married Mary Susannah Needham (c. 1760- bef. 1830)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Wynne, John (c1740-post 1816) married Mary "Polly" Lewis (1743-post 1813)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Wynne, Sloman ( - wp 1780) married Mary ( - liv. 1778)- QA Robert Wynne/Wynn A9301
Wynne, Sloman, Jr ( - wp 1780) married Mary ( -)- QA Robert Wynne/Wynn A9209
Wynne, Thomas (ca 1742-1793-1794) married Francis Harwood (-1809)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Wynne, William Jr. (1729-1808) married Mary Cynthia Harmon (-)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Yates, Edward Randolph (abt 1758-wp 1792) married Elizabeth Murray (1767-1791)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Yates, George IV (ca 1727-on or bef 1777) married (-)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Yates, James (1753-1828) married Lucy Partlow (1759-wp 1833)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Young, Joseph (c. 1737- ) married Apphia Hopkins (1734-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Young, Notley (bapt 1736 /c/-1802) married Eleanor Digges (-)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Yowell, Christopher Jr. ( - after 1773) married unknown ( -)- QA Thomas Yowell, Jr. A9308
Abbott, Elisha (bef 1760-wp 1837) married Lydia Clay (ca 1775-ca 1857)- QA John Clay A1706
Ackiss, John (1732-1810) married Jane Woodhouse (c 1740-1797 c)- QA Henry Woodhouse II A9008
Adams, David (1756-1833) married Abigail Carver (1754-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Adams, Ebenezer (1749-1835) married Molly Merritt (1760-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Adams, George (1771- wd 1827) married Agatha Johnson (c 1777- 1813)- QA Robert Ellyson/Ellison A2410
Adams, John (1751/2-1826) married Cynthia Fitch (-1819)- QA John Vassall A9471
Adams, John (1695-1762) married Mrs. Abigail Cleveland Brown (1715-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Adams, Levi (bapt 1728-1816) married Margaret Perkins (1729-1827)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Adams, Samuel (1753-1827) married Betsey/Betty Litchfield (1755/6-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Addams/Adams, William (1738-1777) married Sarah Taylor (1739-1810)- QA William Tayloe/Taylor A7810
Adkins/Atkins, Thomas (c 1737-1796) married Mercy/Marcy Cook/Cooke (1733-1828)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Agee, Matthew (c. 1747-wp1824) married Mary Ligon (1754-aft. 1830)- QA Henry Batte A9506
Alden, John (c. 1740-1817) married Lois Southworth (1741-1819)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Alexander, William (1743/4-1814) married Sigismunda Mary Massey (1746-1832)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Alexander, William (1744-1814) married Sigismunda Mary Massie (1746-1832)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Allen, Adoniram (c 1750-aft 1830) married ()- QA John Vassall A9471
Allen, David (1712/3-Aft. 1786) married ()- QA John Vassall A9471
Allen, Job (1750-1798) married Mary Minton (1757/54-1826)- QA John Vassall A9471
Allen, John (1729-1811) married Hanna Paine (c 1732-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Allen, John (1729-1811) married Hannah Paine (c 1732-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Allen, Micah (1736-1812) married Hannah Cushing (1739-1789)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Allen, Nehemiah (1716-1788) married Abigail Waterman (1728-1788)- QA William Angell A9721
Allen, William (c 1751-1809 c) married Rebecca Doane (c 1749-1845)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Allison/Ellison, Joseph (c. 1753- wp 1828) married Elizabeth ( - liv. 1827)- QA Robert Ellyson/Ellison A2410
Allison/Ellison, Robert (c 1720- wd 1791) married Elizabeth Scott (c 1722- 1765)- QA Robert Ellyson/Ellison A2410
Allnutt, Lawrence (1749-1825) married Eleanor Dawson (1750-1832)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Alsobrook, Howell (-wp 1802) married Elizabeth (-by 1814)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Alsobrook, Howell ( -wp 1802) married Elizabeth (-)- QA Thomas Gray
Alsobrook, James (bef 1743-) married (-)- QA Thomas Gray
Alston, John (1740- wp 1784) married Anne Hunt Macon (c 1745- 1798)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Alston, William (-wp 1780) married Ann Yeargain (-aft 1785)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Alston, William (c. 1748-wp1789) married Anne Yeargain (1756-1786)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Alston, William (c 1748-wd 1789) married Sarah/Ann Yeargan (1756-1786)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Ambler, Edward (1733-1768) married Mary Cary (1733- 1781)- QA Edward Jacquelin A4206
Ambler, Jacqueline (1742-1798) married Rebecca Lewis Burwell (1746-1806)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Ambler, Jaquelin (1742-1798) married Rebecca Burwell (1746 - .)- QA Edward Jaquelin
Anderson, David Jr. /c/ (1745-by 1795 c) married Amediah Binns /c/ (1750-wp 1796 c)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Anderson, George (ca 1730-by 1806) married Frances Woodson (ca 1730-on or aft 1777)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Anderson, George Jr (ca 1755-wp 1811) married Susannah Mims (on or aft 1746-on or aft 1819)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Anderson, Henry (c 1739-wp 1795 ) married Ann (-c 1800)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Anderson, Henry III (1734/5-) married Martha Cocke (1745-1796)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Anderson, Parsons (c 1737-by 1779) married Mary Cocke (c 1740-liv 1770)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Anderson, Richard (1747-1792) married Ann Meriwether (1750-1782)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Anderson, William (1746-wp 1810) married Sarah Bealmear (-1834)- QA John Chew A1606
Andrews, Abraham (c 1750-aft 1794) married Nancy Sims (c 1755-aft 1799)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Andrews, William (bef. 1719- wd 1771) married Martha (- aft. 1771)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Anthony Owsley (1757-1824) married Hannah Young (ca. 1760- p. 1840)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Anthony, Thomas (c 1728-1817 c) married Martin, Elizabeth (c 1732-1816 c)- QA David Crawford A1914
Applewhaite, Henry IV (1730- wp 1783) married Ann Harris (c 1738- wp 1795)- QA Henry applewhaite A205
Applewhaite, John (1736-1815) married Elizabeth Woodard (1745-1828)- QA Henry Applewhaite A205
Applewhite, Henry (-wp 1783) married Ann Harris (-1795)- QA Henry Applewhaite A205
Applewhite, John, Sr. (1736-wp 1815 /c/) married Elizabeth Woodard (1736-1828)- QA Henry Applewaite A205
Aquincy, Edmund (1725-1782) married Hannah Gannett (1751- abt. 1826)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Archer, Field ( - 1785) married Elizabeth ( - 1786)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Archer, John III (1734-wd 1784) married Elizabeth Trent (c 1734-liv 1784)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Armistead, Ellison (c 1740- by 1793) married Susannah Christian (c 1783-)- QA Sir George Yeardley A9305
Armistead, George (1730-c 1795) married Lucy Reade (1735-1812)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5208
Armistead, John (ca 1740-1788) married Lucy Baylor (1747-1815)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Armistead, Westwood (1735-1786) married Mary Jenkins (1734-1780)- QA Anthony Armistead A208
Armistead, William (- wp 1756) married Mary Bowles (( ))- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Armistead, William (- c. 1792/9) married Mary Latham Curle (( ))- QA Robert Ellison/Ellyson A2410
Arnold, John (" -) married Hannah Loomis (1754- 1802)- QA Srephen Hopkins A9441
Arrington, Arthur Jr (ca 1735-wp 1795) married Mary Sandefur (1741-wp 1805)- QA Samuel Bennett A9406
Arrington, Authur (1742-1795) married Mary Sandefur (1741-1805 c)- QA Samuel Bennett A9406
Arthur Jordan (1738- wp 1793) married Elizabeth Turner (. - 1781)- QA James Knott A4609
Arthur, Benjamin (1737-1820) married Sarah Terrell (1755-1802)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Ashe, Samuel (1725-1813) married Elizabeth Jones Merrick (1735-1815)- QA Samuel Swann A7802
Ashley, Abraham (1743-1824) married Phebe Taber (1748-1781)- QA John Vassall A9471
Ashley, Isaac (1747-1777) married Olive Howe (1750-1826)- QA John Vassall A9471
Ashton, Burditt (1747-1814) married Ann Washington (1752-1777)- QA George Reade A6606
Ashton, Col Burdett (1747-1814) married Ann Washington (1752-1777)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Atkins, Nathaniel (1736- liv. 1782) married Mary Parker (1740-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Avary, William (1746-1794) married Hannah Clay (c 1750-1823)- QA John Clay A1706
Avery, Isaac (1743-1799) married Margaret Stringer (c. 1747- by 1797)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Avery, James (1758-1799) married Rebecca Edes (1761-1836)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Avery, Job (1748/9 /c/-1815) married Jerusha Lumbert (1752-1835)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Avery, William (c 1742- bef 1794) married Hannah Clay (1749-1821)- QA John Clay A1706
Aycck, James (ca 1737-1777) married Celia (Sely) Sherod (-)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, James (c 1737- wp 1776) married Cecila ( -)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, James (1735-1777) married Celia ()- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, James (ca 1737-wp 1777) married Sely (-)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, Richard (1739/40-on or bef 1786) married Rebecca Thurman (1743/1745-ca 1780)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, Richard Sr. ( - by 1786) married Rebecca Thurman (1743-1783)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aycock, William (ca 1759-ca 1803) married Patty Easter (-living 1830)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Aylett, William (1743-1787) married Mary Macon (1742-c 1781)- QA John West I A8604
Ayton, Lt Henry (1775-) married Ann Gaither (-bef 1791)- QA John Chew A1606
Backus, John (1720-bef 1790) married Joanna Cleveland Downing (1716-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Backus, Joseph (1748/9-1830) married Olive Parks (1747-1827)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bagby, James (-1822 - 1824) married Martha Price (1761-)- QA John Price A6408
Bagwell, Charles (-1819) married Ann "Nancy" Grinalds (-wp 1849)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Bagwell, Isaiah (1736-wp 1764) married Sarah (1737-bef 1778)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Bagwell, Thomas (c 1749-bef 1797) married Sally Bagwell Hunter /c/ (c 1760-1830 c)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Bagwell, Thomas (c 1730-bef 1771) married Sophia (1740-)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Bailey, David (ca 1737-1800) married Jean (-)- QA Cicely Baley Jordan Farrar A9447
Bailey, David Sr. (c 1737-bef 1801) married Jean Johnston /c/ (-)- QA Sisley Jordan A9447
Bailey, Richard Paton "Payton" (1735-on or bef 1827) married Elizabeth Anne Belcher (1742-1820)- QA John Clay A1706
Bailey, Roger (-aft. 1784) married unknown (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Bailey, Roger Cocke (ca 1727-1785-1790) married (-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Bailey, Yancey (c 1751-bef 1804) married Sarah Fawlkes (-bef 1833)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Baker, Barnabas (1734-1797) married Mehitable Smith (1735-1817)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baker, Barnabas Sr. (1734-1797) married Mehitable Smtih (1735-1817)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baker, Ezra (1762-1841) married Elizabeth "Eliza" Tucker (1776-1834)- QA Francis Brewster A9310
Baker, Judah (1733-1814) married Mary Eldred (1739-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baker, Lott (1746-1818) married Hannah Snow ( - aft 1794)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baker, Matin IV (1748- wd 1821) married Elizabeth Swift (1762-1798)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Baker, Tiimothy Bloodworth (-wp 1773) married Jane Wilkins (-wp 1798)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Baker, Zadock (c 1732-wp 1793) married Winefred Caroline Wynn (c 1753-1825)- QA Henry Baker A310
Baker, Zadock (1732-1793) married Winefred Caroline Wynn (c 1753-1825)- QA John Blake A902
Baldwin, John (1717-1784) married Anne (-)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Ball, David (1754-1815) married Elizabeth Porteus Ball (c 1767-1831)- QA William Ball A406
Ball, David (-1811) married Hannah Haynie (1742+)- QA William Ball A406
Ball, Jesse (c 1745-wp 1778) married Agatha Conway (c 1745-liv 1800)- QA George Reade A6606
Ball, Joseph (ca 1735-1778-1779) married Hannah Haynie (-)- QA William Ball A406
Ball, Nathan (1737-1797) married Ruhamah Cooke (1739-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ball, William (1738-bef 1807) married Hannah Smith (1740-wp 1825)- QA William Ball I A406
Ballard, Elijah (1751-1829) married Mildred "Milly" Dohaney (1752-1830)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, John II (1719-1779) married Ann Sayer (1723-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Philip / Phillip (ca 1715-ca 1795) married Ann Nancy Johnson (ca 1715-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Thomas (ca 1717 / 1720-wp 1782) married Susannah (-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Thomas (on or bef 1702/4-wp 1782) married Susannah [Hesson] (-on or bef 1779)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Thomas (on or bef 1702/4-wp 1782) married Susannah [Hesson] (-on or bef 1779)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, Thomas Jr. (-wp 1804) married Mary (-p 1788)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, William (1731-1799) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Stepppe (c 1740-1830)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Ballard, William (1715- wp1794) married Mary Byrum (1710-1765)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Baptist, Edward (ca 1700-ca 1797) married Elizabeth Lee (-1746-1747)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Baptist, Edward (ca 1729-ca 1797) married Margaret Harwood (ca 1730-1744-ca 1781)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Barbour, Ambrose ( - wp 1822) married Catherine Thomas ( - )- QA William Bernard A807
Barclay, George (- by 1776) married Mary Cole (1747-1830)- QA William Cole A1805
Barclay, George (bap 1747-1776) married Mary Roscow Cole (bap 1747-1830)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Barham, Robert (c 1728- wp 1797) married Hannah ( - wp 1804)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Barker, Thomas (1713-1787) married Ferebee Savage (-ca 1754)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Barker, Thomas (1712- 1787) married Pheribee Savage ( - 1755)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Barker, Thomas (1713-1787) married Pheribee Savage Pugh (-)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Barker, William (1739-1820) married Chloe Bronson (1745-1804)- QA William Collier A9520
Barnes, Francis (1709-1821) married Ann Brackett (-by 1778)- QA William Cox A1909
Barnes, John (-on or aft 1799) married Elizabeth ("Tabitha") Jacob (-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Barnes, John (1733-wp 1810) married Mary Porter (1738-1784)- QA William Cox A1909
Barnes, John (c. 1750- wp1799) married Tabitha (c. 1750-)- QA Edmund Scarburgh, I A6909
Barnes, John (-wp 1799) married (-)- QA Sir George Yeardley A9305
Barnett, John (1719-wp 1786) married Sarah McCann (1725-1807)- QA William Farrar A2604
Barnett, John Jr (1719-1785) married Sarah McCann (1725-1807)- QA William Farrar A2604
Barnett, Joseph (1731- 1802) married Lucy Red Wade (1729-1812)- QA William Farrar A2605
Barnett, Joseph (1731-1802) married Lucy Red Wade /c/ (1729-1812)- QA William Farrar A2604
Barnett, Joseph (1731-1802) married Lucy Wade /c/ (1729-1812)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Barnett, Thomas (-wp 1780) married Sarah Croshaw Graves (-wp 1814)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Barnett, Thomas (c 1705-1780) married Sarah Graves (c 1735-1814)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Barnett, William (1761-1804) married Anna Crawford (1762-1838)- QA David Crawford A1914
Barret, John (1748-1830) married Mary Strachan (1748-1825)- QA William Barrett A508
Barret, Robert Sr. (c 1712-wp 1798) married Elizabeth Lewis (-1756 c)- QA George Reade A6606
Barret, Robert Sr. (c 1712-wp 1798) married Elizabeth Lewis (-1756 c)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Barrow, Daniel (1757- 1837) married Hannah Stone (1764- 1834)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Barrow, William (1727-1817) married Amy Lee (c 1732-1793)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Bartlett, Uriah (1741-1818) married Susannah Cooke (1750-1821)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Baskerville, William (-1777) married Martha Minge ( - )- QA William Barbar/Barber A411
Bass, John (1738-1808 c) married Tabitha Hatcher (c 1742-)- QA John Clay A1706
Bass, John I (1738-wp 1808) married Tabitha Hatcher (1742-)- QA John Clay A1706
Basye, Edmond (1720- c 1804) married Winifred Taylor ( - c 1805)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Basye, Edmond (ca 1720-1804) married Winnifred Taylor (-ca 1805)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Basye, Richard (c. 1755-1822) married Nancy Taylor (1761-c. 1844)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Bates, Benjamin Sr. (1739-1804) married Hannah (1741-1820)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, James (1721-1785) married Winifed Hix (1729-1790)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, James (1721-1785) married Winifred Hicks / Hix (1729-1790)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, James (1721-1785) married Winifred Hix (1729-1790)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, John V. (c 1736- wp 1777) married Chloe ( - aft. 1777)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, John VI (1736-wp 1777) married Chloe Ann Mayes (c 1741-aft 1793)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, William (1749-1821) married Mary Royal Barton (ca 1750-betw 1830 - 1840)- QA John Bates A604
Bates, William (1749-1821) married Mary Royall (c 1750-c 1830)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Bates, William (1749-1821) married Mary Royall Barton (ca 1750-1830-1840)- QA John Bates A604
Battaile, Lawrence (c 1766- 1847) married Ann Hay Taliaferro ( -)- QA John Battaile A608
Batte, William III (c 1741- wp 1789) married Sarah Parham ( - wp 1816)- QA Henry Batt€ A605
Baylor, John (1705-1772) married Frances Walker (1728-1783)- QA John Baylor A702
Beach, Benjamin (1745-1827) married Jane Allen (1751-1780)- QA John Vassall A9471
Beale, John (-wp 1803) married Mary Daingerfield (-)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Beale, Taverner Jr. (c 1742-wp 1810) married Elizabeth Hite (c 1743-1774)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Beall, John (1701-1756) married Elizabeth Fendall (1704-1785)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Beall, Joseph (1719- wp 1801) married Ellinor (c 1735- 1802)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Beall, Josias (1725- wp 1803) married Millicent Bradley (c 1733- 1772)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Bealmear, Francis Sr. (1735/6-aft 1780) married Elizabeth (-by 1804)- QA John Chew A1606
Beauchamp, Levin (ca 1742-alive 1797) married Mary Beauchamp (1756-alive 1797)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Beauchamp, Robert (1716-alive 1762) married Esther Tull (ca 1719-alive 1762)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Bedford, Benjamin (1762-1822) married Tabitha Clay (1767-1864)- QA Thomas Harris A9044
Bedford, Thomas (ca 1725-wp 1785) married Mary Ligon Coleman (1731-ca 1775)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Bell, Burwell Sr. (c 1720-1760 c) married Sarah Wynns (-)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Bell, Caleb (by 1739- 1811) married Susannah Coale ( - )- QA Richard Church A1701
Bell, David (1716-1798) married Judith Cary (1726-1798)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Bell, Henry Cary (1745-1811) married Rebecca Harrison (1777-1858)- QA William Edwards A2404
Bell, James ( -wp 1778) married Mildred Robinson (-wp 1806)- QA Alice () Pierce Bennett A711
Bell, Jesse (1745-1805) married Frances Shearin (-liv 1781)- QA William Moseley II A5609
Bell, Zadock (-1826) married Betty Webb (-)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Bemis, Josiah (1755-1821) married Joannah Fish (1760-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Benge, Thomas (1734-1811) married Susannah Lewis (1740-1818)- QA David Crawford A1914
Benjamin Sublett (1732- wp 1816) married Elizabeth Jordan (c. 1742- c. 1788)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Bennett, John (-wp 1798) married Elizabeth Dugger (-)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Bennett, Thomas (1740-1815) married ()- QA Alice ( ) Pierce Bennett A711
Benson, Manoah (Noah) (1757-1808) married Mary Marah Murray (c 1748-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Benthall, Asahel ( - by 1782) married ( - by 1782)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Benthall, Joseph ( - wp 1798) married Unknown ( -)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Berkeley, Nelson (1733-1794) married Elizabeth Wormeley Carter (- 1778)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Bernard, John Jr (1736-1825) married Elizabeth Barnett (1744-1822)- QA William Farrar A2604
Bernard, Thomas Fleming (1756-1833) married Mary Hicks (1772-1847)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Berry, Thomas (c 1726- wp 1814) married Elizabeth Washington (1737-)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Berryman, Gilson Newton (-1836) married Ann Washington (1769-1856)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Berryman, John (1742-wp 1787) married Martha Newton (1744-1787)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Berryman, Maximilian (1729-1812) married Mary Taliaferro (-)- QA Samuel Mathews A5307
Bettis, Francis (1775-1846) married Lucy Hatcher (1778-1834)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Beverley, Robert (1740-1800) married Maria Carter (1745-1817 c)- QA Warham Horsmenden A4011
Beville, Hezekiah (-wp 1828) married Ann (c 1750-bef 1828)- QA Peter Field A2608
Bibb, John II (1743- wp 1791) married Elizabeth Holcombe ( - c 1791)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Bickford, Edmund (1727-1814) married Elizabeth Clough (1737-1800)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Bickley, John (1713-1793) married Mary Hurt (-1760 c)- QA Sir Francis Bickley A9505
Bingham, Jeremiah (1715/6-1784) married Mary Brewster (c 1712-1768)- QA William Collier A9520
Binney, Amos II (1745-1783) married Mary Prentice (1751-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Binney, Barnabas (c 1751-1787) married Mary Woodrow (1756-1793)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Birdsong, John (- wp1785) married Demaris Hancock (aft. 1730- wp 1803)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Birdsong, Miles (c. 1753-1804) married Mary Tomlinson (abt. 1758-1804)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Bisbee, Benjamin (1736-1813) married Hannah Fuller (1743-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bishop, Asa (1753-1842) married Miriam Nelson (1758-1781)- QA John Bishop A811
Bishop, John (ca 1725-1790-1800) married Rebecca Peebles (-1800-1810)- QA John Bishop A811
Bishop, William (c. 1718- wp 1783) married Sarah ( - liv. 1783)- QA John Bishop A811
Black, James ( - 1811) married Margarey Peggy Irvine (1774- liv. 1850)- QA John Woodson A9103
Blackwell, James (c 1752-1836 c) married Elizabeth Price (c 1753-bef 1810)- QA John Price A6408
Blackwell, Robert (-1789) married Elizabeth Goodwin (-1828)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Blagrave, Henry (c. 1736-1809) married Elizabeth Stokes (c. 1738- bef. 1797)- QA David Mansell A5202
Blakemore, John (c 1723- 1802) married Ann Tomlin ( - bef. 1768)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Blakemore, John Jr. (1752- by 1782) married Elizabeth Payne (c 1756-1840)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Blakemore, Thomas (1718-1808) married Ann Neville (1735-1826)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Blakey, John (1717/8-wp 1782) married Jane (-)- QA John George A3003
Blakey, Thomas (1712-1791) married Ann Haden (1724-)- QA John George A3003
Bland, Edward (1746-1797) married Elizabeth Cocke (1759-1780)- QA Richard Bennett A801
Bland, Richard ( - wp 1807) married Elizabeth Ridley Dickens ( -)- QA Richard Bennett A801
Bland, Richard III (1730/1-1786) married Mary Bolling (1744-1803)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bland, Richard Jr (1710-1776) married Ann Poythress (1712-1758)- QA Richard Bennett A801
Bland, William (1742-1803) married Elizabeth Yates ( - 1772)- QA William Randolph A6512
Blankenship, Daniel (1761-1849) married unknown ( -)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Blankenship, Hudson (-wp 1813) married Edith Wilkinson (-1826)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Blount, Thomas (1737-1777-1778) married Anne Gray (1737/8-on or bef 1791)- QA Thomas Gray
Blunt, Benjamin (1707-08-wp 1752) married Priscilla Sugars (ca 1717-wp 1782)- QA Henry Browne A1202
Boisseau, Daniel (1760-1824) married Priscilla Hill (1768-1856)- QA Rev James Boisseau A9508
Boisseau, Holmes (ca 1730-1740's-on or bef 1794) married Mary Ann Glover (ca 1765-ca 1824)- QA Rev James Boisseau A9508
Boisseau, James III (1736-1787) married Anner FitzPatrick (ca 1748-on or aft 1797)- QA Rev James Boisseau A9508
Bolling, John III (1737-1797) married Mary Jefferson (1741-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bolling, John IV (1762-) married Mary Willis Kennon (1769-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bolling, Robert (1751-1791) married Clara Yates /c/ Bland (1751-1832)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Bolling, Robert (1759-1839) married Mary Burton Bolling (1764-1787)- QA John Rolfe
Bolling, Robert (1738-1775) married Susan Watson ()- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bolling, Robert (1738-ca 1775) married Susannah Sarah Watson (ca 1740-ca 1796)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Bolling, Robert (1738-1775) married Susannah Watson (-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Bolling, Thomas (1735-1804) married Elizabeth Gay (1738-1813)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Booker, George (1721-1791) married Sarah Cobbs (c. 1728- aft. 1807)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Booker, Richard (1723-wp 1764) married Martha Brunskill (1731-1764)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Booth, George ( - 1777) married Mary Mason Wythe (1751-1814)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Booth, John (ca 1734-wp 1807) married Mary Smith (ca 1728-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Booth, John (c 1734-wp 1807) married Mary Smith (-)- QA Thomas Cocke A1713
Booth, John Sr (1734-wp 1807) married Mary Cocke Smith (1725-)- QA Thomas Cocke A9540
Borland, John (c 1728-1775) married Anna Vassall (1735-1823)- QA John Vassall A9471
Bostick, Absolom (c. 1740-wp1803) married Bethenia Perkins (1739-aft. 1809)- QA John Knowles A4610
Boswell, George (ca 1746-wp 1817) married Judith Swan Fauntleroy (1750/1-ca 1817)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Boteler, William (c 1738-1836) married Ann Duckett (c 1746-aft 1804)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Boughan, Major (c 1747-1812) married Lucy Munday (aft 1747-by 1798)- QA James Baughan A611
Boulden, Thomas Jr (1738-on or bef 1827) married Martha Moseley (ca 1752-bef 1825)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Bouldin, Green (1760-1830) married Mary Graves (ca 1787-bef 1827)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Bouldin, Thomas (1738-wp 1827) married Martha Moseley (1751-1830)- QA John Clay A1706
Bounds, Richard Stevens Jr. (1759-1812) married Rebecca Bentson (1759-1814)- QA Stephen Horsey A4010
Boush, Charles Sayer (-by 1809) married Martha Sweny (-1792)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Boush, Samuel III (ca 1730-1784) married (-)- QA Henry Seawell A7005
Boush, Samuel III (ca 1730-1784) married Elizabeth (-)- QA Lemuel Mason A5301
Boush, Samuel (-wp 1759) married Frances Sayer (-)- QA Robert Offley A9457
Bowden, Baker (1742- wp1790) married Martha ( - 1792)- QA John Moone A5602
Bowden, John (-wp 1826 /c/) married Judith Farrar (-wp 1828 /c/)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Bowden, Nicholas II (1741-1818) married Tabethia (c 1740-aft 1818)- QA John Moone A5802
Bowles, John (1743-1836) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Curd (1737/8-)- QA John Price A6408
Bowles, John (1743-1836) married Elizabeth Curd ( -)- QA John Price A6408
Bowman, John Sutton Sr. (-1803 c) married Sarah Cauthorn (-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Boykin, Burwell (1752-1817) married Mary Whitaker (1776-1838)- QA Henry Baker A310
Bracewell, Solomon (c 1740-by 1797) married Rachel Byrd (1742-1798)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Bradford, John (aft. 1711- wp 1787) married Dorithea Miriam Burgess ( - liv 1777)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Bradford, John (aft. 1711- 1787) married Dorithes Miriam Burgess (" - liv. 1777)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Bradford, John (1708-wp 1787 c) married Patience Read (c 1732-by 1768 c)- QA Isabella Smith Pace A9497
Bradford, John (c 1708-wp 1787) married Patience Reed (-liv 1764)- QA Samuel Macock A5108
Bradford, Wait (c 1730-1801) married Wealtha Bassett (1742-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bradford, Wait (1730-1801) married Wealthea Bassett (1742-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bradford, William (1755-1811) married Hannah Parker (1763-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bradford, William (- wp1785) married Sarah (- wp1795)- QA John Fisher A9504
Brainard, Enoch (1749-1796) married EsterSouthworth (1756-1830)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Brame, John (- wp 1795) married Mary Norman/Norment ()- QA Walter Chiles
Bramlett, Ambrose (ca 1736-wp 1804) married Jane Woodson (ca 1750-on or aft 1809)- QA John Woodson A9103
Bramlett, John (1764-1855) married Mary Peak (1763-1853)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Branch, Daniel (-1782) married Elizabeth Porter (bef 1750- bef 1786)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Edward (c 1741- wp 1786) married Lucy Finney ( -)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, John (c 1750-1806) married Rebeccah Bradford (1752-c 1795)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Branch, John ( -on or bef 1787) married Susannah (-on or aft 1814)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Olive Jr (ca 1732-on or bef 1801) married Jemima Britton (ca 1738-aft 1801)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Olive Sr (ca 1705-on or bef 1782) married Verlinche Branch (ca 1708-)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Thomas (1735-1815) married Mary Eldridge (1742/3- 1792)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Branch, Thomas (1734-1815) married Mary Eldridge (1742- 1792)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Branford, William (1755-wp1811) married Hannah Parker (1763-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Brantley, John (1736-1811) married Elizabeth Marsh (1750-1827)- QA John George A3003
Brantley, John (c 1705- wp1782) married Hannah ( - bef. 1777)- QA John George A3003
Brantley, Phillip (- wp1824) married Nancy Ann (( ))- QA John George A3003
Braswell, Arthur (c 1735-wp 1819) married unknown ()- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Braswell, David (c 1742-by 1782) married Nancy Rutherford (c 1745-liv 1800)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Braswell, Jacob (c 1745- 1832) married Sereny (c 1745- 1837)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Braswell, Richard (1704- wp 1772) married Elizabeth Bryant ()- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Braswell, Richard (1732-1788) married Elizabeth Dulaney (-1800)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Braswell, Solomon (c 1742- 1797) married Rachel Byrd (1758-1798)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Brawner, William (1719- wp 1784) married Anne Maddox (1723- aft. 1784)- QA Thomas Speke A7502
Braxton, Carter (1736-1797) married Judith Robinson (1736-1757)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Brent, Hugh (1728-1778) married Judith Newton (-1784)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Brent, Hugh (ca 1728-ca 1778) married Susannah Payne (1732-)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Brent, James (1736-1815) married Mrs. Sarah Doggett Cammell (-1821)- QA Benjamin Doggett A9698
Brent, Newton (-wp 1795) married Ann Steptoe Lawson (-living 1802)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Brewer, Edmund (1737-by 1793) married Sarah Ragland (c. 1740- liv. 1800)- QA William Barrett A508
Brian, William Iley (-) married Sarah Jame Williamson Crocker (bef 1737-)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Brickhouse, George (-1831) married Mary Belote (-)- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarbugh II A6910
Bridger, James (1730- wp 1782) married ()- QA Joseph Bridger
Bridger, Joseph (c 1738-1809) married Ann Jenkins (-)- QA Joseph Bridger, Sr. A1108
Bridges, John (1742-1836) married Mary Ligon (c 1752-by 1832)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Bridwell, Moses (1740-1814) married Lucy Lee (1741- aft. 1791)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Brister, Thomson Sr. (1741-bef 1818) married [Mary] Ann Hockaday (c 1744-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Bristow, Thompson (1741- by 1818) married Mary Hockaday (1743- by 1818)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Bristow, Tomson (1741-by 1818 c) married Mary Hockaday /c/ (1743-by 1818 c)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Brockenbrough, John (1741-1801) married Sarah Roane (1750-1810)- QA Moore Fauntleroy A2605
Brockenbrough, Moore Fauntleroy (c.1742-1793) married Lucy Barnes (c. 1742-1801)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Brockenbrough, William (1715-wp 1778) married Elizabeth Fauntleroy (ca 1715-1756)- QA Moore Fauntleroy A2605
Brodnax, John (1748-1829) married Martha Rivers (1760-1820)- QA William Brodnax A1112
Brodnax, Stephen (c. 1748-1840) married Elizabeth Danzee (c. 1758-1845)- QA William Brodnax A1112
Brodnax, Stephen Edward (1746-1815) married Elizabeth Rebecca Danzee ( - aft. 1858)- QA William Brodnax A1112
Brodnax, Stephen Edward (1748-1815) married Elizabeth Rebecca Danzie/Dancy (bef. 1783- aft. 1815)- QA William Broadnax A1112
Brodnax, William ( - wp 1771) married Ann Hall ( - wp 1789)- QA William Brodnax A1112
Bronaugh, John (1743-1777) married Mary Ann Carter (1747-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Bronaugh, John (1743/4- 1777) married Mary Anne Carter (1747-1825)- QA Adam Thorowgood/Thorougood A7910
Bronaugh, William (1730/1-wp 1800) married Mary Doniphan Cooke (1737-1781)- QA Gerrard Fowke A2901
Brooke, Humphrey (c 1752- 1840) married Sarah Walker Page (1784-1833)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Brooke, Richard (c1732-c1792) married Ann Hay Taliaferro (1731-c1782)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Brooke, Robert (-bef 1790) married Mary Fauntleroy (-)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Brooking, Francis Vivon (1737- 1808) married Elizabeth Hall Brodnax (1742-1806)- QA John Walker A8210
Brooks, Lemuel (1748-1832) married Esther Sprague (1779-1823)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Brown, Daniel Jr. (1753-1837) married Martha Rogers (1761-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Brown, John (1760-1816) married Susan Pearson Alexander (1762-aft 1845)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Brown, John (c 1750- wp 1808) married unknown ( - liv. 1808)- QA John Chew A1606
Brown, John Jr. (1734-1772) married Lydia Barker (1738-1791)- QA William Quicke A9719
Brown, Leonard (ca 1740-1833) married Sarah Kimbrough (-on or aft 1833)- QA Thomas Graves A3205
Brown, Reuben Skelton (1734-1805) married Susannah Napier (1744-1805)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Brown, Rev Richard (1725-1789) married Helen Bailey / Baillie (1730-)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Brown, Richard (1725-wp 1789 /c/) married Helen Bailey (-)- QA Adam Thorowgood/Thoroughgood A7911
Brown, Samuel (c 1747-1833 c) married Achsah Riggs (c 1745/6-1817 c)- QA John Clay A1606
Brown, Wright (1748-1837) married Bethany (1759-1828)- QA John Vassall A9471
Browne, Nathaniel (1734-1826) married Paine Dorcas (1733/34-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Browne, William (-1786) married Anne Taylor (1752 /c/-1786)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Brownell, Jeremiah (1749-1835) married Anna Copp (1749-1829)- QA William Collier A9520
Bryan, John (c 1723- wp 1786) married Obedience Burton (c 1730-1796)- QA William Farrar A2604
Bryant, John (1760-1833) married Mary Owsley (1768-1848)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Buckner, John (ca 1712-ca 1779) married Sarah (ca 1715-ca 1765)- QA John Buckner A1208
Buckner, Philip (1747-1820) married Tabitha Ann Daniel (1756-1838)- QA John Buckner A1208
Buckner, Richard III (c 1750- wp 1798) married Judith Edmonds ( - liv. 1798)- QA John Buckner A1208
Buckner, William (1744-1792) married Sally Thomas (1750-)- QA John Buckner A1208
Bugg, John (" - wp 1801) married Lucy Pennington (" - bef. 1801)- QA John George A3003
Bull, John (1740-1788) married Bridget West Bunting (1745- wp 1805)- QA Edmund Scarburgh II A6910
Bullitt, Cuthbert (c. 1740-1791) married Helen Scott (1739-1795)- QA Adam Thoroughgood
Bullitt, Cuthbert Harrison (1740-1791) married Helen Scott (1737-1795)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Bump, Barnabus (1748-1808) married Elizabeth Barrows (1753-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Bunch, Joseph (1749-aft 1830) married Mary "Molly" Woodson Anderson (c 1750-aft 1830)- QA John Woodson A9103
Bunting, Levin (c. 1746- by 1797) married Adah (c. 1750- by 1805)- QA Anthony West A9499
Bunting, Levin (c 1746-by 1797) married Adah Coward /c/ (c 1750-by 1805)- QA Anthony West A9499
Burbridge, Thomas (c 1740- bef. 1790) married Sarah Sharp (c 1740- bef. 1790)- QA William Denham A9730
Burch, Justinian (c 1742- bef. 1806) married Beheathland Dade (c 1750-)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Burgess, Benjamin (1760-1793) married Agnes Gott Batte (1755-)- QA John Chew A1606
Burgess, Edward (1733-1809) married Mary Davis (1733-1784)- QA John Chew A1606
Burgess, Joseph Sr. (1726/7-1806) married Elizabeth Dorsey (1735-1805)- QA John Chew A1606
Burk, Thomas Sr. (c 1731-aft 1812) married Ann George (aft 1730-bef 1794)- QA John George A3003
Burkhalter, John (1728-wp 1784) married Ann Newsom (c 1755-1817)- QA William Spencer A7505
Burnett, Benjamin (c 1732-wp 1799) married Frances Barnett (c 1735-aft 1812)- QA William Farrar A2604
Burrow, Phillip IV (1741-wp 1829 c) married Martha Littlefield (1742-1822)- QA Cheney Boise A911
Burton, Henry (1759-1833) married Keziah Farley (1763 - .)- QA Richard Cooke
Burton, Noel (c 1729-buried 1769 c) married Lucy Barrett (-1777)- QA William Farrar A2604
Burton, Walthall (1753-wp 1823) married Sarah Price (1754-aft 1817)- QA John Price A6408
Burwell, Capt Nathaniel (1750-1802) married Martha Digges (1757-1842)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Burwell, Carter (1716-wp 1756) married Lucy Grymes (1720-)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Burwell, James (c 1735-1775) married Ann Jones (1739/40-1779)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Burwell, James (1735-1775) married Anne Jones (1740-1779)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Burwell, James (c 1762- bef 1803) married Judith Ball (c 1778- 1809)- QA John Armistead A209
Burwell, Lewis (1745-1800) married Ann Spotswood (1746-1789)- QA John West, I A8604
Burwell, Lewis IV ( - 1784) married Frances Thacker Bray (1722- 1784)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Burwell, Nathaniel (1750- 1802) married Martha Digges (1757-1842)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Burwell, Nathaniel (1750-1802) married Martha Diggs (1757-1848)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Butler/Boteler, William (c. 1738-1836) married Ann Duckett (c. 1746- 1830)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Byne, Edmund (c. 1728-1814) married Anne Lewis (-1798)- QA Abraham Iversonn A4203
Cabaniss, George (1744-by 1815) married Palatea Harrison (-aft 1815)- QA John Clay A1706
Cabaniss, Matthew (" - wp 1790) married Hannah Clay (" -)- QA John Clay A1706
Cabaniss, William (- 1825) married ( ) (( ))- QA John Clay A1706
Cabell, John (1734-1815) married Paulina Jordan (1746-1781)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Cabell, William (1759-1822) married Anne Carrington (1760-1838)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Cabell, William (1730-1798) married Margaret Jordan (-1812)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Cade, Drury (aft 1740-wp 1796) married Winifred Pope (bef 1764-wp 1818)- QA John English A9426
Cahoon, William (1752-1816) married Tabitha Dorcas Smith (1759-1858)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cahoon, William (1752-c 1816) married Tabitha Dorcas Smith (1759-1858)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Calcote, Henry (-on or bef 1802) married Sarah [Keithley?] (-on or bef 1802)- QA John Goodrich A3101
Calcote, James (-on or aft 1777) married (-)- QA John Goodrich A3101
Calkins, Aaron (1725/6-1826) married Hannah Cole (1730-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Calvert, Benedict Swingate (1722- 1788) married Elizabeth Calvert (1730-1798)- QA Sir George Calvert A1313
Calvert, Cornelius (1725- wp 1805) married Elizabeth Thorowgood (1731-1771)- QA Sir George Yeardley A9305
Calvert, Cornelius II (1722- wp 1805) married Elizabeth Thoroughgood (c 1732)- QA George Yeeardley A9305
Calvert, Cornelius II (1725-1804) married Elizabeth Thorowgood (1731-1771)- QA Francis Sawyer A6907
Calvert, John (c 1742-wp 1790) married Helen Bailey (c 1754-aft 1785)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Calvert, John (1739-1809) married Margaret "Peggy" Walke (1742-1814)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Candler, Zedekiah (c 1745-1825) married Anna Moorman (1756-)- QA Susannah Chiles A1608
Cannon, William (1748-1819) married Sarah Mosby (1751- bef. 1798)- QA John Woodson A9103
Cantelou, Louis (1756- 1818) married Alice Crymes (1757-1841)- QA George More A9527
Cantrell, Stephen (1758-1827) married Mary Blakemore (1765-1849)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Cantwell, John (1745-1836) married Jane Barnett (1770-1843)- QA William Farrar, I A2604
Carelton, Thomas (1752-1818) married Martha Finch (1755-1810)- QA Walter Aston A213
Carey, Samuel (1752-1823) married Rachel Doane (1754-1830)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Carr, Walter (1753-1838) married Elizabeth Chiles (1755-1847)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Carter, Charles (1732-1806) married Anne Moore (unknown-unknown)- QA Robert King Carter
Carter, Dale (1744-1774) married Mary Ann Bickley (c 1746-liv 1791)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Edward (1750-) married Mary Randolph Lewis (-on or bef 1797)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Carter, Edward (1733-1792) married Sarah (Sally) Champe (1733-1814)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Carter, Edward (1738-1792) married Sarah Champe (1733-1813)- QA John Armistead A209
Carter, Edward Jr. (1750-) married Mary Randolph Lewis (1770-bef 1797)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5208
Carter, George (ca 1725-by 1788) married Frances Neale (Beale) (-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, George (1725-1787) married Frances Neale /c/ (c 1730-1787)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, George (c. 1725-1785) married Francis ()- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, George (1733- 1816) married Sally ( -)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, George (-ca 1831) married Sally (-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Hill (-) married Mary Rose (-)- QA John Carter A1406
Carter, Jesse (c 1727- wp 1811) married Mary Chattin ( - aft. 1811)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John (-on or bef 1783) married Ann Claytor (-wp 1789)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John (c. 1715-1783) married Hannah Chew (c. 1736-1821)- QA John Chew A1606
Carter, John (1739-1789) married Janet Hamilton (1745-1800)- QA Robert Carter A1407
Carter, John ( - 1782) married Miss Spencer ( - )- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John Champe (1758-1826) married Apphia Fauntleroy (1768-1829)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Carter, John Jr (1754-1791) married (ca 1755-bef 1791)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John Jr (1754-1791) married (ca 1755-bef 1791)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John Sr (1727-1790) married Leanna (ca 1730-ca 1790)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, John Sr (1727-1790) married Leanne (ca 1730-ca 1790)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Joseph (1736-wp1809) married Elizabeth Presley (( ))- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Landon (1738- wp 1801) married Judith Fauntleroy (c 1731- 1799)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Carter, Landon Jr (1738-wp 1801) married Judith Fauntleroy (1731-ca 1799)- QA Moore Fauntleroy A2605
Carter, Merriman (c 1730-1818) married Frances Leftwich (1738- )- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Norris (1748-1816) married Agnes Allen (c 1750-1816 c)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Peter (1706-by 1790) married Judith Norris (1706-1765)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Peter (1743-wp 1791) married Mary Ann Ellis (1747-1791)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Raleigh (c 1740-wp 1820) married Llucy Ann Crenshaw (c 1770-1853)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Rawleigh (c 1740-wp 1820 /c/) married Sarah Sharp/Sharpe (-by 1798)- QA Edward Dale A2013
Carter, Solomon (1739-1786) married Mary Ann (c 1740-1804)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Solomon (1739-on or bef 1786) married Mary Ann Childers (bef 1742-on or aft 1804)- QA John Woodson A9103
Carter, Solomon (1739-wp 1786) married Mary Ann Childres ()- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Thomas (1731-1803) married Mary (-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Carter, Thomas (1734-1817) married Winifred Hobson (1745-1831)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Cartwright, Robert (1722-1809) married Pembroke "Penny" Hunter ( -1764-1766)- QA Francis Mason
Carver, William (c 1720-wp 1767) married Mary (-wp 1767)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Carver, William, Sr. (1753-1836) married Elizabeth (-bef 1836)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Cary, Archibald (-) married Mary Randolph (1727-1781)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Cary, Capt Thomas (ca 1720-on or bef 1792) married Frances Goodwyn (ca 1733-ca 1804)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Cary, Col Archibald (1720/1-1787) married Mary Isham Randolph (1727-1781)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Cary, John (-wp 1763) married Mary Reade (-1761)- QA George Reade A6606
Cary, John (1745-wp 1795) married Susannah Armistead (1753-1834)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Cary, Richard L. (1730- 1789) married Mary Cole ()- QA Miles Cary A1409
Cary, Thomas (1720-wp 1790) married Frances Goodwyn (-)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Cary, William (c 1708- wp 1784) married Elizabeth Haynes ( - )- QA Thomas Taylor A7902
Casey, Levi (1748-1807) married Elizabeth Duckett (1759-1839)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Cawthon, Charles (c 1700- aft. 1775) married Elizabeth Womack (c 1745- liv. 1812)- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2508
Cawthon, William (ca 1751-wp 1811) married Elizabeth (ca 1756-1836)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Chamberlaine, James (1732-1783) married Henrietta Robins (1735/36-1791)- QA Edward Lloyd A4206
Champion, Hart (c 1747-1797) married Lucy ()- QA William Spencer A7505
Chapman, George ( - wp 1816) married Patience Clay (1772-1833)- QA John Clay A1706
Chapman, Henry (c 1747-bef 1788) married (c 1747-bef 1788)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Chappell, James (1746- 1818) married Sarah Hines (1749-1823)- QA Arthur Bayly A703
Chappell, John (1738-1807) married Nanny Harrison (1741-1822)- QA Cheney Boyce A911
Chappell, John Sr. (c 1759-1807) married Nancy Harrison (1741-1822)- QA Cheney Boyce/Boyse A911
Chappell, Samuel (c 1721-1765) married Mary (-)- QA Cheney Boyce A911
Chase, Berry (c 1750-1810) married Phoebe Wixon (1756-aft 1800)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Chase, Isaac (1714- aft. 1779) married Thankful Maker (1716-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Chase, Obadiah (1743-1799) married Susannah Knapp (1743-1836)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Chase, William (1690-1771) married Patience Walker (c 1710- aft 1747)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cheadle, Thomas (1723-1762) married Judith Woodson (1724-1802)- QA John Woodson A9103
Cheatham, Charles (-1770) married Obedience Cheatham (;-)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Cheatham, Christopher (1740-1770) married Elizabeth Akin (1730-1789)- QA William Farrar A2604
Cheatham, Daniel (-1815 c) married Agnes Robertson /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Cheatham, Epps (1755-wp 1816) married Sarah Chaffin (1768-1830)- QA Francis Eppes A2502
Cheatham, Henry (c 1739- by 1790) married Elizabeth Elam ( - 1798)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Cheatham, James ( - wp 1797) married Susannah Barker ( - 1812)- QA William Rookings A9463
Cheatham, Joel (ca 1720-ca 1788-1790) married Elizabeth Gates (-living 1779)- QA Francis Eppes A2502
Cheatham, Leonard (c 1746-wp 1798) married Martha Walthall /c/ (c 1749/50-liv 1798)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Cheatham, Obadiah (ca 1742-on or bef 1777) married Margaret Rudd (-)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Cheatham, William ( - wp 1796) married Unknown ( -)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Cheatham, William Jr. (c 1725-1795 c) married Frances (Pryor) (-bef 1800)- QA ChristopherBranch A1010
Chew, Benjamin (1722-1810) married Elizabeth Oswald (1732- c 1819)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, James (c 1745-by 1794) married Mary Caldwell (c 1740-1783 c)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, John (1749-wp 1838 /c/) married Margaret Reed (1762-1837)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, John Sr. (1749-1838) married Margaret Reed (1762-1837)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, Richard (1716-1769) married Sarah Lock (1721-1791)- QA John Chew A1606
Chew, Samuel (-) married Elizabeth Pratt (-)- QA John Chew A1606
Chiles, Henry (c. 1748-1832) married Frances (1745- by 1832)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, Henry (-) married Frances Nevils (-)- QA Walter Chiles II A1609
Chiles, Henry (1762-by 1832) married Sarah Ballinger (1772-1842)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, John (1729- wp1813) married Elizabeth (- liv. 1813)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, John (ca 1730-wp 1813) married Elizabeth [Garland] (-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, John (1730-1803) married Mary Ann White (-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, John (1747-1796) married Mary Winston (-)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Chiles, Rowland (1755- by 1835) married Nancy Sandlin (c 1780-)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Chiles, William ( -wp 1778) married (-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chiles, William (1736-1804) married Agness White (1742- bef. 1804)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Chiles, William ( - wp 1778) married Jemima ( -)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Chiles, William (c 1730-1804) married Sarah ( - liv. 1824)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Chilton, George (-on or bef 1771) married Ann Bayne Owsley (1747-on or bef 1792)- QA Thomas Ousley / Owsley A5811
Chilton, John (1739-1777) married Letitia Blackwell (1750-1775)- QA Mordecai Cooke A1810
Chinn, Elijah (c. 1750-wp 1836) married Elizabeth Smith (1765-)- QA William Ball A406
Chisman, Edmund (1751-1784) married Mary Robinson (1759-1781)- QA Thomas Cheesman/Chisman A1605
Chisman, John (-wp 1803) married Mary Buckner (-)- QA George Reade A6606
Christian, Joseph (1757- wp 1825) married Elizabeth Graves ( -)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Christian, Turner (1750-1832) married Anna Payne (1762-on or bef 1788)- QA John Woodson A9103
Christopher, Thomas (1754-) married Mary Parker (1766- 1826)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Church, Josiah (1742-1819) married Mariah Clark (1741-1828)- QA John Vassall A9471
Churchill, John (1728-inv 1796) married Sarah Edwards (-)- QA William Churchill A1702
Churchill, Zadoc (1747-bef. 1793) married Bathsheba Rider (1750- aft. 1795)- QA William Collier A9520
Clack, James (;-wp 1757) married Mary Sterling (-wp 1763)- QA James Clack A9706
Clack, John (c 1729-1773) married Mary Kennon (c 1728- aft. 1794)- QA James Clack A9706
Clagett, John (1713-1790) married Sarah Magruder (-)- QA Sir Thomas Adams A9510
Clagett, William (1748-1789/92) married Harriet Sothoron (-)- QA Sir Thomas Adams A9510
Claggett, Henry (1730-1777) married Ann MaGruder (1738-1815)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Claiborne, Augustine (c. 1721- 1787) married Mary Herbert (1726-1799)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, Buller (1755-1804) married Martha "Patty" Ruffin (abt 1765-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, Buller (1755-1804) married Martha Patsy Ruffin (c 1755- 1820)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, Herbert (1746-1814 c) married Mary Burnet Browne (1765-1805)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, Jonas (1723-1795) married Edith Folkes /c/ (c 1737-liv 1770 c)- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
Claiborne, Thomas Burnell (1746/7-1811) married Mary "Polly" Clayton (1755-1802)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, William Dandridge (1756-1811) married Euphania Taylor (1770-1832)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Claiborne, William Presley (1753-wp 1796) married Lucy Ruffin (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Clardy, Benjamin II (1742-1823) married Agnes Booth (1755-1847)- QA Thomas Cocke A9540
Clark, Alexander (1747-1783) married Phoebe Jefferson (c. 1743-1830)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Clark, Christopher (1737-by 1803 c) married Mildred "Milla" Terrell /c/ (1741-1811)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Clark, Christopher (1737- bef. 1803) married Millicent/Mildred Terrell (1741- aft. 1803)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Clark, Elisha (1734-1811) married Hannah Hopkins (1735-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Clark, Francis (1748-wp 1810) married Nancy Walker (-aft 1810)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Clark, James (1757-wp 1802) married Lucy Cheadle (1759-1811)- QA John Woodson A9103
Clark, John (1731-1824) married Obedience Bowman (1734-1821)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Clark, John (1750- wp 1816) married Penelope Cardwell (1757-1819)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Clarke, Christopher (1737-wp 1803) married Millicent / Mildred Terrell (1741-ca 1800)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Clarke, Christopher (1737- wp 1803) married Millicent Terrell (1741-1811)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Clary, Harwood (c 1728-wp 1790 c) married Mary (-)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Clay , James (-wp 1791 /c/) married Margaret Muse (1737-1832)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay , John (1755-1835) married Millison Epps (ca 1755-aft 1840)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Abia (1747-1791) married Sarah Skinner (c 1760-bef 1791)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Charles (1739- aft. 1810) married Phebe Cheatham ( - )- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Clay, Charles ( - c 1791) married ( - )- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Henry (1736-1820) married Rachel "Polly" Povall (1739-1820)- QA John Woodson A9103
Clay, Henry Jr. (c 1736-1820) married Rachel Povall (c 1739-1820)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Isham (c 1741-1808) married Amy Vaughn (-)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Isham (c. 1755-1835) married ()- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, James (1730-wp 1791) married Margaret "Peggy" Muse (1737-1832)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Jesse (c. 1745-1824) married Marium (- bef. 1827)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, John (1757-on or bef 1814) married Martha "Patsy" Ingram (ca 1761-1785)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, Mitchell /c/ (1735-wp 1811 c) married Phoebe Belcher (1740-1809)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay, William (-ca 1799-1800) married Amy Old (1739-aft 1804)- QA John Clay A1706
Clay. John (1757- wp 1814) married Martha "Patsy Ingram (1761-1814)- QA John Clay A1706
Claypoll, John (1733-1823) married Rachel Scott (1731-)- QA William Angell A9721
Claypool, James (1701- wp 1789) married Jane (1701-1768)- QA William Angell A9721
Claypool/Claypoole, Jesse (1752-1833) married Elizabeth "Betty" Miller (1757-1834)- QA William Angell A9721
Claypoole, James Jr. (c 1743- 1816) married Lucretia (Lucia) Garwood (1742-c 1796)- QA William Angell A9721
Clayton, John Jr. ( -) married Elizabeth Willis (1729/30-)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Clayton, John Willis (c 1750-by 1807) married Mary (-)- QA Henry Whiting A8802
Clayton, Philip (c. 1746-1807) married Mildred Dixon (1754-1799)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Clayton, Phillip (1746-1807) married Mildred Dixon (-1799)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Clements, Benjamin (-by 1780) married Elizabeth Williamson (-)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Clements, Benjamin (on or aft 1703-wp 1778) married Judith Parker (-)- QA Francis Clements A1709
Clements, Francis (-1808) married Rebeckah Thorp (-)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Clements, George (aft 1744-ca 1787) married Lucy Washington (-)- QA Francis Clements A1709
Cleveland, Ebenezer (1725-1805) married Abigail Stevens (1727-1804)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cleveland, Elisha (1762-1820) married Hannah Webber Gardner (1762-1850)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cleveland, Elisha (1716/7-) married Ruth Paine (-1742)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cleveland, John (1734/5-1818) married Betsy/Betty Downer (1739-1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cliborne, George (c 1741-bef 1811) married Jemima ( - bef 1815)- QA Thomas Sheppy A7109
Clifton, Burdette (1736-1798) married Rebecca Kenner (1739-1799)- QA Richard Lee A4807
Clopton, Richard (ca 1733-wp 1807) married Mary Davis (ca 1744-on or aft 1794)- QA Dr Robert Booth A1002
Clopton, Robert (1728-) married Frances (( ))- QA Robert Booth A1002
Clopton, William III (1721-1792) married Elizabeth Dorral Ford (1727- 1785)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Clyborne, Jonas (1756-wd 1795) married Edith Folkes (c 1737-1775)- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
Cobb, Arthur (1737-1812) married Susannah (1750-1819)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Cobb, Clisby (1748-1815) married Margaret Young (-bef 1815)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Cobb, Elkanah (1757-1837) married Jerusha Foster (bap. 1762-1845)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cobb, John (1748-1838) married Margaret/Margery Collins (1750- 1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9941
Cobb, John (1723-ca 1799) married Rhoda Smith (ca 1723-bef 1763)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Cobb, Pharoah (1752-1841) married Barsheba Whitehead (1797-1856)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Cobb, Stephen (c 1735-1785) married Patience (-bef 1807)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Cobbs, Robert (1754- wp1829) married Anne Gissage Poindexter (1763-1842)- QA Augustine Warner, I A8305
Cobbs, Samuel (-wp 1758) married Mary Lewis (1735-1813)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Coburn, George Jr. (c 1727-wp 1798) married Sarah Griffin (c 1737-1798 c)- QA John Johnson, Sr. A4306
Cocke, Benjamin (1747- 1828) married Mary Johnson (1752- 1826)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, James (-on or bef 1812) married Martha Holland Parish (1758-1810-1812)- QA John Woodson A9103
Cocke, James (c 1751-1812 c) married Martha Holland Parrish (1758-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, James (-1772) married Mary Lewis (-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, James (1720-wd 1772) married Mary Lewis (1731- 1750)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, James Powell (1747/8-1829) married Lucy Smith (1756-1816)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, John (ca 1755-wp 1786) married Lucy Herbert Claiborne (1760-aft 1814)- QA John West A8604
Cocke, Peter (1730- wp 1803) married Elizabeth ( - bef 1769)- QA Henry Batt€ A605
Cocke, Peter (-wp 1803) married Mary Whitehead (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, Richard (c 1706-c 1772) married Mrs. Elizabeth Ruffin Kinchin ()- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Cocke, Stephen (1740-wp 1793 c) married Amey Jones (1747-wp 1824 c)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, Stephen (1751 or 1754-1794) married Jane Segar Eggleston (1756-1835)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, Thomas (-ca 1797/8) married Ann Johnson (-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, Thomas (1752-1824) married Elizabeth Willis (1756-1814)- QA George Reade A6606
Cocke, William (1747-1828) married Mary MacLin (1756-by 1810)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, William (ca 1743-ca 1801) married Sarah Wood (-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cocke, William A III (1747-1828) married Mary Maclin (1757-1810)- QA John Rolfe A6028
Cockrell, Presley (1761-on or bef 1809) married Jane Morrison (-on or bef 1812)- QA William Ball A406
Coker, Joseph (-1792) married Mary Aldridge (-aft 1800)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Cole , Joseph, Sr. /c/ (1750-wp 1826 /c/) married Remember Cole (c 1750-c 1774)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Eleazer (1700-1783) married Joanna King (c. 1707- by 1752)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Elisha (1742-1826) married Charity Hazen (1744-1811)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Elisha Jr (1742-1826) married Charity Hazen (1744-ca 1811)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Elisha Jr (1719-ca 1801) married Hanna Smalley (ca 1811-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Elisha Sr (1719-1801) married Hannah Smalley (-ca 1811)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Israel III (1712-1792) married Remember Burgess (1714-1792)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Joseph (1746-1814) married Rebecca Berry (1752-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cole, Richard (c 1717-1781) married Lydia Hansford Hill (c 1720-c 1755)- QA Edward Foliot A9513
Cole, Richard (bef 1716-on or bef 1781) married Lydia Hill (bef 1712/13-aft 1753)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Cole, William (1742-1795) married Eleanor Bibb (1745-1832)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Coleman, Richard (1761-) married Ann Stubs (1763-)- QA William Strachey A7705
Coleman, Spencer (1756-1830) married Elizabeth Garland Goodwin (1768-1816)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Coleman, Thomas (aft 1738-bef 1778) married Mary Woolfolk (1759-)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Collier, Joseph (1749-1819) married Amey Moseley (1757-1819)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Collier, Joseph (1749-1819) married Amy Moseley (1757-1819)- QA Thomas Ligon / Lygon / Lyggon A4903
Collier, Vines (1735- wp 1795) married Sarah Elizabeth Williamson ()- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Collins, Eliphalet (1744-1815) married Abigail Abbe (1750-1844)- QA John Vassall A9471
Collins, John (ca 1755-by 1824) married Grace Costin (ca 1780-bef 1824)- QA William Bibby A9514
Comer, John (1850-wp 1802 c) married Amey Eppes (-wp 1802)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Compton, Matthew II (1709-wp 1770) married Rachael Howard (-liv 1784)- QA Rev William Wilkinson A9495
Compton, Matthew III (1746-1810) married Theodosia Scott Earle ( -)- QA William Wilkinson A9495
Compton, Zachariah (c 1734 /c/-by 1790 /c/) married Mary (-by 1811 /c/)- QA William Wilkinson A9495
Compton, Zachariah (ca 1734-Inv 1789) married Mary Ann Middleton Hawkins (-Inv 1811)- QA Rev William Wilkinson A9495
Connor, Terrence (ca 1752-1841) married Sarah Jane Speake (ca 1760-1844)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Conway, Robert (1749-ca 1795) married Mary Kenner (1767-ca 1790)- QA Thomas Brereton A1104
Cook(e), Stephen (1751-1829) married Sara(h) McFarland (1760-1851)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Ephraim (1712-aft 1778) married Mary Merrick (1717-1778)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Gideon (1750-1806) married Huldah Lisk (1754-1841)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Isaac (1743-1820) married Charity Wright (c. 1742-1822)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Cook, Jesse (1741-1790) married Anne Smithson (1746-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Joseph (1751-1824) married Elizabeth Barker (1755-1816)- QA William Quicke A9719
Cook, Joshua (1740-1790) married Marita (1743-1783)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Josiah (1735-by 1813) married Mary Rider/Rydder (1741-aft. 1840)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Moses (c 1740- liv 1825) married Hannah Howe (c 1745-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Simeon (1715-bet 1762-1767) married Melatiah Robbins (-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Thomas (1731-1820) married Hannah Tryon (1733-1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Thomas (1731-1820) married Hannah Tyron (1733-1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cook, Thomas Jr (1731-1820) married Hannah Tryon (1733-1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Elijah (1737-aft 1796) married Hannah Hale (1736- aft. 1784)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Giles (-wp 1799) married Margaret Savage (c 1729-1799)- QA Southey Littleton A4906
Cooke, Levi (1748-1821) married Mary Corwin (1761-1823)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Levi (1757-1830) married Sarah Poole (1759-1840)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Mordecai (-1783) married Dawson /c/ (-1803 c)- QA William Bernard A807
Cooke, Nathaniel (1719-1758) married Mary Samson (1724-1760)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Solomon (1711-1781) married Rebecca Cowell (c. 1714-1788)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Solomon (1743-1776) married Sarah Allen Searing (c 1745-1777)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke, Thomas (-) married Hannah Tryon (1733-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooke/Cook, Jacob (1725-1808) married Phoebe Margaret Lindsly (c 1734- 1814)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cooper, Lamberton (1749-1821) married Doreas Jennings (1755-1831)- QA John Vassall A9471
Coppedge, Charles (c. 1735- aft. 1800) married Elizabeth Bayse (c. 1740-1799)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Coppedge, William (1740-wp 1806) married Mary Tippett (-1807)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Coppedge, William (1740- wp1806) married Sarah Railey (( ))- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Corbin, Gawin (aft 1747 /c/-aft 1786) married Betsey Elizabeth Jones (-aft 1786)- QA Richard Lee I A4806
Cordell, George Edward (1742-1826) married Catherine Basye (1752-1839)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Cornick, Endymion (1755- 1812) married Frances Henley (1768-1832)- QA Henry Woodhouse I A9008
Costin, William ( - 1786) married Anne Trower ( - c 1799)- QA William Bibby A9514
Costin, William (-on or bef 1786) married Anne Trower (-ca 1799)- QA William Bibby A9514
Covill/Covel, Seth Jr. (1738-1769) married Phebe Paine (1746-1799)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cowel / Covel, John (1733-1806) married Rejoice Smith (ca 1737-1776)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cox, Fleet (1725- 1791) married Elizabeth Wright ( -)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Cox, Frederick (c 1739-1781) married Mildred Estes (c 1739-1825)- QA William Cox/Coxe A1909
Cox, Henry ( - 1779) married Hjudith Redford ( - wd 1780)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Cox, Hickerson /c/ (c 1734-wp 1795 c) married Elizabeth Horner (-1773 c)- QA William Cox A1909
Cox, Higgason (c 1734- wp 1795) married Elizabeth Horner ( - 1773)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Cox, Micajah (1751-1807) married Louisa Lancaster (1756-1798)- QA William Spencer A7505
Cox, Micajah Sr. (1751-1807) married Louisa Lancaster (1756-1803)- QA William Spencer A7505
Cox, Samuel (1753-wp 1819) married Temperance Bailey (1761-1823)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Cox, Valentine (1750- wd1813) married Dawson, Nancy Ann (1754-by 1824)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Cox, William (-1781) married Ann ( ) (-Aft. 1781)- QA Henry Fleet A2705
Cox€, William (- wp1783) married Sarah Haggoman ()- QA William Cox€ A1909
Crafford, Carter II ( - wp 1782) married Elizabeth Kearney ( -)- QA William Carter A9511
Cralle, John (1724-1778) married Spilman Garner (1739- liv. 1768)- QA Rodham Kenner A9982
Crane, Stephen (1734-1814) married Mary Chapman (1745-1824)- QA William Collier A9520
Crawford II, John (c. 1731/33-1802) married Lucy Moorman ()- QA David Crawford, I
Crawford, David III (1697-1766) married Ann(e) Anderson (1708-1803)- QA David Crawford A1914
Crawford, Joel (1736-1788) married Frances Elizabeth Harris (1746-wp 1814)- QA David Crawford A1914
Crawford, Michael (1746-1800) married Elizabeth (1745-)- QA David Crawford A1914
Crawford, Thomas (c 1735-wp 1819) married Elizabeth Alston (c 1744-bef 1819)- QA David Crawford A1914
Crew, Jacob (1754-1810) married Elizabeth Leadbetter (c 1760-aft 1800)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Cromartie, William (1731-1807) married Ruhama Doane (1745-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cromartie, William (1731-1807) married Ruhamah Doane (1745-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cromartie, William Jr. (1731-1807) married Ruhamah Doane (1745-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cromartie, Willliam (1731-1807) married Ruhamah Doane (1745-wp 1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, Abner (1744-1813) married Ruth Foster (1750-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, David (1737-1816) married Sally (( ))- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, Isaiah (1744-) married Eunice Rogers (1745-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, Reuben (1735/6-1819) married Sarah Sears (1732-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crosby, Thomas (1752-1832) married Rebecca Bishop (1755-1834)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cross, Uriah (1750-1835) married Ann Paine (bap. 1754-1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cross, Uriah (1750- 1835) married Ann Payne (bap. 1754- 1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cross, Uriah (1753-1835) married Anne Paine (1754-1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crowder, Godfrey (-wp 1840) married Nancy Moore (-bef 1839)- QA Sisley Jordan A9447
Crowder, Godfrey (c. 1737-wp1840) married Nancy Moore ()- QA William Farrar A2604
Crowell, Jonathan (1728-) married Phebe Snow (1715-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Crowson, Charles (c 1733-) married Comfort West (c 1737-)- QA Edmund Scarburgh I A6909
Crump, Robert (-1823) married Mary Parr (c 1750-1830 c)- QA Alexander Mountney A5610
Crymes, George (1710-1797) married Mildred Bellamy (-1795)- QA George More A9527
Crymes, Thomas (1748-1789) married Mary (-aft 1789)- QA George More A9527
Curd, John (1726-bef 1797) married Lucy Brent (1735-bef 1800)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Curd, John (1726-1801) married Lucy Brent (1735-1815)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Curd, William (-1797) married Mary Watkins (-by 1780)- QA John Price A6408
Curtis, Edmund (1754-) married Ann Cary (-)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Curtis, Edmund III (1754- wp1810) married Ann Cary (1769-1814)- QA Edmund Cheesman A9498
Curtis, Elisha (bapt 1737-liv 1801) married Betty Studley (1733-1776)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Cushman, Isaiah (1730/1- 1818) married Sarah Ring (1737-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Custis, Edmund III (1754-aft 1807) married Anne Cary (-ca 1819)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Custis, Joseph II (c 1730-1789 c) married Nanny Kellam (-)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Custis, William Smith (c 1750-wp 1821) married (-)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Cutler, George (1720-wp1784) married Margaret Wyatt (1737-1786)- QA Thomas Welbourne A8511
Cutler, Joseph (1739-1825) married Martha Brown (1742-1800)- QA John Vassall A9471
Dabney, Cornelius IV (c 1730-1792) married Mary "Molly" Lane ()- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Dabney, George (1742- 1824) married Elizabeth Price (1745-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Dabney, Robert (c. 1755- 1803) married Elizabeth Winston (c. 1753- 1827)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Dade, Baldwin (1716-wp 1783) married Verlinda (-1798)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Dade, Baldwin (1716-wp 1783) married Verlinda, niece of Richard Stone (-1798)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Dade, Langhorne (ca 1718-1753) married Mildred Washington (1721-1784)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Dade, Townshend (1743-1807) married Susanna Fitzhugh (1757-1817)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Dade, Townshend (1743-1807) married Susannah Fitzhugh (1757-1817)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Daingerfield, William (ac. 1736-1781) married Mary Madison Willis (1743-1819)- QA Moore Fauntleroy A2605
Dalton, Sam Jr. (c 1738-1789) married Charlotte Gallihue (c 1752- 1804)- QA Richard Kenner A4510
Dalton, Samuel (ca 1738-ca 1789) married Charlotte Gallahue (ca 1748-1819)- QA Richard Kenner A4510
Dameron, Joseph Sr (bef 1731-1818) married Patience Coppedge (1735-aft 1780)- QA William Ball A406
Dameron, Joseph Sr (1731-wp 1818) married Patience Coppege (1735-1780)- QA William Ball A406
Dameron, Moses (-) married Millicent (-)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Damon, Peter (1740-1818) married Lydia Putnam (1744-1809)- QA John Vassell A9471
Dandridge, Nathaniel West (1729-1786) married Dorothea Spotswood (ca 1733-1773)- QA John West
Dandridge, William (1750-1801) married Ann Bolling (1752-)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Dandridge, William (1750-c 1801) married Anne Bolling (1752-1802)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Dandridge, William Alexander (1750-1801) married Ann Blair Bolling (1752-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Daniel, James (1747-wp 1820 c) married Sarah "Sally" Cocke (1755-aft 1820)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Daniel, James (c 1725- wp 1785) married Sarah Cocke (c 1755- 1810)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Daniel, John (1747-wp1802) married Elizabeth Morton (1754-by 1828)- QA John Woodson A9103
Daniel, Thomas (1740-1811) married Elizabeth Stith (c 1758-aft 1786)- QA William Buckner A1210
Daniel, Woodson (c 1736-wp 1792) married Nancy Gouge (c 1740-1800 c)- QA John Woodson A9103
Darden, John (c 1745-wp 1810) married Mary "Molly" (-1828)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Darden, John (c 1745-wp 1810) married Molly Darden ( - 1828)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Darracott, Thomas (c 1743-wp 1793) married Elizabeth Bickley (c 1745-aft 1803)- QA Francis Bickley A9505
Darracott, Thomas (c 1743-wp 1793) married Elizabeth Hickley (c 1745-aft 1803)- QA Joseph Bickley A9505
Davenport, George (-wp 1760) married Mary (-)- QA George Heale A3700
Davidson, William (1747-1811) married Barbara McDole (1769-1831)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Davidson, William (1747-1811) married Barbara McDole/McDowell (1768-1831)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Davies, William (1749-by 1803) married Mary Murray (1754-2823)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Davies, William (1749-1805) married Mary Murray Gordon (1754-1788)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Davis, Benajah (1734-by 1782) married Elizabeth Snow (1734-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Davis, Benjamin (c. 1750-1817) married Tabitha Rose (c. 1752- bef. 1810)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Davis, Edward (bef 1720-betw 1796 & 1803) married Sarah (-on or bef 1807)- QA James Davis A2106
Davis, Francis (1722- wp 1778) married Anne Hammond ( -)- QA James Davis A2106
Davis, John (1726-1778) married Ariana Worthington (1737-1767)- QA James Davis A2106
Davis, Solomon (ca 1760-wp 1845) married Mary Tull (ca 1771-aft 1845)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Davis, Thomas (-wp 1765) married Hartwell Hodges (-wp 1796)- QA John Goodrich A3101
Davis, Thomas (1754-1840) married Lettice Rice (1764-1847)- QA John Vassall A9471
Davis, Thomas (c 1739-1779) married Mary Moore (1742-c 1796)- QA Samuel Swann A7802
Davis, William (1762/3-bef 1838) married Amy Ransom (-1810/1812)- QA John Moone A5602
Dawson, George (ca 1716-bef 1786) married Eleanor Lowe (1715-on or bef 1806)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, Henry Hawkins (1747-1815) married Maria Wells (ca 1751-1792)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, John Lowe (1782-1821) married Elizabeth Harrison (c. 1751-aft. 1830)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, Nicholas Lowe (1745-wd 1790 /c/) married Violette Littleton (1759-1842)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, Thomas (1708/9-ca 1800) married Elizabeth Lowe (1712-on or aft 1801)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Dawson, William II (C 1738- wp 1802) married Elizabeth (C 1742- liv 1802)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Day, James (1762-1842) married Sarah Warfield (ca 1777-on or bef 1823)- QA John Gaither A2913
Dean, Jacob (1719-1763) married Martha Bye (1720-wp 1797)- QA Thomas Bye A1300
Degge, William (c. 1748-by 1814) married Mary Sutton (c. 1752-aft. 1791)- QA Dudley Diggs A9500
Degge/Digges, William (c 1748- by 1814) married Mary Sutton (c 1752- aft 1791)- QA Sir Dudley Digges A9500
deGraffenried, Tscharner (1722- wp 1794) married Sarah Rust (1731- by 1763)- QA John Stone A7610
Dejarnett, Joseph (1747-1824) married Mary Hampton (- before 1801 c)- QA William Hampton A3404
DeJarnette, Joseph (1747-1824) married Mary Hampton (ca 1758-60-bf 1801)- QA William Hampton A3404
DeJarnette, Joseph II (1747-1824) married Mary Hampton (ca 1755-on or bef 1801)- QA William Hampton A3404
Delk, Moreland (1749- 1823) married Unity Holleman (1755- 1835)- QA Roger Delke A2203
DeLoach, William (c 1740-1810 c) married Purity Ruffin (c 1742-1810 c)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Denson, Benjamin (ca 1725-wp 1781) married Mary [Whitehead] (ca 1727-)- QA William Denson A2204
Denson, James (c. 1732- bef. 1777) married Jemima White (c. 1735-1790)- QA William Denson A2204
Denson, John (1760-1849) married Sara Ricks (ca 1761-1849)- QA William Denson A2204
Denson, William (1732-1781) married Rebecka Eley (1741-1788)- QA William Denson A2204
Dent, Walter (1744-wp 1791) married Elizabeth Montgomery (1741-)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Dew, Abraham (1719- wp 1774) married Elizabeth Hickman (1737-1807)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Dew, Arthur ( - by 1796) married Mary ( - wp 1801)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Dew, Arthur (c 1725-1795) married Mary Taylor /c/ (c 1730-wp 1801)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Dew, John IV (c 1730-wp 1791) married Mary Parker (-)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Dickinson, Daniel (1726-1787) married Mary Hosier (1724-1765)- QA Sir William Lovelace II A5005
Dickinson, David (1756- wp 1812) married Ann Coleman (1756-1798)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Digges, Dudley (1729-1790) married Elizabeth Wormley (1737-1785)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Digges, William (1742-1804) married Elizabeth Digges (c 1748-)- QA Dudley Digges A9500
Diggs, William (ca 1750-on or bef 1814) married Mary Sutton (ca 1752-on or aft 1791)- QA Peregrine Bland A904
Diuguid, George (1762-1838) married Ann "Nancy" Sampson (1763-1832)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Dix, Isaac (c 1720-by 1760) married Wealthy (c 1735-)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Dixon, Hall (1755-1820) married Ann Hunt (-1813)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Dixon, John (-1777) married Lucy (1728-1769)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Dixon, Roger (c 1725-1772) married Lucy Reade Rootes (c 1727-1810)- QA George Reade `A6606
Dixon, Roger (c 1725-1772) married Lucy Rootes ()- QA George Reade A6606
Dixon, Thomas (1760-on or bef 1801) married Mildred Gwynn (1759-1819)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Doane, Eleazer Jr (1719-wp 1757) married Elizabeth Doan (1732-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Elisha (1731/2) married Elizabeth Hurlbut (bapt 1730-1798)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Elkahanah (c 1737/8-1802) married Hannah Farnam (1736-1813)- QA John Hodsoll A9531
Doane, Hezekiah III (1737-1809) married Sarah Bland (1737-1814)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, John (1731/2-1811) married Elizabeth Pike Stewart (1739-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Joshua (1756-1803) married (-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Nathan (1742/3-1797) married Eunice Snow (1744-1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doane, Nehemiah (1719-1792) married Jerusha Bacon (1724-1768)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Dodson, Alexander (1761-1831) married Nancy Cockerell (ca 1809-1866)- QA William Ball A406
Doggett, Reuben (1739-1826) married Mary Browne (c 1750-aft 1820)- QA Benjamin Doggett A9698
Doniphan, Alexander (1750-1816) married Mary Davis (-by 1808)- QA John Waugh A8503
Doniphan, Joseph (ca 1757-1814) married Ann Fowke Smith (ca 1767-on or aft 1814)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Doten, Isaac (1709-1770) married Mary Lanman (1718-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doten, James (1736/7-1817) married Elizabeth Kempton (1742-1821)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doten, John (1750-bef. 1845) married Zobiah Ward ()- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doty, James (1752-1826) married Elizabeth Gilbert (1760-1815 c)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doty, Samuel (1712-on or bef 1753) married Joannah Bosworth (1714-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Doughty, Samuel (c 1747- wp 1823) married Ruth (c 1750- 1826)- QA Francis Doughty A9723
Downer, Joseph (1732/3-1821) married Asenath Cushman (1735-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Downs, Henry (1728-1798) married Frances Chew (1730-1784)- QA John Chew A1606
Dr. Waller Lewis (1739-1808) married Sarah Lewis (abt. 1748-after 1810)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Duckett, Jacob (1748-1818) married Sarah Odell (1759-1818)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Duckett, Jacob, Jr. (1753-1809) married Sarah Odell (1759-1818)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Duckett, Thomas (1744-1824) married Mary "Polly" Odell (1748-bef 1822)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Duckett, Thomas (1744-1824) married Mary Odell (1748-on or bef 1822)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Duckett, Thomas (1744-1824) married Mary Polly Odell (1748- bef. 1822)- QA Thomas Graves
Duerson, Joseph (ca 1745-wp 1823) married Susanna Montague (-bef 1791)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Duke, Britton (by 1746- 1800) married Anne Bennett (c. 1750- liv. 1803)- QA William Byrd, I A1311
Duke, Clevears Chishom (1717-1785) married Amy Cosby (1718-)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Duke, Harden Burnley (1760-wp 1846) married Elizabeth Swift (1762-)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Duke, Henry (1739-wp1780) married Lettice (- aft. 1785)- QA John Taylor A7812
Duke, James (1740-1771) married Keziah Burnley (-1823)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Duke, John (c 1720-1755 c) married Mary Myrick (1721-1793 c)- QA William Byrd I A1311
Duke, John Jr. (c 1743- wp 1803) married Charlotte Green (c 1750- 1785)- QA William Byrd, I A1311
Duke, Major (c 1745-1838) married Elizabeth Drewry/Drury (c 1745-c 1820)- QA William Byrd I A1311
Duke, Matthew (c. 1747-by 1819) married Elizabeth Canton /c/ (c. 1755-1806)- QA William Byrd A1311
Duke, Matthew Sr. (c 1747-1818) married Elizabeth Clanton (by 1755-1806)- QA William Byrd I A1311
Duke, Samuel (1722- c 1798) married unknown ( -)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Duncan, Joseph (c 1735- by 1826) married Nancy Stevens (1757- aft. 1826)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Duncan, William (1742- by 1786) married Hannah Blakemore (1755- by 1839)- QA Edward Dale A2130
Dunnavant, Hodges (1742-wp 1802 c) married Elizabeth Walthall (1746-)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Dunton, Isaac (c 1740-) married Alice Merideth (-wp 1803)- QA William Jones A4403
Dunton, William Sr (-wp 1773) married Elizabeth "Betty" Rogers (-wp 1797)- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarbugh I A6909
Dunton, William Sr. (c 1708-1773) married Elizabeth "Betty" Rogers (c 1714-1797)- QA Edmund Scarburgh I A6909
Dupree, Lewis Jr. (c 1727-bef 1788) married Elizabeth Warren (c 1740-1813)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Durkee, Timothy (1737-1797) married Anne Smalley (1736-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Duval, Samuel (1714-1784) married Lucy Claiborne (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Duvall, John Pearce (1737-wp 1803 c) married Martha (1738-by 1798 c)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Earle, John (1737-1804 /c/) married Rebecca (Berry) /c/ Wood (1752-18339 /c/)- QA Francis Doughty A9723
Easley, Miller Woodson (1756-1834) married Mary Lyon (1756-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Easley, Warham (ca 1734-wp 1794) married Ann "Nancy" Woodson (ca 1749-on or aft 1801)- QA John Woodson A9103
Easley, Warham (ca 1721-28-wp 1790) married Ann Woodson (ca 1736-wp 1801?)- QA John Woodson A9103
Easley, Warham (ca 1716-1790-1791) married Anne Woodson (1736-1801)- QA John Woodson A9103
Eaton, Joel (1751-1851) married Lucy Leonard (1748-1842)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Eaton, John Eliot (1756-1812) married Elizabeth Davis (1758-1838)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Eaton, Lt Col William II (ca 1720-1785-1789) married Mary Browne (-aft 1744)- QA Henry Browne A1202
Eaton, Thomas (1739-1809) married Anna Bland (1747-1809)- QA Theodrick Bland A906
Eaton, William III (-1775) married Rebecca Cocke (-aft 1783)- QA Henry Browne A1202
Echols, Moses (c 1725-1819 c) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Wynne (c 1738-liv 1777)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Echols, Moses /c/ (c 1739-1785 c) married Elizabeth Wynne /c/ (c 1741-1777 c)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Eddy, Samuel (1760-1813) married Sally Paddock (c. 1762- aft. 1848)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Eddy, Zachariah (1712-1777) married Mercy Morton (c 1721/2-1802)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Edmondson, Isaac (1760-1810) married Ann Nancy Cox (1765-1842)- QA Thomas Edmundson A2403
Edmondson, Solomon (1744-bef 1818) married Susannah Wilkinson (c 1743-aft 1818)- QA James Knott A4609
Edmunds, Col Nicholas (ca 1710-1789) married Elizabeth Flood (aft 1705-bef 1755)- QA John Flood / Fludd A2709
Edmunds, John (-wp 1770) married Rebecca Browne (c 1735-1770)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Edmunds, Nicholas (c 1710- 1789) married Elizabeth Flood (c 1705- 1755)- QA John Flood/Fludd A2709
Edmunds, Thomas (1748- wp 1825) married Sara Eldridge (1754-1836)- QA John Flood/Fludd A2709
Edmunds, Thomas (1746-1825) married Sarah Eldridge (1754-1836)- QA William Browne A1204
Edmundson, Benjamin (-on or bef 1795) married Mary (-ca 1807)- QA Thomas Edmundson A2403
Edmundson, Samuel (aft 1741-wp 1819) married Caroline (-)- QA Thomas Edmundson A2403
Edwards, Etheldred (- wp 1786) married Mary Davis (- wp 1790)- QA William Edwards A2404
Edwards, William (-1787) married Elizabeth (-)- QA William Edwards A2404
Edwards, William (-1787) married Elizabeth (-)- QA William Edwards A2404
Edwards, William (-1781) married Susanna Simmons (-)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Eggleston, William (1729-wp1780 c) married Judith Cary (-)- QA Miles Cary A409
Elam, Branch (c 1750-) married Dinah Elam (1752-1801)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Elam, James (1727-1796) married Lucy Blankenship (1731-1796)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Elam, James (1727-wd 1796 /c/) married Sarah (-by 1765)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Eldridge, Capt William (aft 1718-1772) married Ann Jones (1740-1780)- QA Richard Kennon A4602
Eldridge, Rolfe (1744-1829/30) married Susanna Everard Walker (1754-1821)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Eldridge, Rolfe Sr. (1744-1806) married Susanna Everard Walker (1754-1821)- QA Pocahontaas A6212
Eldridge, Thomas III (ca 1737-1812-1816) married Winifred Jones Miller (Povall) (1743-1812-1816)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Eley, Eley/Ely (c 1739-wp 1819) married Prudence Carlile (-by 1844)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Eley, Josiah (aft 1748-on or aft 1803) married Charity Denby (-on or aft 1803)- QA William Denson A2204
Eley, Michael (ca 1715-1769) married Elizabeth Denson (ca 1725-1777)- QA William Denson A2204
Elkins, John (1752-1817) married Sarah Mayo (1745-1823)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ellis, Benjamin (17521-wp 1834) married Ruth Pike (1751-by 1786)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ellis, Charles (1749- wp 1828) married Sarah Tucker (c 1752-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Ellis, Charles (1719-wp 1760) married Susannah Harding (1721-22-1817)- QA John Knowles A4610
Ellis, Hezekiah, Sr. (ca 1744-by 1772 ) married Mildred Melinda Burbridge (1760-1811)- QA William Denson A2204
Ellis, John ( - wp 1782) married Elizabeth Smith ( - by 1779)- QA Walter Aston A213
Ellison / Allison, James (ca 1742-aft 1791) married Mary Kilgore (ca 1750-)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Ellison / Allison, Robert (ca 1720-on or bef 1791) married Elizabeth Scott (ca 1720-bef 1766)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Ellison, Robert (1720-wp1791) married Frances Avant (1724-1812)- QA Robert Ellison/Ellyson A2410
Ellyson, Zacariah (1762-1827) married Mary Votaw (1768-1844)- QA Robert Ellison/Ellyson A2410
Elmore, Archelaus (c 1730-1765) married Susanna Morris (c 1735-wp 1826)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Elms, Eliphalet (1752-1830) married Chloe Leonard (1758-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Emmerson, Arthur (1743-1801) married Anne Tazewell (1738-1802)- QA Southey Littleton A4906
Epes, Francis (-on or bef 1759) married Sarah (Hamlin) Hatt (-bef 1782)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Epes, Francis VI (1747-1808) married Elizabeth Wayles (-)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Epes, Lt Col Peter (ca 1730-1807) married Mary Poythress (ca 1737-1792)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Epperson, David Jr (ca 1754-1778) married Judith Maupin (-wp 1831)- QA Thomas Ballard
Eppes, Daniel III (Aft. 1728- by 1781) married Ann (1730-1783)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Eppes, Francis (-c 1804) married Elizabeth (-)- QA Francis Epes A2502
Eppes, Francis (1739-1804) married Elizabeth Lee Randolph (1782-1782)- QA Francis Epes, I A2502
Eppes, Hamlin (1732-1774) married Rebecca (-)- QA Frances Epes I A2502
Eppes, James (1748- wp 1790/1) married Martha Sledge (1759-1789)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Epps, Daniel (c 1728-by 1781) married Ann (-)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Epps, Joshua (c 1717- wd 1778) married Elizabeth ()- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Eskridge, Burdette (1741-1781) married Ann Nancy Grisbey (1752-1780)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Eskridge, Richard (1737- wp1816) married Elizabeth Read (1745- aft. 1823)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Eustace, Isaac (c 1751-bef 1831) married Susanna James (c 1761-1838 c)- QA Thomas Willoughby A8905
Exum, Joseph (c 1748-1793) married Priscilla Braswell (1761-1806)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Ezell, James (by 1738- liv. 1816) married Keziah Bullock (by 1740- liv. 1765)- QA Roger Delk A2203
Ezell, Miel/Michael (1763-1809) married Pricilla Rives (1767-1810)- QA James Tooke/Tuke A8007
Ezell, William (c.1742- bef. 1831) married Sarah (bef. 1750-)- QA Roger Delke A2203
Farley, Francis (1703-1791) married Elizabeth Crostic (1718- 1797)- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2506
Farley, Francis (1703-1791) married ()- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2508
Farley, Francis Jr (1726-ca 1829) married Ann Nancy Blankenship (1740-aft 1802)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Francis Sr (1703-1791) married (Nancy Anna) [Whitlow] (1705-aft 1743)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Henry (-wp 1784) married Anne (-)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Henry (ca 1759-ca 1833) married Sarah Sally Chitwood (ca 1760-aft 1833)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, James ( -ca 1779) married Mary (-)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Joseph (1735-1780) married Mary ()- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2508
Farley, Joseph (ca 1735-betw 1780 & 1782) married Mary (-)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Joseph Jr. (c 1730- wp 1782) married Mary Ellington ( - aft. 1783)- QA Thomas Fareley/Farley A2508
Farley, Matthew (c 1751- wp 1812) married ( - )- QA Thomas Farley A2508
Farley, Seth (1759-) married Sarah Crafton (-)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Thomas Sr (ca 1725-wp 1796) married Judith Clay (ca 1737-aft 1809)- QA Thomas Fareley / Farley / Farlowe A2508
Farley, Thomas Sr. (c 1725-wp 1796) married Judith Clay (;-aft 1809)- QA John Clay A1706
Farmer, Benjamin (c. 1735- wp 1852) married Elizabeth Dew (c. 1748- wp 1852)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Farrar, Absalom (c 1766- 1854) married Mildred Avery Clark (1767-1824)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Charles (1758-wp 1784) married Mary Baker Fore (-1832)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Charles (1758-wp1784) married Mary Fore (1758-1832)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Charles Sr (1758-on or bef 1784) married Mary Fore (1750's -ca 1832)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, George (c. 1695- wp 1772) married Judith Jefferson (1698-1786)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Farrar, George II (c 1720-bef 1761) married Diana Hilsman Howard (1713-1766 c)- QA William Farrar I A2604
Farrar, John (-on or bef 1800) married Elizabeth (-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, John (c. 1755-wp 1830) married Elizabeth Abernathy (1760-1797)- QA William Farrar, I
Farrar, John ( - wp 1800) married Elizabeth Lyon ( - aft 1799)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, John (1730- 1808) married Rebecca Puryear ( - aft. 1808)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Joseph (ca 1730-on or bef 1777) married Susannah Jordan (ca 1734-on or aft 1773)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Joseph (1730-on or bef 1777) married Susannah Jordon (1736-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Joseph Royall (1740-by 1796) married Jane Ford Moss /c/ (1762-)- QA William Farrar I A2604
Farrar, Perrin (ca 1725-wp 1785) married Sarah (Sally) Lacy (-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Perrin (bef. 1742- wp 1785) married Sarah Lacy (1737- bef. 1783)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Peter (1730-1815) married Mary Magdalene Chastain (1727-1767)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Peter (1730-1815) married Mary Magdaline Chastain Cocke (1727-1771 c)- QA William Farrar I A2604
Farrar, Peter (1730-ca 1815) married Mary Magdelaine Chastaine (1727-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Richard (1727 (1731)-liv 1779 /c/) married Elizabeth Sanders (1735-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Thomas (-wp 1811) married Bette Martin (-on or bef 1811)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Thomas (1726-1809) married Elizabeth Howard (1736-1783)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, Thomas (1754-1833) married Margaret Prince (1756-1831)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farrar, William (-wp 1788) married Winifred (-bef 1780)- QA William Farrar I A2604
Farrar, William (1725-wp 1788 c) married Winifred Clark (1724-1779)- QA William Farrar A2604
Farris, William (1725-wp1803) married Martha Truman (c. 1750-1804)- QA John Woodson A9103
Farrrar, Thomas Wadsworth (1754-1833) married Margaret Prince (176-1830)- QA William Farrar A2604
Fauntleroy, Joseph (1754-1815) married Elizabeth Fouchee (1772-1824)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Fauntleroy, Moore (1761-1791) married Elizabeth Mitchell (1726-1785)- QA Abrham Piercey A6204
Fauntleroy, William (1713-1793) married Margaret "Peggy" Murdock (c 1715-)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Fauntleroy, William (1713-1793) married Margaret Murdock (c. 1715-)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Fearn, John (1717- wp 1782) married Lee Anna Lee ( -)- QA Richard Lee I A4806
Fendall, Dr Benjamin (1753-on or bef 1817) married Elizabeth Hughes Rudolph (1762-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Ferguson, (-) married Judith Eldridge (1742/3-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Field, John (1731-1815) married Lydia Hazard (1746-1795)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Field, Robert (1740- wp 1824) married Sarah Moss (1747- aft. 1831)- QA John Hayward/Heyward/Howard A3707
Finch, Edward (1750-1823) married Martha Ballard (1749-1827)- QA Walter Aston A213
Finch, Edward (1750-1823) married Martha Ballard (1749-1827)- QA Stephen Hamelyn/Hamlin A3309
Finklea, John (1753-1821) married Margaret (-)- QA John Martin A5209
Finklea, Willis (c1741/47- 1837) married Martha Smith (c 1755-1820)- QA John Martin A9555
Finley, William (bapt 1743-wp 1802) married Mary Pettus (-1800)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Fish, Lemuel (ca 1732-1790) married Johannah Doty (1737-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fish, Simeon (1757-1833) married Dorcas Baker (1760-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fisher, Daniel (c. 1704-by 1788) married ( ) (( ))- QA John Fisher A9504
Fitch, Elisha (1749-1829) married Rachell Kellum (1755-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fitzgerald, Edmund (1745-wp 1848) married Millicent Paine (1758-1832)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Fitzgerald, William (1749-1818) married Sarah Epes (1757- aft. 1793)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Fitzgerald, William I (-1771) married Elizabeth Irby (c 1712-)- QA Francis Poythres A6402
Fitzhugh, George (1751-1811) married Humphrey Frances Toy Tabb (-wp 1794)- QA William Fitzhugh A2703
Fitzhugh, George (1756- wp 1823) married Mary Digges (1748-1814)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Fitzhugh, John (-1772) married Elizabeth Harrison (1737-)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Fitzhugh, John Thornton (1749-1809) married Margaret Helm Foote (c 1748-c 1789)- QA William Fitzhugh A2703
Fitzpatrick, Benjamin (1746-1821) married Mary Perkins (c 1748-1784)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fitzpatrick, Benjamin (1746/7-1821) married Sarah Jones (c 1761-wp 1830)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Fitzpatrick, Joseph (1723-wp 1781) married Mary Perrin Woodson (1727-1833)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fitzpatrick, William (1744-1823) married (Celia) Ann Phillips (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fitzpatrick, William (1744-1809) married Celia Anne Phillips (1753-1809)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fleet, John (1724- wp 1793) married Mary Edwards (c 1759-1792)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Fleet, William (1757-1833) married Sarah (Browne) Tomlin (1776-1818)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Fleet, William III (1757-1833) married Sarah Browne Tomlin (1776-1818)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Flournoy, Samuel (1727-1780) married Elizabeth Harris ( - c 1791)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Floyd, James (c. 1763- wp1822) married Catherine Kellam (c. 1765- )- QA Anthony West A9499
Fontaine, Joseph (1748-1813) married Mary Polly Goode (1756-1812)- QA John Woodson A9103
Forbes, John (1757-1804) married Elizabeth Marshall (1765-)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Ford, Arthur (c 1720-wp 1773) married Winifred (Sallie) Pace (c 1732-liv 1779)- QA Samuel Macock A5108
Ford, Edward (1738-wp 1815 c) married Elizabeth Keith (1745-1821 c)- QA William Randolph A6512
Foreman, Joshua (" - c 1776) married Rebecca Martin ( - 1789)- QA Christopher Reynolds A6609
Fort, Arthur Jr. (1750-1833) married Susannah Tomlinson (1755-1820)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Fort, Arthur, Jr. (1750-1833) married Susannah Tomlinson (1755-1820)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Fort, Drury Sr (1725-1788) married Lydia Holmes (unknown)- QA Christopher Reynolds A6609
Fort, Sherwood (1759-1849) married Sarah Sally (- aft. 1845)- QA Christopher Reynolds A6609
Foster, Samuel (1741-1774) married Lydia Thacher (1744-1829)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fountain, Joseph I (1743-1813) married Mary Goode (1756-1812)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fox, Joseph ( - 1788) married Mildred Fenton ()- QA John West A8604
Fox, Thomas (1750- wp 1805) married Leah Lipscomb ( -)- QA Joseph Croshaw A2007
Fox, Thomas II (1710-1792) married Philadelphia Herndon (1745-1816)- QA John West A8604
Fox, William (1743- 1816) married Sarah Carroll (1746- abt. 1808)- QA John West A8604
Francis, Joseph () married Susanna Easley ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Francis, Joseph (ca 1750-living 1822) married Susannah "Sukey" Easley (ca 1750-wp 1801)- QA John Woodson A9103
Franklin, Reuben (ca 1750-bef 1824) married Margaret (Peggy) Franklin (ca 1750-bef 1829)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Freeman, Henry (1747/8-wp 1821) married Elizabeth / Betty Thrower (-on or aft 1813)- QA John Bishop A811
Freeman, Joseph (1724-1777) married Phebe Paine (1728- 1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Freeman, Josiah (c 1715- wp 1774) married Phoebe/Phebe Stokes ( - wp 1778)- QA John Bishop A811
French, Hugh (c 1746-wp 1800) married Sarah "Sally" Mosby (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Friend, Joseph (-wp 1825) married Elizabeth Bass (1748-)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Friend, Thomas Jr. (1733-1768) married Sarah Bass (1743-1827)- QA William Cox A1909
Friend, Thomas Jr. (1733-1768) married Sarah Bass (1743-1827)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Frost, John (1739-1831) married Huldah Munson (1742-1802)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Fry, Henry (1738-1823) married Susan Walker (1746-1808)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Fuller, Consider (1738-) married Lydia Bryant (1741-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fuller, David (1727/8- 1774) married Desire Hopkins (1732/3- liv. 1774)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fuller, Jesse (1748-1826) married Ruth Prince (1758-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Fuqua, John (c 1728-by 1771 c) married Susannah Bates (c 1738-1771)- QA John Bates A604
Fuqua, Joseph (ca 1733-on or bef 1793) married Elizabeth Beford (1752-on or bef 1785)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Fuqua, Moses (1738-1811) married Judith Woodson (1743-1799)- QA John Woodson A9103
Fuqua, Moses Sr. (c 1738-wp 1811) married Judith Woodson (c 1743-1799)- QA John Woodson A9103
Gaines, Henry (c 1737- 1830) married Ann George (1735- c 1801)- QA George Fawdone/Fowden A2607
Gaines, Henry (c 1737-1830) married Martha Ann George (1735-1801 c)- QA John George A3003
Gaines, Rev Henry (ca 1736-1830) married Ann George (1735-ca 1803)- QA John George A3003
Gaither, Basil (1751-1802) married Margaret Watkins (-)- QA John Chew A1606
Gaither, Benjamin (1744- wp 1788) married Rachel Jacob (1746-1783)- QA John Gaither A2913
Gaither, Edward (1714- 1777) married Eleanor Whittle ()- QA John Chew A1606
Gaither, Henry (1724-) married Martha Ridgely ( -aft 1790)- QA John Chew A1606
Gaither, John (1738-wp 1811) married Ann Jacob(s) (-1809)- QA John Gaither A2913
Gaither, John Rogers (1745-1825) married Mary Perry (c 1758-1820 c)- QA John Chew A1606
Gaither, John VI (ca 1740-wp 1811) married Anne Jacob (ca 1742-ca 1800)- QA John Gaither A2913
Gaither, Richard (c. 1745-wd 1823) married Sarah Jacob (c. 1739-bef. 1823)- QA John Gather, I
Gallahue, William (ca 1730-on or bef 1754) married Ann / Nancy Kenner (ca 1730 -34-aft 1790)- QA Richard Kenner A4510
Garland, Capt Samuel (1747-1797) married Elizabeth Edmunds (1751-1806)- QA John Flood / Fludd A2709
Garland, Nathaniel (1750-1793) married Jane Rodes (abt 1747-wd 1830 /c/)- QA David Crawford A1914
Garlington, Christopher IV (1729-wp 1808) married Miss Young (-)- QA William Ball I A406
Garlington, Joseph (1753-1802) married Dorcus (1761- aft. 1802)- QA William Ball A406
Garlinton, Christopher IV (1729-wp 1808) married Hannah Young (c 1733-1810)- QA Wiliam Ball A406
Garrett, Edward (1733-1794) married Ann Owsley (1744-1823)- QA Thomas Owsley A5811
Garrison, John (1733-1796) married Susannah Crosby (1740-1819)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Garthright, William (ca 1743-1801) married Judith Finch (-wp 1828)- QA John Woodson A9103
Gascoigne, Thomas (1718-on or bef 1791) married Hannah Bright (ca 1720-aft 1791)- QA John Fisher A9504
Gaskins, Thomas (ca 1723-wp 1785) married Sarah Lee (-bef 1784)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Gates, Edward (1727-1818) married Rebecca (c. 1740- aft. 1810)- QA Francis Epes A2502
Gates, James (1741-1821) married Priscilla Jackson ( - 1768)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Gay, Daniel (ca 1749-1812) married Sarah Kelly (1754-1847)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9141
Gay, David (1739-1815) married Thankful Hayward (1745-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Gay, William (c 1748-1815) married Frances Trent (1753-1780)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Geer, Roger (1753-1845) married Kezia Tucker (1757-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Geer, Roger (1753-1845) married Keziah Tucker (1757-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
George, James ( -wp 1799) married Elizabeth Noden (-)- QA John George A3003
George, John (bapt 1704-1784) married Mary [Jordan] (-1740-1760)- QA John George A3003
George, John (1704-1784) married Mary Jordan (-)- QA John George A3003
George, Johnadab (c 1744- wp 1813) married Sarah Elizabeth George (c 1744- bef. 1815)- QA John George A3003
George, Martin (c. 1724- 1787) married Ellen Tapscott (c. 1729- by 1809)- QA Edward Dale A2103
George, Reuben (ca 1730-1799) married Mildred Rogers (ca 1733-bef 1799)- QA John George A3003
George, William Sr (1760-1827) married Nancy Garthwright (ca 1770-1838)- QA John George A3003
Gerald, Gabriel (1754-bef 1806) married Elizabeth (c 1753-aft 1810)- QA John Talliaferro A7807
Gibbons, Thomas (1734-1811/12) married Ann Eppes (1743-1779)- QA Francis Epes, I
Gibbons, Thomas (1734-1812) married Ann Epps (1743-1809)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Gibbons, Thomas (1734-1812) married Anne Eppes (1743-1809)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Gibbons, Thomas III (1734-1812) married Ann Epes (1743- c 1809)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Gibson, Jonathan ( - wp 1791) married Susannah Harrison ( - bef. 1791)- QA John Catlett II A1414
Giles, William (- wp 1794) married Ann Branch (1731/38-1792)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Gilliam, Devereaux (c 1740-1809) married Edith Ellis (1743-1818)- QA John Knowles A4610
Gilliam, John (1761-1823) married Hannah Sampson (1763-)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Gilliam, Robert (1740-1793) married Lucy Skelton (1743-wp 1789)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Gilliss, Capt Thomas (1695/97-wp 1780) married Priscilla Denwood (ca 1701-ca 1743)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Gilmer, John (1748-1793/4) married Mildred Meriwether (1753-1790)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Gilmer, John Blair (1748- wp 1794) married Mildred Thornton Meriwether (1753-1826)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Glascock, George W (1743-1787) married Martha "Patty" Howard (c 1741-1826)- QA William Ball A406
Gleason, Joseph (1721-1809) married Hannah Colton (c 1721-1809)- QA John Vassall A9471
Glen, Jeremiah (1742- wp 1809) married Ann Blagrave (c 1746- 1823)- QA David Mansfield A5202
Glen, Jeremiah (1742- wp 1809) married Anne Blagrave (1744-1823)- QA David Mansell A5202
Glenn, Jeremiah (c 1741-wp 1809 c) married Anne Blagrave (c 1746-1823)- QA David Mainsfield A5111
Godfrey, David (1732-1813) married Elizabeth Harris (1746-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Godfrey, Josiah (1728- 1790) married Eunice Godfrey (1731- 1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Godwin, James (-ca 1770) married Sarah Kinchen (-ca 1773)- QA Robert Pitt A6208
Godwin, Mathew (ca 1726-ca 1779) married Charlotte Darley (ca 1717-ca 1798)- QA Robert Pitt A6208
Godwin, Mathew (-by 1779) married Charlotte Darley (-ca 1798)- QA Robert Pitt A6208
Godwin, Mills (1760-1826) married Sarah "Sally" Blunt (1758-1835)- QA Thomas Gray
Godwin, Samuel (1750- by 1802) married Esther (1752-)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Godwin, Shemuel (1750-by 1802) married Esther (-)- QA Thomas Godwin, Sr. A3007
Godwin, Thomas (1710-wp 1779) married Mary Pitt (1734-1778)- QA Thomas Godwin A3007
Goode , Edward (c 1749-1798) married Mary (Polly) Turpin (1754-1822)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Goode, Bennett (-wp 1771) married Martha Jefferson (aft 1709-1797)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Goode, Edward (1721-1795) married Judith Morton (1726- c 1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Goode, Edward (1749-wp 1798) married Mary Turpin (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Goode, Edward II (1720- by 1796) married Judith Morton (1726- c 1800)- QA John Woodson A9103
Goode, Edward IV (c 1748- wp 1798) married Mary Turpin (1754-1822)- QA John Woodson A9103
Goode, Francis (1744-1795) married Alice Harris (-1824)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Goode, John IV (1741-by 1803) married Rebecca J Pulley (1762-1852)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Goode, Richard (c 1755- 1840) married Nancy Charlotte Poindexter (c 1762- aft. 1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Goode, Robert (1743-1809) married Sally Bland (1750-1807)- QA Theodrick Bland A906
Goodenow, Micah (1731/c /c/-1813) married Abigail Gibbs (1732-1772)- QA John Vassall A9471
Gooding, Samuel (c 1751-1809) married Hannah Ring (1773-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Goodloe, Thomas (1754-1813) married Dorothy Waller (1740- liv. 1819)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Goodman, Benjamin Lewis (c 1728-1781) married Mariah Williams /c/ (1733-1802)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Goodrich, Benjamin (-wp 1803) married Lucy (-bef 1803)- QA Charles Goodrich A3010
Goodrich, Edward Jr (-1791) married Anne Briggs (-aft 1791)- QA Charles Goodrich A3010
Goodwin, James (1710-1757) married Elizabeth Chisman Chapman (1709-1782)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Goodwin, John (1735-1783) married Elizabeth Doswell (c 1743-1814)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Goodwin, John Doswell (on or bef 1731-on or bef 1818) married Jane Peatross (1780-1790-1830-1840)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Goodwin, Peter (ca 1730-on or bef 1799) married Martha (-on or aft 1798)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Goodwin, Peter (c 1737-aft 1780) married Sarah Coleman (c 1739-)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Goodwin, Robert (1739-1789) married Jane Tulloch (1743-1795)- QA Thomas Beale A707
Goodwin, Robert (1739-1789) married Jane Tulloh (1749-1822)- QA James Goodwin A3102
Gookin, Edmund (1738-1810) married Abigail Allin/Allen (1740-1832)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Gordon, Alexander (1750-1773) married Mary Murray (1754-1823)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Gordon, James (1759-1799) married Elizabeth Gordon (1758-)- QA Benjamin Harrison 1605 - 1645 A3509
Gordon, John (-1780) married Lucy Churchill (1737-1768)- QA Benjamin Harrison A3508
Gordon, Thomas (bef 1763-) married Margaret "Peggy" Murray (1748/9-1779)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Gordon, Thomas (bef 1763-) married Margaret / Peggy Murray (1748/9-1779)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Gordon, Thomas (-) married Margaret Murray (1748-1779)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Gordon, Thomas ( -) married Margaret Peggy Murray (1748/9- 1779)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Gorsuch, Benjamin (1730-liv 1796) married ()- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Gorsuch, John (c 1740-aft 1813) married Belinda Bosley (-)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Gorsuch, Nicholas (1756-buried 1796) married Mary Lively (-)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Gorsuch, Thomas Jr. (c 1720-+wp 1777) married ()- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Goss, Nathaniel (c 1748/9-1812) married Hannah Scott (1755-1824)- QA John Vassall A9471
Goss, Philip IV (1725-1778) married Mary Kendall (ca 1721-1821)- QA John Vassall A9471
Goss, Solomon (1754-1825) married Olive Scott (1757-1825)- QA John Vassall A9471
Gouldman, Richard (-ca 1799) married (-)- QA Thomas Gouldman A3111
Granberry, William (1731/2-1790) married Mary Peele (unknown)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Graves, Elijah (1730- 1799) married Lucretia Lewis ( -)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Graves, Ralph /c/ (-1795 c) married Latitia Power (-)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A1913
Graves, Richard Croshaw (1734-1798) married Elizabeth Valentine ( -)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Graves, William (- wp 1782) married Ann (( ))- QA Raleigh Croshaw A1913
Graves, William (c 1743- wp 1786) married Mary ( - aft. 1786)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Graves, William (1730- 1786) married Mary Chisolm Jones (c 1735- aft 1790)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Graves, William (1756-) married (( ))- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Gray, Thomas (1741-1829) married Charity [Goodwin?] (1747-on or aft 1829)- QA Thomas Gray
Green, William (c 1727- wp 1770) married Ann Coleman (c 1731- wp 1804)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Greenhill, David (ca 1718-1772) married Catherine Claiborne (ca 1725-on or aft 1788)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Greenhill, Samuel (aft 1752-by 1798 /c/) married Mary /c/ Pettway (1762 /c/-aft 1812)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Greenhill, Samuel (aft 1752-on or bef 1798) married Mary P "Molly" Pettiway (1762-aft 1812)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Greenleaf, Stephen (1735-1802) married Eunice Fairbanks (1739-1826)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Greenleaf, Stephen Jr. (1759-1850) married Anna Sargent (1760-1813)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Gregg, Matthew (1745-1832) married Nancy Ann gibson (1750-1832)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Gregory, Roger (1729-1803) married (Garland) Mallory Loury (-1816)- QA John West A8604
Gregory, Roger (1729-1803) married Fanny (Garland) Loury (-1816)- QA Gov John West
Gregory, Roger (1729-1803) married Fanny (garland) Mallory Loury ( - 1816)- QA John West A8604
Gregory, Roger (1729-1803) married Mary Cole Claiborne (1730-1771)- QA John West A8604
Gregory, Roger Jr (1761-1811) married Sarah Southerland (-ca 1817)- QA John West A8604
Gregory, Roger Sr (1729-1803) married Mary Cole Claiborne (-1771)- QA John West A8604
Griffin, William (1740- by 1807) married Mary "Mollie" Cleaver Henry (c 1750- aft. 1810)- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Griffith, Charles Jr. (1719/20-1803) married Ann Davidge (c 1727- )- QA John Wilkins A8808
Griffith, Henry Jr. (1745-1809) married Sarah Davis Norwood (1739-1805)- QA John Chew A1606
Griffith, Henry Sr. (c 1719- 1794) married Ruth Hammond (1733-1782)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Griffith, Samuel (1752-1833) married Rachel Warfield (1757-1775)- QA John Gaither A2913
Grills, John (c 1725-wd 1802) married Phiiladelphia (-wd 1789)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Grills, John (1725-1803) married Philadelphia (1730- aft. 1789)- QA Adria Hoare A9436
Gross, Simon (1709-1796) married Phebe Knowles (1725- 1787)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Grozer, John (1759-1801) married Polly Pepper (( ))- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Grymes, Benjamin (1724-1779) married Priscilla Rootes ( - aft 1786)- QA George Reade A6606
Grymes, Benjamin (1725-c 1776) married Priscilla Rootes (-aft 1807)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Gunby, James (1747- 1824) married Mary (1758- 1834)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Haatcher, Frederick (-wp 1783 c) married Sarah Woodson (c 1740-wp 1813 c)- QA John Woodson A9103
Hack, George (1743-1817) married Margaret Teackle (1749-1823)- QA John Mottrom A5701
Hack, Peter Hack (1716-1802) married Ann Custis (1725-1790)- QA John Mottrom A5701
Haile, Lewis (c 1742-1802) married Mary Burwell /c/ (c 1744-1809)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Hairston, George (1750-1827) married Elizabeth Perkins (1759-1818)- QA John Knowles A4610
Hale, Lewis (1742-1802) married Mary Burwell (1744- 1809)- QA Lewis Burwell A1307
Hale, Lewis Sr. (1742-1802) married Mary Burwell (1744-1809)- QA Dorothy BeDell
Hale, Lewis, Sr. (1742 /c/-1802) married Mary Burwell (1744-1809)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Hale/Heale, George (1726-1806) married Sarah Smith (1732-1803)- QA Augustine Warner I A8303
Hall, Charles, Jr. (1656-) married Martha Davis (1676-)- QA James Davis A2106
Hall, Hugh (c 1730-wp 1771) married Mary Dixon (1733-wp 1788)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Hall, Isaac (1748-1834) married Ann White (1752-1806)- QA Thomas Jordan
Hall, John (1757-1822) married Elizabeth Ward (1758-1852)- QA James Davis A2106
Hall, John (Bapt 1758-wp 1833) married Sarah "Sally" Clark (1760-by 1832)- QA John Claxon A9720
Hall, John (1758-wp 1833) married Sarah Clark (1760-1832)- QA John Claxon A9720
Hall, Joshua (1727-) married Sarah ()- QA James Davis A2106
Hamilton, John (1728-1806) married Joanna Woolcott/Sillcott (1732-1813)- QA John Vassall
Hamilton, Thomas (1745-1807) married Ann Hodgkin (1758-1819)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Hamlett, James Jr. (1751-wp 1819) married Mary Coleman Bedford (c 1751-1819 c)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Hamlin, Charles (c 1734- wp 1786) married Agnes Cocke (c 1737- 1800)- QA Temperence Bayley A405
Hamlin, Stephen (bef 1721-wp 1775) married Sarah (Poythress) Cryer (1731-aft 1788)- QA Stephen Hamlin A3309
Hammock, John (-1770) married Mary Martin (bef 1746-1778)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah (1722-1782) married Betty Pullen (1727-1786)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah (1756-1848) married Elilzabeth Skaggs (1756-)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah (1756-1848) married Elizabeth Skaggs (1756-)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah / Obadiah (ca 1722-ca 1782) married Betty Pullen (ca 1727-ca 1786)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond / Hammonds, Obediah / Obadiah (1756-1848) married Elizabeth Skaggs (ca 1756-)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Hammond, Obediah (1722-1782) married Betty Pullen (1727-1786)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Hammonds, Peter (1759-1842) married Unknown ( -)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Hampton, Henry (1721-1778) married Elizabeth Hobson (1723-1761)- QA Thomas Hampton A3403
Hampton, James (1723-wd 1796) married Martha Mary Smith (-)- QA William Hampton A3404
Hampton, James (c 1745-by 1786) married Rachel Freeman (c 1755-aft 1800)- QA William Hampton A3404
Hampton, John III (1734-wp 1801) married Elizabeth (-)- QA William Hampton A3404
Hampton, Thomas (c 1755-wd 1817) married Abigail "Abbey" Laws (c 1756-c 1817)- QA William Hampton A3404
Hampton, Thomas (1728-1797) married Sarah Pattison Conyers ()- QA William Hampton A3404
Hancock, Benjamin (-wp 1777) married Jane (-aft 1771)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Hancock, Capt John (1753-on or bef 1827) married Ann "Nancy" Graves (1756-1846)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Hancock, Edward (1754-wp 1836) married Jane Nichols (-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Edward (1754-1836) married Jane /c/ Nichols (1767-aft 1843)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Hancock, John (-bef 1763) married Martha (-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Samuel (c 1730- wp 1813) married Mildred Dawson (c 1740-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Simon (ca 1733-wp 1791) married Jane Flournoy (-ca 1806)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Simon (1717-wp 1791) married Jean Flournoy (1726-1806)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hancock, Simon (1726-wp 1791 ) married Jean Jane Flourney (1726-1806)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Handy, Zacheus (1708-1787) married Susanna Morse (1724-1791)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hansford, John (1765-1850) married Jane Morris (1770-1854)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Hansford, William (1727-1779) married Mary Sarah Hyde (1730-1779)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Hardaway, Thomas (1734-1781) married Sarah White Jones (-1761)- QA John Stith A7608
Harding, William (1743- d. by 1797) married Obiendence Hutchins (1744- aft. 1807)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Hargett, Peter (-1797) married Ann Isler (-)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Hargrave, James (1758-1840) married Sallie (Sarah) Eppes (1770-1834)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Harris, Christopher (1725- wp 1794) married Mary Dabney (1726- bef. 1769)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Harris, Francis (-wp 1827) married Ann Diuguid (ca 1754-1836)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Harris, Giles (1766-1844) married Elisabeth Thurman (( ))- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Harris, Handy MD (1760-1805) married Ann Irving (1768-1852)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Harris, John (c. 1747- 1822) married Jane (c. 1755-1820)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Harris, John (c 1747-1822 c) married Jane Hambleton (c 1755-1820 c)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Harris, Matthew (1737-1805) married Elizabeth Tate (1746-1834)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Harris, Randolph (c 1750-1815 c) married Mary Seward (-1795 c)- QA William Canfield A1501
Harrison, Battaile (c 1720-wp 1776) married Frances White (-1786)- QA John Battaile A608
Harrison, Benjamin (1726-1791) married Elizabeth Bassett (1730-1796)- QA Edward Burwell A1306
Harrison, Benjamin ( - 1808) married Mary Newel ( -)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Harrison, Benjamin III (1742-1807) married Evelyn Taylor Byrd (-)- QA Benjamin Harrison A3508
Harrison, Carter Henry (1729- wp1794) married Susanna Randolph ()- QA Benjamin Harrison, I A3509
Harrison, Carter Henry (1726-wp 1794) married Susannah Randolph (1738-)- QA Robert "King" Carter A1407
Harrison, James (1748-1815) married Elizabeth Hampton (1758-1799)- QA William Hampton A3404
Harrison, James /c/ (1748 /c/-1815) married Elizabeth /c/ Hampton (1758 /c/-1799 /c/)- QA Thomas Hampton A303
Harrison, Nathanial (1724-1782) married Mary Ruffin (1739-1767)- QA Benjamin Harrison A3509
Harrison, Nathaniel (1742-1782) married Mary Ruffin (1739-1767)- QA Robert (King) Carter A1407
Harrison, Nathaniel II (1703-1791) married Mary Digges (ca 1717-1744)- QA Benjamin Harrison A3508
Harrison, Reuben (c 1750-bef 1824) married Margaret "Peggy" Franklin (c 1750-bef 1829)- QA John Battaile A608
Harrison, Reuben (ca 1750-bef 1824) married Margaret (Peggy) Franklin (ca 1750-bef 1829)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Harrison, William (1739-1811) married Ann Payne (1748-1807)- QA John Woodson A9103
Harrison, William (1739-wp 1811) married Anna Payne (ca 1748-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Harrison, William (1747- 1789) married Rebecca Dent (1749-1783)- QA Gerrard Fowke A2901
Hart, Arthur (1730/1735-will 1788) married Martha Warren (-)- QA William Spencer A7505
Hart, Edward (1755-1812) married Nancy Ann Stout (1756-1844)- QA Warham St Leger A7509
Hart, Henry (1724-1785) married Pricilla Sessons (1743- c 1797)- QA William Spencer A7505
Hart, Henry (1724-wp 1785 c) married Priscilla Sessums (1743-wp 1798 c)- QA William Spencer A7505
Hart, Robert (c. 1756- 1811) married Hannah Holiday (1765-1833)- QA Robert Sheppard A7105
Hart, Robert (ca 1750-ca 1807) married Mary (ca 1765-aft 1850)- QA William Spencer A7505
Harvey, Thomas (c. 1736- wp1806) married Sarah Ann (c. 1745- aft. 1814)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Harvey, Thomas (c 1740-wp 1806) married Sarah Ann Williams (c 1750-aft 1814)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Harvie, John (1706-1767) married Martha Gaines (1722-1802)- QA George Taylor A7811
Harwell, Ishmael (c 1740-by 1783) married Mary Hardaway (1743-1825 c)- QA John Stith A7608
Harwood, Absalom (1743- aft. 1810) married unknown ( -)- QA Cicely Baley A9447
Harwood, William (c 1724- 1804) married Mary ( -)- QA Cicely Baley A9447
Haskell, John (1749-bef 1836) married Deborah Meacham (1757-aft 1830)- QA John Vassall A9471
Haskell, John (1749-1820) married Deborah Meachum (1757-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Hatch, Matthew (1735-1804) married Freelove Sherman (1734/5- 1824)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Hatcher, Benjamin (c 1740-1781) married Lucy (c 1745-1839)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Benjamin (bef 1745-1780) married Lucy (1745-1839)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Benjamin (c. 1740-1781) married Lucy (c. 1745-1839)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Henry (c 1728-wp 1800) married Phoebe /c/ (c 1735-bef 1761)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Jameston Jr. (by 1743-by 1818) married ()- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Julius (c 1745- wp 1807) married Nancy Ann Alexander ( -)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Julius F Sr. (c 1753-wp 1807 c) married Nancy Ann Hill (c 1754-1807 c)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Nathaniel (bef. 1747- by 1787) married Tabitha Farmer (c 1754- by 1825)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Robert (1726- aft. 1803) married Ann (1730- aft. 1803)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, Robert (c 1729-1803) married Ann Sanders (c 1730-aft 1776)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Hatcher, William Jr. (c 1740- wp 1820) married Martha Vickers (c 1744- by 1818)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Hawes, Samuel (1727-c 1793) married Ann Walker (1731-)- QA Raleigh Croshaw/Crashaw A2008
Hawes, Samuel (1727-1794 c) married Anne Walker (1731-1794)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A1913
Hawkins, Thomas (aft. 1750-1822) married Elizabeth Powell ( - 1771)- QA Thomas Hawkins A3609
Hawkins, Thomas (1758-by 1822) married Elizabeth Powell (-1831)- QA Thomas Lucas A5007
Hay, David Parham (-1825) married Miss Williams (-)- QA Armiger Wade A8207
Haynie, Daniel (- wp1794) married Judith Fleet ()- QA John Haney/Haynie A3406
Haynie, Peter (1733-1777) married Sinar Humphries (c 1735-)- QA John Haynie A3406
Hayward, William (c 1737-1814) married Sidney Pierpoint (-1802)- QA John Chew A1606
Heale, George (1726-wp 1806) married Sarah Smith (1732-aft 1803)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Heape, Benjamin (1726-1767) married Sarah Davis (1727-1816)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Heape, John (1766-1848) married Mary Jaudon (1774-1855)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Heard, Capt Thomas (ca 1742-1808) married Elizabeth Napier Fitzpatrick (1750-1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Heard, Thomas (1742-1808) married Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (1750- aft 1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Heard, Thomas (c 1742- 1808) married Elizabeth Napier Fitzpatrick (" - 1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Hendrick, Asa (1750-bef 1823) married Ann Caroline Powell (1780-)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Hendrick, Benjamin (1730-1818) married Rachel Graves (1734-c. 1799)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Hendry, Alexander (1744-aft 1819) married Thankful Cromartin (1768-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Henley, John (1745- 1815) married Mary Albertson (1745-1795)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Henry Chiles (. - 1811) married Judith X (. - a. 1811)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Henry, Alexander (ca 1760-1819) married Thankful Cromartie (1768-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Henry, Patrick (1736-1799) married Dorothea Dandridge /c/ (c 1757-1831)- QA John West A8604
Henry, Patrick (1736-1799) married Dorothea S Dandridge (1757-1831)- QA John West
Henry, Trent I (-by 1808) married Sarah (-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Hervey, Thomas (c 1741- wp 1806) married Sarahann ( - aft. 1806)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Hervey/Hervey, Thomas (c. 1741- wp 1806) married Sarahann ( - aft. 1806)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Heyward, William (c 1737-1814) married Sidney Pierpoint ( - 1802)- QA John Chew A1606
Higgins, Heman (1740-1778) married Eunice Sexton ( - 1788)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Jonathan (1734-c 1821) married Sarah Combs /c/ (-c 1767)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Ruben (1750-1829) married Mercy Hopkins (1758-1817/8)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Samuel (1742-1811) married Sarah Blachley (1746-1779/80)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Thomas (1704-ca 1789) married Abigail Paine (1707-1743)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Higgins, Thomas (1729/30-1809) married Anne Treat (ca 1733-on or bef 1777)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
High, David (c 1725- wp 1795) married Susannah Westmoreland (1729- aft. 1795)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
High, Samuel (c 1740- wp 1813) married Clara Jackson (c 1744-1800)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Hill, Clement (1748-1807) married Eleanor Brent (1756-1827)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Hill, Lewis (1750-c 1827) married Lucretia Moreland (aft 1750-bef 1803)- QA Robert Hubbard A4106
Hilliard, Isaac (1738-1790) married Leah Crafford (1749-1823)- QA William Spencer A7504
Hinckley, Nathaniel (1738-) married Mercy Nickerson (1746-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hines, Charles (1743- bef. 1789) married Elizabeth Hugh Hall (1748-1782)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Hinton, Henry ( - wp 1821) married Ann Fleet ( - )- QA Henry Fleet A2705
Hinton, Samuel (-by 1789 c) married Barbary James ()- QA William Fleete A9428
Hix, William (c 1750-by 1829) married Prudence Farmer (c 1755-by 1829 )- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Hobday, Robert (1744-1797) married Talitha Cotton (c 1752-1770 c)- QA Thomas Dew A2205
Hobson, John (1734-wp 1762) married Winifred Wildey] ()- QA Henry Fleet A2705
Hockaday, James (-by 1787) married Mary (-by 1799)- QA William Hockaday A3907
Hodges, Seth (1753-1847) married Margaret Hodges (1765-1856)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hodsden, William (ca 1725-wp 1797) married Sarah Bridger (bef 1751-aft 1797)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Holcombe, John (1750-by 1818) married Martha Venable (1751-1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Holman, William (1724-1796) married Susannah Thompson (1728- by 1817)- QA John George A8465
Holmes, Jabez (1723-by 1797 /c/) married Experience Cleveland (1728-1805)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Holt, Charles (-aft 1786) married Sarah [Bell] (-)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Holt, Dibdall (c 17271800 c) married Elizabeth Cocke (-aft 1773)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Frederick (-wp 1801) married Rebeccah Putney (-wp 1826)- QA John Bayly A704
Holt, James (c 1755- 1837) married Lydia Read (c. 1752- 1837)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, John IV (-wp 1783) married (-)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Martin (c 1741-c 1773) married Adah Mapp (c 1741-c 1776)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Holt, Joseph (1755 /c/-c 1834) married Nancy Brinkley /c/ (c 1747-c 1795)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Nathaniel (ca 1740-on or bef 1814) married Abbigail (Abby) (Abba) Clanton (1742-on or aft 1814)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Holt, Thomas (ca 1700-wp 1788) married (-)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Thomas (ca 1728-wp 1794) married Ann [Arrington] (ca 1730-1798)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Thomas (c 1728- wp 1794) married Ann Arrington (1730- 1798)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Holt, Thomas, Jr. (ca 1728-wp 1794) married Ann Arrington (ca 1730-bef 1798)- QA William Spencer A7505
Homer, Robert (1742-) married Sears, Jerushah (1740-1803)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hooe, Henry Dade (1747-on or bef 1807) married Jane Fitzhugh (ca 1772-1825)- QA Rice Hooe / Hoe A4007
Hooe, Howson Jr (1726-wp 1796) married Mary Dade (1727-on or bef 1809)- QA Rice Hoe / Hooe A4007
Hooe, Howson Sr (1696-wp 1781) married Ann(e) Frances Harris (ca 1700-on or aft 1781)- QA Rice Hooe / Hoe A4007
Hooe, Howson Sr (1696-wp 1781) married Anne Frances Harris (1703-)- QA Rice Hoe / Hooe A4007
Hooe, Richard (1727-) married Anna Dent Ireland ()- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Hooe, William (1743- wp1809) married Frances Pratt (- wp1830)- QA Rice Hoe/Hooe A4007
Hopkins, Arthur ( - wp 1776) married Judith Jefferson ( - by 1776)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Hopkins, Constant Jr. (1747-1817) married Elizabeth Paine (1757-1835)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Edward (1748-bef 1820) married Mary Mayo (c 1748-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Elijah (bap 1741- wp1813) married Joanna Parish (1755- c 1790)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Elijah (1741-1813) married Joanna Parrish (1755-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Francis (1737- wp 1804) married Jane Cox ( - 1815)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Hopkins, Isaac (1712-1774) married Thankful Smith (1721/2-1760)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, James (1755-1819) married Reliance Crowell (1759-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, John (1748 - 1813) married Hannah Clark ( - )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Johnathan (1719/20-) married Rebecca Freeman (1720-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Jonathan (1719/20-) married Rebecca Freeman (1720-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Joseph (1751-1833) married Elizabeth Townsend (1755-1837)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Joseph (1750-1800) married Mercy/Mary Higgins (1750-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Prence (1731-1800) married Patience Snow (1732-1823)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Samuel (1724-1761) married Mehitable Snow (1731-1801-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Simeon (1731/2- 1822) married Bette/Betsey Cobb (1732- aft. 1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Theophilus (1728/9-1819) married Tabatha Eldridge Kenwrick (-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hopkins, Theophilus (c 1728/9 /c/-c 1819) married Tabitha (Eldredge) /c/ Kenrick (-c 1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Horne / Horn, William (1738-living 1791) married Mary Thomas (on or aft 1742-)- QA John English A9426
Howard, Ephraim (1739-1813) married Sarah Blair (1744-c 1815)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howard, Francis (1739-1785) married Anne Allen (1745-1777)- QA John Hayward A3707
Howard, Francis (1739/40-1785) married Sarah F Johnston (1758-)- QA John Chew A1606
Howard, Francis (1739-wp 1785) married Sarah Johnston (1758-aft 1840)- QA John Chew A1606
Howard, Francis (1739-1785) married Anne Allen (1745-1777)- QA William Barbar A411
Howard, Groves (1733-wp 1807) married Hannah Allen (bapt 1717-on or aft 1804)- QA John Hayward / Heyward / Howard A3707
Howard, Henry (1725-wp 1781) married Priscilla Farrar (c. 1740- wp 1808)- QA Cicely Baley A9447
Howard, Thomas Gassaway (1740-1803) married Frances Holland (1747-1814)- QA John Utie A8206
Howe, Abner (1747-aft 1780) married (-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Nehemiah (1720/1-1777) married Beulah "Betsy" Wheeler (1724-ca 1799)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Nehemiah (1720/1-1777) married Beulah Wheeler (1724-1799 c)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Nehemiah (1720/1-1777) married Bulah Wheeler (1724-c 1799)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Nehimah (1720-1777) married Beulah Wheeler (1724-1799)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Peter (1756-1842) married Orinda Fuller (1761/2-1835)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howe, Phineas (1733-) married Experience Pollard (1741-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Howell, Isaac (1735/6- c 1825) married Abigail Freeman (1738- 1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hubbard, George (abt 1722-by 1791) married Judith Crew (abt 1723-bef 1789)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Hubbard, Peter (1756-1844) married Mary Ann Odom (1761-1826)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Hubbard, Peter II (1756-1844) married Mary Ann Odom (1761-1826)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Hubbard, Peter N (1725-1775) married Agnes Chiles (1725-1773)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Hubbard, Peter, Jr. (1756 /c/-1844) married Mary /c/ (1761-1826)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Hudnall, Joseph Jr. (1737-1835) married Mary Taylor (c 1740- 1790)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Hudson, Charles (c 1717- aft. 1776) married Susanna Patrick (c 1720- aft. 1784)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Hudson, Irby, Sr. (c 1752-wp 1806) married Phebe Featherstone (c 1754-1821)- QA Thomas Harris A3505
Hudson, William /c/ (1750-wp 1821 c) married Tafveneus "Taffanus" Moore (c 1767-aft 1821)- QA William Farrar A2604
Hudspeth, Giles (-wp 1797) married Elizabeth Bradford (c 1730-wp 1803)- QA William Barker A503
Huffington, William Sr. (1738-wp 1819) married Susannah Coulbourn (1745-1819)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Hughes, Gabriel (1724-1783) married Ann Lane (1722-aft 1800)- QA Mordecai Cooke A1810
Hume, William (c 1747-by 1796) married Annie ()- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Hunnicutt, Glaister Sr (1732-1781) married Jane Pleasants (-c 1797)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Hunt, James (aft 1729 c-wp 1805 c) married Mary Rackley (c 1747-aft 1811)- QA James Knott A4609
Hunt, James Sr (1732-1804) married Mary Rackley (1727-aft 1805)- QA James Knott A4609
Hunt, James, Sr. (1732-wp 1805) married Mary Rackley (1735-ca 1803)- QA James Knott A4609
Hunt, Judkins (1747- wp 1817) married Martha Batte (1749- 1809)- QA Henry Batt € A605
Hunt, William (1726-1802) married Mary Wheeler (1732-1811)- QA John Vassall A9471
Hutchens, Nicholas (1740-1825) married Sarah Ladd (1744-1806)- QA William Cox A1909
Hutchins, Benjamin (1756-1836) married Judith McGehee (1758/9 /c/-1813)- QA William Cox A1909
Hutchins, John (1738- wd 1824) married Alice Standley (c 1740- 1790)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Hutchins, John (1738- wp 1825) married Alice Stanley ( -)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Hutchins, John (1738-1825) married Jane Braswell (aft 1755-1832)- QA William Cox€ A1909
Hutchins, Nicholas (1740-1825) married Sarah Ladd (1744-1806)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Hutchins, Strangeman (1707-1792) married Elizabeth Cox (1713-1816)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Hutchins, Thomas (1746- wp 1802) married Patty Chiles (1757- c. 1779)- QA William Cox€ A1908
Hutchison, Thomas (1760-1812) married Verlinda Owsley (1764- 1813)- QA Thomas Owsley/Ousley A5811
Hyatt, Eli (1754-wp 1815 /c/) married Mary Ann Warfield (1761-1820 /c/)- QA John Gaither, Sr. A2913
Hyde, Henry (1753-1812) married Rebecca Warren (c 1763-1829)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Hyde, Samuel (1749-1826) married Mary Rebecca Seaton (1752-1846)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
Hyde, Samuel (1749-1826) married Rebecca Seaton (1752- 1846)- QA Richard Kenner A4510
Ingersoll, Isaac (1744-1776) married Susannah Small (1744- )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ingram, John (-wp 1814) married Elizabeth Chiles (-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Ingrum, John (c 1740-wp 1814 c) married Elizabeth Chiles (c 1740-)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Irby, William (1752-1811) married Elizabeth Williams (1771-1820)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Ireland, John (c 1721-c 1781) married Sarah Salisbury (c 1723-c 1783)- QA Sir Ralph Eure/Ewre A5560
Irvine, John (c 1735-1814) married Mary Ann Tucker (-1816)- QA John Woodson A9103
Irving, Maj Thomas (ca 1725-wp 1784) married Sarah Gilliss (1734/5-on or bef 1780)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Isler, William (1720-1784) married Hester Williams (-)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Jackson, Charles (" - 1823) married Jean/Jane Anderson (" - 1798)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Jackson, Issac (-) married Elizabeth Claiborne (-1804)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jackson, Thomas (ca 1708-wp 1796) married Ann Mills (ca 1710-ca 1805)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Jackson, William (ca 1742-1781) married Susannah Goodwin (ca 1760-wp 1832)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Jacob, Jeremiah (bapt 1713-ca 1781) married Rachel Gaither (1718-on or bef 1781)- QA John Gaither I A2913
Jadwin, Bartholomew IV (1745-wp 1819) married Susanne Berry (c 1753-aft 1820)- QA Thomas Jadwin A4211
James Gunby (1747-1824) married Mary (1758-1834)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
James, Col Richard (-1802) married Mary Jefferson Turpin (-1806)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
James, John (c. 1732-1794) married Anne Strother (1735-aft. 1765)- QA Robert Offley A9457
James, John (1750-1819) married Lucy Mosby (1757-1819)- QA John Woodson A9103
Jarvis, Foster III (bef 1740-on or bef 1797) married Elizabeth Mason (ca 1744-1749-1790-1800)- QA Richard Foster A2807
Jarvis, Thomas (c 1735- wp 1795) married Lydia ( -)- QA Henry Woodhouse, I A9008
Jefferson, John (1742-1815) married Elizabeth Broome (c 1742- liv. 1802)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jefferson, John Robertson (c. 1742-1809) married Elizabeth Broome (c. 1744- bef. 1804)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jefferson, Peter Field (1735/6-1794) married Elizabeth Allen (1739-1828)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jefferson, Peterfield (1734/5-1794) married Elizabeth Allen (1739-wp 1828)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) married Martha Wayles (1748-1782)- QA Mary Addy A9662
Jeffreys, William (c 1743-1802) married Mary Gray ( - wp 1827)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Jenison, Abijah (1747-1830) married Mary Robinson (1754-1830)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Jessie Lane (1733-1806) married Winifred Aycock (1741-1794)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Jett, Francis (1736-1791) married Barbara Porch (1738-1817)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4012
Jett, Francis (1736-1791) married Barsheba Porch (1738-1817)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Jett, Peter (c 1717-wp 1784) married Rebecca Bowen (-1784)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Jett, Thomas (1750-1832) married Lucinda Owens (1755-1823)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Joel Crawford (1736- wp 1788) married Frances Harris (1746- wp 1814)- QA David Crawford A1914
John Farrar (c. 1738-1808) married Rebecca Puryear (c. 1740-1815)- QA William Farrar A2604
Johnson, Benjamin (1734- by 1791) married Dorothy Jones ( - wp 1792)- QA John Chew A1606
Johnson, Caleb (1724-aft 1800) married Mary Cooke (1728-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Johnson, Charles (1754-1819) married Mary "Molly" Moorman (1758- 1849)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Johnson, George ( -) married Susannah Fox (1736-by 1788)- QA John West, I A8604
Johnson, George ( -) married Susannah Fox (1736- by 1788)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Johnson, Isaac (1750- wp1817) married Judith Woodson (1758- aft. 1816)- QA JohnWoodson A9103
Johnson, James (c 1749-1795) married Mary Kendall (c 1753-1790)- QA Edmund Scarburgh I A6909
Johnson, John (c 1748-1842) married Lois Brainerd (1753-1833)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Johnson, Joshua (1763-1856) married Experience Barrows (c 1765/6-1850)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Johnson, Peter R (1770's-prob betw 1836-39) married Martha "Patsy" Alcock (1781-1857)- QA Nicholas Merwether A5408
Johnson, Richard (1740's-) married Susanna Garrett (-)- QA Nicholas Merwether A5408
Johnson, Thomas (1735-1803) married Elizabeth Meriwether (1744-1812)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Johnson, Thomas (1722-wp 1798 c) married Ursula Rowe Estes (-wp 1804 c)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Johnston, Henry ( - 1802) married Agnes Carr Waller ( - wd 1824)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Johnston, Larkin (1727-1816) married Mary Rogers (1727-1800)- QA John Chew A1606
Johnston, Larkin Chew (1727-1816) married Mary Rogers (1727-1800)- QA John Chew A1606
Johnston, Littleton / Lyttleton (1761-1842) married Lucy Childs (1756-1826)- QA John Chew A1606
Johnston, Philip I (c 1750-wp 1798 c) married Elizabeth Ann Taylor (1756-1824)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Jones, Abraham (1720- 1771) married Martha Jones (1722- 1788)- QA Henry Batt€ A605
Jones, Branch (1754-1775) married Mary Jones (1755-1815)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jones, Brereton (17116-wp 1795) married Lettice Warner (1726/7-aft 1795)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jones, Daniel (c. 1747-1795) married Catherine Crawley (- wp1834)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jones, Daniel (c. 1747-wp 1795) married Catherine Crawley Ward ()- QA Daniel Liewellin A4907
Jones, Daniel (1731-wp1782) married Judith Leak (1750- wp1788)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Jones, Daniel (1723-1772) married Sturdivant Mary (1729-)- QA Daniel Llewellyn/Luellin A4907
Jones, Edmund (ca 1749-1834) married Rachel Alston (1747-bef 1834)- QA John George A3003
Jones, Francis (1728-1801) married Rebecca Green (1729-bef 1800)- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Jones, Frederick (1732- wp 1797) married Jane Swann ( - aft. 1774)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Jones, Frederick (1745-1791) married Susanna Claiborne (1751-1810)- QA John West A8604
Jones, Godfrey (c 1725-wp 1818) married Margaret Jones (c 1726/7-by 1818)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jones, Isaac (1756-1801) married Ellen Nelley Gaither (1769-1825)- QA John Chew A1606
Jones, James (1721-1780) married Mary Bridger (1734-1863)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Jones, Jesse (c 1730-wp 1780) married Frances Calthorpe (1737-1795)- QA Christopher Calthorpe A1312
Jones, John (1735-1793) married Elizabeth binns (1740-1803)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Jones, John (-wp 1797) married Mary Cain (-)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Jones, John (c 1753-wp 1817 /c/) married Sary (c 1763-aft 1818)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Jones, John S. Jr. ( - by 1797) married Frances Barber Jones (1740 – liv. 1811)- QA Thomas Barber A501
Jones, John S. Jr. ( - by 1797) married Frances Barber Jones (1740 – liv. 1811)- QA William Barbar/Barber A411
Jones, Michael (1750-1821) married Leeanna Lee Dibrell (1759-1838)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Jones, Peter (-1804) married Elizabeth Wilkerson (-)- QA Thomas Chamberlain A1508
Jones, Peter (1751- wp 1816) married Jane Stokes (1751- wp 1829)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Jones, Peter (1720-wd 1797) married Sarah F. Tanner ()- QA Ann Price Hallom Llewellyn
Jones, Peter (1720- wp 1797/99) married Sarah Tanner ( - ante 1797)- QA Daniel Llewellyn
Jones, Thomas W.C. (1740-1791) married Susannah Edmunds (-c 1797)- QA Thomas Chamberlain A1508
Jones, William (1723-1804 c) married Elizabeth Twitey ? (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jones, Wood (-wp 1783) married Unity Claiborne (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Jopling, Ralph (c 1710-wp 1791) married Catherine Farrar (c 1724-1805)- QA William Farrar A2604
Jordam, Thomas Pleasants (1749-1809) married Susannah Ellyson (1750-1825)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Arthur ( - wp 1792) married Elizabeth Turner ()- QA James Knott A4609
Jordan, Benjamin (c 1714- wd 1775) married Lydia Pleasants ()- QA Thomas Taylor A7902
Jordan, Fleming (1763-1831) married Martha Gaines Moore (1774-1842)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, George (-1787) married Patience Warren (-1759)- QA Thomas Warren A84001
Jordan, James (-1782) married Martha (-)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, James (ca 1741-1781) married Sarah Stodghill (ca 1745-)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, John (1714-1781) married Martha (-bef 1761)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, John (1714-1781) married Mary Goodson (1741-1780)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, John (1714- wp 1781) married (1741 - .)- QA Thomas Jordan
Jordan, Joseph (-1760) married Jane Jones (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Joseph (1715 -) married Patience Ricks ( - 1762)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Josiah (c 1700- wp 1786) married Mourning Ricks ( - 1791)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Marcellus (1748-by 1803) married Martha Ward (- wp1832)- QA James Knott A4609
Jordan, Marcellus Brown (1748- wp1803) married Martha Ward (- by 1832)- QA James Knott A4609
Jordan, Matthew (c 1710-wp 1769) married Jane (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Matthew (1716-wp 1769) married Jane (Scott Ware) /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A44007
Jordan, Matthew (1716-wp 1769 /c/) married Jane /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Matthew (1716-wp 1769) married Julia (Scott Ware) /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Pleasants (c 1740-1789) married Elizabeth ( - c 1800)- QA Thomas Jordan A4401
Jordan, Pleasants (ca 1743-1789) married Elizabeth (-ca 1804)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Pleasants (ca 1720-aft 1790) married Mary Corbin (-on or bef 1765)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Reuben (c. 1756-1817) married Jeanette Harvie (1759-1812)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Jordan, Samuel (1710-1789) married Ruth Meredith (-on or bef 1744)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Thomas (1746 - 1758-on or bef 1801) married Mary "Polly" (-on or aft 1801)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Jordan, Thomas Pleasants (1749-1809) married Susannah Ellyson (1750-1825)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Josselyn, Peter (1724-) married Elizabeth Greenleaf (1729-)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Kearney, Shemuel (1734-on or bef 1808) married Catherine Farmer (on or bef 1765-on or bef 1838)- QA Barnaby Kearney A4503
Kearney, Shemuel (1734-1808) married Catherine Freeman (-aft 1834)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Kearney, Shemuel (1734-wp 1808) married (-)- QA Barnaby Kearney A4503
Kee, William (c 1757- wp 1819) married Anna Little (c 1757- aft. 1819)- QA William Caufield A1501
Keen, Ebenezer (c. 1736-1815) married Hannah Cole (1735-1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Keene, Ebenezer (c 1736-1815) married Hannah Cole (1735-bef 1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Keith, James (c 1696-1751 c) married Mary Isham Randolph (c 1718-aft 1772)- QA William Randolph A6512
Keith, Thomas (c 1736-1805) married Judith Blackwell (c 1759-1857)- QA William Randolph A6512
Keith, Thomas Randolph (- 1805) married Judith Blackwell (c. 1759-1857)- QA William Randolph A6512
Kellam, Abel "Laban" (c 1726-wp 1769) married Elizabeth (c 1740-)- QA Anthony West A9499
Kellam, Argil (bef. 1756- wp 1817) married Unknown ( -)- QA Anthony West A9499
Kellam, John (c. 1724-wp1773) married Bridget (c. 1740- bef. 1776)- QA Anthony West A9499
Kemp, Isaac (betw 1740-1750-on or bef 1820) married Sarah Gaskins (betw 1740-1750-1833)- QA John Fisher A9504
Kemp, John (1745-1772) married Adah Dunton (-)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Kendall, Custis (1707/8- wp 1781) married Elizabeth Bowdion (" - 1781)- QA William Kendall I A4509
Kendall, John (1720-1758) married Rebecca Wallop (c 1730-c 1776)- QA William Kendall A4509
Kendrick, Jonathan (c1740-1823) married Mary Bassett (1747-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9941
Kenner, Winder (1735-1785) married Mary Ball (1740-)- QA Thomas Brereton A1104
Kenney, Heman (1732-1775) married Mercy Nickerson (1732-1805 c)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kenney, Herman (1732-1775) married Mercy Nickerson (1732-c 1805)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kenney, Isaac (1755-1829) married Sarah Godfrey (1757-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kenney, Nathan (1741-1827) married Sarah Nickerson ( - 1847)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kennon, Richard (ca 1745-1793) married Celia Ragland (-wp 1834)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Kennon, William (1713-wp 1761) married Elizabeth Lewis (1724-wp 1799)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Kenwrick, Edward (c 1735-1821) married Zilpha King (1739/40-1799)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Key Jr., Henry (1759- wp 1810) married Elizabeth Garrett (-1794)- QA John Catlett II A1414
Key, James (1755-1817) married Judith Keith (1738-1826)- QA William Randolph A6512
Key, William Bibb (1759-1836) married Mourning Clarke (1764-1840)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Killey, Benjamin (c1735-1824) married Susannah Davis (1738-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kimbrough, Thomas (-ca 1777) married Eleanor Graves (-aft 1777)- QA Thomas Graves A3205
King, Ebenezeer (1754-1791) married Phebe Dakin (1753-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
King, Philip (1760-1836) married Nancy Woodson (ca 1756-1840)- QA John Woodson A9103
King, William (1745-1779) married Judith Sydnor (1745-1778)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Kingsley, Salmon (1723-1813) married Lydia Burgess (1724- c 1811)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Kingsley, Salmon Sr (1723-1812/3) married Lydia Burgess (1724-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
KinKead, John (- wp1813) married Elizabeth Gwinn (( ))- QA Toby Smith A7401
Kirkpatrick, Abraham (1749-1817) married Mary Ann Oldham (1761-1813)- QA Joseph Ball A407
Knight, John (-wp 1791 /c/) married Elizabeth Stokes (1740-)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Knight, John (bef 1743-by 1773) married Hannah Webb /c/ (c 1743-wp 1786)- QA Peter Knight A4608
Knight, Jonathan (c 1736-wp 1809) married Judith Woodson (c 1739-aft 1830)- QA John Woodson A9103
Knight, Peter (1739/40-wp 1811 c) married Ann Bell (-bef 1820)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Knight, William (c 1730-) married Jane Andrews (-aft 1765)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Knight, Woodson (c 1746-wp 1831) married Martha "Patty" Walton (c 1762-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Knight, Woodson (c 1746-wp 1831) married Martha "Patty" Walton (c 1762-)- QA Sarah Woodson A9112
Knight, Woodson (c 1755-c 1831) married Martha Walton (1762-c 1824)- QA John Woodson A9103
Knowles, Elisha (c1723/4-1801) married Abigail Cone (1730-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Knowles, Henry (1729-aft 1810) married Mary (1730-1772)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Knowles, Henry (1729-1810) married Mary Knowles (1730-1772)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Knowles, James (c 1746/7-1830) married Martha Smith (c 1747-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lacy, Elisha (1750-1781) married Dicie Epps (-)- QA Francis Epes I A9731
Ladd, Gerard (1742- bef. 1834) married Sarah Johnson (1733- bef. 1838)- QA Robert Ellyson/Ellison A2410
LaForce, Samuel (ca 1750-) married Rachel (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lamb, Anthony (1744-1803) married Betty Emory (1751-)- QA Armiger Wade A8207
Lamb, Phineas (c 1756- wp 1809) married Dorotha White (1758-1820)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Lamb, Samuel (1721/2-1793) married Sarah Atwood (1729-aft 1793)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lamb, Samuel Jr. (1721-1793) married Sarah Atwood (1729-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lamkin, Oliver (1749- by 1790) married Sarah Beach (c 1757-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lancaster, Raphael I (1732- by 1802) married Eleanor Bradford (1738-1802)- QA George Calvert A1313
Lancaster, Raphael I (1732- by 1802) married Eleanor Bradford (1738-1802)- QA Sir Dudley Digges A9500
Lancaster, William (1733-aft. 1789) married Sarah Sanders ()- QA William Spencer A7505
Lancaster, William Saunders (1760-1814) married Sarah (1763-1818)- QA William Spencer A7505
Lane, Jesse (1733-1804) married Winifred Aycock (1741-1794)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Lane, Jesse (1733- 1806) married Winnifred Aycock (1741- 1794)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Lane, Jesse Sr. (1733-1806) married Winnifred Aycock (1741-1794)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Lane, John (1767-1826) married Mary Crafton (-1844)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lane, John ( - by 1772) married (b. 1740- c 1762)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Langhorne, John Scarsbrook (1760-1791) married Elizabeth Langhorne (1758-1818)- QA John Langhorne A4703
Langhorne, Major William (1720-1797) married Elizabeth Scarsbrooke (ca 1738-)- QA John Langhorne A4703
Langhorne, Maurice (1719-1791) married Mary Moulson Archer (1748-1793)- QA Miles Cary I A1409
Langley, Lemuel ( - by 1772) married Margaret ( - )- QA Francis Mason A5302
Lanier, Benjamin (c 1732- wp 1819) married Susannah Greene ()- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Lemuel (c. 1757- bef. 1784) married Ann Mary (- aft. 1806)- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Lemuel Jr (ca 1757-bef 1784) married Ann Mary (-on or aft 1806)- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Lemuel Sr (ca 1729-bef 1784) married Sarah (-ca 1752)- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Lemuel Sr (ca 1729-bef 1784) married Sarah Hardy (-ca 1752)- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lanier, Robert (c 1755- wp 1835) married Elizabeth ( - )- QA Edward Grendon A3208
Lankford, Killam (-wp 1796) married Mary White (-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Lawrence, Thomas (1733-Aft. 1797) married Lucy Womack (1733-1826)- QA William Farrar A2604
Lawson, Henry (-wp 1803) married Esther Chinn (aft 1848-)- QA William Ball A406
Lawson, Robert (1748-1805) married Sarah Meriwether Pierce (1747-1809)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Lawson, Thomas ( -) married Lettice Newton ( -)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Layne, Ayers (c 1724-by 1795) married Mary Woodson (c 1740-1829)- QA John Woodson A9103
Layne, Ayres (1737-1795) married Mary Woodson (ca 1740-1829)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lea, Joseph (c 1733- wp 1805) married Mary "Molly" Knight (c 1745-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lea, Joseph (1744-1805) married Mary "Molly" Lea Knight (bapt 1768-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lea, Joseph (1744-1803) married Mary Knight (1749-1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lea, Joseph (1744- 1805) married Mary Woodson Knight (1749-1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
LeBaron, David (1775-1829) married Lydia Batchelder (1793-1826)- QA John Hodsoll A9531
LeBaron, James (1726-1780) married Hannah Turner (1729-1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ledbetter, Francis (c. 1700-1759) married Ann Woodlief (c.1700-aft. 1759)- QA John Woodliffe A9102
Ledbetter, Joseph (1738-1811) married Judith (- aft. 1807)- QA John Woodliffe A9102
Lee, Burwell (1733-1807) married (-)- QA Nathanial Tatum A7808
Lee, Burwell (1733-1807) married ( ) (( ))- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Lee, Cato (c. 1757-1832) married Nancy Holland (c. 1760- 1838)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Lee, Charles (1722-1796/7) married Mary Lucy Steptoe Lee (1722-1744)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Charles (1761-1807) married Mildred Henning (-by 1828 /c/)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Lee, David (1744-1812) married Martha Blackman /c/ (c 1750-wp 1816 c)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Lee, George (1753-liv. 1799) married Frances Ball (1761- liv. 1800)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Gidon (1745-1811) married Lucy Ward (1747-1817)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lee, Henry II (1729-1787) married Lucy Grymes (1734-1792)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Henry III (1756-1818) married Matilda Lee (1764-1790)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, John (1743- wp 1802) married Laetitia Atwell (1755-1775)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Kendall (1740-1780) married Betty Heale (-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Ludbrook (- c. 1799) married Charlotte Pace (1763-1845)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Lee, Peter II (by 1738- wp 1804) married Mary Cato (-1779 c)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Lee, Philip S (-bef 1799) married Mary Jaqueline Smith (1769 - wd 1854)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Richard Henry (1732-1794) married Anne Gaskins Pinckhard (-1796)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Lee, Thomas (1754-1810) married Elizabeth Currell (1764-1801)- QA Henry Fleete A2705
Lee, Thomas (ca 1702/04-ca 1785/87) married Sarah (-ca 1791)- QA Nathanial Tatum A7808
Lee, William (ca 1728-1787) married Elizabeth Wade (-)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Lee, William Jr. (c 1714-by 1795) married Ann Elizabeth Westbrook (C 1718)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Leftwich, Col Thomas (1740-1816) married Bethenia Ellis (bef 1754-1780)- QA John Knowles A4610
Leftwich, Thomas (c 1740- wp 1816) married Jane "Jenny" Stratton (c 1755- aft. 1816)- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
LeGrand, James (-bef 1800) married Elizabeth Wade (-bef 1797)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Leonard, Simeon (1708/9-1754) married Abigail Morse (1711-1795)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lester, Archibald (1761- wo 1826) married Elizabeth Crymes (bef. 1762- 1826)- QA Sir George More A9527
Lewis Burwell (1745-1800) married Anne Spotswood (1752-1789)- QA John West II A8606
Lewis Timothy (1727-1818) married Sarah (c 1728-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lewis, Addison (1756/7-1781) married Anna "Sukey" Fleming (-on or aft 1807)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Lewis, Addison (1756-1796) married Susan (Sukey) Fleming (-1820)- QA Augustine Warner II A8306
Lewis, Benjamin (1744-1814) married Martha P Bickerton (-)- QA Col Thomas Walker A8212
Lewis, Charles (1729/30-by 1772 /c/) married Lucy Taliaferro (c 1728 -c 1781)- QA George Reade A6606
Lewis, Charles (1730-1780) married Mary Lewis (1747-1807)- QA William Randolph A6512
Lewis, Col Charles (1730-on or bef 1779) married Mary Randolph (Lewis) (-1807)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Col Fielding Sr (1725-ca 1781) married Elizabeth "Betty" Washington (1733-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-1781) married Betty Washington (1733- 1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-wp 1782) married Catharine Washington (1724-1750)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-1781) married Elizabeth "Betty" Washington (1733-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-wp 1782) married Elizabeth (Betty) Washington (1733-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1725-ca 1781-1782) married Elizabeth Washington (1733-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Fielding (1750-1803) married Nancy Ann Alexander (c 1756- 1809)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Lewis, George (1757-1821) married Catherine Daingerfield (1764-1820)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, James (1726-1764) married Elizabeth Taylor (1735-1816)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, James (1740-1779) married Sarah Lewis (1750-1844)- QA Francis Brewster A9310
Lewis, James (1755-1825) married Susannah Anderson (1759-1834)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, John (1725-1788) married Catherine Fauntleroy (1735-1797)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Lewis, John (1747-1825) married Elizabeth Bates Jones (1753-1785)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, John Taylor (1757-1835) married Lucy Maclin (1766-1841)- QA Augustine Warner II A8306
Lewis, John Terrell (1728-1784) married Sarah Taliaferro (1727-1769)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Lewis, John Zachary (1753-c 1784) married Elizabeth Woolfolk (-by 1796)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Lewis, Maj George (1757-1821) married Catherine Daingerfield (1764-1820)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Nicholas (1728-1807/08) married Mary Walker (1742-1824)- QA Nicholas Martiau
Lewis, Nicholas (1734-1808) married Mary Walker (1742-1824)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Lewis, Phillip (c 1740-c 1820) married Sarah Shearman/Sherman (c 1745- wp 1824)- QA Henry Duke A2312
Lewis, Pope (1747-wp 1805) married Jemima Jones (1748-1814)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Lewis, Robert (c 1738-wp 1781 c) married Frances Lewis (1744-1794)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Robert (c 1738-wp 1781 c) married Frances Lewis /c/ (1744-c 1791)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Waller (1739-1808) married Sarah Lewis (c 1748- aft. 1810)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Waller (1739-1808) married Sarah Lewis (c 1740-c 1787)- QA George Reade A6606
Lewis, Warner (1720-1792) married Eleanor Bowles [Gooch] (-)- QA Augustine Warner II A8306
Lewis, Warner II (1747-1791) married Mary Chiswell (1739-1776)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, Warner Jr. (1747-1791) married Mary Chiswell (1739-1776)- QA Augustine Warner II A8306
Lewis, Warner Jr. (1720-wp 1792) married Mrs. Eleanor Bowles Gooch /c/ (c 1720-by 1776)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Lewis, William (c 1732-wp 1825) married Hannah Underwood (-1823)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lewis, William (c 1733- 1781) married Lucy Meriwether (1752-1837)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Lewis, William Terrell (1718- wp 1804) married Sarah Martin ( - 1775)- QA David Crawford A1914
Lewis, Zachary (1702/3-1765) married Mary Waller (1699-1781)- QA Col Thomas Walker A8212
Lide, Thomas (1731-1787) married Mary Caroline Foster ()- QA Henry Duke A2312
Lightfoot, Goodrich (Bap. 1713- wp 1778) married Susannah Slaughter ( - by 1808)- QA John Lightfoot
Ligon, John (1731-wp 1774) married Mary Moseley (-1834)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Joseph (1755-1842) married ( - )- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Joseph (c 1725- wp 1780) married Judith ( - aft. 1782)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Joseph (ca 1730-wp 1780) married Judith (-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Joseph "Fork" (-1820) married Mary Church (-wp 1827 c)- QA Thomas Lyggon A5106
Ligon, Joseph Sr (-wp 1752) married Judith Stewart (-on or bef 1784)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Obadiah (" - by 1823) married Frances Stovall (" - by 1847)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Richard (-wp 1779) married Unkinown ()- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Thomas (1724- liv. 1787) married Ann ( - Liv. 1787)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, Thomas (1724/5-liv 1787) married Ann (-1787)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Ligon, Thomas (1744- 1841) married Elizabeth Perkinson ()- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Thomas (ca 1745-1806) married Tabitha Ward (w/d 1745-aft 1817)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Ligon, Thomas (1745-wp 1806 c) married Tabitha Ward (1745-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, Thomas Sr. (1724/5-liv 1787 c) married Ann (-aft 1787)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Ligon, William (ca 1725-wp 1796) married Ann Rogers (bef 1725-aft 1782)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, William (-wp 1788) married Edith Turner (-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, William (1745- wp 1828) married Elizabeth Edy East (1749-1794)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, William (unk- bef 1765) married Frances Mosley (unknown)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Ligon, William (1756-1838) married Sarah Herring (-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Ligon, William (ca 1750-on or bef 1804) married Susanna Woodson (ca 1750-1828)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Lillie, George (1723-) married Mary Burgess (1731/2-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lincoln, John (1716-wp 1789) married Rebecca Flowers (1720-1806)- QA John Lyford A9524
Lincoln, Mordecai (1730-1812) married Mary (Webb) (1733-1814)- QA John Lyford A9524
Lindsay, Caleb (-by 1828) married Sarah "Sally" Stevens (c 1770-1850)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Lindsay, Charles Alfred Caleb (1732-wp 1827 /c/) married Sarah (Sally) Montague Stevens (1767-1850)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Lindsey, Daniel (c 1739-1774) married Susannah Jarvis (-aft 1789)- QA Henry Woodhouse II A9007
Linthicum, Richard (1752- bef. 1816) married Mary Lee (c. 1758-1843)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Linthicum, Thomas (1743-1790) married Cassandra Gaither (1734-1784)- QA John Chew A1606
Linthicum, Zachariah (1735- wp 1808) married Sarah Prather (1738-1797)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Littlepage, Thomas E. (1734-1786/7) married Ann Burnley (1745-1813)- QA Richard Littlepage A4904
Locke, John (1742-1810) married Susanna Ring (1730-1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lockett, Stephen (1733-1794) married Mary Clay (1742 /c/-1823)- QA John Clay A1706
Lombard, Simeon (1729-) married Margaret Snow (1738-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Long, David (1714-wp 1783) married Abigail Griffith (c 1723-wp 1784)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Lovelace, Gorsuch (1715-wp 1783) married Sarah (aft 1777-1802)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Lucas, Benjamin (1731-1818) married Lydia Crocker (1731-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lucas, Joseph (1729- 1810) married Mary Rickard (1734- 1778)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Lucas, Samuel (-wp 1770) married Elizabeth Cocke (-)- QA Stephen Hamelyn/Hamlin A3309
Lumpkin, Dickerson (1735-bef 1794) married Ann Cabiness (1735-aft 1789)- QA John Clay A1706
Lumpkin, Moore (1731-1782) married Ann Woodson (-wd 1809)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lumpkin, Moore (c. 1737-by 1782) married Anne Woodson (- wp1809)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lumplin, Moore (c 1735- by 1782) married Anne Woodson (c 1751- wp 1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
Lusby Turpin, Sr. (c. 1728- wp 1791) married Sarah Redford (. - 1776)- QA Cicely Baley A9447
Lyles, William (1750-1815) married Charity Fendall Noble (1752-bef 1776)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Lyon, Rev John (1721-1785) married Sarah Smith (ca 1817-)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Mac Namara / McNamara, John (1722-1781) married Mary Stewart (ca 1722-bef 1781)- QA Edmund Cheesman / Chisman A9498
Mac Namara / McNamara, Levin (1746-1831) married Sarah Ross (1755-1822)- QA Edmund Cheesman / Chisman A9498
Maclin, Thomas (-1798) married Ann Willis (c 1749-wp 1810)- QA George Reade A6606
MacNamara, John (1722- 1781) married Mary Stewart (1722- 1781)- QA Edmund Cheesman/Chisman A9498
Macon, Henry (1727-1785) married Rebecca Mayo (1732-bef 1762)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, John (1756-1808) married Elizabeth Bowdoin (1764-1804)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, John III (c 1753- wp 1808) married Susanna Needham ( - aft. 1827)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, John Jr. (bef 1718/9-1785 c) married Miss Alston (-)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, Nathaniel (1758-1837) married Hannah Plummer (1760-1790)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, William (1725-1813) married Lucy Scott (1737-1802)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Macon, William Hartwell (1759-1848) married Hannah Selden (1760-1813)- QA Gideon Macon A5109
Magee, Ralph Jr (1755-1845) married Mary "Pollie" Bell (1761-1838)- QA Alice () Pierce Bennett A711
Major, John (bef 1748-wp 1810) married Martha Marable (ca 1740-)- QA George Marable A5204
Major, Lodowick Jones (1742-aft 1807) married (uninown) Jones (-BEF1802)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Makepeace, William (1738-1822) married Ruth Hunt (1741-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Malone, George (1736-wp 1810 c) married Sara Bass (-1776 c)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Malone, Isham (c 1734-1792) married Lucy Lanier (c 1740-wp 1833)- QA Robert Wynne A9209
Manley, John Jacob (c 1735- wp 1809) married Tabitha Stone (c 1740-)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Manson, Peter (1733-wp 1793 c) married Agnes Hardaway (1749-)- QA Thomas Chapman
Manson, Peter, Sr (1733-wp 1793 /c/) married Susannah Hardaway (1740-c 1770)- QA Joane Bennett A9535
Marable, Benjamin (1710-bef 1773) married Judith (-)- QA George Marable A5204
Marable, George (c. 1705-wp1778) married Ann (- bef. 1795)- QA George Marble/Marable A5204
Marable, George (ca 1700-wp 1778) married Ann (-)- QA George Marable A5204
Marable, George Jr. (c. 1705- wp 1778) married Ann ( - bef. 1795)- QA George Marable/Marble A5204
Marable, Matthew (1728- wd 1786) married Mary (" - liv. 1786)- QA George Marable/Marble A5204
Marriott, Thomas (c. 1720/30-wp 1789) married Elizabeth Warren (1730- .)- QA Thomas Warren
Marshall, John (1755-1835) married Mary Willis Ambler (1766-1831)- QA Edward Jaquelin A4206
Marshall, John ( - c. 1810) married Rebecca Clay (1757-c. 1810)- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Marshall, Robert Donald (-1820) married Sarah Marshall (-bef 1823)- QA Arthur Moseley A5608
Marshall, Sampson (1750-1815) married Mary "Polly" (unknown) (1755-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Sampson Sr. (1750-1815) married Mary "Polly" (1755-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Samuel (ca 1707-1784) married Grace Adams (ca 1723-on or bef 1773)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Samuel (c 1745-1835) married ()- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Samuel Jr (ca 1745-1835) married Triffinoh (ca 1743-on or bef 1773)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Samuel, Jr. (c 1745-1835) married Triffinoh (c 1743-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Marshall, Thomas (1730-1802) married Mary Randolph Keith (1737-1809)- QA William Randolph A6512
Marshall, Thomas Hanson (1731-1801) married Rebecca Dent (1737-1770)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Marshall, William ( - by 1811) married Lucy Goode (1760-1826)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Marshall, William (1757-by 1811) married Lucy Jefferson Goode (1757 /c/-p 1811)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Martin, Brice (c 1730-1818) married Unity Barksdale (1759- bef. 1793)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Martin, James (1742-1799) married Sarah Harris (1747-1796)- QA David Crawford A1914
Martin, Joesph (1740-1808) married Susannah Graves (1763-1837)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Martin, John (1751-1813) married Elizabeth Terry (1756-1800)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Martin, Joseph (1740-1808) married Elizabeth Ward (ca 1759-aft 1799)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Martin, Joseph (1740-1808) married Sarah Lucas (c 1746-1782)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Martin, Joseph (1740-1808) married Susannah Graves (c 1759-1837)- QA Walter Chiles A9509
Martin, Joseph II (1740- 1808) married Susannah Graves (1757-1831)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Martin, Joseph Lynch (c 1740- 1808) married Sarah Lucas (1745- 1782)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Mason, David (c 1733-1792) married Mary Epes (c 1735-1774)- QA Francis Epes, I A2502
Mason, Ralph III (c 1742-by 1808) married Elizabeth Strickland (c 1760-wp 1850)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Massenburg, Nicholas (1749-1772) married Lucy Cargill ( - bef 1783)- QA Benjamin Harrison I A3509
Massengale, Solomon (c 1760-1831) married Tabitha Cobb (1768-1853)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Massengill, Henry (1720- c. 1800) married Mary Cobb (c 1735- 1842)- QA Joesph Cobb A9416
Massengill, Henry Sr. (1720- c 1800) married Mary Cobb (c 1735-1842)- QA Joseph Cobb A9416
Mathews, Thomas (1742-1812) married Molly "Mary" Miller (c 1751-1827 c)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Mattox, Valentine (c. 1751- 1824) married Mary Shrewsbury (- bef. 1848)- QA David Crawford A1914
Maupin, Danial (1755- bef. 1831) married Jane Via (- 1831)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Maupin, Daniel Jr. (1727/8- wp 1803) married Elizabeth Dabney ( - 1794)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Maupin, Gabriel (1720-1794) married Ann (Anna) B. Ballard (-1779)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Maupin, Gabriel (1720-1794) married Ann Ballard (-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Maupin, Gabriel (1720-1794) married Anna B Ballard (-on or aft 1779)- QA Thomas Ballard
Maury, Matthew (1744-1808) married Elizabeth Simms Walker (1753-1792)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Maury. Richard (1766-1843) married Margaret Bond (1812-1898)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Maxey, Edward Francis (c 1747-wp 1782 /c/) married Mary /c/ Bondurant (1724-by 1822 /c/)- QA William Hatcher A3608
May, David (1747-1798) married Mary Meredith (c 1749-1835)- QA Temperance Baley A405
May, John Jr (-on or bef 1760) married Agnes Smith (1722-wp 1806)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Mayes, Matthew ( - wp 1796) married Frances Brown ( - 1800)- QA Henry Batte A605
Mayo, Ebenezer (1712/3-1776) married Apphia Freeman (1721/2-1773)- QA William Collier A9520
Mayo, John (1737-1786) married Mary Tabb (1733-1792)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Mayo, Joseph ("-wp 1803) married Martha Tabb (1744-wp 1819)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Mayo, Robert (c. 1742- by 1823) married Margaret Richardson (c. 1750 - bef. 1823)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Mayo, Thomas (1725-1778) married Elizabeth Wing (1729/30-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Mayo, Thomas (1751-1818) married Mary Arey (1759-1841)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
McClurg, James (c 1746- 1823) married Elizabeth Selden (1761-1823)- QA Miles Cary, I A1409
McCurdy, Neil (1745-1832) married Ruth Avery (c. 1756-1836)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
McGehee, William ((ca 1739)-by 1819) married Martha (Patty) Cole (-1740-on or bef 1808)- QA Edward Foliott A9513
McLendon, Isaac (1740-) married Elizabeth Stribling (1750-1830)- QA John Catlett A1414
McQueen, Alexander /c/ (c 1755-1805 /c/) married Elizabeth Fuller (1755-1806)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
McRobert, Archibald (1736-1807) married Elizabeth Munford (c 1734-1815)- QA Theodrick Bland A906
Meade, Andrew (1735-wp 1795 /c/) married Susanna Stith (1753-wp 1816 /c/)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Meade, David II (1744-1830) married Sarah Waters (c 1749-1829)- QA Edward Waters A8406
Melton, John (1742-1800) married Elizabeth B. Jones (c 1747-aft 1800)- QA William Spencer A7505
Melton, John (c 1742-wd 1797) married Elizabeth Jones (c 1745-c 1800)- QA William Spencer A7505
Meriwether, David (1755-1822) married Frances Wingfield (1762-1820)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, David (1739-wp 1806) married Mary Harvie ()- QA Nicholas Meriwether
Meriwether, Franccis "Frank" (1737-1803) married Martha Gaines Jamieson (1743-1818(9))- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, Francis (1737-1803) married Margaret Gaines Jamison (1743-1819)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, Francis (1737-1803) married Martha G. Jameson (1743-1818)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Meriwether, Francis (1737-1803) married Martha Gains [Jamison] (1743-1818)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, Francis (1737-1803) married Martha Jameson (1743-1818)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, John (1751-wp 1820) married Esther McGehee (1753-1807)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Meriwether, Nicholas (1736-1772) married Margaret "Peggie" Douglas (1737-1812)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Meriwether, Thomas (1718-1766) married Jane Lewis (1728- 1790)- QA George Reade A6606
Meriwether, William (1751-1812) married Margaret Satterwhite (c 1760-)- QA Nicholas Meriwether I A5408
Meriwether, Zachary Lewis (1754-1836) married Jane Lewis (c. 1755- bef. 1787)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Merrick, Nathaniel (1730-1799) married Lois/Lydia Hammond (1731-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Merritt, William (- 1829) married Martha Cocke (c. 1740-bef. 1820)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Merry, Prettyman (c. 1742-1817) married Catherine Jemima Sugget (c. 1750- )- QA Richard Lee A4807
Meyrick / Merrick, William (1734-1795) married Hannah Paine (1738-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Miles, Henry (1752-1795) married Elizabeth McNamara (1751-1769)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Miles, Philip (ca 1734-on or bef 1789) married Eleanor Bryan / O'Bryan (1738-on or aft 1802)- QA John Weire A8510
Miller, John (1744-wp 1795) married Mary (-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Miller, William (-wp 1777) married Mary Heath (-wp 1796)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Milliner, Smith Sr. (c 1746-wp 1810) married Mary Young (c 1760-1798 c)- QA John Parramore A9561
Mills, Nathaniel (1748- 1815) married Frances Thompson (1751- 1815)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Mills, Wyatt (1758- wp 1809) married Sarah Starke (1754-1809)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Milner, John (1746-1812) married Elizabeth Godwin (-1812 c)- QA Thomas Godwin A3007
Mims, Drury Sr. (1744-wp 1818) married Lydia Jones (1748-1821)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Mims, Shadrach (c 1734-wp 1777 c) married Elizabeth Woodson (c 1734-1833)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mims, Shadrack (1734-1777) married Elizabeth Woodson (1734-aft 1823)- QA John Woodson A9103
Miner. Cyrus (1750-aft 1806) married Elizabeth Blagrave (c 1758-aft 1806)- QA David Mansfield A5202
Minor, Joseph (bef 1730-wp 1786) married Edith Cox (c 1730-aft 1805)- QA William Cox A1909
Mitchell, Drewry (c. 1740-wp1833) married Amy Stapp (c. 1741-1839)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Mitchell, Henry (-bef 1770) married Priscilla ()- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Henry (-bef 1770) married Priscilla (-liv 1774)- QA Mary Addy A9662
Mitchell, James (wd 1772) married Ann Cocke (-aft 1754)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Mitchell, John (1765-1824) married Mildred smith Stubbs (1765-1824)- QA William Strachey A7705
Mitchell, John (1748-1804) married Sarah Thweatt (1761-by 1806)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Richard (c 1749 - wp 1812) married Mary Hamilton (c 1753 - aft. 1813)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Mitchell, Robert (c 1755- wp 1808) married Priscilla Carter (1760- wp 1823)- QA William Ball A406
Mitchell, Thomas (1722-wp 1762) married Amy Goodwin (1732-1773)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Thomas (-wp 1762) married Amy goodwyn (1732-aft 1762)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Thomas Goodwin (1756-1826) married Ann Raines (1762-1830)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Mitchell, Thomas Jr. (1756- 1826) married Ann Namcy Raines (1762-1832)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Montague, Clement (1723-wp 1791) married Ann Bartlett (by 1727-aft 1783)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John (1735-1825) married Nancy (c 1740-1830)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John (1736-1825) married Nancy Stevens ( - aft. 1825)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John (1755-1831) married Rebecca Brown (1755-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John Merry (c. 1740-1830) married Nancy (c. 1740-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, John Merry (ca 1740-ca 1830) married Nancy Humphries (-ca 1830)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (ca 1731-wp 1811) married Catherine [Taylor] Young (-1815-1816)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (1731-wp 1811) married Catherine Young (-1816)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (1731-wp 1811) married Catherine Young (1742-1825)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (1731- wp 1811) married Catherine Young Taylor ( - 1815)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Latane (ca 1731-ca 1812) married Cathrine Young (-ca 1815)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Peter (1732-1820) married Elizabeth Henderson (-1824 c)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Peter V (C 1732- 1820) married Elizabeth Henderson ( - c 1824)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Philip (1736-bef 1810) married Frances Montague (-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Thomas (1750-1805 c) married Agnes Ellis (1753-1823)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Montague, Thomas (1719-by 1778) married Jane Daniel (1733-aft 1796)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Moore, Aaron (c 1730-wp 1785) married Mary Prather (1729/30 /c/-aft 1786)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Moore, Abraham (1744-1831) married Jean Farrar (1754-1831)- QA William Farrar A2604
Moore, Augustine (1743 /c/-) married Verlinda Hawkins Dawson (1755 /c/-1815 /c/)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Moore, Bernard (-) married Anne Catherine Spotswood (1725-Mar 1802)- QA William Bernard A807
Moore, Cato (c. 1752- wp1797) married Margaret Cooke (1755- wp1832)- QA Southey Littleton A4906
Moore, Charles (1758-on or bef 1818) married Nancy Holt (-1818)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Moore, Field (c. 1758-liv. 1830) married Sarah Lidderdale (c. 1761-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Moore, James (c. 1740- 1778) married Celia/Selah Williams (1743-1766)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Moore, James (1742-1798) married Mary Rider (" - wp 1812)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Moore, James (1740-1778) married Selah Williams (1743-1766)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Moore, John (-wp 1777) married Morning (-on or aft 1777)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Moore, John Sr (-wp 1816) married Anne (-on or aft 1815)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Moore, Joshua I (c 1728- wp 1783) married Temperence Wailes ( - aft. 1783)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Moore, Nathaniel (1757- wp1829) married Frances Taylor (aft. 1763-1815)- QA George Reade A6606
Moore, Thomas (c. 1720- 1796) married Mary Farrar (1722- bef. 1793)- QA William Farrar A2604
Moore, Thomas (1720-1795) married Mary Farrar (1722- liv. 1795)- QA Peter Field/Field A2608
Moore, William (c 1741-wp 1781) married Barbara Harrison (-1790)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Moore, William (aft. 1738- by1803) married Mary Throckmorton (( ))- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Moore, William (1755-1790) married Santica Dixon (- 1820)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Moorman, Charles (1747-1803) married Nancy Hancock (1762-1847)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moorman, Micajah Clark (1735-1806) married Susannah Chiles (1738-1782)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Moring, Benjamin ( - by 1785) married Daughter CHEATHAM ( - )- QA William Rookings A943
Moring, Burwell (c 1748-wp 1822) married Patience West (c 1743-c 1803)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Morris, Joseph (ca 1736-1796) married Mary Farrar (ca 1744-living 1796)- QA William Farrar A2604
Morriss, Henry (1744/5-1810) married Christiana Holm Meredith (c 1762-)- QA John West I A8604
Morse, Gershom (1716-1800) married Elizabeth Swift (1722-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morse, Joshua (1728-1819) married Mary Goodenow ( -)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morse, Seth (1760-1834) married Ruth Goodrich (1765-1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Ebenezer (1696-1750) married Mercy Foster (ca 1697-98-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Eleazer (1752-1813) married Lucy Doty (1751-1838)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Ichabod (1726-1809) married Deborah Morton (1730-1789)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, jacob (1751-1829) married Jane Davis Booker (1757-1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, John (1730-1796) married Mary Elizabeth Anderson (1736-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Joseph (1709-1782) married Agnes Woodson (1711-1802)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Josiah (c 1737/8-1785) married Elizabeth Venable (1739-c 1778)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Josiah (1737/8-1785) married Elizabeth Venable (1739-1778)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Nathaniel (1735-1826) married Rebecca Morton (1747-1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Richard (1721- wp1815) married Judith Quinn (1719-1815)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Samuel (ca 1755-wp 1825) married Levicy Watson (ca 1758-aft 1825)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Samuel (1745-wp 1836 c) married Phiiladelphia Wade (c 1745-aft 1828)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Samuel Packwood (1745-1834) married Philadelphia Wade (c 1746- aft 1836)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Silas (1727-1782) married Martha Morton (1729/30-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Morton, Thomas (ca 1721-1802) married Cicily Katherine Moore (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Thomas (1726-1802) married Cicily Kathern Moore (1726-1762)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, Thomas Jr. (-wp 1802) married Cecilia Catherine Moore (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, William (1743-1820) married Susan Watkins (1747-1828)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, William (1743-1820) married Susanna Watkins (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Morton, William (1743-1820) married Susannah Watkins ( -)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosbey, Samuel ( - wd 1783) married Jerusha Bowles (" - )- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Edward (c 1740-1769) married Martha Walton (1738-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, John (c 1709- wp 1801) married Lucy Allen (c 1713- 1801)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, John Jr (1710-1800) married Lucy Allen (-aft 1800)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Micajah (-wp 1772 c) married Maudlin Bedford (-aft 1773)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Nicholas (1742/3-1816) married Susanna Hobson (-1798)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Nicholas (1742-1816) married Susanna Hobson (-1798)- QA John Woodson A9103
Mosby, Robert (aft 1736-1798 c) married Susanna Robertson (1766-by 1845)- QA John Woodson A9103
Moseley, Arthur (-wp 1808) married Martha Camp (-)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Moseley, Arthur II (1690-1736) married Martha Cocke (1697/1698-1776/78)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Arthur III (1718/9-wp 1770) married Mary [Locket] (1725-1791/1793)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Capt Charles (1748-1807) married Mary Povall (1754-1804)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Charles (1748-1807) married Mary Povall (1754-1804)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Edward (1718-wp 1808) married Amey Green (1728-1800)- QA Thomas Ligon / Lygon / Lyggon A4903
Moseley, Edward (1718-1808) married Amy Green (1736-8-bef 1808)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, John (c 1721- wp 1802) married Elizabeth Williamson ( - )- QA Arthur Moseley A5608
Moseley, Matthew (-1769) married Martha Ligon /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Robert (1732-1804) married Magdalen Guerrant (1740-1826)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, Robert (c 1735-1796) married Mary (Bransford) (c 1748-)- QA William Moseley A5609
Moseley, Robert (c. 1735- wd 1796) married Penelope Talley (1759-1841)- QA William Moseley, II A5609
Moseley, Robert /c/ (1735-wp 1796) married Mary Bransford (c 1745-1775 c)- QA William Moseley A5609
Moseley, Tully (1711-bef 1773) married Miriam Shipp (-1756)- QA Arthur Moseley A5608
Moseley, William (1754-1828) married Ann Lewis (1756-)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Moseley, William (ca 1692-will 1778) married Frances [Mayo] (-bef 1778)- QA Arthur Moseley A5608
Moseley, William (-) married Sarah (-)- QA Thomas Lucas A5007
Moseley, William Jr. (c 1730-by 1772) married Mary Ligon (-liv 1778)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Mosley, Robert (1725-wp 1798) married Mary Bransford (ca 1743-1774)- QA William Moseley A5609
Moss, Reuben (by 1738-wp 1810) married Martha Ann Jordan (c 1744-bef 1816)- QA James Knott A4609
Moss, Sgt Joshua (1744-1829) married Sarah Pennington (1750-on or aft 1829)- QA John George A3003
Moss, William (-by 1817) married Frances Sorrell (-liv 1817)- QA Nicholas Spencer A7504
Mothershead, Christopher (1745-1777) married Elizabeth Jett (Bef. 1750- aft. 1777)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Moxley, Alvin (1741-1781) married Anne Dent Ireland (-by 1795)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
mpson (1748-1803) married Lucy (c 1752- 1837)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Murray, Alexander (1734-1789) married Elizabeth "Betty" Marvell Clay /c/ (c 1752-1840)- QA John Clay A1706
Murray, James (-) married Ann Bolling (1718-1800)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Murray, James (-) married Anne Bolling (1718-1800)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Murray, James (-wd 1764) married Anne Bollling (1719-1800)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Murray, John (1744-wp 1782) married Susanna Yates (c 1746-by 1794)- QA Pocahontaas A6212
Murray, John (1744-wp 1782) married Suzanna Yates (bef. 1764- by 1794)- QA John Rolfe
Murray, William (1752-by 1815) married Rebecca Bolling (1763-1826)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Nance, Daniel III (c 1745-1802) married Patience Wynne (c 1746-1803)- QA Richard Pierce A9741
Nance, James (C 1750- 1804) married UNKNOWN ( - )- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Napier, Ashford (1732-1801) married Mary Ann Staples (c 1756-aft 1803)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Napier, Ashford Sr. /c/ (1734-) married Mary Ann Staples (1756-1816)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Napier, Champion ( - by 1810) married Gracie Curtice ( - aft 1821)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Napier, Patrick (ca 1748-wp 1808) married Elizabeth Woodson (1757-1825)- QA John West A8604
Napier, Patrick (1713-1774) married Martha Claiborne (1721-1784)- QA John West A8604
Napier, Patrick (1713/4-1774) married Martha Claiborne (1721-)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Napier, Patrick Sr. (1722-1799) married Ann Franklin (abt 1729-bef 1790)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Napier, Rene (c 1746-wd 1807 c) married Rebekah Hurt (c 1746-aft 1774)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Napier, Richard (1747-1823) married Molly Wills (1757-1810)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Napier, Robert (c 1742- wp 1806) married Elizabeth Champion (1745- c, 1814)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Nathaniel Venable (1733-1804) married Elizabeth Woodson (1740-1791)- QA Dr. John Woodson A9103
Neale, Daniel (1735- wp 1804) married Jemima Kitchen (c. 1737- liv. 1804)- QA Christopher Neale A5703
Nelson, Hugh (c. 1749-1799) married Judith Page (1753-1827)- QA William Byrd A1311
Nelson, John (c 1753-1827) married Ann "Nancy" Carter (1763-1843)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Nelson, John (1748-1827) married Nancy Ann Carter (1763-1843)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Nelson, John (1754-1827) married Nancy Carter (c. 1765-1843)- QA George Reade A6606
Nelson, Maj John (1748-1827) married Nancy Ann Carter (1763-1843)- QA George Reade A6606
Nelson, Sec Thomas (1716-1782) married Lucy Armistead (-)- QA George Reade A6606
Nelson, Thomas (1716-1782) married Lucy Armistead ( - )- QA George Reade A6606
Nelson, Thomas (" - wp 1804) married Sarah "Sally" Cary (1762- 1779)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Nelson, Thomas Jr. (1738-1789) married Lucy Grymes (1743-1830)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
New , Anthony (1747-1833) married Nancy Wyatt (c 1755-1833)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
New, Anthony (1747-1833) married Nancy Wyatt (1756-1833)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
New, John (c. 1731- bef. 1780) married Margaret (c. 1735- aft. 1780)- QA John Bland A903
Newcomb, James (1754-1843) married Tabitha Nickerson (1753-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Newsom, Benjamin (ca 1740-ca 1789-1790) married Phoebe Turner (ca 1750-ca 1789-1790)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, David (ca 1730-31-wp 1768) married Mary Barham (-aft 1791)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Isaac (ca 1743-1817) married Mary (Molly) Dortch (ca 1749-1827)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Jacob (1727- wp 1778) married Tabitha Gilliam (c 1725- 1778)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Joel (ca 1760-ca 1831-35) married Anne "Nancy" Northington (1765-ca 1845-50)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, John (c 1738-wo 1790 /c/) married Patience Hinnant (c 1745-wp 1828 /c/)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Randolph ( - wp 1819) married Sarah Mason ( - by 1812)- QA Robert Sheppard A7105
Newsom, Solomon (c 1720- d by 1790) married Martha Matthews (c 1726- )- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, Solomon II (1745-1803) married Jane White (1740-c 1792)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsom, William (c 1746-1820) married Mary Jordan (1750- wp 1822)- QA Robert Sheppard A7105
Newsom/Isaac (-1817) married Mary Dortch (-1827)- QA Robert Sheppard A7105
Newsome, John (- wp1790) married Patience Hinnant (- wp1828)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsome, Solomon Sr (ca 1715-ca 1779/80) married Martha Mathews (on or bef 1731-wp 1751)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsome, William (ca 1746-1820) married Mary Jordan (1750-1822)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newsum, Solomon (1745-1803) married Elizabeth (Mitchell) /c/ (-)- QA William Spencer A7505
Newton, Thomas (1742-1807) married Martha Tucker (1750/1-aft 1808)- QA Henry Corbin A1814
Newton, Timothy (1727-1811) married Sarah Merrick (1732-1803)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Newton, Willoughby (1702-1767) married Sarah Eskridge (1707/8-1754)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Nicholas, Robert Carter (1728-1780) married Anne Cary (1735-1786)- QA Miles Cary II A9674
Nichols, Thomas (1753-1837) married Bathsheba Marks (1762-1843)- QA John Vassall A9471
Nicholson, James (c. 1708-1793) married Anne Davis (aft. 1716- by 1793)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Nicholson, James III (1749-by 1807) married Elizabeth Woodruff (by 1753-by 1807)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Nickerson, Asa (c. 1741- aft. 1788) married Johanna Rogers (1747- liv. 1817)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Nickerson, Ensign (c 1760-1807) married Tabitha Eldredge Ryder (1745- )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Nickerson, Joshua (1733-1821) married Esther Rider (1734/5-1819)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Nimmo, James (1755-1833) married Elizabeth Thoroughgood (1750-1808)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Nimmo, Johnson (c 1740- 1785) married Ann Woodhouse (c 1746- wp 1815)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Noble, George (1729-1760) married Elizabeth Beall (1729-1777)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Noble, George (c 1730-by 1800) married Mary Ann Alexander (c 1730-1793)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Northup, Daniel (1738-1811) married Anna Hampton (1759-1802)- QA William Hampton A3404
Nourse, James (1731-1784) married Sarah Fouace (c 1733- 1784)- QA Sir Anthony Cope A9667
Nunn, Carlton (c. 1750-wp 1823) married Pricilla Moore (c. 1750-)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Nunn, Carlton (c 1750-wp 1823) married Priscilla Moore /c/ (c 1750-bef 1823)- QA William Farrar A2604
Nunn, Carlton C. (1747- wp 1823) married Priscilla Moore (1751-)- QA william Farrar A2610
Odell, James ( ca 1726-on or bef 1763) married Martha Prather (1730-on or aft 1790)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Odell, John /c/ (bef 1740-by 1794) married Eleanor Hendrix (-aft 1809)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Odell, Thomas (1752-) married Elizabeth Garrett (-Aft. 1775)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Odell, Thomas (1752-1827) married Gracie Austin (1756-1835)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Ogilby, Richard (1747-wp 1795) married Judith Chastain Farrar (1756-by 1838 c)- QA William Farrar A2604
Oglesby, William (1727-1802) married Ann Perkins (1727-1797)- QA Jacob Ware A9713
Olcott, Timothy (1741-1832) married Elizabeth Chandler (1744/5-1827)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Orme, Moses Jr. (-wp 1782) married Priscilla Taylor (1739/40-1821)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Orme, Moses Jr. (1730-bef 1782) married Verlinda Taylor (1735-1759)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Osborn, John ( - wp 1806) married Elizabeth Claypool ( - bef. 1806)- QA William Angell A9721
Osborne, Benjamin (-1824) married Mary Walthall (1766-)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Osborne, Francis (-wp 1793) married Mary (-bef 1791)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Osborne, Stephen (1735-1820) married Comfort Langham (c 1744- 1824)- QA Sir William Browne A9515
Osborne, Thomas ( - wp 1787) married Elizabeth Hendricks ( -)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Ousley, Newdigate (c 1738- wp 1797) married Mary Ann Davis ()- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Ousley, Welden (1750- aft. 1812) married Sarah (c 1758- aft. 1805)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Outland, Josiah (1750-1830) married Milicent Peele (1755-1817)- QA Thomas Taberer A7805
Outland, Josiah (c 1746-1830) married Milicent Peele (1755-1817)- QA Robert Pitt A6208
Outland, William (-) married Ann Scott (1748-1788)- QA James Tooke
Owsley, John (1737-1764) married Ann Stephens (1735-1810)- QA Thomas Owsley A5811
Owsley, Newdigate (c 1738-bef 1797) married Mary Ann (-aft 1797)- QA Thomas Owsley A5811
Owsley, Newdigate (1738-wp1797) married Mary Ann (- aft. 1797)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Owsley, Thomas III (1731/2-wp 1797) married Mary Middleton (c 1730-1808)- QA Thomas Owsley A5811
Owsley, Thomas IV (1752-1825) married Dinah (1762- by 1830)- QA Thomas Owsley/Ousley A5811
Pace, Barnabus (c 1747-wp 1831) married Agnes Aycock (c 1757-1821)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Drury (1745-wp 1801) married Mary Bussey (on or aft 1811-)- QA Richard Pace I A5812
Pace, James (1726-wp 1816) married (1726-)- QA Isabella Smith Pace A9497
Pace, James Sr (1750/1755-) married (-)- QA Isabella Smith Pace A9497
Pace, Newsome (1754-1845) married Mary Nunn (1766-1853)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Pace, Richard (1699- 1775) married Elizabeth Cain ( - 1775)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Richard IV (ca 1699-ca 1775) married Elizabeth Cain (ca 1700-ca 1779)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Silas (1726-1790) married Mary Newsome (-bef 1804)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Silas Sr (ca 1745-bef 1790) married Mary Newsome (ca 1750-1804)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Stephen (1747-1822) married Catherine Gatewood Buchanan (1748-1815)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, Thomas (c. 1750-wp1795) married Ceabelle (1763-1850)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Pace, William (c 1724-p 1798) married Mary Haynes (1761-1765-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Pace, William (-bef 1837) married Ruth Lambert (c 1750-bef 1830)- QA Isabella Smith Pace A9497
Page, Gov John (1744-1808) married Frances Burwell (1747-1784)- QA John Page A5902
Page, Maj Carter (1758-1825) married Mary "Polly" Cary (1766-1797)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Page, Major Carter (1758-1825) married Mary "Polly" Cary (1766-1797)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Page, Mann (c. 1742-1779) married Mary Mason Selden (1754-1787)- QA Warham St. Leger A7509
Paine, Ebenezer (1722-1795) married Thankful White (1728-1806)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Paine, Ichabod (1727-1812) married Hannah Buswell (1730-1804)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Paine, John (1749-ca 1798) married Anna Pike (1755-1831)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Paine, Jonathan (1711-1761) married Hannah Lombard (1718-1805)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Paine, Reuben ( - wp 1821) married Agnes Wade ( - )- QA Peter Montague A5601
Palmer, Amasa (1750-1828) married Judith Michaux Hendrick (1769-1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Pancoast, Adin (c 1740- 1822) married Abigail Boone (c 1749- 1808)- QA John Lyford A9524
Parker, Howell Sr. (1757-1796) married Elizabeth Loftin (1756-1831)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Parker, William ( - by 1797) married Elizabeth Winslow (1726-)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Parks, Benjamin (1746-1839) married Elizabeth Branch (ca 1759-bef 1839)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Parrish, Peter (wp 1822 c) married Sophia Thomas (c 1750-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Parsons, James (1733-wp 1797) married Martha Holloway (1739-1797)- QA Armiger Wade A8207
Patrick, John Fitz (c 1740- 1801) married Beheathland Brent (c 1742- 1812)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Payne, Archer (1748-1831) married Betsy Brooks (- bef. 1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Capt Robert (1738-1785) married Ann Burton (1742-1810)- QA William Farrar A2604
Payne, Col John (1713-1784) married Jean (Jane) Smith Chichester (-)- QA Frances Greville (West, Peirsey) Matthews A9517
Payne, Col William (1732/3-1822) married Mary Barrett (1739-1760's)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Francis (1743-1816) married Susannah Jett ( - 1820)- QA Anthony Hoskins A4102
Payne, George (1734-1807) married Agatha George (1738-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, George Jr (1707-wp 1784) married Judith Burton (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, John (1722-wp 1807) married Mildred Paine (1722-c1777)- QA Abraham Weeks A8509
Payne, Josias (1705-1785) married Anna Fleming (1705-1779)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Josias (1705-wp 1785) married Mary Ann Fleming (ca 1712-on or bef 1785)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Josias Sr (1705-wp 1785) married Anne (Anna) Fleming (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Philip (1760-1840) married Elizabeth Dandridge (1764-1833)- QA John West A8604
Payne, Robert (ca 1738-1791) married Ann Burton (ca 1742-)- QA William Farrar A2604
Payne, Robert Burton (-wp 1785) married Margaret Sydenham Morton (1756-1840)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Robert, Jr. (1738-wp 1791) married Anne Burton (1742-1819)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, Thomas (c 1750-wp 1819 c) married Salley Shelton (c 1770-1820 c)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Payne, William (1732-1822) married Mary Thompson (1737/8-1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, William (1732/3-1822) married MaryThompson (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne, William [Randolpph] Sr. (1732/3-1822) married Mary Thompson (1737-1790)- QA John Woodson A9103
Payne/Pain, Reuben ( - 1820) married ( - bef. 1819)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Peabody, Jacob (1739-1806) married Sarah Potter (1745-1828)- QA William Perkins A9459
Peachey, Samuel II (1732-wp 1784) married Catherine Webb (-bef 1792)- QA Henry Corbin A1814
Peak, Daniel (1745-wp 1834) married Mary Haldiman (-aft 1822)- QA Thomas Ousley/Owsley A5811
Pearce, Nathan (c 1725-by 1796) married Ann "Nancy" Westray (bef 1735-aft 1810)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Pearce, Nathan (c. 1725- by 1796) married Ann Westray (c. 1735-1815)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Pearce, Nathan (1725-1796) married Anne Westray (1735-1815)- QA Joseph Bridger A1108
Pease, James (1713 /c/-bef 1760) married Abigail Ford (1719-1796)- QA John Vassall A9471
Peden, James (c 1742-by 1799 c) married Patience Edwards (c 1742-aft 1810)- QA William Edwards A2404.
Pellet, William (1742-) married Mary Bradford (1744-1829)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Pelton, Robert (1727-1789) married Hannah Young (1731- )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Pendleton, Henry (1723-1818) married Martha Curtis (1730-1780)- QA Thomas Curtis A2101
Pendleton, James (-wp 1793) married Catherine Bowie (1747-)- QA John Catlett A1414
Pepper, John (c 1755-w 1816) married Elizabeth Oldham (c 1756-liv 1850)- QA Thomas Gascoigne A3001
Perrin, George (- aft. 1797) married Catherine Clopton (c. 1744-)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Perrin, Josephus (c. 1740- wp1793) married Cassandra Clopton (c.1741-1822)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Perrin, William (1730-1787) married Mary Clopton (1737-1785)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Perrott / Parrott, Curtis Jr (1718-1793) married Ann [Dashpar] (-)- QA Richard Perrott / Parrott Sr A6102
Perrott/Parrott, Curtis Jr. (1718- wp 1794) married Ann ()- QA Richard Perrott/Parrot A6102
Peter Montague (ca. 1732-1820) married Elizabeth Henderson (. - ca. 1824)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Peterson, John ( - 1769) married Martha ()- QA Henry Batte A605
Pettingill, Benjamin (1751-1814) married Mary "Molly" Howard (1755-1807)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Pettus, Col William (1729-wp 1798) married Susannah Graves (-)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Pettus, John (1736-1799) married Susanna /c/ Winston (-aft 1810)- QA Thomas Pettus A6106
Pettus, John (1736-wp 1799) married Susannah (1736-1821)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Pettus, John (c 1754-wp 1822 c) married ()- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Pettus, Stephen (c. 1721-1771) married Anne Dillard (- aft. 1774)- QA Thomas Pettus A6106
Peyton, John Rowzee (1754-1798) married Anne Hooe (1753/4-1834)- QA Rice Hoe / Hooe A4007
Phillips, Joseph (1738-1803) married Dorcas Vickery (1743- 1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Phillips, William (1731- c 1807) married Elizabeth Eggleston ( -)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Phillips, William (1731-c 1807) married Elizabeth Eggleston (-)- QA John More A9512
Phinney, Isaac (1733-1820) married Elizabeth Kinney (1733-1776)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Pierpoint, Francis (1712-1780) married Sarah Richardson (1719-)- QA John Chew A1606
Pinkard, John (c 1740-aft 1782) married Jane Jett (c 1745-1810)- QA John Pinkard A6205
Pinson, Marmaduke (c 1756-wp 1720) married Editha Osborne (c 1755-c 1820)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Pleasants, Archibald (1746/7-1836) married Jane Woodson (1752-1821)- QA John Woodson A9103
Pleasants, James (1738-1824) married Ann Randolph ( -)- QA William Randolph A6512
Pleasants, John (bef 1732-on or bef 1790) married Sarah Cox (-)- QA William Cox / Coxe A1909
Pleasants, Joseph (-by 1766 c) married Mary Aiken (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Pleasants, Tarleton (ca 1765/1766-on or aft 1835) married Ann Quarles (-bef 1816)- QA William Cox / Coxe A1909
Plummer, Abraham (1736-wp 1810) married Sarah Ward (ca 1744-on or bef 1802)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Plummer, Jeremiah (1740-wp 1809) married Nancy Banfield (1745-1840)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Plummer, Samuel (1691-1769) married Sarah Miles (1705-1788)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Poindexter, John (ca 1703-1753) married Christian Gissage (ca 1702-wp 1779)- QA David Crawford A1914
Poindexter, Joseph (1736-1826) married Elizabeth Jane Kennerly (1747/8-1828)- QA David Crawford A1914
Poindexter, Thomas III (c 1733-wp 1807) married Elizabeth Pledge (c 1740-aft 1809)- QA David Crawford A1914
Pointer, Samuel (1752- wp 1799) married Elizabeth Ligon (1751-1799)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Pointer, Samuel Sr. (1752-wp 1799 c) married Elizabeth Lligon (by 1751-by 1799)- QA Henry Batt A605
Pollard, Benjamin (1751?-) married Mary Todd Winston (1771-1824)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Pond, John Hawkins (1755-1832 c) married Eleanor Clifton Calthorpe (1764-1807)- QA Christopher Caulthropp A1502
Pope, Henry Augustine (1760-1807) married Mary Davis (" -c. 1843)- QA John English A9426
Pope, Jesse (c 1739- liv. 1818) married Mary Fort (c 1730- liv 1786)- QA John English A9426
Pope, John (c 1722-1799) married Mrs. Elizabeth Jeffreys Boddie (c 1716-liv 1793)- QA John English A9426
Pope, Lewis (1747-wp1805) married Jemima Jones (1748-1814)- QA Edward Bennett A712
Pope, Solomon (1741-1794) married Susannah Dawkins (1749-1794)- QA John English A9426
Pope, William (1754-1796) married Mary Paxton (-)- QA John English A9426
Porter, Amos (1742-liv 1805) married Ann Bradstreet (bapt 1745- )- QA William Perkins A9459
Porter, Benjamin (-) married Bathsheba King (1765-1789)- QA William Denson A2204
Porter, John (-) married Elizabeth "Betty" Denson (-)- QA William Denson A2204
Porter, Joseph (1755- wp 1819) married Rose Taliaferro ()- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Porterfield, Robert (1752-1843) married Rebecca Farrar (1764-1798)- QA William Farrar A2604
Powell, John Peyton (1760-1844) married Tabitha Harris (1757-1806)- QA Francis Epes, I A2502
Powell, Thomas (- bef. 1797) married Elizabeth Digges (1752-liv. 1797)- QA Dudley Diggs A9500
Powers, Asa (1743-1816) married Rezinah Wheeler (1739-1821)- QA John Vassall A9471
Poythress, Peter (- wp1786) married Elizabeth Bland (c. 1732-)- QA John Bland A903
Prather, Basil (Bazil) Pitts (1745- wd 1832) married Priscilla (c 1747-aft 1832)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Prather, Henry (1732-1775) married Elizabeth Hicks (1736-1805)- QA William Lovelace, II A5005
Prather, James (1736/7- 1818) married Ruth Crownover (- by 1769)- QA William Lovelace, II A5005
Prather, Thomas (1751-1786) married Mary Ann Phillips (1760-1787)- QA Thomas Adams A9510
Prather, Thomas (1751-1786) married Mary Phillips (1760-1787)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Prather, Thomas /c/ (1751-wp 1786) married Mary Phillips (1760-1787)- QA William Lovelace II A5005
Pratt, John (1748-1814) married Betty Merrick (1756-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Pretlow, Joseph (- bef. 1797) married Anne Scott (c. 1773- 1840)- QA Thomas Jordan A9519
Price, Charles (1756-1790) married Elizabeth Fowlkes ( - aft. 1823)- QA John Price A6408
Price, Charles I (1756-wd 1790) married Elizabeth Fowlkes (1764-1823)- QA John Price A6408
Price, Daniel (c 1717-180) married Mary (-)- QA John Price A6408
Price, Samuel (1741- wp1782) married Elizabeth Puryear (1741- wp1786)- QA John Price A6408
Price, William (1725-wp 1807) married Mary Morton (1733-1810)- QA John Price A6408
Price, William ( - wp 1793) married Mary Williamson ()- QA John Price A6408
Price, William (1756-1816) married Sarah Baldwin (-)- QA John Price A6408
Price, William (1730- wp 1815) married Susannah Burton (1738- aft. 1815)- QA John Price A6408
Price, William Sr (-wp 1793) married Mary Williamson (-1743)- QA John Price A6408
Pridgen, David (c 1745-wp1813) married Mary Manning (c. 1755- aft. 1799)- QA Thomas Willoughby A8905
Pridgen, Thomas (c 1740- aft 1816) married Martha Ruffin ( - aft. 1796)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Primm, William (1740-1820) married (unknown) Jones (c. 1741- bef. 1810)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Prince, Hubbard (1740-1778) married Elizabeth “Betsy” Kincheloe (1750-1830)- QA David Whitley/Wyecliffe A9728
Prince, Kimball (1726-1814) married Deborah Fuller (1729-1826)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Prior, Joshua (1709-1784) married Mary Burnham (1714-1789)- QA William Tracy A8010
Pryor, John ( - wp 1783) married Mary Dennis ( -)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Pugh, William Scott (c 1745-1808) married Winifred Hill (-bef 1808)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Pullen, John (c 1739-wp 1809) married Ann (c 1740-by 1814)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Pullen, Moses (-wp 1790) married Lydia (-ca 1803)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Pullen, Thomas (-wp 1811) married Peggy Adams (-1809)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Pullen, Thomas /c/ (-wp 1811) married (1737-1809)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Pullen, William Sr (1757-1845) married Mary Haynes (1767-1851)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Pulliam, George (1747-wp 1786) married Frances Price (1758-1804)- QA John Price A6408
Purcell, William Nelson (c 1752-1792) married Martha Stubbs /c/ (1756-1792)- QA William Strachey A7705
Purple, Josiah (1750-1836) married Martha Cook (1755-1829)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Purple, Josiah (1750-1836) married Martha Cooke (1755-1829)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Putnam, Asa (c 1742-1795) married Anna Collins (1745/6-1807)- QA John Vassall A9471
Pyland, Obediah (c 1743- wp 1815) married Sally Harriss (bef 1771- 1795)- QA James Pyland A6505
Pyle, William (1755-wp1815) married Lucinda Gran Keyes (c. 1760-1810)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Quincy, Edmund (1725-1782) married Hannah Gannett (1751-aft. 1826)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Quincy, Edmund IV (1703-1788) married Elizabeth Wendell (on or bef 1704-1769)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Quincy, Edmund V (1725/6-1782) married Hannah Gannett (1751-on or aft 1826)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Quincy, Jacob (1734-1773) married Elizabeth Pope Williams (bap. 1742-1831)- QA Daniel Gookin A3104
Railey, Isham Randolph (1758-1814) married Susanna Woodson (1761-1818)- QA John Woodson A9103
Railey, James (1762-ca 1795) married Nancy Watkins (-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Railey, John (1721- 1783) married Elizabeth Randolph (1727-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Rakestraw, John (1761-on or aft 1794) married Rhoda Lane (1763-1853)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Ramdell, Timothy (bapt 1720-1764) married Elizabeth Wheeler (c 1730-p 1768)- QA William Perkins A9459
Randall, Aquila (1723-1801) married Margaret Brown (1723-1805)- QA John Chew A1606
Randolph, Richard (c 1715-1786) married Anne Meade (1731-1814)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Richard I (1732-1786) married Anne Meade (-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Randolph, Richard II (c 1715-1786) married Ann Randolph (1764-1820)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Richard II (1732-1786) married Anne Meade (-)- QA William Randolph A6512
Randolph, Thomas (-) married Jane Cary (1751-1774)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Thomas (1760-1811) married Mary Skipwith (-)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Thomas Isham (1728-) married Jane Cary (1751-)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Randolph, Thomas Mann (1741-1793) married Ann Cary (1744/5-by 1789)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Randolph, Thomas Mann (1741-1793) married Anne Cary (1745-1789)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Ransdell, John (1752-wp 1800) married Elizabeth Chinn (1754-1833)- QA Peter Presley A6404
Ransdell, Wharton (1720-wp 1786) married Margaret Barrow (-ca 1783)- QA Peter Presley A6404
Ransom, James (1725- bef. 1777) married Amy Davis ( - 1799)- QA John Moone A5602
Ransom, Richard (c 1752- 1827) married Kiziah Portiss (c 1763- 1841)- QA John Moone A5602
Ransom, Robert (bapt 1729-1785) married Hannah Burgess (1726-1785)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ransone, Flamstead (1735-wp 1796) married Elizabeth Pleasants (-1810)- QA Peter Ransom A6513
rapo, Consider/Consida/Concider (1736-aft 1815) married Mercy/Marcy West (1739-)- QA JohnVassall A9471
Rathbone, Daniel (1731-1823) married Sarah Higbee (1739-1835)- QA Sir William Browne A9515
Rawlings / Rawlins, Vincent (ca 1740-1799 - 1801) married Elizabeth "Betsey" Baptist (ca 1749-ca 1798)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Rawlings, Henry (c 1742- bef. 1807) married Anne (c 1745- aft. 1783)- QA James Knott A4609
Rawlings, William (1719-wp 1787) married Naomine (c. 1721- bef.1800)- QA James Knott A4609
Rawlins, Vincent (ca 1740-ca 1799) married Elizabeth Baptist (ca 1760-aft 1799)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Read, William (ca 1762-1815-1816) married Rebecca [Holt] (ca 1770-on or brf 1851)- QA Randall Holt A4003
Reade, Jones (- by 1829) married ( ) (( ))- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Reamy, Joshua ( - wp 1821) married Anne Wroe ( - )- QA Christopher Neale A5703
Reaves, George (c 1726-by 1815 c) married Martha "Patty" Eppes (c 1741-aft 1830)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Redd, John (1756-1840) married Mary Truman (1768-1834)- QA John Woodson A9103
Redford, John (- wp1804) married Ursula Woodson (c. 1760-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Redford, Wiliam (1752-1832) married Susanna Shelburne (1766-1840)- QA Joseph Royall
Respess, Richard (1718-1784) married Frances Wilkins (1719-)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Respess, Richard (1749-1840) married Pheriby Dawson (ca 1769-1828)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Respess, Richard II (1749-1839) married Pheriby Dawson (1769-1828)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Respess, Richard Jr (1749-1839) married Pheriby Dawson (ca 1769-1828)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Reynolds, John (1765-) married Rachel Hinckley (1776-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Reynolds, Richard (c 1732-1786) married Sarah Ann Doggett (-liv 1786)- QA Benjamin Doggett A9698
Reynolds, Thomas (1718/9-wp 1795 c) married Betty Turner (1726-wp 1816 c)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rhodes, David (1731-1793) married Mary Mills (1740-1781)- QA David Crawford A1914
Rhodes, Henry Jr. ( - wp 1781) married Elizabeth Woodhouse ( - 1792 )- QA Henry Woodhouse, I A9008
Rice, Ebenezer (1756-1831) married Ruth Henrietta Eveleth (1758-aft 1831)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rice, Elijah (1721/2-1818) married Huldah Keyes (1727-1799)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rice, Samuel (1744-1813) married Agnes Mosby (1748-1774)- QA John Woodson A9103
Rice, Zebulon (1725-1799) married Susanna Allen (c 1731/2-1823)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rice, Zebulon (1725-1799) married Susannah Allen (1731/2-1823)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rich, Ebenezer (1729/30-1768) married Ruth Paine (1736-1810)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rich, John (1736-bef 1810) married Mary Bailey (c 1737-1827)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rich, Richard (1740-1813) married Betsy Smith (1743-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Richard Taylor (1753-ca. 1826) married Lucy Byne (ca. 1753-)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Richardson, Charles II (aft 1699 c-wp 1794) married Mary Ann Broughton /c/ (-)- QA Richard Smith A7307
Richardson, Isham (1728- wp 1789) married Mary (1732-1783)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Richardson, John (ca 1728-ca 1781) married Comfort (-)- QA Richard Smith A7307
Richardson, John (1756-1822) married Rebeckah Davis (1760-1829)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Richardson, John (c1725-1766) married Sarah (-aft 1778)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Richardson, John "Blackhead" (1756-1822) married Rebeckah Davis (1760-1829)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Richardson, Richard Jr. (1742-1802) married Mary Pierpoint (1738- c 1806)- QA John Chew A1706
Richardson, Robert (ca 1705/6-1788) married Mary (-)- QA Richard Smith A7307
Richardson, Robert (ca 1753-ca 1803) married Mary Broughton (1760-ca 1803)- QA Richard Smith A7307
Richardson, Samuel (1741-1794) married Susannah Hales (c 1748-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Richardson, William (1735-1814) married Amy Applewhite (1732-1763)- QA Henry Applewhite/Applewhaite A205
Richbourg, Claudis (1715- bef 1788) married Unity Fox (c 1724- aft 1788)- QA John West A8604
Richbourg, John Sr. (1747-1838) married Mary Long (c 1755-c 1775)- QA John West A8604
Richbourg, William (Bef. 1755-1811/13) married Elizabeth Gibson (By 1790- liv. 1808)- QA John West A8604
Richebourg, John (1747-1838) married Mary Long (c 1755-c 1775)- QA John West A8604
Ricks, James (c 1730-1792) married Mary Crudup (-bef 1770)- QA John Johnson A4306
Ricks, Nicholas Sr. (1711-1800) married Frances Wood (1720-1800)- QA Richard Reekes/Ricks A9748
Rider, Ebenezer (1746-1784) married Ann Berthia Young (1746-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rider, Ebenezer (1746-1784) married Ann Bethiah Young (1746-1782)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ridgely, John (1740-1818) married Anne Griffith (-bef 1840)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Riggan, John (c 1725-) married Ann Bell ( -)- QA Thomas Lucas/Lucar A5007
Riggan, John (c 1725-) married Ann Bell ()- QA William Thompson A9704
Riggins, Isaac (1765-1828) married Ellen Lawson (c. 1775-)- QA William Taylor A9741
Ring, Eleazer (1749-1814) married Abigail Joslyn (1755- c 1787)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Ring, Eleazer (1749-1814) married Damaris Johnson (ca 1771-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rivers, Robert (1760-wp 1828) married Nancy Anne Eldridge (1771-1843)- QA Richard Kennon A4602
Rives, Robert (1748-1809 c) married Martha Peterson Hardaway (1754-1818 c)- QA Henry Soane A7403
Rives, Timothy (ca 1748-1821) married Priscilla Turner (-1817)- QA Col Henry Browne A1202
Robards, William ( - 1783) married Elizabeth Lewis ( - )- QA John Woodson A9103
Robbins, John (1712-1781) married Martha White (1717-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Robert Ligon (c. 1750-a. 1806) married Edith Watkins (c. 1765- liv 1820)- QA Thomas Ligon/Lyggon A4903
Roberts, Olive (c. 1745-1804) married Sarah Woodson (C 1747- 1846)- QA John woodson A9103
Robertson, Drury (c 1728-1797 c) married Winifred Malone (c 1729-1775 c)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Robertson, James (1751- 1828) married Ann Archer (1748-1820)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Robertson, James (ca 1720-wp 1758) married Mary Eppes Royall (ca 1725-wp 1805)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Robertson, John (1755-1826) married Elizabeth Branch Worsham (c 1756-)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Robertson, John Sr. (1742-1798 c) married (Mary) Ann Walthall (1744-wp 1805)- QA Thomas Ligon A4903
Robertson, Nathaniel (c. 1745-1799) married Elizabeth Marriott (c. 1752-1790)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Robins, Arthur III (-wp 1792) married (-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Robins, Arthur (c 1740-wp 1792) married (-bef 1783)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Robins, Arthur (c 1705-wp 1792) married Mary (-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Robins, Arthur III (c 1740-wp 1792) married (-by 1783)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Robins, John Purnell (1748/9-wp 1780) married Anna Spence (-1791 c)- QA Obedience Robins A6708
Robins, Thomas (1745/6-1808) married Frances Stubbs (1745-1800)- QA John Robins A6706
Robins, Thomas (1759- by1790) married Lettice Dunton ()- QA Edmund Scarburgh, I A6909
Robins, William (1749-1798) married Dorothy Boswell (c 1750-c 1790)- QA John Robins A6706
Robins, William (1715-wp 1786) married Elizabeth Coleman (1721-on or bef 1782)- QA John Robins A6706
Robinson, Henry (Harry) (c 1740-by 1771) married Elizabeth /c/ Pierce (bet 1745-50-aft 1802)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Robinson, John (c 1745-1820) married Jane Downs (1751-1824)- QA John Chew A1606
Robinson, John (1738-1798) married Lucy Smith (1734- 1823)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Robinson, John (1744-1787) married Susanna Clements (1748-1807)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Robinson, John (1744-1787) married Sussanna Clements (1747/8-1807)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Robinson, William (1709- wp 1792) married Agatha Beverley (1716- 1763)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Robinson, William (1709-1792) married Agnes Smith (bef 1726-aft 1792)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Rodes, Charles (c 1730-1805) married Amy (c 1730-liv. 1805)- QA David Crawford A1914
Rogers, Benjamin (1738-1824) married Temperance Phinney (1738-1824)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rogers, David (1751-) married Jerusha Eldridge (-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rogers, Joshua (1749-1823) married Mercy (Marcy) Higgins (1752-1842)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Rootes, John (1740-1798) married Sarah Reade (c 1746-1811)- QA George Reade A6606
Rootes, Thomas Reade (-bef 1766) married Martha Jacqueline Smith /c/ (1740-)- QA George Reade A6606
Rose, Hugh (1743-1794) married Caroline Jordan (1747- wp1809)- QA William Fitzhugh A2703
Rose, John (1719/20-1788) married Keziah Haskell (1730-1815)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rose, Nathan (Bap. 1744- wp 1789) married Sarah Haskell (1747-1805)- QA John Vassall A9471
Rose, Nathan (1744-1789 /c/) married Sarah Haskell (1747-1805)- QA John Vassell A9471
Ross, Williamson (1759-1840) married Elizabeth Odom (c 1765-1850)- QA John Woodson A9103
Roten, James (c. 1755- 1824) married ( ) (( ))- QA Ezekiah Wroughten/Raughton A9529
Roy, Beverley (1750-1820) married Janet Dickie (1767-1817)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Royall, Capt William (1754-1821) married Elizabeth Flippin Bedford (1772-1802)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Royall, John (1729-wp 1810) married Mary (c 1730-aft 1811)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Royall, William (1754-1821) married Elizabeth Bradford (1772-1802)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Royall, William (-wp 1811) married Sarah (-1808)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Royall, William (1741-48-wp 1811) married Sarah (-)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
royston, John Cary (1750-bef 1827) married Mary Anne Renwick (1773-1801)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Rozar, Shadrack (1730-c. 1795) married Pembrock Powers (c. 1730-1800)- QA John Rosier A9528
Rozier, Reuben Sr. (c 1742-c 1820) married Mary Lee (c 1743-c 1815)- QA John Rozier A9528
Rucks, Josiah (1757-1836) married Elizabeth Taylor (1769-1856)- QA George Reade A6606
Rudd, Thomas (ca 1745-wp 1792) married Ann Cheatham (1749-1818)- QA Thomas Osborne A5809
Ruffin, William (c. 1708-wp1781) married ( ) (( ))- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Rundle, Reuben Sr. (1735-1815) married Amy Hobby (1737-1829)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Rush, John (1764-1828) married Margaret / Peggy Maupin (1763-1821)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Rust, John (c. 1738-1819) married Sarah Cox (1740/5- bef. 1800)- QA William Presley A6405
Ryder, Josiah (1740-1813) married Huldah Gross ( - 1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sallard, Charles (1719-wp1794) married Ann Spencer (c. 1735-bef. 1800)- QA John Pinkard A6205
Samson, Simeon (1736-1789) married Deborah Cushing (1740-1830)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Samson, Southworth (1735-1802) married Jedida Paine (1734-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sanborn, Mark (1750-1821) married Esther Cleveland (1754-1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sanders, Joel (1745-wp 1814) married Mary Elmore (1742-1828)- QA Robert Ellyson A2410
Sanders, Thomas (aft. 1730- wp 1789) married Dicey ()- QA William Spencer A7505
Sanford, Daniel (c. 1744- wp1824) married Rebecca Brewer (c. 1743- bef. 1800)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Savage, James (c 1755- wp 1822) married Bathsheba Rich (1764- Aft. 1822)- QA John Vassall A9471
Savage, John V (1749-by 1792) married Margaret Waters (Longe) (-1813)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Savage, Nathaniel (1725-1787) married Anne Reynolds (1740-1807)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Scarburgh, Americus II (1750-1818) married Rachel Watson (1765-1840)- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarbugh I A6909
Scott, Cornelius (1750-by 1810) married Winifred Basye (1762-liv 1850)- QA Thomas Gascoigne A3001
Scott, Cornelius (c 1750-by 1810) married Winifred Basye /c/ (c 1750-)- QA Thomas Gaskins A3001
Seabury, David I (1738-1781) married Elizabeth Chester/Gorton (1743-1814)- QA William Collier A9520
Sears, Alden (1738/9-1803) married Phebe Walker (c1739-1830)- QA William Collier A9520
Sears, Richard (c 1748-c 1814) married Mary Lee (bapt 1748-1792)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Seaton, Francis (1756-1820) married Rebecca Gregg (1759-1822)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Seaton, George (1738-1791) married Elizabeth Watson ( - bef. 1765)- QA William Bernard A807
Seaver, Joseph (1752-1832) married Esther Lamb (1752-1832)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sedgwick, Samuel (1725-1794) married Deborah Higgins (1725-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Selden, Wilson Cary (1723-1792) married Elizabeth Jennings (1725-1807)- QA Mylles (Miles) Cary A1409
Seward, Enos (bapt 1735-wp 1820) married Sarah Goss (1745-1821)- QA John Vassall A9471
Sewell, John Jr. (1725-1805) married Mary Marriott (-1800)- QA John Gaither A2913
Sharp, Robert (bef 17410- wp 1809) married Susannah (-liv 1752)- QA William Sharp A7010
Sharp, William (c 1730-bef 1785) married Unknown ()- QA William Sharp A7010
Shattuck, Robert (1721- 1802) married Ruhama Cooke (1721- c 1766)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sheild, Robert (1750- 1781) married Mary ()- QA Thomas Cheesman A1605
Sheild, Robert (1749/50-1781) married Mary [Ferguson] (1748-aby 1810)- QA George Reade A6606
Shelton, Abraham (1737-wp 1789) married Chloe Robertson (c. 1740-wp 1804)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Shelton, Crispin (1713- wp 1794) married Lettice Paine/Payne (1716- aft 1794)- QA Matthew Lidford A9507
Shelton, John (ca 1744-1828) married Mary Payne (ca 1750-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Shelton, John Sr (1758-wp 1853) married Nancy (Ann) Poindexter (1764-1824)- QA David Crawford A1914
Shelton, Spencer (1743-) married Clary Shelton (-)- QA Matthew Llidford A9507
Sheppard, Joseph (-will 1780) married Mary Mosby (1746-1791)- QA John Woodson A9103
Sherwin, Samuel (1733-wp 1789) married Elizabeth Randolph (c 1740-c 1776)- QA Francis Eppes I A2502
Shield, Peter (c 1742-bef 1804) married Nancy (c 1750-1830 c)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Short, John (1756-1836) married Mary Hansford (1756-on or bef 1821)- QA Edward Folliott A9513
Short, John II (1718- wp 1764) married Theodosia Mathews (1722- wp 1804)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Shrewsbury, Nathaniel (1739-1825) married Mary Taylor (c 1740-bef 1792)- QA David Crawford A1914
Shrewsbury, Samuel (1736-1782 c) married Elizabeth Dabney (-1830 c)- QA David Crawford A1914
Simkins, William Jr (-wp 1797) married Margaret "Peggy" Dunton (1752-43-aft 1797)- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarbugh I A6909
Simmons, Charles (1722- by 1770) married Eleanor Butts (1722-1756)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Simmons, Spratley (1759-) married Anna Drewry (-)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Simpson, Aaron (1759-wp 1833) married Charlotte Wiseheart (1763-1846)- QA William Presley A6405
Simpson, Richard Jr. (Bapt 1716- wp 1799) married Sophia Warfield (Bapt. 1727- bef. 1801)- QA John Gaither A2913
Simpson, William (1757-1820) married Jean (or Jane) Wiseheart (ca 1755-1762-1821)- QA William Presley I A6405
Sims, Joel (1738-wp 1802) married Christian L (1740-1810-1817)- QA Reynold Henley A9438
Sims, William (1715-on or bef 1779) married Susannah Bullock (1720-on or bef 1777)- QA Reynold Henley A9438
Sims, Zachariah (-) married Elizabeth Graves (1752-)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Slaughter, Capt Phillip (1758-1849) married Margaret French Strother (-1802)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Slaughter, Col James (ca 1732-1799) married Susan Clayton (1735-aft 1819)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Slaughter, Francis (1730-1805) married Sarah Coleman ( - by 1793)- QA John Lightfoot A4902
Slaughter, James (1751-wp 1834 c) married Elizabeth Hampton (-1811 c)- QA William Hampton A3404
Slaughter, James (1732- 1799) married Susanna Clayton (1740- 1818)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Small, Job (1734-1800 c) married Mercy Wescott (c 1739-1835)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Small, John (1704-1795) married Hannah Barnaby (1709-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smalley, Francis (bapt 1744-1818) married Sarah Hutchinson (c 1748-1780)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Archelaus (1734-1821) married Elizabeth Nickerson (1735-1828)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Benjamin (1749-1814) married Elizabeth Sparrow (1752-1826)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Benjamin (1724-1796) married Ruth Snow (1725-aft 1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Ephraim (1742-1839) married Abigail Higgins (-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Francis (1705-1775) married Elizabeth Waddy (1716-1799)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Smith, Francis (ca 1749-wp 1814) married Lucy Wilkinson (-wp 1822)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Smith, Isaac II (1734-1813) married Elizabeth Custis Teakle (1742-1822)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Smith, John (ca 1730-1761) married Beverley Chew (-1803)- QA John Chew A1606
Smith, John II ( - 1779) married Susannah Custis ( - aft. 1779)- QA Tully Robinson A6710
Smith, John III ( - wd 1779) married Susannah Custis ( - aft 1779)- QA Anthony West A9499
Smith, John Jr (1722-1779) married Susanna Custis (1728-1785)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Smith, John Jr. (c 1737-wp 1824) married Sarah Parker (c 1784-1820)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Smith, John R (-1801) married Molly/Mary Bacon (1766-1858)- QA John Vassall A9471
Smith, John Sr. (c 1737- wp 1824) married Sarah Parker (1784- 1820)- QA Randall Revell A6607
Smith, Joseph (a 1757-wd 7 May 1834) married Patience Elam (1763-1830 - 1834)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Smith, Joshua (1744/5-1793 c) married Freelove Kibbe (1749-1840)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Josiah (ca 1729-wp 1818) married Elizabeth Collier (ca 1728-ca 1766)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Smith, Larkin (ca 1757-1813) married Mary Eleanor Hill (ca 1765-1797)- QA John Chew A1606
Smith, Nathaniel (-on or bef 1776) married Mercy Walker (1704-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Obed Edom (1755-1842) married Abigail Paine (1754-1842)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Richard (ca 1688-wp 1760) married Agnes Cocke (aft 1696-wp 1779)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Smith, Robert (c 1733-1777) married Mary Calthorpe (1733-bef 1777)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Smith, Solomon, Jr. (1741-1829) married Deborah Kibbee (-1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Stephen (1706-1766) married Bathsheba Brown (1710-1766)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Stephen (1726-1807) married Mehitable Eldridge (Eldred) (1729-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Thomas (1744-1833) married Hannah Shurtleff (1739-40-1821)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, Thomas (ca 1760-1831) married Mary "Molly" Fuqua (ca 1769-ca 1832)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Smith, Thomas (1738-1821) married Mary Green€ (1736-1810)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Smith, William (1755-1833) married Catherine Bibb (1758-1796)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Smith, William (aft 1724-1802) married Margaret Whitel(e)y (bef 1745-on or aft 1802)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Smith, William (1734- wp 1822) married Mary Rodes ( - 1828)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Smith. Amos (1747-1807) married Christina Phelps (1762-1854)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snead, John (1715/6-1780) married Scarburgh Harding (-aft 1780)- QA Anthony West A9499
Snead, Samuel (c 1750-wp 1828 /c/) married Martha (Patsy) Clay (c 1750-1786 /c/)- QA John clay A1706
Snow, Aaron (1707/8-bef 1758) married Sarah Gross (1713-aft 1760)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Anthony (1744/5-1816) married Tamsin Hardong (1750-1816)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Ebenezer (ca 1758-1835) married Sarah (Sally) Wicker / Whicker (1761-aft 1850)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Edmund (c 1738- 1796) married Rhoda Williams (c 1740-1813)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Edward (1729- c 1783) married Martha (Harding) Brown (1726-1765)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Ephraim (1745-) married Martha Rogers (1757-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Heman (1738-wp 1820) married Jedidiah Smith (1743-1812 c)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, James (1727-wp 1787) married Deliverance Davenport (1731-1819)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Jesse (1709-1772) married Lois Freeman (1726-1790)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, John (c. 1763- 1841) married Elizabeth (c. 1764-1828)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, John (bap. 1734-c 1777) married Hannah Larrabee/Letherbay (1735-1818)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Joseph (1740-1793) married Priscilla Berry (1738-1808)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Joshua (1729-) married Ruth Bolles (1731/2-1800)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Mark (1731-1799) married Hannah Sears (-c 1768)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Nicholas (1742-1821) married Huldah Watkins (1743-1821)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Osborn (1741-1806) married Sarah Smith (c 1751-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, Seth (1720-1760) married Desire (1720-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, William (c 1720-1783 c) married Hannah Hawkins (-1751)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, William (c 1720-1783 c) married Martha (aft 1751-by 1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snow, William (ca 1720-ca 1783) married Martha (1751-1753-on or bef 1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Snowden, Richard (ca 1755-on or bef 1788) married Hannah Moore Hopkins (1758-on or aft 1788)- QA John Chew A1606
Snowden, Samuel (1728/9-1801) married Elizabeth Thomas (1732/3-1790)- QA John Chew A1606
Snowden, Samuel S (1728/9-1801) married Elizabeth Thomas (1732/3-1790)- QA John Chew A1606
Soule, Joshua (1742-1808) married Mary Cushman (1744-1818)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Southerland, Fendall (BY 1718-WP 1789) married ()- QA John Chiles A9742
Southwick, Jesse (bap 1739-1782) married Copia White (1744-1820)- QA John Vassall A9471
Southworth, Andrew (1709-) married Temperance Kirtland (1710-1794)- QA William Collier A9520
Southworth, Nathan (1735-1811) married Hannah Wheeler (1740-1805)- QA William Collier A9520
Southworth, William (1760-on or bef 1828) married Rhoda Blakesley (1763-1803)- QA William Collier A9520
Spady, Southy (1756-1844) married Ann Trower (c. 1770-1824)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Spain, Francis (1729-1821) married Eleanor Truly (1730-1795)- QA David Crawford A1914
Spann, Richard (1729-1744) married Sara Stewart (1731-1787)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Spann, Richard (c 1729-by 1781) married Sarah Stuart (c 1731-by 1787)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Sparrow, Thomas (1751-1823 c) married Rhesa Delamar (c 1757-bef 1816)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Sparrow, Thomas (c 1751-wp 1823) married Rhesa Delamare (c 1757-bef 1816)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Speake, Robert (ca 1740-ca 1810) married Lucretia Mason (ca 1740-wp 1816)- QA Adam Thorowgood / Thoroughgood A7910
Spencer, John (c. 1732- wp 1789) married Rosanna Graves (c, 1734- aft. 1789)- QA William Woodward A9718
Spencer, Samuel Flournoy (1755-1838) married Agnes Morton (-bef 1799)- QA John Woodson A9103
Spier, John (-wp 1790) married Christian Benton (-aft 1793)- QA John Spier A7507
Spier, William (c 1740-aft 1799) married Ann Pitman (c 1744-bef 1799)- QA John Spier A7507
Spooner, Bigford (1743-1819) married Mary Babbit (1748-by 1778)- QA John Vassall A9471
Spotswood, John (1724-1758) married Mary Dandridge (-1795)- QA John West I A8604
Sprigg, John Clark (c. 1757-wp1781) married Elizabeth Brookes (c. 1756-aft. 1809)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Stallard, Walter (ca 1750-1827) married Judith Basye (1762-1825)- QA Thomas Gascoigne / Gaskins A3001
Stanard, Beverley (1722-bef 1765) married Elizabeth Beverley Chew (c 1738-aft 1770)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Standish, Moses (1733-1779) married Mary Eddy (1740-1796)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stanley, John (-wp 1795) married Edith Hutchins (1736/7-1796)- QA William Cox A1909
Stark, John Carter (1748- 1814) married Sara English (1749- 1820)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stark, John Carter (1748-1814) married Sarah English (1749-1820)- QA Edward Dale A2103
Stark, Robert (c 1738- 1806) married Mary Hall ( - by 1809)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Stark, William (1754-1838) married Mary Kendall (1760-1858)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Starke, William /c/ (c 1736-aft 1779) married Mary Bassett Daingerfield (c 1759-aft 1781)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Staton, Thomas (c. 1737- wp1803) married Anne Matthews (( ))- QA Edmund Scarbugh, II A6910
Staton, Thomas Sr. (1737- wp 1803) married Anne Matthews ( - )- QA Edmund Scarborough/Scarburgh II A6910
Steger, John Parrot ( - aft. 1807) married Sarah Eppes Harris ()- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Stephan Mayo (1757-1847) married Ann Isbell (. - c. 1797)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Stevens, James (1738- wp 1813) married Beheathland Taliaferro (1738- aft 1813)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Stevens, John (1735-1826) married Sarah Montague (1739/40-ca 1806)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Stevens, Matthew (1745-1811) married Hannah Crosby (1739-1775)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stevenson, James (1739-1809) married Frances Arnett Littlepage (1750-1808)- QA Richard Littlepage A4904
Stevenson, Solomon Jr (ca 1740/45-by 1781) married Anna (Nancy) (ca 1755-1791)- QA John Johnson A4306
Stevenson, Solomon Sr (ca 1715/20-wp 1794) married Martha Matthews (ca 1708-on or bf 1747)- QA John Johnson A4306
Stewart, Ralph (1752-1835) married Mary Clay (1772-1842)- QA John Clay A1706
Stewart, William (c 1735-wp 1774) married Mary (c 1740-1780)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Stith, Anderson (- by1768) married Joanna Bassett (- wp1800)- QA Miles Cary A1409
Stith, Buckner (c 1748-c 1800) married Anne/Anna Dade (-aft 1782)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Stith, Joseph (1759-1837) married Nancy Cocke (1761-1842)- QA John Stith A7608
Stith, Richard (1727-1802) married Lucy Hall (1736-1815)- QA John Stith A7608
Stith, Richard A (1727-1802) married Lucy Cocke Hall (1736-1815)- QA John Stith A7608
Stith, Thomas (1731-1801) married Holly Bailey (ca 1760-)- QA John Stith A7608
Stockton, Robert (1743- wp1824) married Catherine Blakey (1753-1825)- QA John George A3003
Stoddert, Kenhelm Truman (1739-by 1785) married Letty Dent (-)- QA Adam Thorowgood A7910
Stone, John (1714-bef 1775) married Mrs. Mary Warren Briscoe-Musgrove (-1841)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Stone, William (c. 1733- aft. 1800) married Elizabeth Murray Handy (- aft. 1801)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Stonum, Forunatus (1755- aft. 1827) married Elizabeth Ezell (c. 1785- aft. 1880)- QA Roger Delke A2203
Strange, John Alloway (1727-wp 1811) married Mildred Ann Barnett (1751-1837)- QA William Farrar A2604
Stratton, Henry ( - wp 1799) married Sarah Hampton ( - aft. 1799)- QA Thomas Sheppey
Stratton, John (bef 1745-1805) married Anne Douglas (c. 1750-1805)- QA Henry Batte A9506
Stratton, John (bef 1745-1805) married Susan Ann Douglass (c 1750-1805)- QA Henry Batt A9506
Stratton, William (- wp1780) married Jane (c. 1721- )- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
Strickland, Aaron I (abt 1725-1801) married Christian Hill (unknown)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Strickland, Jacob (c 1714- wp 1790) married unknown ( - bef 1788)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Strickland, Jacob Jr. (1741-1804) married Priscilla (1747-1825)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Strickland, Joseph (1741-wp 1804 c) married Priscilla Young (1747-1825)- QA Robert Braswell A1008
Strickland, Matthew (-1828) married Mary Perry (c 1752-1817)- QA Robert Bracewell A1008
Strickland, Solomon (- wp 1813) married Amy Pace (- liv. 1813)- QA Richard Pace
Stringer, Hillary (c. 1724- wp1790) married Ann Teackle (1740-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Stringer, Hillary (c. 1724-wp1790) married Anne Teackle (1740-)- QA John Stringer A7709
Strother, Benjamin (1750-1807) married Catherine Price (1753-1805)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Stuart, Charles (1754-1808) married Sarah Keene Ashton (1799-1848)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Stubblefield, George (c. 1740- wp 1801) married Sarah Winslow ( -)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Stubbs, James (abt. 1735- bef. 1795) married Sarah Cahoon (c. 1738-aft. 1806)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stubbs, Lawrence Smith (1738-1797) married Ellis Duval (1738-1798)- QA William Strachey A7705
Stubbs, Peter (1744-1821) married Mary Baradall Palmer (c. 1750-1804)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Stubbs, Peter (1744-wd 1821) married Mary Barradel Palmer (-1804)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Stubbs, Samuel (1725-aft 1797) married Anne Rich (-aft 1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stubbs, Samuel (1725-liv. 1797) married Anne Riche (1728-liv. 1797)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Stubbs, William (1748-1839) married Elizabeth Hubbard (1750-1838)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Sturdivant, Matthew () married Tabitha Wynne ()- QA Robert Hallom A9434
Sturdivant, William (c 1726- wp 1769) married Frances (-1806)- QA Robert Hallom A9434
Sturgis, Russell (1750-1826) married Elizabeth Perkins (1756-1843)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Sublett, Benjamin (1733-wp 1816) married Elizabeth Jordan (1740s-1809)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Sublett, Benjamin (1733- wp 1815) married Elizabeth Jordan (-1809)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Sugg, William (1758-on or bef 1820) married Elizabeth Sims (1764-1848)- QA Reynold Henley A9438
Sunderland, Benjamin (1732- liv. 1773) married Elizabeth Taylor (c 1733-)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Sutherland, Thomas (1736-wp 1808) married Barsheba Palmer (1739-1813)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Suttle, Joseph (c 1727- bef. 1788) married Mary "Molly" Doggett (aft. 1737- 1816)- QA Benjamin Doggett A9698
Sutton, James (c. 1750- wp1795) married Elizabeth Taylor (1759-1815)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Swann, Samuel (-bef 1799) married Ann Taylor /c/ (-)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Swann, Samuel (1747-1787) married Mildred Lyon (-aft 1787)- QA Samuel Swann A7802
Swann, Thomas Thompson (1750-1800) married Judith Ligon (c 1769-1838)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Swann, Thompson (c 1729-wp 1779 c) married Janette Carson Blakely (c 1730-1780 c)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Swann, Thompson (1725-wp 1779) married Jannet Carson Blaikley (1729/30-1780)- QA Thomas Swann A7803
Swearingen, Andrew (1747-1824) married Elizabeth Chapline (c. 1749-1834)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Sweatt, William C. (1748-1832) married Sarah Pearce (1747-1832)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Swinney, James (1751 - 1760-1836) married Susannah Chiles Hammock (1750 - 1760-1850 - 1853)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Swinney, James S (1750-1760-1836) married Susannah Chiles Hammock (1750-1760-aft 1850)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Tabb, Rev George (1750-1829) married Anne White (1750-ca 1794/6)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Tabb, Robert (1763-wp 1831) married Mary Chisman (bapt 1765-1832)- QA George Reade A6606
Tabb, Thomas 1719- wp 1782 married Lockey Langhorne c. 1723- bef. 1782 QA John Langhorne 10849D
Tabb, William (1745- bef. 1787) married Joanna Tompkins (- liv. 1795)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Tabb, William (1702-1765) married Susannah Gould (1717-1805)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Talbott, Daniel (1738-aft 1783) married Elizabeth Ward (bef 1748-aft 1808)- QA Thomas Meares A5404
Taliaferro, Christopher (1742- wp1785) married ( ) Anderson ()- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Taliaferro, Col Lawrence (1734-1798) married Sarah Dade (1760-1805)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Taliaferro, John (1733-1821) married Mary Hardin (1733-aft 1796)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Taliaferro, Lawrence (1734-1798) married Sarah Dade (1760-1805)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Taliaferro, Richard (1756-1781) married Dorcus Perkins (-)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Taliaferro, William (1726-1798) married Mary Battaile (1731-1757)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Taliaferro, Zachariah (1730-on or bef 1797) married Mary Boutwell (-bef 1787)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Tanner, Robert (1725-1817) married Martha A. Hawkins (1726-1793)- QA William Hatcher A3608
Tarpley, John (1738-by 1795) married Elizabeth Smith (by 1750-)- QA William Travers A8105
Tarvin, William (1735- c.1810) married Mary Miles (1753-1813)- QA Adam Thorowgood/Thoroughgood A7910
Tate, William (c. 1748- wp 1814) married Elisheba Hudson (c. 1752- by 1833)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Tatem, Abel (c. 1747- by 1798) married Millie Harris (1755- wp1832)- QA Richard Church A1701
Tatum, Edmund (C 1744- wp Feb 1811) married Susannah “Sucky” ()- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Tatum, Josiah (1715- wp Oct 1797) married Sarah Brooke (1725/6-1778)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Tatum, Paul (-wp 1787) married (-)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Tatum, Peter (1742- wp 1791) married Rebecca Howell ( - 1791)- QA Francis Epes, I A2502
Tatum, Richard (c 1732-1790) married Mary (c 1733-)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Taylor, Argyle (1750-1825) married Mrs. Mary Tebbs (Ashby) (1750-1829)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Taylor, Edmund (1723- wp1808) married Ann Lewis (1733- aft. 1807)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Taylor, Edmund Sr. (1723-wp 1808) married Ann Lewis (1732/3-1811 c)- QA George Reade A6606
Taylor, Leroy (c 1750-1834) married Nellie Wilson (" - by 1825)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Taylor, Richard (1744-1829) married Sarah Dabney Strother (1760-1822)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Taylor, Samuel (1750-1816) married Eunice Ryder (bap 1759-1845)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Tazewell, Henry (1753-1799) married Dorothea Elizabeth Waller (1754-1777)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Tazewell, Littleton (1720-1757) married Mary Gray (1733/4-1808)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Teasley, John III (1755-1816 /c/) married Lucy Hunt (1757-1846)- QA James Knott A4609
Teasley, John III (1755-1816) married Lucy Hunt (1757-1846)- QA James Knott A4609
Temple, Henry Jr (1758-bef 1820) married Sarah Robertson (ca 1760-bef 1800)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Henry Sr (ca 1730-1800) married Elizabeth Barker (ca 1735-bef 1799)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Peter (ca 1750-1802) married Ann "Nancy" Eppes (ca 1758-1823)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Peter (c 1750-1802) married Anne "Nancy" Eppes? (c 1758-1823)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Peter (1750-1802) married Nancy Ann (ca 1758-1823)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Temple, Samuel Jr (1720-1784) married Mary (ca 1724-)- QA Nathaniel Tatum A7808
Terrell, Edward (1753-1820) married Jane Johnson (1762-1820)- QA Walter Chiles II A9509
Terrell, Henry (1735-1812) married Mary Tyler (1743-1814)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Terrell, Pleasant (by 1740-1803) married Catherine Farish ( - liv. 1777)- QA Walter Chiles, II A9509
Terrell, Thomas (1736-1804) married Rebecca Peatross (-1794)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Terry, David (1740-1796) married Elizabeth Luck (1741- abt. 1777)- QA David Crawford A1914
Terry, George (c. 1730-wp. 1803) married (unknown) Pettus ( -)- QA Thomas Pettus A6106
Terry, Joseph (1753-1817) married Sarah Coleman Williams (1753-1820)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Terry, Joseph Jr (ca 1749-on or bef 1820) married Lucy Hatcher (ca 1748-1842)- QA David Crawford A1914
Terry, Joseph Sr (ca 1717-1785) married Judith Crawford (ca 1705-ca 1762)- QA David Crawford A1914
Terry, Nathaniel (1724/5-1780) married Sarah Royall (1731-1805)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Terry, William (1749-1810) married Susannah Thompson (c 1750-1845)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Thacher, Joseph (1744-1778 c) married Susannah Wheldon (1742-)- QA William Collier A9520
Thaxton, William (c 1748-wp 1803) married Lucy Clay (1752-wp 1825)- QA Henry Filmer A2611
Thayer, Asa (1752-1828) married Mary Hunt (1758-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Thilman, Paul (1729/30-1784 c) married Elizabeth Farish (1738-1782 c)- QA Thomas Curtis A2101
Thomas Bollling (1735-1804) married Elizabeth Gay (1738-1813)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Thomas Farley, Sr. (1725/30- wp 1796) married Judith Clay (. - after 1809)- QA Fareley, Farlowe, Farley Thomas A2508
Thomas, Joseph (1713/4-wp 1758) married Mourning Pope Wimberly (1710-1715-1781)- QA John English A9426
Thomas, Philip (1694-1762) married Ann Chew (ca 1706-1777)- QA John Chew A1606
Thomas, William (1758-1813) married Catherine Boarman (1760-1812)- QA George Calvert A1313
Thompson, Balaam (1745- by 1798) married Olive Melton ( - )- QA Alice ( ) Pierce Bennett A711
Thompson, Balaam Sr. (1745-bef 1798) married Olive Melton (c 1745-1790)- QA Thomas Bennett A802
Thompson, John (1720-by 1773) married Elizabeth Rootes (1740-aft 1773)- QA George Reade A6606
Thompson, John (1744-1811) married Susannah Lea (1751-1820)- QA Alice Pierce Bennett A711
Thomson, Rodes (c. 1754- wp1845) married Sally Vivion (c. 1758-1825)- QA John Walker A8210
Thomson, Waddy (abt 1730-wp 1801 /c/) married Mary Lewis (abt 1735-1812)- QA George Reade A6606
Thorn, John (1753-1840) married Hannah "Amelia" Hicks (1755-bef 1840)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Thorne, Thomas (1718-1778) married Mary Dodge (1716-1752)- QA James Feake, Sr. A9522
Thornton, Col John (1745-1822) married Jane Augusta Washington (1752-wp 1833)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Thornton, Francis III (ca 1714-1749) married Frances Gregory (ca 1720-1793)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Thornton, Francis IV (1739-1795) married Ann Thompson (1744-1815)- QA John Washington A8404
Thornton, Francis IV (bef 1712-1749) married Frances Gregory (aft 1719-bef 1794)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Thornton, Francis Jr. (c 1737-1794) married Ann Innis Thompson (c 1743-1815)- QA John Washington A8404
Thornton, Francis V (1737-1794) married Anne Thompson (c 1743-1815)- QA Lawrence Washington A8405
Thornton, George (1752-1853) married Margaret Stanley (1758-1823)- QA William Presley I A6405
Thornton, George (-1781) married Mary Alexander (1756-1837)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Thornton, John (ca 1710-on or bef 1778) married Mildred Gregory (ca 1722-aft 1750)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Thornton, William (1742-1800) married Mary Stuart (-)- QA Augustine Warner I A8305
Throckmorton, Gabriel (1735-1791) married Judith Edmondson (" - )- QA George Reade A6606
Throckmorton, Thomas Reade (1739-1826) married Mary Anne Hooe (1756-1807)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Throckmorton, Warner (1750-1794) married Mary Langborne (1754-1800)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Tilghman, James (1743-1809) married Susanna Steuart (1749-1774)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Timson, Samuel (1741-wp 1782) married Mary Valentine (-1783)- QA Samuel Matthews A5308
Todd, Thomas (1765-1826) married Elizabeth Harris (1765-1811)- QA Sir William Barne A505
Tomlinson, Thomas (-by 1790) married Sarah Eppes (1741-)- QA Francis Epes A406
Tompkins, William (1736-1772) married Ann Overton Cosby /c/ (c 1748-)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Topping, Garrett (1745-1817) married Scarburgh Snead (1755-1804)- QA Anthony West A9499
Totman, Joshua (1737-1808) married Elizabeth Rogers (1733-1818)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Towles, Stockey (c 1745- 1811) married Elizabeth Downman (1752-)- QA Raleigh/Rawleigh Travers A8103
Towles, Thomas (1750- wp1800) married Mary Beverly Smith (1755-1813)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Towles, Thomas (1750- wp 1800) married Mary Smith (1755-1813)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Towner, Ithiel (1742- 1810) married Sarah Crosby (bap. 1747- 1825)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Townshend, Dade Jr (1742/3-711) married Mary Simmons (1765-1837)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Tracy, Solomon (1756-1819) married Phoebe Hudson (1767-1843)- QA William Tracy A8010
Travis, Champion (1751-) married Boush, Elizabeth (c 1752-)- QA Edward Travis A8101
Travis, Champion (1751-) married Elizabeth Boush (c 1752-)- QA Edward Travis A8101
Travis, Edward Champion (1721-1779) married Susannah Hutchings (ca 1729-1761)- QA John Johnson A4306
Travis, Edward IV (1750- wp 1784) married Clarissa/Clara Waller (1759- 1811)- QA John Johnson A4306
Trezevant, John (1758-1818) married Katherine Cocke (ca 1759-1801)- QA Mary Bayly A705
Trezvant, John Timothy (1758-1818) married Catherine Cocke Wyatt (by 1757-on or bef 1802)- QA John Bayly A704
Trueman, Richard (c 1745- wp 1797) married Elizabeth Farmer (c 1750- liv. 1799)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Truman, John ( - c 1782) married Susanna Farris ( -)- QA Sarah Woodson A9112
Truman, Joseph (1734-1803) married Mary McGehee (1742-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Tucker, Curle (by 1737-1788) married ( ) (( ))- QA Curle Pasco A2011
Tucker, Joel (-wp 1820 /c/) married Elizabeth Clemmons (-)- QA John Clay A1706
Tucker, Matthew ( -) married Lucretia Childers ( - bef. 1787)- QA John Woodson A9103
Tucker, Reuben (1715-1720-aft 1783) married Ruth Sulse / Hulse (-ca 1815)- QA Francis Brewster A9310
Tucker, Robert (1739-aft 1803) married Mary Green (1741-)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Tucker, Samuel (1719/20-1776-1777) married Anne (-on or aft 1776)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Tucker, St. George (1752-1827) married Francis Bland (Randolph) (1752-1788)- QA Theodorick Bland A906
Tull, Charles (1753- 1836) married Sarah (1761- 1803)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tull, Handy (ca 1739-1796) married (-)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tull, Handy (c 1742- bef. 1796) married Eleanor "Nelly" Merrill (c 1754- liv. 1840)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tull, Isaac (1718- c 1784) married Winifred Watts Caldwell (1720-1806)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tull, John (1744-1820) married Elizabeth [Cannon?] (1779-1802)- QA Henry Carsley A9412
Tune, Caster (aft 1727-aft 1795) married Elizabeth Davenport ()- QA George Heale A3709
Tunnell, Stephen Sr. (1753-1828) married Kezsia Money (c 1755-1836)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Tunstall, William (1736-1793 c) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Barker (c 1745/6-wp 1803)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Tunstall, William (1736-1792-1793) married Elizabeth (Betsy) Barker (1745 - 1746-1803)- QA Thomas Savage A6905
Tunstall, William (1736-1792/93) married Elizabeth Barker (c. 1745- wp 1803)- QA Thomas Savage
Turnbull, Robert (1742-1804) married Mary Cole (1751-1789)- QA William Cole A9541
turner, Benjamin (1753-1810) married Elizabeth Clack (1770-1831)- QA James Clack A9706
Turner, Jacob (-1817) married Mary Ann Blunt (-bef 1778)- QA Col Henry Browne A1202
Turner, John (c. 1751-bef. 1807) married Lucy Robertson (c. 1754- bef. 1807)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Turner, John (-wp 1796) married Priscilla Blunt (-)- QA Henry Browne A1202
Turner, John Furbush (1735- wp 1803) married Clara (Clear) Benthall (c 1741- bef. 1778)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Turner, Martin (1745- wp 1829) married Mildred Millicent Lipscomb (1750-1849)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Turner, Thomas (1751-wp 1787) married Janet Fauntleroy (1748-1787)- QA Abraham Piersey A6011
Turpin, Lusby/Lisby/Luzby (c 1728/9 /c/-wp 1791 /c/) married Sarah Redford (-by 17778 /c/)- QA Cicely Farrar A9447
Turpin, Thomas (1708-1790) married Jefferson, Mary (1708-1784)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Turpin, Thomas (1708-1790) married Mary Field Jefferson (1708-1784)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Turpin, Thomas (1708-1790) married Mary Jefferson (1708-1784)- QA Peter Field A2608
Turpin, Thomas II (1708-1790) married Mary Jefferson (1718-1784)- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Turpin, William (1741-will 1824) married Sarah Harris (1754-bef 1824)- QA Peter Field A2608
Tutt, Richard (1749-1807) married Elizabeth Perrin (1759-1826)- QA Robert Booth A1002
Twining, Elijah (1741-1802) married Lois Rogers (1744-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Twitty, John (c 1742-1780) married Mildred Burford (-aft 1790)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Twyman, George (1731-wp 1818) married Mary Walker (-on or bef 1811)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Twyman, George III (1731-wp 1818) married Mary Walker (1734-1822)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Twyman, Samuel (1761-wp 1823) married Frances Rogers (1765-1837)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Twyman, William (1727-wp 1811) married Winifred Cowherd (c 1729-)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Twyman, William Jr. (1754- wp 1843) married Elizabeth Garnett (1751-1837)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Tyler, Abraham (1733-1804/5) married Jedidah Thomas (1739/40-1828/9)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Tyler, George (1755-1833) married Judith Terrell (c. 1750-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Tyler, John (1747-1813) married Marot Armistead (1761-on or aft 1797)- QA Anthony Armistead A208
Tyler, John (1747-1813) married Mary Marot Armistead (1761-1797)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Tyler, John III (1747-1813) married Mary Marot Armistead (1761-1797)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Tyus, Benjamin (1740-liv 1791) married Elizabeth Williamson (c 1744-1815)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Tyus, John (-1816) married Mary Frances Nicholson (1754-1835)- QA John Flood/Fludd A2709
Urquhart, William (1737-1804) married Mary "Polly" Simmons (-)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Vass, Philip Vincent (c 1710-by 1768 c) married Mary Curtis (1725-1802 c)- QA Thomas Curtis A2101
Vaughan, Shadrach (1733-1806) married Mary Meriwether (1752-1786)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Venable, Joseph Morton (1761-1833) married Elizabeth Watkins (1769-1832)- QA John Woodson A9103
Venable, Nathaniel (1733-1804) married Elizabeth Woodson (1731-1811)- QA John Woodson A9103
Venable, Richard Nathaniel (1763-1838) married Mary Morton (1779-1839)- QA John Woodson A9103
Venable, Samuel Woodson (1752-1821) married Mary Scott Carrington (1756-1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Veneable, Nathaniel (1733-1804) married Elizabeth Woodson (1740-1791)- QA John Woodson A9103
Vickery, Benjamin (1731- 1789) married Hanna Stevens (c 1735- )- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Viverette, Thomas (-by 1791) married Elizabeth Hickman (c 1737-by 1807)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Vivion, John (1714-1788) married Jane Smith (1715-1803)- QA John Walker A8210
Vivion, John IV (c 1736-wp 1805) married Martha Gholson (c 1736-1820 c)- QA Mordecai Cooke A1810
Vose, Samuel (1730-1799) married Phebe Vickery (1729-1801)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Wales, Nathaniel (1733- 1810) married Grace Brewster (1737/8- 1816)- QA William Collier A9520
Walke, Anthony II (1726- wp 1782) married Jane Randolph ( -)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Walker, Baylor (1737-1773) married Frances Hill (1732-1782)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Walker, Benjamin (1726-1816) married Marsylvia Kieith (1735-1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Walker, Benjamin (c 1726-c 1816) married Marysylvia "Sylvia" Keith (c 1732-c 1822)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Walker, David (1731-by 1793) married Peletiah Jones (1729-bef 1791)- QA Richard Kennon A4601
Walker, Henry (1745-1792) married Martha Bolling Eppes (1749- wp 1810)- QA Francis Epes I A2502
Walker, Hugh (bef 1739-1799) married Mary Catherine Montague (1739-will 1803)- QA Peter Montague A5601
Walker, Jerimiah (c 1731-1811) married Elizabeth "Betty" Small (c 1732-1809)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Walker, Robert (1729-1797) married Elizabeth Stark /c/ (c 1744-1828)- QA Robert Bolling A912
Walker, Thomas (1749-1795) married Margaret Hoops (c 1750-)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Walker, Thomas (1715/6-1794) married Mildred Thornton (1721-1778)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A1913
Walker, Thomas (1715/6-1794) married Mrs. Mildred Thornton Meriwether (-)- QA Raleigh Croshaw A2008
Walker, William Jr. (c 1730-by 1797) married Drusilla Watkins Woodson (1747-1814)- QA John Woodson A9103
Wall, James (1729-1788) married Sarah Gray (1739-1794)- QA Thomas Gray A3204
Wallace, John (1761-1829) married Sarah Brooks ( -)- QA Robert Offley A9457
Wallace, Michael (1753- wd 1813) married Lettice Smith ( -)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Wallace, Michael Sr. (1719- wp1767) married Elizabeth “Betsy” Brown (1723- aft 1762)- QA William Cotton A9502
Wallace, Michael Sr. (1719- wp1767) married Elizabeth “Betsy” Brown (1723-aft. 1762)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Wallace, Michael Sr. (1719-wp 1767) married Elizabeth "Betsy" Brown (1723-aft 1762)- QA Bwilliam Burditt A1212
Wallar/Waller, William (1752- wp 1833) married Sarah Thomas (1759- c 1848)- QA James Knott A4609
Waller, George (1734-1814) married Ann Winston Carr (1735-1839)- QA Walter Chiles I A1609
Waller, John Jr. (c 1701- wp 1776) married Agnes Carr (c 1712 - wp 1779)- QA Cornelius Dabney A9536
Walters, Peter (1755-Aft. 1840) married Lydia Cawthon (1760-)- QA Thomas Farley A2508
Walthall, Christopher Jr (ca 1746-ca 1798) married Patience Marshall (-)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Christopher Sr (1724/5-1778) married Obedience Elam (-)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Edward (1758-by 1823) married Nancy Turman (1766-1827)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Frank (Francis) (ca 1735-aft 1784) married Mary Hill (ca 1750-)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Garrad (1729- wp 1805) married Susannah (- wp 1815)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Garred (1729-wp 1805) married Susannah (-wp 1815)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, Garred (1729-wp 1805) married Susannah (-wp 1815)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, William (c 1735-bef 1798) married Betty Baugh (-aft 1798)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walthall, William (1740- bef. 1781) married Martha Field Archer ()- QA Christopher Branch A1010
Walthall, William (1752-1791) married Sophia Farley (1757-1813)- QA Richard Walthall A9472
Walton, Edward ( - wp 1807) married Nancy Murry (c 1748- wp 1825)- QA William Cox € A1909
Walton, John (c 1738- by 1783) married Elizabeth Claiborne (c 1750- 1790)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Walton, Thomas (c 1744-liv 1798) married Phebe Murry ( -)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Waples, Paul (c 1744/5-wp 1801) married Bathsheba Leatherbury (c 1747-aft 1782)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Ward, Benjamin (-bef 1784) married Catherine Crawley (-1834)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Ward, John (c. 1716- bef. 1816) married Anne Chiles (c. 1726-1765)- QA Walter Chiles, I A1609
Ward, William (c. 1745- ) married Mildred Adams (( ))- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Ware, James (1756-1818) married Elizabeth Miller (-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Ware, James II (1756-1818) married Elizabeth Miller (aft 1766-)- QA Richard Lee A4806
Ware, William (1762-wp 1828) married Susanna Harrison (1768-1786)- QA John Woodson A9103
Ware, William (ca 1760-1762-1828) married Susannah Payne (ca 1768-ca 1828)- QA William Farrar A2604
Warfield, John Worthington (1742-wp 1811) married Susanna Holland (ca 1750-on or bef 1781)- QA John Gaither A2913
Warfield, Seth (1723/4-wp 1805) married Mary Gaither (bapt 1724-)- QA John Gaither A2913
Warfield, Seth (c 1753- 1820) married Ruth Welsh (c 1754- 1819)- QA John Gaither A2913
Warfield, Seth Jr (ca 1752-) married Ruth [Hammond Welsh] (ca 1754-)- QA John Gaither A2913
Warfield, Vachel ( - wp 1815) married Sarah Dorsey (1747 - )- QA John Gaither A2913
Waring, Robert (1746- wp1799) married Anne Lowry Clements (-c.1788)- QA Thomas Gouldman A3111
Waring, Robert Payne (1746-wp 1799) married (-)- QA Thomas Gouldman A3111
Waring, Robert Payne (1746-wp 1799) married Ann Lowry Clements (on or bef 1757-1780's)- QA Thomas Purefoy A6504
Warren, Allen III (-1778) married Mary Phillips (-aft 1780)- QA William Spencer A7505
Warren, Jesse (c 1745- by 1795) married Martha "patty" Thompson ( - 1825)- QA Thomas Warren A8401
Warren, Jesse (c 1750-1794) married Martha Thompson (c 1750-1824 c)- QA William Spencer A7505
Warren, William (Thomas) (aft 1740-wp 1804) married Jane Hannah Wilson (-)- QA William Spencer A7505
Warriner, Jacob (c 1750-wp 1826) married Ann "Nancy" Pollard /c/ (-1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Warriner, Jacob (-wp 1826) married Ann (Nancy) [Pollard] (-on or bef 1837)- QA John Woodson A9103
Warriner, Richard (-on or bef 1783) married Ann Trueman (-on or bef 1811)- QA John Woodson A9103
Wash,William Whitten (1752-1837) married Anne Amelia Jones (bef 1772-aft 1837)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Washburn, Jabez Jr. (1733-1775) married Mary Sherman (1734-1779)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Washington, Augustine (1694-1743) married Mary Ball (1708-1789)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Washington, Bailey (1731- 1807) married Catherine Storke (1723-)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Washington, John (1730- wp 1782) married Catherine Washington (1740-1792)- QA John Washington A8404
Washington, John Augustine (1736-1787) married Hannah Bushrod (c1738-c1801)- QA John Washington A8404
Washington, Lawrence (1728-1814) married Elizabeth Dade (1734- bef 1796)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Washington, Nathaniel (1753-1816) married Nancy Hobday (-1790)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5205
Washington, Warner (1722- wp1791) married Hannah Fairfax (1742- wp1804)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Washington, Warner II (1751-1829) married Mary Whiting (1754-1794)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Washington, Warner II (1751-1829) married Sarah Warner Rootes (-1832)- QA George Reade A6606
Washington, William (1752-1810) married Jane Riley Elliott (1763-1830)- QA Robert Beheathland A709
Waters, William (-wp 1781) married Rose Ann Harmanson (on or bef 1734-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Waters, William (1740/1-1804) married Sarah Hayward (-)- QA George Yeardley A9305
Waters, William (1729-1767) married Sarah Prentis ( -)- QA Edward Waters A8406
Watkins, Edward (1747-1835) married Mary Walthall (1752-1840 c)- QA Thomas Harris A3504
Watkins, Francis (1745-wp 1826) married Agnes Woodson (1748-1820)- QA John Woodson A9103
Watkins, Joel ( - wp 1820) married Agnes Morton (1746-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Watkins, Joel (ca 1745 (1740)-1820) married Agnes Woodson Morton (1747/8-1814)- QA John Woodson A9103
Watkins, Thomas (1761-1797) married Betsy Ann Venable (1761-1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Watkins, Thomas ( - wp 1783) married Frances Anderson ( -)- QA Thomas Sheppey A7109
Watlington, Francis (1737/8- by 1777) married Rebecca (c 1741- liv. 1820)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Watson, Elkanah (1731/2- 1804) married Patience Marston (1733/4- 1767)- QA Robert Hicks A9516
Watts, Jacob (1730- wp1821) married Elizabeth Durrett (c. 1739- 1819)- QA William Hampton A3404
Watts, Stephen (1750-1832 c) married Elizabeth Farrar (-by 1790 c)- QA Sisley Jordan A9447
Webb, John (c 1745- 1801) married Hannah Riveer (c 1745- 1820)- QA Thomas Gascoigne/Gaskins A3001
Welch, Isaac (1754-1836) married Nancy Ayres (c. 1762-1830)- QA John Downing A2307
Welch, Sylvester (1755- wp 1833) married Frances (c. 1762- by 1810)- QA John Downing A2307
Weld, Thomas (1750-1810) married Mary Stanley Massey Stanley (1752- 1838)- QA Sir Humphrey Weld€ A9474
Wellford, Robert (1753-1823) married Catherine Yates (1760-1831)- QA William Randolph I A6512
Wellons, Charles (c 1739- wp 1804) married Sarah Shelly (c 1739-1800)- QA Christopher Calthrope/Caulthropp A1312
Wells, John (1751- bef. 1826) married Hannah (1755- 1826)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Wesbb, Foster (1735-1795) married Sarah Shore (1755-1802)- QA Joseph Foster A2806
West, Abraham (-wp 1797) married Philadelphia Whitehead Lawsom (-)- QA William Claiborne A1703
West, Bransford (1754-1843) married Nancy Ann Jopling (c. 1766-1845)- QA William Farrar A2604
West, Cyrus (1740- bef 1776) married Mary Freeman (1729-1783)- QA William Collier A9520
West, Edmund ( - 1787) married Mary ( -)- QA Anthony West A9499
West, John (c 1737-1786 c) married Elizabeth "Betty" Seaton (1741-1812)- QA William Bernard A807
West, John (c 1720-1786) married Elizabeth Seaton (1741-1812)- QA John West A8604
West, Jonathan (- wp1787) married Ann (c. 1754- )- QA George Yeardley A9305
West, Maj Thomas (ca 1751-wp 1829) married Elizabeth Blair Bolling (1764-bef 1829)- QA John Rolfe A6802
West, Philip Parker (circa 1732-wp 1796 /c/) married Elizabeth (circa 1745-bef 1799)- QA Anthony West A9499
West, Phillip Parker (-wp 1796) married Elizabeth (-)- QA Anthony West A9499
West, Thomas (-1777) married Bridge Carey (-c 1771)- QA Randall Revell A6607
West, Thomas (c. 1751-1829) married Elizabeth Blair Bolling (1768-1837)- QA Pocahontas A6212
Westray, Edmund ( - wp 1795) married ( )- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Whaley, James (1728-1785) married Penelope King (1728-1784)- QA Abraham Weeks A8509
Wharton, James (circa 1728-bef 1792 /c/) married Susannah James (circa 1750-wp 1813 /c/)- QA Henry Bagwell A308
Wheeler, Ashael (1741-1820) married Jerusha Haynes (1755-1837)- QA John Vassell A9471
Wheeler, Benjamin (1693-1759) married Hannah (1696-1778)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, John (1740-1797) married Lydia Adams (1730-1795)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Jonathan (1720-1791) married Thankful Baker (-)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Josiah (1704/5-1782) married Anna Grosvenor (1719-1804)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Obadiah (1716-1805) married Hannah Baker (1718-1790)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Rice (1749-1826) married Mary Hunt (-1825)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wheeler, Warham (1740-1766) married Mary (-1766)- QA John Vassall A9471
Whipple, Amos (1739-1826) married Anna Hewitt (1746-1849)- QA William Collier A9520
Whitaker, Dudley I (1740-) married Mary Pearce ( - wd 1798)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, Edward (1759-1823-24) married Nancy (Edwards) Whitehead (1790-1844)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, Gough (1734-by 1773 /c/) married Martha Cary (1721-1762)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, Hudson (1757-1817) married Susannah Thomas (1757-1839)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John (1747-1816) married Christian Benton (1793-1841)- QA Richard Whitaker A8704
Whitaker, John (1745-1823) married Elizabeth Hardy ( - by 1786)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John (1745-1823) married Fereby Pearson ( -)- QA William Whitaker A8706
Whitaker, John (1732-wp 1784) married Olive Aaron Taylor (1735-1781)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John /c/ (1732-wp 1784 /c/) married Olive Taylor (1735-liv 1769 /c/)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John Jr (1732-1784) married Olive Taylor (-)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, John Jr. (1732-1784) married Olive Taylor (-)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
Whitaker, William (1725-1789) married Catherine Wiggins (-)- QA Henry Baker A310
Whitaker, William (1730-1789) married Elizabeth Wiggens (-)- QA Jabez Whitaker A8703
White, Barrett (1727-1782) married Elizabeth Starke (1736-1815)- QA William Barrett A508
White, Benjamin (1742-1808) married Millicent Henley (1749-)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
White, Benjamin (-wp 1814) married Susannah (-liv 1814)- QA John Gaither A2913
White, Daniel (1746-1804) married Mehetebel Coming (1750-1822)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, Daniel (1746-1804) married Mehitable Cummins /c/ (1751-1822)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, James (-1817) married Martha Warren (-on or aft 1817)- QA William Spencer A7505
White, John (1733-1774) married Lydia Winslow (1742-1822)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
White, John (1738-1796) married Sarah Canon (c. 1735-1812)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, Jonathon ( - 1795) married Sarah (Pooly) Bacon (1718- 1797)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, Joseph (1728-c. 1794) married Gulielma Newby (1728-c. 1804)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
White, Joshua (1726- wp 1782) married Mary Cornwell (1727-)- QA Thomas Jordan, I A4407
White, Richard (1743-1826) married Eleanor Martin (-)- QA Edward Dale A2103
White, Silas (1744-wp 1796) married Christian Hollowell (-bef 1791)- QA Christopher Reynolds A6609
White, Thomas (abt 1719-1806) married Sarah Broughton (1722/c /c/-1784)- QA John Vassall A9471
White, William (1731-1790) married Ann Phillips (1729-bef 1793)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Whiting, Asa (1746/7-1812 /c/) married Lydiah Cooke (1741-1803 /c/)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Whiting, Capt John (1734-ca 1790) married Mary Perrin (1738-1787)- QA Henry Whiting A8802
Whiting, Peter (ca 1758-1803-1809) married Dorothy (Dolly) Roy (ca 1765-aft 1818)- QA Henry Whiting A8802
Whitlow, Cox M. (1756-1836) married Nancy Hicks (c 1766-aft 1840)- QA William Coxe/Cox A1909
Whitlow, Henry ( - wp 1783) married Ann Mealer (1735-)- QA William Cox(e) A1909
Whitlow, Jordan (c. 1760-1816) married Elizabeth Perkins (1770-aft. 1833)- QA William Farrar A2604
Whitney, Jesse (1758-1832) married Mary Sawyer (1765-1815)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Henry Southey A9689
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Nathaniel Littleton I A4905
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA William Wittington A8805
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Southey Littleton A4906
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Ann Southey A9687
Whittington, Southey (-1773) married Mary Frances Fassitt (-1700)- QA Elizabeth Southey A9688
Wiatt, Dr William Edward (1762-1802) married Mary Graham Wiatt (1753-1815)- QA Rev Haute Wyatt A9207
Wiatt, John (1750-1827) married Wilhelmina "Mina" Jordan (1748-1836)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Wiggs, Henry (c 1734- 1811) married Grace (c 1740- 1820)- QA William Wigg(s) A9476
Wightman, Abraham Sr. (1711-sp 1800) married Susanna Stark (-1813)- QA James Williams A7474
Wilder, James Jr. (1741-1794) married Mercy Wilder (1739-1827)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wilder, Jotham (1710-1801) married Phoebe Wheeler (1727/8-1806)- QA John Vassall A9471
Wildman, Cornelius (1742-1812) married Tabitha Dorcas Miles (1742-1811)- QA John Weire A8510
Wilkins, Joachim Michael (-wp 1786) married Elizabeth (-wp 1797)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Wilkinson, John III (1708/1718-wp 1779) married Jane (-aft 1782)- QA Joseph Royall A6807
Willcox, Joel (1746-1830) married Lydia Smith (c 1750-1807)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Williams, Daniel (c1740-wp 1828) married Cassandra Prather (-wp 1828)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Williams, George Jr. (c 1750-1819) married Mabel (Miriam) Perry (c 1758-1827)- QA Robert Bracewell/Braswell A1008
Williams, John (1740-1804) married Elizabeth Williamson (1744-1831)- QA Robert Williamson A8907
Williams, Luke (1738-wp 1810) married Katherine Barber (-bef 1810)- QA James Williams A7474
Williams, Luke (1738-1810) married Katherine Barber (-1810)- QA James Williams A9749
Williams, Nicholas (1743-1824) married Sarah Simmons (1751-)- QA Francis Mason A5302
Williams, Samuel (1725-1789) married Sarah Haggoman (1732-)- QA Sir George Yeardley A9305
Williams, Thomas Roper (-1798) married Catherine Greenhill (-1807)- QA William Claiborne A1703
Williams, William (aft 1727- wp1780) married Lucy Terry (1737- wp 1788)- QA David Crawford A1914
Williamson, Arthur ( - wp 1781) married Rebecca Robinson ( - wp 1826)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Burwell (bef 1743-on or aft 1792) married Lucy (-1792)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Hardy ( - 1833) married Sarah Nichols (1766-1850)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Joseph (bef 1743-1753) married Hanna Branch (bef 1720-1792)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Nathan (c 1740-wp 1839) married Sarah Swift (-bef 1832)- QA Robert Williamson A8903
Williamson, Thomas ( -by 1787) married Olive Exum (-)- QA Dr Robert Williamson A8903
Willis, John (1719-1769) married Mildred Smith (1719-1769)- QA George Reade A6606
Willis, Joseph (1753-1848) married Sarah (1757-1784)- QA William Farrar, I A2604
Willis, Lewis (1734-1813) married Mary Champe /c/ (-1775 c)- QA John Washington A8404
Willis, Richard (1741-1750-1837) married Drusilla Barnett (1755-aft 1806)- QA William Farrar A2604
Wilson, James (-) married Priscilla Taylor (1740-1821)- QA Thomas Graves A3202
Winch, Nathan (1737-1803) married Thankful Gibbs (1737-bef 1769 /c/)- QA John Vassall A9471
Winn, William (- 1813) married Rosamond Hampton (1735 -)- QA William Hampton A3404
Winn, William (c 1732-c 1789) married Rosemaund Hampton (1735-1813)- QA William Hampton A3404
Winslow, Beverley (1734-1793) married Catherine Robinson (1742-1789)- QA Robert Beverley A808
Winslow, Henry (c 1738-aft 1790) married Ann (-aft 1817)- QA Robert Smith A7308
Winslow, John (1763-1833) married Margaret Bell (1765-1831)- QA Thomas Jordan, I A4407
Winslow, John (-1801) married Rachel White (1730-1794)- QA Thomas Jordan I A4407
Winslow, Joseph (c. 1758-wd1828) married ()- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Winslow, Kenelm (1725-1796) married Mary Hopkins (1732/3-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Winslow, Kenelm (1725-1796) married Mary Hopkins Sparrow (1732/3-1812)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Winstead, Mandley (1760-1849) married Elizabeth Cox (ca 1794-ca 1818)- QA Temperance Baley A405
Winston, Anthony (1723-1783) married Alice Taylor (1730-1764)- QA John Taliaferro A7807
Winston, Geddes (c 1731-1794 ) married Mary Jordan (1743-1811)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Winston, Geddes (c 1731-1794) married Mary Jordan /c/ (c 1742-1811)- QA Thomas Jordan A4407
Winston, Isaac (1745-on or bef 1821) married Elizabeth Smith (1750-on or bef 1769)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Winston, John (1757-1800) married Mary Johnson (1763-1823)- QA Nicholas Meriwether A5408
Winston, William Overton (1747-1815) married Joanna Robinson (1755-1794)- QA Christopher Robinson A6709
Wise, Joseph (c 1732-aft 1764) married Comfort Crowson (c 1735-bef 1764)- QA Edmund Scarburgh I A6909
Wise, Samuel (1740-wp1779) married Susanna Custis (1746-1800)- QA Anthony West A9499
Withers, James (1736-1819) married Susan "Sukey" Waller (1738-bef. 1810)- QA William Pierce A6203
Wood, David (1750-1799) married Mary Hopkins (1760-1850)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Woodford, William (1734-1780) married Mary Thornton (1743-1797)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Woodford, William (1734-1780) married Mary Thornton (1743-1792)- QA Nicholas Martiau A5208
Woodhouse, Hadley (c 1745-wp 1815) married Mary Jarvis /c/ (c 1755-wp 1815)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodhouse, Henry (-1784) married (-)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodhouse, Henry (c. 1758- wp1785) married Elizabeth Sayer (c. 1760-1785)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodhouse, Jonathan (-wp 1823) married Anna Barnes (-)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodhouse, Jonathan (c 1732-wp 1775 c) married Mary (c 1752-)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9007
Woodhouse, William (c 1739-wp 1774) married Betty Deale (c 1740-wp 1782)- QA Henry Woodhouse A9008
Woodson, Allen (ca 1761-wp 1824) married Jane (-on or bef 1824)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Benjamin (ca 1693-wp 1778) married Frances Napier (1694/5-on or aft 1777)- QA Dr Robert Booth A1002
Woodson, Benjamin (ca 1693-wp 1778) married Francis Napier (1694/5-on or aft 1777)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Woodson, Benjamin (c 1720- wp 1808) married Rebecca Cocke ( - bef. 1783)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Col John (ca 1730-1789) married Dorothea Randolph (1730-1794)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Daniel (c 1739- by 1810) married Elizabeth Jones (" - liv. 1822)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Drury (ca 1722-wp 1788) married Lucy Christian (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Huges (c 1740-1804) married Elizabeth Strange (-wp 1830)- QA Christopher Neale A5703
Woodson, Jacob (1748-1839) married Elizabeth Morton (1754-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, James (-aft 1801) married Elizabeth Whitlock ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Jesse (c 1715-) married ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (ca 1730-1789) married Dorothea Randolph (-1794)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (-1779) married Elizabeth Baily (Liv. 1794)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (1744-wp 1821 /c/) married Elizabeth Raine /c/ Venable (1755-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (-ca 1790/91) married Mary Miller (ca 1710-1775)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (1705-1791) married Mary Miller (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John (1747-1821) married Susanna Joanna Booker (1748/9- 1780)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John IV (ca 1710-1790) married Mary Miller (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John Jr. (c 1744-1821) married Elizabeth Raine (c 1765-wp 1819)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, John Stephen (1757-1833) married Nancy/Nannie/Anna Woodson ( -)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Joseph (c 1749-1839) married Mildred Redford (-1810)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Joseph (1746-1817) married Sarah Hughes (1761-c 1792)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Matthew (1731-1794) married Elizabeth Le Villian (1737-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Matthew (1731-1794) married Elizabeth LeVillain (1734-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Matthew (1731-1794) married Elizabeth LeVillian (1737-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Matthew /c/ (1731-1794) married Elizabeth LeVilllien (1737-1803)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Miller (1745-1843) married Mary de Graffenried (1753-1819)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Rene (-wp 1818) married Martha Johnson ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Richard (ca 1700-1775) married Ann Madelein Michaux (ca 1710-ca 1796)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Richard (ca 1706-wp 1775) married Anne Madelin Michaux (ca 1710-1796)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Shadrach (-bef 1795) married Susanna Walker (-1807 c)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Shadrack (ca 1741-ca 1796) married Susannah Walker (-ca 1798)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tarleton (1758-1841) married Annis Shepherd (c 1760- 1830)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Thomas (1731/2-aft 1803) married Mary (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker (on or bef 1747-on or aft 1810) married (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker (1744-wp 1779) married Elizabeth Moore (c 1747-1829)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker (c 1720-1790 c) married Judith (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker (c. 1747-1810) married ()- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker Jr (ca 1762-1830) married Anne Stotts (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker Sr (1705-1810) married Judith (-ca 1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, Tucker Sr. (c 1720-1790 c) married Judith (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, William (aft 1701-wp 1785) married Sarah Allen (-on or bef 1785)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodson, William (1745-) married (-)- QA John Woodson A9103
Woodward, Richard (1738-wp 1804) married Anna Watts (-)- QA Richard Cocke A1712
Woodward, William Garrett (-1799) married Dinah Warfield (1742-)- QA John Wilkins A8811
Woody, Henry ( - wp 1807) married Susannah Martin ( - wd 1835)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Woolfolk, Sowell (1744-wp 1830) married Mary "Polly" Netherland Harris (1747-1835)- QA Henry Lee A4805
Woolford, Roger III (1727-1790) married Elizabeth Jones (1731/2-)- QA James Daivs A2106
Wootten, William (1736-wp 1793) married Frances Bradford (1759-1843)- QA Richard Pace A5812
Worsham, Kennon (1751-by 1788) married Elizabeth Clay (c 1753-aft 1822)- QA John Clay A1706
Worsham, Robert (1748-bef 1807) married Ruth Wynne (1755-bef 1808)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Wortham, Thomas (1739-1822) married Elizabeth Taliaferro (1741-1787)- QA Lawrence Smith A7305
Wright, John ( - aft. 1788) married Jane Chiles (c 1723)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Wright, Robert (ca 1740-1750-wp 1831) married Mary Perrin Fitzpatrick (ca 1752-1826)- QA Dr. Robert Booth A1002
Wright, Robert Sr. (1736-wp 1831 c) married Mary "Molly" Perrin Fitzpatrick (c 1752-1826)- QA John Woodson A9103
Wyatt, Capt John Jr (1732-1805) married Mary Todd (1725-1794)- QA Rev Haute Wyatt A9207
Wyatt, John (1731-1785) married Elizabeth Ballard Smith (1740-)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Wyatt, John IV (c 1720-1789 c) married Elizabeth Smith (1740-by 1764)- QA Thomas Ballard A409
Wyatt, Richard (1720-1803) married Amy Chiles (1732-1794)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Wyatt, Richard /c/ (1720-1803) married Amy Chiles (c 1733-1794)- QA Walter Chiles A1609
Wyatt, Thomas Ballard (c. 1755- wp1832) married Mary Susannah Needham (c. 1760- bef. 1830)- QA Haute Wyatt A9207
Wynne, John (c1740-post 1816) married Mary "Polly" Lewis (1743-post 1813)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Wynne, Sloman ( - wp 1780) married Mary ( - liv. 1778)- QA Robert Wynne/Wynn A9301
Wynne, Sloman, Jr ( - wp 1780) married Mary ( -)- QA Robert Wynne/Wynn A9209
Wynne, Thomas (ca 1742-1793-1794) married Francis Harwood (-1809)- QA Abraham Peirsey A6011
Wynne, William Jr. (1729-1808) married Mary Cynthia Harmon (-)- QA Robert Wynne A9301
Yates, Edward Randolph (abt 1758-wp 1792) married Elizabeth Murray (1767-1791)- QA John Rolfe A6802
Yates, George IV (ca 1727-on or bef 1777) married (-)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Yates, James (1753-1828) married Lucy Partlow (1759-wp 1833)- QA Richard Wells A8602
Young, Joseph (c. 1737- ) married Apphia Hopkins (1734-)- QA Stephen Hopkins A9441
Young, Notley (bapt 1736 /c/-1802) married Eleanor Digges (-)- QA Edward Digges A2207
Yowell, Christopher Jr. ( - after 1773) married unknown ( -)- QA Thomas Yowell, Jr. A9308
Last Updated 24 OCTOBER 2024