Lawson - Lee
Lawson, Anthony - A4709; died 1701 Princess Anne Co.: Lower Norfolk Co.: 1680-82, 1688, 1691-91 (Burgess).
Lear, John - A4710; died by September 1696, Nansemond Co.: 1666-76, 1682 (Burgess); 1683-95 (Councillor).
Lear, Thomas - A4801; died by November 1695, Nansemond Co.: 1685-86, 1688, 1693 (Burgess).
Lee, Hancock - A4802; born 1653, died 25 May 1709, Northumberland Co.: 1688, 1698 (Burgess).
Lee, Henry - A4805; died 1657, York Co.: 1652 (Burgess).
Lee, Hugh - A4803; born 1609, died 1662 Maryland; Northumberland Co.: 1651-52 (Burgess).
Lee, John - A4804; died 1673/4, Westmoreland Co.: 1673 (Burgess).
Lee, Richard - A4806; born ca. 1609, died 1663/4, 1640 (Clerk of Grand Assembly); 1641 (Speaker of House of Burgesses); York Co.: 1647-48 (Burgess); 1649-52 (Councillor), Northumberland Co.: 1651, 1660-64 (Councillor).
Lee, Richard II - A4808; born 1647, died March 1714/5, Westmoreland Co.: 1670-72 (Burgess); 1677-91, 1693-99 (Councillor).
Leigh, Francis - A4810; 1676-80 (Councillor).
Leigh, William - A4811; born 1654, died 1703/4 King and Queen Co.; New Kent Co.: 1691, King and Queen Co.: 1692-1703 (Burgess).
Last Update: 25 June 2016