Major - Martiau
Major, Edward - A5201;1652 (Speaker of House of Burgesses); Upper Norfolk Co.: 1645-46, Nansemond Co.: 1646, 1652-53 (Burgess).
Mallett, James - A9315; Drapers' Guild member.
Mansfield/Mansell, David - A5202; died 1672 Rappahannock Co.; Martin's Hundred: 1633 (Burgess); Johnson's Neck, Archer's Hope and Neck of Land: 1640, James City Co.: 1652 (Burgess).
Mansfield, Mary - A9529; living 1685, Jamestowne (Landowner); wife of Thomas Swann and Robert Randall.
Marable/Marble, George - A5204; died by 1683, Jamestowne Island: 1663 (Landowner).
Marlott, Thomas - A5205; College Lands: 1624 (Burgess).
Marshall, Robert - A5206; Jamestowne Island: 1628 (Landowner).
Marshall, William - A5207; died by 1694, Elizabeth City Co.: 1692 (Burgess).
Martiau, Nicholas - A5208; born 1591/2, died 1657, York Co.: (Muster of 1624/5), Kiskyacke: 1632 (Burgess).
Last Update: 25 June 2016