Cockerham - Cooke
Cockerham, William - A1802; died 1668-69, Surry Co.: 1662-65 (Burgess).
Codd, St. Leger - A1803; died 1707/8 Kent Co., MD; Northumberland Co., Lancaster Co.: 1680-82, 1684 (Burgess).
Cole, Frances- A9732; b. 1597, England, Resident of 1624/5 Muster, wife of William Cole I
Cole, Frances- A9732; b. 1597, England, Resident of 1624/5 Muster, wife of William Cole I
Cole, William - A1805; born 1637-38, d. 1693/4, Warwick Co.: 1674/5-1692 (Councillor); 1689-92 (Secretary of State).
Cole, William - A9541; born 1598/9, died by 1664, Warwick Co.; Nutmeg Quarter: 1629 (Burgess).
Collclough, George - A1806; died 1662, Northumberland Co.: 1659 (Burgess).
Collier, William - A9520; born ca. 1588 England, died bef. 5 Jul 1670 in Duxbury, MA (member Grocer's Company Guild).
Colston, William - A1807; died 1701 Richmond Co.: Old Rappahannock Co.: 1691-93, Richmond Co.: 1698-99 (Burgess).
Coogan, Daniell - A1809; Upper Norfolk Co.: 1642 (Burgess).
Cooke, Mordecai - A1810; Gloucester Co.: 1695-96, 1699 (Burgess).
Cooke, Thomas - A1812; 1635-1637 (Clerk of Council of State).
Last Update: 14 March 2017